Lesson 1-Overview and Basic Principles of IMC
Lesson 1-Overview and Basic Principles of IMC
Lesson 1-Overview and Basic Principles of IMC
Often, this "one size fits all" approach was costly and uninformative due to the lack of tools for measuring
results in terms of sales. But as methods for collecting and analyzing consumer data through single-source
technology such as store scanners improved, marketers were increasingly able to correlate promotional activities
with consumer purchasing patterns. Companies also began to downsize their operations and expand marketing
tasks within their organizations. Advertising agencies were also expected to understand and provide all marketing
functions, not just advertising, for their clients.
Today, corporate marketing budgets are allocated toward trade promotions, consumer promotions,
branding, public relations, and advertising. The allocation of communication budgets away from mass media
and traditional advertising has raised the importance of IMC importance for effective marketing. Now, marketing
is viewed more as a two-way conversation between marketers and consumers.
One of the major benefits of integrated marketing communications is that marketers can clearly and
effectively communicate their brand's story and messaging across several communication channels to create
brand awareness. IMC is also more cost-effective than mass media since consumers are likely to interact with
brands across various forums and digital interfaces. As consumers spend more time on computers and mobile
devices, marketers seek to weave together multiple exposures to their brands using different touch points.
Companies can then view the performance of their communication tactics as a whole instead of as fragmented
The other benefit of integrated marketing communications is that it creates a competitive advantage for companies
looking to boost their sales and profits. This is especially useful for small- or mid-sized firms with limited staff
and marketing budgets. IMC immerses customers in communications and helps them move through the various
stages of the buying process. The organization simultaneously consolidates its image, develops a dialogue, and
nurtures its relationship with customers throughout the exchange. IMC can be instrumental in creating a seamless
purchasing experience that spurs customers to become loyal, lifelong customers.
From merely passing on a message to catchy jingles, using humor, and subtle ironies to online communication
over various social media and other channels, marketing has changed.
Brands are looking out for ways to connect with their audiences across the globe.
The solution, integrated marketing, combines traditional and modern marketing strategies. It provides us
with the best of both the worlds to reach the appropriate stakeholders in the process.
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) basically combines various marketing strategies that boost one
another. The aim is to have all the channels work in aggregation rather than seclusion.
For instance, a company might be promoting a new product through various media such as print, social media, web
along with others. Each media will promote the product in its own way, depending on its capabilities and
limitations. But the message that is conveyed and to whom it is conveyed remains the same. After all, it directs the
audience in the same direction. Integrated marketing communication ensures that all the correspondence
received by a customer or a prospect is relevant.
This communication remains consistent over all the communication media. It gives your customers or prospects a
seamless experience over all the channels while interacting with your brand.
V. Step-by-Step Exploration of the IMC Process
IMC makes use of different promotional methods across channels to reach a befitting audience with the proper
There are six essential steps to be followed while designing your IMC strategy. Let’s go through each of them one-
Step 1: Know Your Audience from Behavioral Data
Never start without proper market research. Ensure that your audience is defined correctly.
You should always know what kind of audience you want to target based on what you are marketing.
Here, behavioral data will give us insights about what the prospects do, what their preferences are relating to
what we are offering.
Demographic data tells us more about their age, gender, education, geography, and so on.
Segmenting your audience based on these data points will help you know which section of your audience is more
likely to opt for your product.
Step 2: Develop a Situational or Contextual Analysis
Generally known as SWOT analysis, it gives you an insight into the external and internal factors that can affect
your brand.
Analyzing your internal and external environments will provide you with some extra information while designing
your marketing strategy.
It will tell you what are your weaknesses that you need to work on and what are the strengths that you can
leverage upon.
Step 3: Determine Your Marketing Objectives
Before starting with your marketing efforts, it is necessary to define the objectives for your marketing campaigns.
It involves all that you wish to achieve through your marketing efforts and what your brand wants to
communicate to your target audience.
Following are some of the objectives that you could set for yourself:
• Developing awareness about your brand in the market.
• Improve your brand image.
• Improve the sales of your product.
• Reinforce your customer’s decision to go with your brand.
In spite of its many profits, Integrated Marketing Communication has many barricades. Totaling up to the
accustomed confrontation to adjust and the unique troubles of being in touch with an extensive diversity of goal
spectators, there’re further more obstruction which defies Integrated Marketing Communication. If some
companies use integrated marketing communication for its vascular advantages other companies do not prefer to
use it for several reasons:
1. Functional Silos: Resources, support and guidance of upper management are needed to build a successful
integrated marketing communications campaign. The job of upper management is to make sure that all the
resources are thoroughly no matter is for budgets, sharing data or people across teams. However, the
problem now is integrated marketing communication don’t control by one manager only. All the managers
involve in the information transmitting process have to work together in controlling the process. It mean
that all the manager of advertising team, public relation team and also the marketing team have to
coordinate in the process of delivering information about the product and service of the company to the
target customer. When the control is shared among all the team manager, which can prove to be a difficult
concept for some member of upper management, creating a barrier to integrated marketing communication.
2. Restricts creativity: IMC can restrict creativity. With a variety of team involved in launching an integrated
marketing campaign, each team have to ensure that all the task carry out must fit the overall goals and
message of the campaign. As an example, when the promotional team comes up with a creative idea for a
sweepstakes, it must match with the integrated campaign goal to ensure the communication process
effectiveness. But, if it doesn’t fit with the realm of integrated marketing goals, the creative plan cannot
implement by the particular team no matter how high the level of creativeness it may seem. All the teams
have to follow the unified strategy to convey a consistent message to send to our target customer.
3. Lack of Resources: When the integrated marketing communication is practiced, it requires the entire
member in the organization to take part in the process of transmitting the information to the customer. So,
in order to make sure the process of transmitting consistent and useful information to carry out smoothly,
the entire member in the organization needs to have the required knowledge and skill to executive the
strategic plan. Because skills and knowledge are the key needs, some staff members receive training in
areas they may not familiar with to ensure the success of the transmitting information about the product
and service the company offer. Hence, it will increase the company cost and hence it will become more
costly to practice integrated marketing communication. Besides, integrated marketing communication also
required proper planning and time management to ensure the communication transmitting process become
more effectively. When the marketing team delays their work process, it will affect the sales rape work task
because they are interdependence. So, information transmitting process tends to become less effective
when practice integrated marketing communication.
4. Different Corporate Cultures: Integrated marketing communications generally include more than just
one company working to put together in a campaign. For example, pitching articles to the press about a
product launch is in charge by the public relations firm and a print advertisement may develop by
an advertising agency. The problem occur when each company take part in the customer transmitting
process tend to operate in its own unique culture, but when it is needed to meshed with a new company
culture, the result is not always positive. There is one of the potential barriers the organization must
overcome when the company practice integrated marketing communication. As an example, the
advertising company may take relaxed approach to completing task, paying little or no attention to looming
deadlines, but the public relation firm may be dead-line driven. This different culture between the
companies may cause the integrated marketing communication process less effective to carry out.