Deep Bed Filter Unit: Technical Teaching Equipment
Deep Bed Filter Unit: Technical Teaching Equipment
Technical Teaching Equipment
Products range
11.-Chemical Engineering
ISO 9000: Quality Management European Union Certificate Certificates ISO 14000 and Worlddidac Quality Charter
(for Design, Manufacturing, (total safety) ECO-Management and Audit Scheme Certificate and
Commercialization and After-sales service) (environmental management) Worlddidac Member
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Filtration is the separation of a mixture of solids and fluids that includes the passage of most of the fluid through a porous media, which
retains most of the solid particles of the mixture. The filtering media is the barrier that enables the passage of the liquid while it retains most
of the solids, which accumulate in a layer over the surface or filter (filtering bed), so the fluid will go through the solids bed and the retention
Students can visualize and study one of most common water treatment processes aimed at supplying cities and for industrial uses with this
The Deep Bed Filter Unit (EFLP) enables to study filtration in open and closed circuit, as well as to visualize the bed washing process.
The Deep Bed Filter Unit (EFLP) allows us to filter a fluid in order to eliminate particles in suspension, to have it in more adequate conditions
for its subsequent use or consumption.
The pump takes raw water from one of the reservoirs of the unit and propels it towards the upper part of the column. That raw water passes
through a diaphragm valve that controls the inlet flow rate of the column and a flowmeter that measures such flow rate.
The liquid to be filtered goes down the column, crossing the filtering media settled as a bed and the pressure along the entire bed is
measured at 30 points. It enables the measurement of the pressure drop that is visualized by the increase of the resistance that the filter
opposes to the fluid.
Anodized aluminum structure and panels of painted steel.
Main metallic elements in stainless steel.
Diagram in the front panel with similar distribution to the elements in the real unit.
Filter column, where the porous media is formed:
It includes the following elements:
Transparent PMMA tube of circular section (column height: 1300 mm), with removable top and bottom covers.
Support filter of the porous bed.
Filtering bed.
30 Pressure takings.
30 Sample capturing takings.
Its objective is to prepare the suspension for being filtered. There is a tank with two reservoirs:
Reservoir 1= 350 l.
Reservoir 2= 350 l.
Total capacity: 700 l.
Both reservoirs have water heigh level.
Centrifugal pump.
In order to take the fluid to the upper part of the filter column (filtering operations), or the bottom part of the column (washing operation
of the porous bed).
Pipes and valves system to establish several circuits and regulate the flows.
Flowmeter, rotameter type, range: 50 - 600 l./h.
Manometric board:
The filtering column has static pressure takings to which the piezometric tubes are coupled.
Number of piezometric tubes: 30.
Column height: 1300 mm.
Air purger for eliminating bubbles which are initially in the circuit.
The unit incorporates wheels for mobility.
Cables and Accessories, for normal operation.
This unit is supplied with the following manuals: Required Services, Assembly and Installation, Starting-up, Safety, Maintenance, &
Practices Manuals.
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1.- Determination of the initial head loss of a deep bed. 7.- Measuring suspension concentration profiles through the filter
2.- Evolution through time of the head loss of the deep bed.
8.- Filtration efficiency. Clarification.
3.- Measuring pressure drop profiles through the bed.
6.- The column may be readily adapted for absorption and ion
exchange studies.
-Bottles for collecting samples.
-Turbidity meter or spectrophotometer.
Offered in this catalogue:
*Specifications subject to change without previous notice, due to the convenience of improvements of the product.
Issue: ED01/14
Date: September/2014
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