Thermal Engineering 1 Mcqs (Set-1) : Chapter: Heat Transfer

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Thermal Engineering 1 MCQs [set-1]

Chapter: Heat Transfer

1. Unit of thermal conductivity in S.I. units is

A. J/m2 sec
B. J/m °K
C. W/m °K
D. (b) and (c)
Answer: C

2. Thermal conductivity of solid metals with rise in temperature normally

A. increases
o m
B. decreases
. c
C. remains constant
D. may increase or decrease depending on temperature
Answer: B

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3. Heat transfer takes place as per
A. zeroth law of thermodynamics
B. first law of thermodynamic
C. second law of the thermodynamics
D. Kirchhoff law (e) Stefan's law.
Answer: C

4. When heat is transferred from one particle of hot body to another by actual
motion of the heated particles, it is referred to as heat transfer by
A. conduction
B. convection
C. radiation
D. conduction and convection
Answer: A

5. When heat is transferred from hot body to cold body, in a straight line, without
affecting the intervening medium, it is referred as heat transfer by
A. conduction
B. convection
C. radiation
D. conduction and convection
Answer: C

6. The insulation ability of an insulator with the presence of moisture would

A. increase
B. decrease
C. remain unaffected
D. may increase/decrease depending on temperature and thickness of insulation
Answer: B

7. When heat is Transferred by molecular collision, it is referred to as heat transfer

A. conduction
B. convection
C. radiation
D. convection and radiation.
Answer: B

8. Heat transfer in liquid and gases takes place by

A. conduction
B. convection
C. radiation
D. conduction and convection
Answer: B

9. Which of the following is the case of heat transfer by radiation

A. blast furnace
B. heating of building
C. cooling of parts in furnace
D. all of the above.
Answer: D

10. Heat is closely related with

A. liquids

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B. energy
C. temperature
D. entropy
Answer: C

11. Metals are good conductors of heat because

A. their atoms collide frequently
B. thier atoms-are relatively far apart
C. they contain free electrons
D. they have high density
Answer: A

12. Thermal conductivity of air with rise in temperature

A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains constant
D. may increase or decrease depending on temperature
Answer: A

13. Heat flows from one body to other when they have
A. different heat contents
B. different specific heat
C. different atomic structure
D. different temperatures
Answer: D

14. The concept of overall coefficient of heat transfer is used in heat transfer
problems of
A. conduction
B. convection
C. radiation
D. conduction and convection.
Answer: D

15. In heat transfer, conductance equals conductivity (kcal/hr/sqm/°C/cm) divided

A. hr (time)

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B. sqm (area)
C. °C (temperature)
D. cm (thickness)
Answer: D

16. The amount of heat flow through a body by conduction is

A. directly proportional to the surface area of the body
B. directly proportional to the temperature gradient of the body
C. dependent upon the material of the body
D. all of the above.
Answer: D

17. Which of the following has least value of conductivity

A. glass
B. water
C. plastic
D. air
Answer: D

18. Which of the following is expected to have highest thermal conductivity

A. steam
B. solid ice
C. melting ice
D. water
Answer: B

19. Thermal conductivity of a material may be defined as the

A. quantity of heat flowing in one second through one cm cube of material when opposite faces
are maintained at a temperature difference of 1°C
B. quantity of heat flowing in one second through a slab of the material of area one cm square,
thickness 1 cm when its faces differ in temperature by 1°C
C. heat conducted in unit time across unit area through unit thickness when a temperature
difference of unity is maintained between opposite faces
D. all of the above
Answer: D

20. Which of the following has maximum value of thermal conductivity

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A. aluminium
B. steel
C. brass
D. copper
Answer: A

21. Heat is transferred by all three modes of transfer (conduction, convection and
radiation) in,
A. electric heater
B. steam condenser
C. melting of ice
D. boiler.
Answer: D

22. Heat transfer by radiation mainly depends upon

A. its temperature
B. nature of the body
C. kind and extent of its surface
D. all of the above
Answer: D

23. Thermal conductivity of wood depends on

A. moisture
B. density
C. temperature
D. all of the above
Answer: D

24. Heat conducted through unit area and unit thick face per unit time when
temperature difference between opposite faces is unity,is called
A. thermal resistance
B. thermal coefficient
C. temperature gradient
D. thermal conductivity
Answer: D

25. Emissivity of a white polished body in comparison to a black body is

A. higher

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B. lower
C. same
D. depends upon the shape of body
Answer: B

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