ELVINA (2171121012)
Thanks to Allah the most merciful who gives us guidance to finish this
paper. We would like to express gratitude to all those who help us to finished this
paper, both morally and materially in the form of encouragement, because we
believe without the help and support of them it is very difficult for us to finish it.
2. Our beloved friends who always give us motivation and make us still
spirit and also assisted us in completing this paper.
We realize that in preparing this paper is far from perfect, for that we
look criticism and suggestions that are built in this paper. We hope this paper
usefull for the readers.
There are some factors that may influence the teacher and the students in
the teaching and learning process, especially in method and approach. It is
influence teaching and learning process in this school. According to Sadiman
(1986) the media is a mediator or delivers the materials. Media as supplier the
material to increase stimulate, attention, and interest in teaching and learning
process. It means that the teacher can develop teaching material and media to
teach the students.
The changes in the curriculum affect all the subjects including English.
English is one of the subjects which are taught in schools. According to
Curriculum 2013, English should be taught following the scientific steps.
However, English course books for senior high school, the steps are still
textbased. This is similar to the previous curriculum.
Application of the 2013 curriculum has its own character that is more
student-centered learning (student center) and use the scientific approach in the
process of the lesson, it may not necessarily be easily applied to teachers in all
schools. In fact, on the practice field are still many teachers using conventional
methods such as lecture that goes one direction, learning is more dominated by
the teacher (teacher center).
In this study, we will analyze the video to see scientific approach used in
in teaching and learning process. The video taken from Youtube. The first video
is about teaching Invitation Grade XI. And this is the link of the video that we
will observe https://youtu.be/jA5cmiQwm5I. The second video is is about
recount text, and the link is https://youtu.be/1Rb8xGnFg-8.
A. Curriculum
B. Scientific Approach
a. Observing
There are two main activities that should be done to lead to the observing steps.
First, the teachers give students a wide opportunity to do observation. The
observation can be done through reading, listening, or seeing the object. Second,
the teachers facilitate the students to do observation and train the students to
observe the important things from the object. There are seven steps in observing
process, (1) determining the object to be observed, (2) determining the purpose,
(3) determining the way of observation, (4) limiting the object, (5) doing
observation carefully, (6) reporting the result of observation, and (7)
comprehending the result.
b. Questioning
Questioning functions to encourage and inspire learners to actively learn and
develop questions of and for itself; to raise skills of students in talking, asking
questions, and the other can answer logically, systematically using proper and
correct grammar; to encourage students’ participation in discussing, arguing,
developing the ability to think and draw conclusions; and to build an attitude of
openness to give and receive opinions or ideas, enrich vocabulary, as well as
developing social tolerance in gregarious.
c. Experimenting
In experimenting, the steps are preparation, working, and follow up. There are
five activities that can be done in experimenting, (1) Grouping students into
several groups, (2) asking students to discuss, (3) recording the finding, (4)
supervising the learning process to ensure that all learners are actively involved
in the discussion, and (5) directing the group that need help.
d. Associating
e. Communicating
Communicating is the ability to conclude the facts that have been observed and
experimented. There are four activities that can be conducted in communicating
steps, (1) asking the students to read their work to the class, (2) asking each
group to listen well and provide additional input with regard to the work of each
group, (3) giving explanation after the group discussion ended, and (5)
structuring tasks and providing opportunities to the
*Minutes 0 - 5
Teacher : im fine all thankyou for asking, okey before we start our lesson, it's
better that we pray together, pray begin
Students: *pray*
Teacher: over, first of all let me check your attendance list first.
Students: yes
Teacher: oke uhm, here do you still remember about our last meeting on
Students: yes
Students: yes
Students: ...
Teacher: class today im going to explain about invitation for today, do you
know what invitation?
Teacher: a way to invite someone, good very good, invitation how we invite
someone to come to our house or to come to our party for a simple like that,
okay maybe any other?
Teacher: no one?
Students: no
Teacher: let me show you video of spoken invitation, pay attention to the video
*Minutes 8 – 14
Teacher :
From one person invite another person to come to this place to come to her
party. For example like that. This is symbol of invitation. Formal invitation.
And you can see in this screen, Peter and Nay also ready for their weeding
aniversary next week. That sentence, can you come to our party ? Bisa kah
kamu datang ke pesta kami ? Thats the example of invitation. And then, Would
you please come to our place next Tuesday ? Would you please come. Apakah
kamu mau datang ke tempat kami selasa depan ? It’s also the example of the
invitation. Now, have you understood about the invitation ? Now, I will show
you this one. Open formal invitation. Just meet this one. Disini kita harus
membuat undangan resmi terkait kegiatan sekolah dengan memperhatikan
fungsi dan unsur kebahasaan secara benar dan sesuai konteks. Dan ini agak
berbeda dengan Peter and Nay ini yaa. what is the function of the invitation
kemudian struktur teksnya itu apa . After learning this material, students are
expected to be able co compate the social function and create the video of
formal spoken invitation dialogue appropriate like this . Let see spoken
invitation type. This sopken invitation divided into two types. Formal invitation
and informal invitation. And the social function is to invite people to formal or
social event.And the generic structure of spoken invitation are expression to
invite and expression to upset and expression to disclim. Kemudian language
featurenya. Ciri ciri kebahasaannya. First is modal auxialarry, and then simple
present tenseand simple future tense. When you want to invite some one in
formal cases, you can say like this. What do you come to my house. It means I
invite you to come to my house, right ?and when you upset my invitation, you
will say. Yes I do or I will. And when you disclaim my invitation, you say,
sorry I can’t. This is just example of invitation, upseting invitation, and
disclaiming invitation. And another sentence, you can make by your self. and
you may open your book to see another example of invitation. This is from
your book also. Just see in this picture first, after you see the dialogue, this is
conversation between Andra and Dion. Did you mind to read ? Danu maybe
you may as Andra, and Rahmad you may be Dion. Baca yang keras. Please.
*Minute 15 - 21
Teacher: Ok. Thankyou. From the first dialogue, we can see that there is an
invitation from someone to someone else and the reply, response.
When you see "Andra say How are you? And then Dian's answer
"I'm right. How about you?. So Andra told to Dion that "I have a
brosure. Will be concert Sheila On 7 tomorrow sunday to celebrate
our University.And then he said "Wow I'm just know it. That's why I
tell you now. Because you are big fans of Sheila On7 . I want you to
come to the concert with me. Perhatikan kalimat ini, berarti Andra
invite Dion to come to Sheila On 7's concert. And then what is
Dion's response? Is he accept or decline?
Students: Accept
Teacher : Good. And then Yeni said "Thankyou i'd love to. So it is accept or
Students: Accept.
Teacher : Good. Yeni accept Joko's invitation. Is there any? So,now I hope that
you have understood about invitation and accepting invitation and
declying invitation. Have you understood?
Students: Yes.
Teacher : Ok now, I would like to devide you into seven groups. You can
count it from one until seven. And start 1 until 7 and do it again.
Ok. From number 1, you may do in group. 1 to 1, 2 to 2 and so on.
Please stand up and make a group. Group 1 here, group 2 there.
And then i want you to discuss, do with your groups.
*Minute 22 - 28
Teacher: find your groups! Oke, you make change your chair
Teacher: okay dears, pay attention to number 1. Just do number 1. Compare the
social function text structure and language feature formal and informal
invitation. Write down the result. And second paper, do it right now with your
groups. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven okay. Later, i will ask you one
by one the result of the group to presents your discussion, you get it?
Students: yes
Teacher : okay, please do your task with your group. Yes, okay anyone have
Students : No.
Teacher: you have finish? and then the leader of your group will presents the
result of the discussion
Teacher: Yes, group one have finish about the task. Dears, pay attantetion for
the group 1. Ari will present their result of the discussion. Please stand up Ari
Ari: let me explain our group discussion. First, social function of dialogue 1 is
to invite Fery to go to debate competition. But, social function of dialuge 2 is
to Invite Jodi. And text for dialogue 1 is accept the invitation but text structure
2 is diclaim the invitation. And the, language feature od dialogue 1 is using
simple present tense and future tense. And simple present tense, the sentence is
the competition is at 09:00 am, and language feature of dialogue 2 is same
using simple present tense and future tense. The santence is i’m sorry i don’t
think i can may be i will not go to school tomorrow, thank you
Teacher: okay, give applause. That is the result of the first group. I think Later
we will conctinue to the other group right. Now, after all of your group have
presented the result of your discussion. And for your individual task i will ask
you one by one. Please look at your paper, make a dialogue but formal
invitation. Just choose one of the topics. And then, please make video by your
self to perform. Okey, have you understood?
Students: yes
Teacher : okay dears, before we go home. Let me ask you. Are you happy
Students: yes
Students: yes
Teacher: iam very happy too. And Okay before we go home let pray together,
pray begin! Finish. Don’t forget to do your home work and submit it next
week. See you next wee, Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Based on the first video, it show the implementation of step Scientific Approach. The
stage that occcur in this video are :
1. Observing
There are two main activities that should be done to lead to the observing steps. First,
the teachers give students a wide opportunity to do observation. The observation can
be done through reading, listening, or seeing the object. Second, the teachers facilitate
the students to do observation and train the students to observe the important things
from the object. The examples of activity in this video that categorized on this step
* Teacher: class today im going to explain about invitation for today, do you
know what invitation?
* Teacher: Ok. Thankyou. From the first dialogue, we can see that there is an
invitation from someone to someone else and the reply, response. When you
see "Andra say How are you? And then Dian's answer "I'm right. How about
you?. So Andra told to Dion that "I have a brosure. Will be concert Sheila On 7
tomorrow sunday to celebrate our University. And then he said "Wow I'm just
know it. That's why I tell you now. Because you are big fans of Sheila On7 . I
want you to come to the concert with me. Perhatikan kalimat ini, berarti Andra
invite Dion to come to Sheila On 7's concert. And then what is Dion's
response? Is he accept or decline?
2. Experimenting
In experimenting, the steps are preparation, working, and follow up. The examples
activities based on this step are:
* Teacher : Ok now, I would like to devide you into seven groups. You can
count it from one until seven. And start 1 until 7 and do it again. Ok. From
number 1, you may do in group. 1 to 1, 2 to 2 and so on. Please stand up and
make a group. Group 1 here, group 2 there. And then i want you to discuss, do
with your groups.
* Teacher : okay, please do your task with your group. Yes, okay anyone have
difficulties? Ada yang mengalami kesulitan
3. Communicating
Communicating is the ability to conclude the facts that have been observed and
experimented. The examples activity based on this step is:
* * Teacher: Yes, group one have finish about the task. Dears, pay attantetion
for the group 1. Ari will present their result of the discussion. Please stand up
Ari: let me explain our group discussion. First, social function of dialogue 1 is
to invite Fery to go to debate competition. But, social function of dialuge 2 is
to Invite Jodi. And text for dialogue 1 is accept the invitation but text structure
2 is diclaim the invitation. And the, language feature od dialogue 1 is using
simple present tense and future tense. And simple present tense, the sentence is
the competition is at 09:00 am, and language feature of dialogue 2 is same
using simple present tense and future tense. The santence is i’m sorry i don’t
think i can may be i will not go to school tomorrow, thank you.
After we analyzed the first video, it show that this video only
implemented three steps of Scientific Approach. They are Observing,
Experimenting and Communicating. There is no Questioning step in this video
because in this video the students didn't actively. They only listen what the
teacher say and only response what teacher say. And then in this video there is
no Associating step. Because as we have analyzed the video, we saw that the
students and the teacher didn't collect information from everywhere. The
students only focuss on their understanding about the topic. So there is no
interaction between students to collect the informations. The dominant step in
thid video is Observing. Because the students too much do the activity such as
reading, listening, or seeing the object.
T: means Teacher
S: means Students
T : Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
S : Waalaikumsalam wr.wb
S : Before we begin studying, lets pray together! Pray Begin! ... Finish!
(Literasi/read 15 minutes)
T : I’m fine too. thank you. I want to know who absents today ?
T : Got accident ?
S : Yes
T : Where is he now ?
S : Yes mom
S : Okey
T :Answer that you have know the material when you are in junior high school.
Ok class, today I have something exiting for you
S : What is it mom ?
T : Ok, but just wait and see. ok ? Now pay attention to the video on the
display and don’t forget to write down. One, the topic, the second is the event,
and then the action verb, noun phrase, don’t forget to write down adverb of
time and adverb of place. Ok ? Do you understand?
S : Yes mom
S : Me mom
T : Yes you
S : me mom, impressing
S : It is very scary
T : Students, as we know there are action verbs used in the story. After
thisplease write down some action verb on the white board. Ok ?
S : Ok mom
T : Some action verb that you find in the story. Ok start from Iqbal. Ok, here
for you
Teacher : ok, let check together. Set up! Set up! And senteced! Senteced! Ok,
what the meaning of sentenced?
Teacher: kalimat? Wea re talking about action verb. Ok the meaning sentenced
Student: no..
excuted. It’s time for us to make a group. Join with your own group to discuss
from our book the tittle is the Battle of Surabaya. We can find this title on page
123-124. Ok? Now please make a group. Do it now! Ok, you open your book
page 123 and 124 now please look at the questions, in task 2. Ok in task 2have
you found it.
Teacher: and then please discuss with your friends to answer the question in
2. Ok?
Teacher: ok class, now is time for you to answer the question. Ok group 1
Group 1: the question is what do you think about the indonesian military
compared to that of the british army at that time? Ok, the answer is in my
opinion at the Indonesian army compared with the British army is very far.
Because the british army still have modern weapon. Yes, i see that Indonesian
army still have traditional weapon.
Group 2: the question is how did the battle influence the national revolution at
that time? The answer is the battle influence the international community for
independent movement of indonesia.
Teacher: ok now, i want to show you the mind mapping application about the
text, the text of the battle of Surabaya. You can see the main mapping at the
talking about the orientation, in orientation we find the sentence the bloody
took place in 1945 in surabaya. And then now there are series of events in this
text. Ok look at the events, ok 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 there are 9 events. And then in
the last paragraph is re-orientation. So in re-orientation is stating personal
comments about the events. Ok, now your group please answer the questions
about the series of event n this mind mapping. Ok? Number one have given for
you. The governer of java and Brigadier Mallaby made an agreement. This is
guidance for you. And then for the second please find the answer in the text of
the Battle of Surabaya in your BTP.now please do it with your own group. Do
you understand?
Teacher: there are seriees of event in the text of the battle of surabaya. Ok now
please continue the event what we have shown in the mind mapping. Ok
students, the end of studying about the text at the battle of Surabaya. And then
now, i would like to remind you and then in order to deepen your knowledge. it
is better of you in another resources, first you find the resources to one BPT.
And you can find to another resources like internet. Ok don’t forget to back
your seat in to right place, okay? Ok, mo do it now!
Please look around if you find some rubbish, take the rubbish and throw in to
the dustbin, ok
Students: ok mom
Teacher: Thankyou very much for your attention today. I hope you can study
well at home. Thankyou very much and bye-bye.
Students: Bye...
Meeting 2:
Teacher: I'm good. Ok ee would like to show something to you, it shows the
game. It's time for us to play the game outside of this class. Do you want to
know, the mean of the game is? Historical jumbled envelope. Inside of the
envelope there are some jumbled paragraphs in the envelope. Ok what must do
first? First, arrange them into the meaningful text, second do it together as
quickly as possible. Then who finish first become the winner. Ok now it's time
for game, we can do it outside of the class. Ok, text one, Yes here for you, here
for you, ok. They go to outside and do the game.....
Students 1: Yes i think so, ok right. So where is the first paragraph? See with
Teacher : Ok, the game is over. I would like you know the result. And then i
want to take this jumbled paragraph and then we discuss it. Ok?
Students: Ok mom.
Student 4: I'm from Ahmad Yani group. I want to ask your group, we
commerate youth pledge annually on 28 October, please give your opinion why
is do important for young generation to commerate. And give some
implementation of youth pledge in our daily life!
Student 5: Yes I would like to answer the question from Ahmad Yani group.
So I think we as young generation commemorate youth pledge, so we can don't
forget the history of our matiin because the young generations is the future
candidate for the national leader. Ok, the success of our country can be seen
from the quality on the young generation. Thankyou.
Student 6: And my opinion as a national citizen, students must study hard.
Student 8: And the last in my mind, the unity language is Indonesian language.
So as student we must understand and use an Indonesian language well.
Meeting 3:
Teacher : Assalamualaikum
Students: Waalaikumsalam
Teacher : I'm fine too. Thankyou. Ok students I want to know who is absent
Students: Yess....
Teacher : Good. Alhamdulilah. Ok students today it's time for you to show
your performance. Ok?
Students: Ok...
Teacher: Before we do it. It's better if you sent your class into U form. Ok?
Students: Ok mom..
Teacher : And please remember you must do your best performance. Ok?
Students: Ok mom...
Titan: ladies and gentlemen for achieving peace and harmony botg nationall and
internationally, for all countries in the wrold is very important for people in the world,
on my left side there are indonesua delegation, and the topic we are goung to discuss
is the result of the round table conference in Den Haag, Netherland, happenend in
1949 is benefecial to indonesian people. Now to open the conference lets give chajce
to indonesian delegations Mr. Roems, Time is yours.
Oca: thankyou for the time. I want to discuss about indonesian sovereignty.
Netherland is the inavndrr who took our countrt right. We have been independent
now. We ant to propose that we want our complete sovereignty to be recognize by the
world. Thankyou.
Teacher: and now please place your seat like the begining, ok!
Student: ok mom
Teacher: do it now.
Teacher: oke claas we came to the conclusion, the conclusion is not from me but from
you ok?
Teacher: okay
Norma: mom
Mom: norma
Teacher: the writer intention to write text is retell event in the past time in the
Teacher: is it the same the structure of text between personal recount and historical
Teacher: ok, who can answer the structure of text of historical recount?
Teacher: yes good clap.your hand. The structure of text the historican recount the first
is orientation the second is the event and the third is reorientstion, so it is the rlsame
woth personal recount ok
Teacher: ok last conclusion for yoy, what are the language features of historical
Faradini: Me mom
Teacher: and the please attention to your friend answer, ok faradinibplease repeat
Faradini: using past tense action verb, noun phraes, adverb of time, adverplb of pleace
Teacher: good, ok good joob, inlike the way younmaoe the conclusion ok iam very
proud of you, thisnis the lesson for today, dont forget to study at home. Please
donyour UKBM,
Teacher: and dont forget the nect meering we are going to do the best please, prepare
Students: ok mom
Teacher: thankyounvery much for you attention today, and i would like to say
goodbye, goodbye
1) Observing
The first step, the teacher teachers give students a wide opportunity to
do observation. The observation can be done through reading, listening, or
seeing the object. In this learning activity the Object is Video on display. The
teachers facilitate the students to do observation and train the students to
observe the important things from the object. The activity can be illustrated
with following transcript:
Teacher :Answer that you have know the material when you are in junior high
school. Ok class, today I have something exiting for you
Student : What is it mom ?
Teacher : Ok, but just wait and see. ok ? Now pay attention to the video on the
display and don’t forget to write down. One, the topic, the second is the event,
and then the action verb, noun phrase, don’t forget to write down adverb of
time and adverb of place. Ok ? Do you understand?
Student: Yes mom
Teacher: Ok, enjoy watching (Display the video)
2) Questioning
The second step, teachers be able to make students to ask the questions. So,
trough this question and answer, students are expected to develop the curiosity.
Questioning functions to encourage and inspire learners to actively learn and
develop questions of and for itself; to raise skills of students in talking, asking
questions, and the other can answer logically to encourage students’
participation in discussing, arguing, developing the ability to think and draw
conclusions; and to build an attitude of openness to give and receive opinions
or ideas, enrich vocabulary, as well as developing social tolerance in
gregarious. The activity can be illustrated with following transcript:
3) Experimenting
The third step, there are preparation, working, and follow up. There are
some activities that can be done in this step. Such as grouping students into
several groups, asking students to discuss, recording the finding, supervising the
learning process to ensure that all learners are actively involved in the discussion,
and directing the group that need help. The activity can be illustrated with
following transcript:
Teacher: It’s time for us to make a group. Join with your own group to discuss
from our book the tittle is the Battle of Surabaya. We can find this title on page
123-124. Ok? Now please make a group. Do it now! Ok, you open your book
page 123 and 124 now please look at the questions, in task 2. Ok in task 2have
you found it.
Student: yes mom
Teacher: and then please discuss with your friends to answer the question in task
2. Ok?
Students: yes mom
4) Communicating
In the last step, the activities such as asking the students to read their
work to the class, asking each group to listen well and provide additional input
with regard to the work of each group, giving explanation after the group
discussion ended, and structuring tasks and providing opportunities to the
students to demonstrate attitude, skills, and understanding of the substance of
learning given. The activity can be illustrated with following transcript:
Teacher: ok class, now is time for you to answer the question. Ok group 1 please
answer the first question
Group 1: the question is what do you think about the indonesian military
compared to that of the british army at that time? Ok, the answer is in my opinion
at the Indonesian army compared with the British army is very far. Because the
british army still have modern weapon. Yes, i see that Indonesian army still have
traditional weapon.
Teacher: ohh, good answer. Yes we continue with group 2. Ok group 2
Group 2: the question is how did the battle influence the national revolution at
that time? The answer is the battle influence the international community for
independent movement of indonesia.
Hence, based on the analysis that we have done its concluded that the
activities that occured in the second video both by using scientific approach, it
was better than one in the first video. It's because there are five steps of scientific
approach that should do by teacher, but in the first video there were only three
aspects, which are observing, experimenting, communicating. Meanwhile in the
second video there were four aspects which are observing, questionning,
communicating, and experimenting,
We hope in the future, teacher will be more aware to apply all the stages
of scientific approach so that the outcomes achieved by using this method
effectively. And we also hope this research will be usefull for the readers,
prospective teacher, and further research that related. We are sorry if there are
some mistakes and any constructive critism and suggestions are very welcomed
to this research, thankyou.