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This Study Resource Was: Submitted By: Engr. Ritchie Ardani

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the trigonometric mean temperature difference

Requirement: Please submit this on or before second week of D. the exponential temperature difference
March 2017
16. Process of thermal energy transfer through molecular
SUBMITTED BY: ENGR. RITCHIE ARDANI vibration or free electron diffusion in solids is termed as
A. Conduction C. Radiation
Direction: Choose the best answer of the following questions below.
B. Convection D. Conduction and Radiation
1. In convection heat transfer, what mechanism heat transfer
where the fluid moves due to the decrease in its density
17. Process in which thermal energy is transferred without any
caused by increase in temperature?
A. Density Convection C. Forced Convection flow of medium is termed as
B. Induced Convection D. Natural Convection A. Conduction C. Radiation
B. Convection D. Conduction and Radiation
2. The heat transfer by convection occurs in which of the
following? 18. Which one of following have lowest frequency?
A. Only in gases C. Only in kids A. radio waves C. exfrared
B. Only in gases and liquids D. Only in gases and solid B. infrared D. ultraviolet
3. Which of the follwing liquids that has the highest thermal
19. Electromagnetic waves carry
A. Alcohol C. Gasoline A. positive charge C. no charge
B. Glycerin D. Water B. negative charge D. both positive and negative

4. What happens to the thermal conductiviy of diatomic gases if 20. Which one of following have highest wavelength?
the temperature is increase? A. radio waves C. ultraviolet
A. The thermal conductivity will also increase B. infrared D. gamma rays
B. The thermal conductivity decreases
C. The thermal conductivity remains constant
D. The thermal conductivity partially increases then 21. Refrigerators are a bad example of
decreases A. conduction C. radiation
B. convection D. conduction and radiation both

5. Which of the following heat exchangers where fluid flow in the

er as
same direction and both are of chaning temperatures? 22. Electric kettles are bad example of
A. Counter flow C. Cross flow A. conduction C. radiation

B. Mixed flow D. Parallel flow
eH w B. convection D. conduction and radiation both

6. For pure metals,what happens to the thermalconductivity if the 23. Cooking utensils are a good example of

temperature is extremely high? A. Conduction C. Radiation
rs e
A. Almost constant except for feromagnetic materials
B. Convection C. Conduction and Radiation
ou urc

B. Approaches infinity
C. Decreases except for ferrous metals
D. Increases except for steel 24. Transfer of thermal energy by means of currents in fluids is
termed as
7. Which of the following is NOT a heat exchanger? A. Conduction C. Radiation

A. Boilers C. Condensers B. Convection D. Convection and Radiation

B. Evaporators D. Water hammer
aC s
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25. Which of following surfaces would better absorb infrared

8. The thermal conductivity does NOT depend on which of the
A. Chemical composition C. Gravitational pull A. Dull and white C. Dull and black

B. Physical state or texture D. Temperature and pressure B. Shiny and white D. Shiny and black
ed d

9. Which of the following is NOT a unit of the brate of heat 26. Refrigerators are a good example of
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transfer? A. Conduction C. Radiation

A. BTU per hour C. Cal/sec B. Convection D. Conduction and Radiation
B. BTU/ hp-hr D. Watt
27. Process of heat transfer that involves continual emission of
10. Which of the following is not a good conductor of heat?
infrared waves from surface of bodies and transmission of

A. Asbestos C. Glass
B. Metals D. Rocks these waves without aid of medium is known as

A. Conduction C. Radiation
11. The rate of radiation doe not depend on which of the B. Convection D. None of the above
A. Temperature of the radiating body 28. Sound is a bad example of
B. The emissivity of the radiation surface
A. transverse waves C. transverse & longitudinal waves

C. The area of the radiating body

D. None of the above B. longitudinal waves D. none of the above

12. Which of the following is the primary function of a thermal 29. Which one of following is not a longitudinal wave?
radiator? A. Ultrasonic wave C. Infrared wave
A. To transfer the heat by using moving fluids B. Infrasonic wave D. Seismic wave
B. To transfer heat from hot to cold body using a forced-draft
C. To transfer heat by allowing molecules to vibrate one to 30. Process in which thermal energy is transferred by emission of
another infrared radiations is termed as
D. To transfer heat with or without a medium
A. Conduction C. Radiation
13. Which of the following has the highest thermal conductivity? B. Convection D. Conduction and Radiation
A. Alcohol C. Gasoline
B. Mercury D. Water 31. Which one of waves tans our skin and causes some
substances to become fluorescent?
14. The heat transfer by conduction occurs in which of the A. infrared and ultraviolet waves C. ultraviolet waves
following? B. infrared waves D. gamma rays
A. Only in liquids C. Only in solids
B. source
This study Onlywas
in liquids and gases
downloaded D. In solids,from
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03:56:46 through
GMT -05:00 which of process we can transfer thermal
15. The true mean temperature difference is also known as
A. the average mean temperature difference A. Conduction C. Radiation
B. the logarithmic mean temperature difference B. Convection D. Conduction and Convection
C. may take place
33. Waves that travel in a direction parallel to direction of D. radiation won't take place but conduction and convection
vibration are known as would take place
A. Transverse waves C. Water waves
B. Longitudinal waves D. Electromagnetic waves 51. The hot gas temperature in a heat exchanger is 350 0C (ho =
220 W/m2-K). What is the surface temperature on the wall if
34. Heat applied to a piece of metal will cause the heat transferred is 1500 W/m2?
A. increase in its mass C. increase in its density A. 350 0C C. 343 0C
B. increase in its volume D. increase in its internal energy 0
B. 338 C D. 358 0C

35. Energy in waves is transfer and medium is 52. If total resistance to heat flow of a composite wall is 3.0875
A. also transferred C. medium does not exist m2-K / w. What is the overall transfer coefficient of the wall?
B. not transferred D. may transfer A. 0.324 w / m2 – K C. 0.243 w / m2 – K
B. 0.423 w / m – K D. 0.234 w / m2 – K
36. A source of any wave is
A. Ventilation C. Energy 53. Find the thermal conductivity of the 500 mm thick material with
B. Oscillation D. Force an area of 10,000 cm 2 and a temperature difference of 10 K if
the heat transmitted during 2 hours test is 2000 KJ.
37. Straight line in which light travels is called A. 0.014 kw /m-K C. 0.126 kw /m-K
A. Wave C. Path B. 0.025 kw / m-K D. 0.214 kw/ m-K
B. Ray D. Light perimeter
54. Determine the thermal conductivity of a material that is used a
38. Direction of waves is perpendicular to direction of vibration in 2 m2 test panel, 25 mm thick with a temperature difference of
A. transverse waves C. transverse & longitudinal waves 10.8 deg F between the surfaces. During the 5 hours test
B. longitudinal waves D. none of these period, the heat transmitted is 200KJ.
A. 0.023148 W/m- 0C C. 0.0326 w / m- 0C
39. Ups and downs in transverse waves are termed as B. 0.037819 w/m- C 0
D. 0.28937w / m- 0C
A. compression & rarefaction C. compressions and troughs

B. crests and rarefractions D. crests and troughs 55. A heat exchanger has an overall coefficient of heat transfer

er as
0.50 kw/m2 C. heat loss is 11 kw and the mean temperature
difference is 15 deg C. What is the heat transfer area in ft2

40 Vacuum in a vacuum flask prevents heat transfer through
eH w A. 15.8 C. 19.3
process of
B. 17.6 D. 23.7
A. Conduction only C. Conduction and Convection

B. Convection only D. Radiation only 56. A 25 cm thick wall has a thermal conductivity of 8 W/m.K. If
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inside and outside surface temperature of the wall are 200 0C
41. Thermal energy through infrared waves is termed as
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and 30 0C, respectively. Determine the heat transmitted.

A. Infra heat C. Electromagnetic heat A. 4.68 kw/m2 C. 6.87 kw/m2
B. Radiant heat D. Vacuumed heat B. 5.44 kw/m 2
D. 8.87 kw/m2
57. Calculate the energy transfer rate across 6 in wall of firebrick

42. Thermal energy that reaches surface of earth from sun, is with a temperature difference across the wall of 50 0C. The
transferred through process of thermal conductivity of the firebrick is 0.65 BTU/hr-ft-0F.
aC s

A. Conduction C. Radiation A. 369 W/m2 C. 380 W/m2

vi re

B. Convection D. Conduction and Convection B. 375 W/m D. 385 W/m2
43. Greenhouse is a good example of
A. Conduction C. radiation 58. Determine the thermal conductivity of a wood used in a 1.22

B. Convection D. conduction and radiation meter square test panel, 2.54 cm thick, if during a 4 –hr test
ed d

period there are conducted 126 Kcal through the panel with a
44. Light wave is a good example of temperature differential of 60C between the surfaces.
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A. transverse waves C. transverse & longitudinal waves A. 0.104 W/m.C C. 0.237 W/m.C
B. longitudinal waves D. None of these B. 0.119 W/m.C D. 0.256 W/m.C

59. At an average temperature of 100 0C, hot air flows through a

45. Which one of following have highest frequency?
2.5 m long tube with an inside diameter of 50 mm. The

A. radio waves C. ultraviolet

temperature of the tube is 20 deg C along its entire length.
B. infrared D. gamma rays
Convective film coefficient is 20.1 W / m 2-K. Determine the

46. Which one of waves cannot be seen through electromagnetic

convective heat transfer from air to the tube.
spectrum? A. 620 W C. 628W
A. radio waves C. infrared waves B. 626 W D. 632 W
B. micro waves D. ultraviolet waves

47. Which one of following have lowest wavelength?

A. radio waves C. ultraviolet
B. infrared D. gamma rays 60. A boiler has a heat gas temperature of 300 deg C and surface
conductance on hot side is 200 W/m 2-K. If heat transmitted is
1000 W/m2, what is the surface temperature on the wall at hot
48. Process of transfer of thermal energy without any flow of side?
material medium is called A. 280 C C. 290 C
A. Conduction C. Radiation B. 285 C D. 295 C
B. Convection D. None of the above
61. How many watts will be radiated from a spherical black body
49. Thermal energy is transferred by 15 cm in diameter at a temperature of 800 deg C?
A. 5312 W C. 5440 W
A. conduction
B. 5430 W D. 5630 W
B. conduction, convection and radiation
C. conduction and convection 62. A steam pipe having a surface temperature of 200 0C passes
D. conduction and radiation through a room where the temperature is 27 0C. The outside
diameter of pipe is 80 mm and emissivity factor is 0.80.
50. As walls of teapot and greenhouse are shiny, so radiation Determine the radiated heat loss for 3 m pipe length.
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would A. 1344.47 W C. 1443.47W
A. not take place B. 1434.62 W D. 1474.34 W
B. take place
63. A heat exchanger was installed purposely to cool 0.50 kg of A. 28.26 ft2 C. 32.56 ft2
gas per second. Molecular weight is 28 and K = 1.32. The gas B. 30.34 ft2 D. 34.62 ft2
is cooled from 150 deg to 80 deg. Water is available at the
rate of 0.30 kg/s and at a temperature of 12 deg C. The
specific heat of gas is 1.2247 KJ/kg-K and water is 4.187
KJ/kg-K. Calculate the exit temperature of water.
A. 42 0C C. 46 0C
B. 44 0C D. 48 0C

64. A counterflow bank of boiler tubes has a total area of 900 ft 2

Prepared by:
and its overall efficiency of heat transfer is 13 BTU/hr.ft 2,F.
Calculate the heat transferred if the log mean temperature
difference is 1380 0F
A. 4485 BTU/s C. 4584BTU/s
B. 4548 BTU/s D. 4835 BTU/s ENGR. CORNELIO G. DUASO, Ph.D,Ed.D.
65. If total resistance to heat flow of a composite wall is 3.0875
m2-K/W.What is the over-all transfer coefficient of the wall?
A. 0.243 W/m2.K C. 0.324 W/m2.K
B. 0.268 W/m .K D. 0.342 W/m2.K

66. A small sphere has a radius of 3.50 cm and is maintained at a

temperature of 360 0C. Assuming it to be a black body
surrounded by empty space, how much energy does it
A. 130 J/s C. 140 J/s
B. 135J/s D. 145J/s

67. Find the thermal conductivity of the 500 cm thick material with
an area of 50,000 cm2 and a temperature difference of 10 0K if

er as
the heat transmitted during 2 hours test is 2000KJ.
A. 27.78 W/m.K C. 36.29 W/m.K

B. 32,82 W/m.K D. 40.26 W/m.K
eH w
68. What is the heat transfer in the glass surface area of 0.70 m 2

having an inside temperature of 25 0C and 13 0C outside
rs e
temperature. The thickness of the glass surface is 0.007 m.
The thermal conductivity is 1.8 W/m.0K
ou urc

A. 1820 W C. 2016 W
B. 1930 W D. 2160 W

69. A heat exchanger has an over-all coefficient of heat transfer of


900 W/m2.K. The mean temperature difference is 20 0C and

aC s

the heat loss is 15000 W. Calculate the heat transfer area.

A. 0.633 m2 C. 0.833 m2
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B. 0.733 m2 D. 0.933 m2

70. At what rate does to sun lose energy by radiation? The


temperature of the sun is about 6000 0K and its radius is

695,000,000 meters.
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A. 4.46 x 1023 w 4.46 x 1026w C. 3.48 x 1023 w

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B. 4.24 x 1024 w D. 3.24 x 1023 w

71. The temperature directly beneath a 3 in.concreate road is 5 0F

and the air temperature is 20 0F. Calculate the steady flow per
square foot through the concrete. The thermal conductivity of

the concrete is 0.50 BTU/ft.hr.0F.

A. 20 BTU/hr.ft2 C. 30 BTU/hr.ft2

B. 25 BTU/hr.ft D. 35 BTU/hr.ft2

72. A pond is covered by a sheet of ice 2 cm thick with thermal

conductivity 1.68W/m.0C. The temperature of the lower
surface of the ice is 0 0C and that of the upper surface is -10

C. At what rate is heat conducted through each square meter
of the ice?
A. 620 W C. 740 W
B. 660 W D. 840 W

73. A glass window has an area of 1.60 m2 and a thickness of 4

mm. If one side is at a temperature of 6.80 0C and the other is
at -5 0C, how much thermal energy flows through the window
in a time of 24 hours? The thermal conductivity of glass is
1.89 x 10-4 Kcal/m.s.0C.
A. 77,075 Kcal C. 82.400 Kcal
B. 79, 200 Kcal D. 83, 500 Kcal

74. A thin square steel plate, 10 cm on a side, is heated in a

blacksmiths forge to a temperature of 800 0c. If the emissivity
is 0.60, what is the total rate of radius of energy?
A. 300 Watts C 400 Watts
B. 350 Watts D. 451 Watts
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75. What is the external heating surface are in square feet of a
tube with the following dimensions; tube inside diameter = 5
in. ; wall thickness= 0.5 in. ;length = 18 ft.?
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