Practical Research 1 Quarter 4 Week 7

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Grade Level

Department of Education Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 7 Quarter QUARTER 4

Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:
The learners demonstrate understanding of...
A. Content Standards 1. guidelines in making conclusions and recommendations.
2. techniques in listing references.
The learners should be able to...
B. Performance Standards 1. form logical conclusions.
2. make recommendations based on conclusions.
 draws conclusions from patterns and themes (CS_RS11-IVg-j-1)
 formulates recommendations based on conclusions (CS_RS11-IVg-j-2)
C. Learning
1. Identify a good conclusion.
2. Write the conclusion of your research.
3. Define recommendations.
4. Write actual recommendations.
A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources
Begin the lesson by briefly reviewing the
Greet the students and ask them if they
The teacher will review the previous research process and the importance of
have any questions from the previous The teacher will begin the lesson by
lesson on the different parts of a research defining recommendations in practical
lesson. reviewing the previous lesson or
1. Reviewing previous lesson or paper. research.
presenting the new lesson on the
presenting the new lesson
Introduce the new lesson by telling the importance of writing an effective
The teacher will then introduce the new Recap the characteristics and strategies
students that they will learn about conclusion for a research paper.
lesson on recommendations. for formulating effective
identifying a good conclusion.
The teacher will ask the students what
they know about recommendations.
State the objective of the lesson: To
Explain to the students that the purpose Explain to the students that the purpose
2. Establishing the purpose of the enable students to write actual
of the lesson is to help them identify a of the lesson is to help them write a good The teacher will then explain that
lesson recommendations based on research
good conclusion in research. conclusion for their research. recommendations are suggestions that are
findings and analysis.
made based on the findings of a research
Share examples of well-written
Share examples of research reports or
conclusion sections from published
Show the students a research paper and studies where actual recommendations
Show the students a research paper and research papers or articles.
ask them to identify the are provided.
ask them to identify the conclusion.
3. Presenting examples/instances of recommendations.
Discuss the purpose of the conclusion
the new lesson Discuss the purpose of actual
Discuss with the students the key section and its role in summarizing the
Discuss with the students the key recommendations in practical research
elements of a good conclusion. key findings, discussing implications,
elements of a good recommendation. and their role in guiding decision-making
and providing closure to the research
and problem-solving.
Discuss the different ways to write a Discuss the different ways to write a Define the term "recommendations" and
Define the term "actual
good conclusion such as summarizing the good conclusion such as summarizing the explain its importance in research.
recommendations" and explain its
findings, restating the research question, findings, restating the research question,
importance in research.
and suggesting future research directions. and suggesting future research directions. Ask the students to practice identifying
4. Discussing new concepts and recommendations by giving them a set of
Ask the students to practice identifying
practicing new skills #1 Ask the students to practice writing a Ask the students to practice writing a data and asking them to create
actual recommendations by giving them
good conclusion by giving them a set of good conclusion by giving them a set of recommendations using the methods
a set of data and asking them to create
data and asking them to create a data and asking them to create a discussed in class.
actual recommendations using the
conclusion using the methods discussed conclusion using the methods discussed
methods discussed in class.
in class. in class.
Discuss the different ways to write a Discuss the different ways to write a
good recommendation such as providing good actual recommendation such as
Discuss the importance of writing a good Discuss the importance of writing a good
specific actions, identifying potential providing specific actions, identifying
conclusion in research. conclusion in research.
solutions, and suggesting further potential solutions, and suggesting
research. further research.
5. Discussing new concepts and Ask the students to practice writing a Ask the students to practice writing a
practicing new skills #2 good conclusion by giving them a good conclusion by giving them a
Ask the students to practice writing a Ask the students to practice writing a
research paper and asking them to create research paper and asking them to create
good recommendation by giving them a good actual recommendation by giving
a conclusion using the methods discussed a conclusion using the methods discussed
research paper and asking them to create them a research paper and asking them to
in class. in class.
recommendations using the methods create actual recommendations using the
discussed in class. methods discussed in class.
6. Developing Mastery Divide the students into pairs and give Divide the students into small groups. Divide the students into pairs and give Divide the students into pairs or small
them a research paper. them a research paper. groups.
Provide each group with a research
Ask them to draw a good conclusion scenario or a set of findings related to a Ask them to create good Provide each group with a real-world
using the methods discussed in class. specific topic. recommendations using the methods case study or research scenario related to
discussed in class. a current issue.
Monitor the students as they work and Instruct the groups to collaboratively Instruct the groups to analyze the case
provide feedback as necessary. write the conclusion section for their Monitor the students as they work and study, identify the key findings, and
research projects, incorporating the provide feedback as necessary. collaboratively formulate actual
components and strategies discussed. recommendations to address the
Encourage critical thinking,
collaboration, and peer feedback during Encourage critical thinking,
the activity. collaboration, and evidence-based
reasoning during the activity.
Each group presents their conclusions to
Each group presents their
the class, followed by a class discussion recommendations, followed by a class
on the strengths and areas for discussion on the strengths, limitations,
improvement. and potential impact of the
Engage students in a discussion about
how the skill of writing actual
recommendations can be applied in
various real-life contexts.
Ask the students to think of a real-life
Ask the students to think of a real-life Ask the students to think of a real-life
situation where they can apply the Encourage them to share examples where
situation where they can apply the situation where they can apply the
methods for writing good actual recommendations are crucial, such
7. Finding practical applications of methods for writing a good conclusion. methods for writing a good conclusion.
recommendations. as in policy-making, problem-solving, or
concepts and skills in daily living
project management.
Have them share their ideas with the Have them share their ideas with the
Have them share their ideas with the
class. class.
class. Discuss the significance of clear
communication, stakeholder
engagement, and evidence-based
decision-making in providing effective
The teacher will encourage learners to
generalize and abstract the lesson by
Guide students to reflect on the
Summarize the key concepts and methods Summarize the key concepts and asking open-ended questions that
importance of writing a strong conclusion
discussed in class. methods discussed in class. challenge students to think critically
in practical research.
8. Generalizing and abstractions about the importance of effective
about the lesson Ask the students to reflect on how they Ask the students to reflect on how they recommendations in research writing,
Encourage them to identify the key
can use these methods in their future can use these methods in their future which stakeholders should be considered
concepts and skills they have learned
research projects. research projects. when developing recommendations, and
during the lesson.
how to write a recommendation that is
relevant and feasible.
To evaluate the students' learning, the
To evaluate the students' learning, the
Give the students a quiz to assess their Give the students a quiz to assess their teacher will provide a rubric that
teacher will provide a rubric that includes
understanding of the lesson. understanding of the lesson. includes the critical components for
the critical components for the
9. Evaluating Learning developing actual recommendations in a
conclusion of a research paper. The
Provide feedback and discuss the correct Provide feedback and discuss the correct research paper. The students will self-
students will self-evaluate and peer-
answers. answers. evaluate and peer-assess their
assess their conclusions.
Ask the students to create their own Ask the students to create their own Ask the students to create their own
The teacher may assign additional
research paper and practice writing a research paper and practice writing a research paper and practice writing good
activities that will challenge students'
good conclusion using the methods good conclusion using the methods recommendations using the methods
10. Additional Activities for critical thinking skills related to
discussed in class. discussed in class. discussed in class.
Application or Remediation developing recommendations in other
subject areas, such as public policy or
Provide additional resources for students Provide additional resources for students Provide additional resources for students
who need remediation. who need remediation. who need remediation.

A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

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