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Integrated Marketing Communications

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Integrated marketing communications

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is an approach to brand communications where
the different modes work together to create a seamless experience for the customer and are
presented with a similar tone and style that reinforces the brands core message. Its goal is to
make all aspects of marketing communication such as advertising, sales promotion, public
relations direct marketing, online communications and social media work together as a
unified force, rather than permitting each to work in isolation, which maximizes their cost

Integrated marketing communications (IMC) is an approach to brand communications where
the different modes work together to create a seamless experience for the customer and are
presented with a similar tone and style that reinforces the brands core message. Its goal is to
make all aspects of marketing communication such as advertising, sales promotion, public
relations direct marketing, online communications and social media work together as a
unified force, rather than permitting each to work in isolation, which maximizes their cost
IMC is becoming more significant in marketing practice because of the reduced cost
effectiveness of mass media and media fragmentation. As consumers spend more time online
and on mobile devices all exposures of the brand need to tie together so they are more likely
to be remembered.
Increasingly the strategies of brands cannot be understood by looking solely at their
advertising. Instead they can be understood by seeing how all aspects of their
communications ecosystem work together and in particular how communications are

personalized for each customer and react in real time, as in a conversation. Brand strategies
and their tactics can be viewed on the Integrated Brands site.

IMC Components

The Foundation - is based on a strategic understanding of the product and market.

This includes changes in technology, buyer attitudes and behaviour and anticipated
moves by competitors.

The Corporate Culture - increasingly brands are seen as indivisible from the vision,
capabilities, personality and culture of the corporation.

The Brand Focus - is the logo, corporate identity, tagline, style and core message of
the brand.

Consumer Experience - includes the design of the product and its packaging, the
product experience (for instance in a retail store) and service.

Communications Tools - includes all modes of advertising, direct marketing and

online communications including social media.

Promotional Tools - trade promotions; consumer promotions; personal selling,

database marketing, and customer relations management; public relations and
sponsorship programs.

Integration Tools - software that enables the tracking of customer behaviour and
campaign effectiveness. This includes customer relationship management (CRM)
software, web analytics, marketing automation and inbound marketing software.

Marketing mix component

The Internet has changed the way business is done in the current world. The variables of
segmentation, targeting and positioning are addressed differently. The way new products and
services are marketed have changed even though the aim of business in bringing economic
and social values remain unchanged. Indeed, the bottom line of increasing revenue and profit
are still the same. Marketing has evolved to more of connectedness, due to the new
characteristics brought in by the Internet. Marketing was once seen as a one way, with firms
broadcasting their offerings and value proposition. Now it is seen more and more as a
conversation between marketers and customers. Marketing efforts incorporate the "marketing
mix". Promotion is one element of marketing mix. Promotional activities include advertising

and personal selling activities. It also includes Internet marketing, sponsorship marketing,
direct marketing, database marketing and public relations. Integration of all these
promotional tools, along with other components of marketing mix, is a way to gain an edge
over a competitor.
The starting point of the IMC process is the marketing mix that includes different types of
marketing, advertising, and sales efforts. Without a complete IMC plan there is no integration
or harmony between client and customers. The goal of an organization is to create and
maintain communication throughout its own employees and throughout its customers.
Integrated marketing is based on a master marketing plan. This plan should coordinate efforts
in all components of the marketing mix. A marketing plan consists of the following six steps:
1. Situation analysis
2. Marketing objectives
3. Marketing budget
4. Marketing strategies
5. Marketing tactics
6. Evaluation of performance
Integrated marketing communications aims to ensure consistency of message and the
complementary use of media. The concept includes online and offline marketing channels.
Online marketing channels include any e-marketing campaigns or programs, from search
engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click, affiliate, email, banner to latest web related
channels for webinar, blog, micro-blogging, RSS, podcast, Internet Radio, and Internet TV.
Offline marketing channels are traditional print (newspaper, magazine), mail order, public
relations, industry relations, billboard, traditional radio, and television. A company develops
its integrated marketing communication program using all the elements of the marketing mix
(product, price, place, and promotion). Integrated marketing communications plans are vital
to achieving success. The reasons for their importance begin with the explosion of
information technologies. Channel power has shifted from manufacturers to retailers to
Using outside-in thinking, Integrated Marketing Communications is a data-driven approach
that focuses on identifying consumer insights and developing a strategy with the right (online

and offline combination) channels to forge a stronger brand-consumer relationship. This

involves knowing the right touch points to use to reach consumers and understanding how
and where they consume different types of media. Regression analysis and customer lifetime
value are key data elements in this approach.

Importance of IMC
Several shifts in the advertising and media industry have caused IMC to develop into a
primary strategy for marketers:
1. From media advertising to multiple forms of communication.
2. From mass media to more specialized (niche) media, which are centered on specific
target audiences.
3. From a manufacturer-dominated market to a retailer-dominated, consumer-controlled
4. From general-focus advertising and marketing to data-based marketing.
5. From low agency accountability to greater agency accountability, particularly in
6. From traditional compensation to performance-based compensation (increased sales
or benefits to the company).
7. From limited Internet access to 24/7 Internet availability and access to goods and
1. It can create competitive advantage, boost sales and profits, while saving money, time and
stress. 2. IMC wraps communications around customers and helps them move through the
various stages of the buying process. The organisation simultaneously consolidates its image,
develops a dialogue and nurtures its relationship with customers. 3. This 'Relationship
Marketing' cements a bond of loyalty with customers which can protect them from the
inevitable onslaught of competition. The ability to keep a customer for life is a powerful
competitive advantage. 4. IMC also increases profits through increased effectiveness 5.
Carefully linked messages also help buyers by giving timely reminders, updated information
and special offers which, when presented in a planned sequence, help them move
comfortably through the stages of their buying process 6. Finally, IMC saves money as it
eliminates duplication in areas such as graphics and photography since they can be shared

and used in say, advertising, exhibitions and sales literature. 7. IMC also makes messages
more consistent and therefore more credible. This reduces risk in the mind of the buyer
which, in turn, shortens the search process and helps to dictate the outcome of brand

4 P's vs. 4 c's


You have to understand what the consumers' wants and needs are. Times have changed and
you can no longer sell whatever you can make. The product characteristics have to match the
specifics of what someone wants to buy. And part of what the consumer is buying is the
personal "buying experience."


Understand the consumer's cost to satisfy the want or need. The product price may be only
one part of the consumer's cost structure. Often it is the cost of time to drive somewhere, the
cost of conscience of what you buy, the cost of guilt for not treating the kids, the investment a
consumer is willing to make to avoid risk, etc.


As above, turn the standard logic around. Think convenience of the buying experience and
then relate that to a delivery mechanism. Consider all possible definitions of "convenience"
as it relates to satisfying the consumer's wants and needs. Convenience may include aspects
of the physical or virtual location, access ease, transaction service time, and hours of


Communicate,many mediums working together to present a unified message with a feedback

mechanism to make the communication two-way. And be sure to include an understanding of
non-traditional mediums, such as word of mouth and how it can influence your position in the
consumer's mind. How many ways can a customer hear (or see) the same message through
the course of the day, each message reinforcing the earlier images?

Effective communications elements

The goal of selecting the elements of proposed integrated marketing communications is to
create a campaign that is effective and consistent across media platforms. Some marketers
may want only ads with greatest breadth of appeal: the executions that, when combined,
provide the greatest number of attention-getting, branded, and motivational moments. Others
may only want ads with the greatest depth of appeal: the ads with the greatest number of
attention-getting, branded, and motivational points within each.
Although integrated marketing communications is more than just an advertising campaign,
the bulk of marketing dollars is spent on the creation and distribution of advertisements.
Hence, the bulk of the research budget is also spent on these elements of the campaign. Once
the key marketing pieces have been tested, the researched elements can then be applied to
other contact points: letterhead, packaging, logistics, customer service training, and more, to
complete the IMC cycle.
One common type of integrated marketing communication is personal selling. Personal
selling can be defined as "face to face selling in which a seller attempts to persuade a buyer to
make a purchase."
Personal selling is occasionally called the "last 3 feet" of the marketing functions. It is called
the "last 3 feet" because this is usually the distance between a salesperson and his customer
on the retail sales floor. The last 3 feet also applies to the distance across the desk from a
sales representative to his prospective business customer. Personal selling occurs in two main
1. Retail sales
2. Business-to-business selling

Promotions Opportunity Analysis

A major task that guides the way in creating an effective Integrated Marketing
Communications plan is the promotions opportunity analysis. A promotions opportunity
analysis is the process marketers use to identify target audiences for a companys goods and

services and the communication strategies needed to reach these audiences. A message sent
by a marketer has a greater likelihood of achieving the intended results if the marketer has
performed a good analysis and possesses accurate information pertaining to the target
audience. There are five steps in developing a promotions opportunity analysis:
Conduct a communication market analysis



Target markets


Product positioning

Establish communication objectives

Develop brand awareness

Increase category demand

Change customer belief or attitude

Enhance purchase actions

Encourage repeat purchases

Build customer traffic

Enhance firm image

Increase market share

Increase sales

Reinforce purchase decisions

Create communications budget Several factors influence the relationship between

expenditures on promotions and sales:

The goal of the promotion

Threshold effects

Carryover effects

Wear-out effects

Decay effects

Random events

Prepare promotional strategies

The fourth step of a promotions opportunity analysis program is to prepare a general
communication strategy for the company and it products. Strategies are sweeping guidelines
concerning the essence of the company's marketing efforts. Strategies provide the long term
direction for all marketing activities.
It is critical that the company's communication strategy mesh with the overall message and be
carefully linked to the opportunities identified by a communication market analysis.
Communications strategies should be directly related to a firm's marketing objectives.
Strategies must be achievable using the allocations available in the marketing and
communications budgets. Once strategies have been implemented, they are not changed
unless major new events occur. Only changes in the marketplace, new competitive forces, or
new promotional opportunities should cause companies to alter strategies.
Match tactics with strategies

Advertisements based on the major theme or a subtheme

Personal selling enticements (bonuses and prizes for sales reps)

Sales promotions (posters, point-of-purchase displays, end-of-aisle displays,

freestanding displays)

Special product packaging and labeling

Price changes

Other enticements companies may include in their tactical efforts includes: Coupons, gift
certificates, bonus packs (a second product attached to a first), special containers (e.g.,
holiday decanters or soft-drink glasses), contests and prizes, rebates and volume discounts
(large-size packages, "buy two, get one free" promotions, etc.)
Throughout these steps, marketers should consistently review and analyze the actions and
tools that major competitors are utilizing.

Accountability in marketing is increasing a result of tight economic restraints and an ever
evolving society. Companies realize that they cannot spend large amounts of money on

unproductive marketing campaigns. Companies look for programs that will have a
measurable impact on business at minimal cost. Marketing agencies must be able to provide
companies with desired and effective results.[11]

Barriers to IMC
Despite its many benefits, Integrated Marketing Communications, or IMC, has many barriers.
In addition to the usual resistance to change and the special problems of communicating with
a wide variety of target audiences, there are many other obstacles which restrict IMC. These
include: Functional Silos; Stifled Creativity; Time Scale Conflicts and a lack of Management
Take functional silos. Rigid organisational structures are infested with managers who protect
both their budgets and their power base.
Sadly, some organisational structures isolate communications, data, and even managers from
each other. For example the PR department often doesn't report to marketing. The sales force
rarely meet the advertising or sales promotion people and so on. Imagine what can happen
when sales reps are not told about a new promotional offer!
And all of this can be aggravated by turf wars or internal power battles where specific
managers resist having some of their decisions determined or even influenced by someone
from another department.

It shouldn't matter whose creative idea it is, but often, it does. An advertising agency may not
be so enthusiastic about developing a creative idea generated by, say, a PR or a direct
marketing consultant.
IMC can restrict creativity. No more wild and wacky sales promotions unless they fit into the
overall marketing communications strategy. The joy of rampant creativity may be stifled, but
the creative challenge may be greater and ultimately more satisfying when operating within a
tighter, integrated, creative brief.

Time horizons add one more barrier to IMC as different time scales affect a creative brief.
For example, image advertising that is designed to nurture the brand over the longer term
may conflict with shorter term advertising or sales promotions designed to boost quarterly
sales. However, the two objectives of improving the brand and sales can be accommodated
with IMC planning.
But this kind of planning is not common. A survey in 1995, revealed that most managers lack
expertise in IMC. But its not just managers, but also agencies. There is a proliferation of
single discipline agencies. There appear to be very few people who have real experience of
all the marketing communications disciplines. This lack of know how is then compounded by
a lack of commitment.
Integrated marketing is the holistic approach to communication in marketing. It's making sure
that you are being consistent in your marketing both online and offline. Consistency is key in
making sure that consumers understand your marketing message which leads to a great result
and return on your investment. The Integrated marketing helps by optimizing the spend
whether online or offline and putting the right number of dollars towards the most effective
approach. It used to be we could look at marketing in two segments - online and offline.
Marketing is shifting and you will find the most optimum result by utilizing an integrated

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