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Syllabus Bped Personal - Community - Environmental Health

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BPE PE 118 Personal, Community and Environmental Health

Republic of the Philippines

Road 20 Siwang San Juan Taytay Rizal

College ___TEACHER EDUCATION_________________


DCBT envisions to be a globally recognized and premier educational institution that provides relevant solutions to humanity problems
in a holistic way.

To train and equip young men and women to become globally competitive in their chosen field of profession.
To provide holistic solutions to by means of education of the whole person and formation of Christian faith and values towards
MISSION sustainable development.

D - iscipline
C - ompetence
B - enevolence
T - rustworthy

Course Name Personal, Community and Environmental Health

Course Credits 3 units
Course Description This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals, concepts, strategies, applications, and contemporary trends related to understanding
personal, community, and environmental health issues. This course also focuses on empowering various populations with the ability to practice
healthy living, promote healthy lifestyles, and enhance individual well-being.
Contact Hours/ 3hours
Prerequisite None
BPED PE 118 Personal, Community and Environmental Health

Course Outcomes By the end of the semester, a student completing this course should at the minimum

1. Evaluate the dimensions of health and how they relate to personal, community and environmental wellness.
2. Explain the importance of nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, and staying physically active in preventing premature disease and promoting
3. Describe the leading health problems, trends, and needs of diverse populations.
4. Evaluate sources of health information, including the internet, to determine reliability.
5. Develop and implement a plan of healthy behavior to meet personal and community needs to enhance quality of life.

Alignment of Course Outcomes with Summative Assessment Tasks

Course Objectives Summative Assessment Task Details

1. Evaluate the dimensions of health and how they 1. Activities 1. Ideas and opinions on the topic discussed during
relate to personal, community and environmental a. Discussion sessions which may be posted in their group chat can
wellness. b. Demonstration be included in the ePortfolio. A Selection.
2. Explain the importance of nutrition, a healthy c. Illustration 2. Different outputs made in the class can be filled in
lifestyle, and staying physically active in d. Group chat their class cards or as a portfolio or students profile.
preventing premature disease and promoting 2. Practical Exam for the students 3. Conduct teacher-student consultations on difficult
wellness. 3. Midterm and Final Examinations lessons
3. Describe the leading health problems, trends, and 4. Accommodate students suggestions to improve
needs of diverse populations. teachinglearning processes
4. Evaluate sources of health information, including 5. Adjust instruction delivery according to the students
the internet, to determine reliability. level of understanding
5. Develop and implement a plan of healthy
behavior to meet personal and community needs
to enhance quality of life.

BPED PE 118 Personal, Community and Environmental Health

Flexible Teaching and

Desired Learning Course Content/Subject Assessment of Resource Time
Textbook/ References Learning Activities
Outcomes (DLOs) Matter Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
Introduction of the a. Gradual Introduction 1. Rector, Community and Public Interactive Lecturing Handouts
Subject matter and b. Getting Acquainted Health Nursing (9th Edition) Active Learning Lecture/Discussion Books 3.0
syllabus orientation c. Syllabus Orientation Wolters Kluwer 2018 Collaborative Learning (Classroom/Online) Internet hours
d. Distribution of Reports Demonstration Multi-media
Integrating Technology
Emphasize the a. Physical Health 2. DCBT Module, Personal Presentation Lecture/Discussion Handouts
importance of b. Psychological Health Community and Environmental Quizzes Books 9.0
personal health and c. Spiritual Health Health. Assignments Internet hours
wellness to develop d. Social Health 3. Public Health Nursing in The Recitation Multi-media
a further e. Intellectual Health Philippines. National League of
understanding. f. Environmental Health Philippine Government Nurses
Specify the a. Personal stress https://www.everydayhealth.com/well Lecture/Discussion Handouts
following areas to management ness/united-states-of-stress/ultimated Reporting Books 12.0
provide a b. Fitness iet-guide-stress-management/ Quizzes Internet hours
knowledge base for c. Personal nutrition Assignments Multi-media
the students. d. Obesity and weight https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/ Recitation
management 80/2/257/4690305

Midterm Examination

Flexible Teaching and

Desired Learning Assessment of Resource Time
Course Content/Subject Matter Textbook/ References Learning Activities
Outcomes (DLOs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
Analyze the a. Communication and https://prezi.com/tmzo00ucpmfm/per Interactive Lecturing Lecture/Discussion Handouts 24
following current b. relationships Sexuality sonal-community-andenvironmental- Active Learning Reporting Books hours
situations of our and reproductive choices health/ Collaborative Learning Quizzes Internet
BPED PE 118 Personal, Community and Environmental Health

society to develop a c. STD’s and infectious Demonstration Assignments Multi-media

working knowledge. disease Integrating Technology Recitation
Identify the different a. Alcohol https://www.justice.gov/archive/ndic/
kinds of drugs and b. Tobacco pubs11/18862/impact.htm
their effects on c. Caffeine
individuals and d. Marijuana https://www.addictioncampuses.com
society. e. Other stimulants, /blog/how-drug-abuse-
depressants, affectssociety-and-you/
hallucinogens, and
Provide information a. Personal health care https://www.open.edu/openlearncre
to the following b. Personal safety ate/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=187
topics to become c. Healthy working &printable=1
more conscious environments.
with self and with
the environment.

Final Examination

Suggested 1. Rector, Community and Public Health Nursing (9th Edition)

Readings Wolters Kluwer 2018
and Online
References The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 80, Issue 2, August 2004, Page 241-533





BPED PE 118 Personal, Community and Environmental Health


Course 1. Lesson plan exemplar with an appropriate integration of technology

Requirem 2. Written long exam (Midterm and Finals)
ents 3. Complete posted reflection notes in the Teacher-made messenger
4. Class Active Participation (Group work, Mini-outputs in task).

Assignment, Output
(Activities, Oral presentation, Reflective Writing, Reflective
Essay etc.)
Quizzes 20%
Attendance and Online Class Participation 15%
(Students response to teacher-posted comprehension questions.
Students reflection on class required readings.)
Term Exam 40%
Credit Grade = (Midterm Grade + Final Term Grade)/2

Policies Online/ Flexible Teaching and Learning:

1. I person Classes
2. To uphold delivery of quality instruction, the class may also use added online resources
3. No Special Examination will be administered unless an excuse letter from parent/ guardian or medical certificate noted by the guidance
counsellor and class adviser is presented
4. Attendance will be checked every meeting. A student must complete 85% of the session in order for him/her be given credit for
5. Assignments are to be submitted on time. Failure to submit assignments is equivalent to a grade of 5.0.
BPED PE 118 Personal, Community and Environmental Health

Course Title: AY/Term of Effectively: Prepared by: Approved by:

Office of the Dean of College DCBT
Personal, Community and AY: 2022-2023
Environmental Health Raffy Ciocon
First Semester

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