Muscle Physiology PDF
Muscle Physiology PDF
Muscle Physiology PDF
Part III
1. Introduction
1.1. General Points
a. Can be excited chemically, electrically + mechanically.
b. Contractile mechanisms (actin + myosin) that can be activated by AP.
1.2. Mass
1.3. O2 consumption
i. Have well developed cross striations (interdigitating thick and thin filaments).
iv. Contract only in response to stimuli (no syncytial bridges between cells).
2.2. Physiological
Structural arrangement and contractile unit
The Physiology of Muscles
Part III
Skeletal Muscles
3.3.1. Dimensions
Z-Line/Disc (Z = Zwischenscheibe)
Geometrical orientation of the contractile elements
Myosin Actin
M line
The light and dark bands give skeletal and cardiac muscle their striated appearance.
The Physiology of Muscles
Part III
Skeletal Muscles
1. During muscular contraction:
a. There is NO CHANGE in length of either the thick or the thin
b. H-zone disappears and Z-line gets considerably darker.
c. There is shortening of the sarcomere
(↓ I-band and H zone, and A-band remains κ)
2. a. When a muscle increases its length → ↑ in the No of sarcomeres
(NOT the length of each sarcomere)
b. The length of thick & thin filaments of sarcomeres is identical
in a neonate & in the adult muscle.
The Physiology of Muscles
Part III
Skeletal Muscles
e. Orientation:
ii. During rapid contraction each head form 5 cycles/sec, thus sliding
myosin & actin filaments by about 5µm/sec.
The Physiology of Muscles
Part III
Skeletal Muscles
The Physiology of Muscles
Part III
Skeletal Muscles
B. Troponins
~ Small globular units located at intervals along the tropomyosin molecules.
a. Troponin T: it binds other troponin components to tropomyosin (37kD).
b. Troponin I: inhibits the interaction of myosin with actin (24kD)
c. Troponin C: it has the binding site for Ca2+ that initiates contraction (18kD)
The Physiology of Muscles
Part III
Skeletal Muscles
b. Contractile state:
• Muscle contraction in
response to a
stimulus that causes
action potential in
one or more muscle
• Phases
– Lag or latent
– Contraction
– Relaxation
All skeletal muscles are composed of numerous fibres
ranging from 10-80um in diameter.
The end feet contain many small clear vesicles that contain
Motor Unit
Propagation of AP into the T-tubule
The Physiology of Muscles
Part III
Skeletal Muscles: ECC
The Physiology of Muscles
Part III
Skeletal Muscles:ECC
Resting state
i. Interaction of thick and thin filaments is inhibited
ii. Troponin I & tropomyosin covers the sites where myosin heads bind to actin
Activated States:
Influx of Ca2+
Binds to Troponin C (4 Ca2+)
Conformational change in troponin
Tropomyosin moves aside
Exposes the myosin-binding sites on actin
Myosin cross-bridge on the thick filament is exposed to actin filaments
The Physiology of Muscles
Part III
Skeletal Muscles: ECC
Relaxation of Muscle.
a. Banding
• H-zone: Disappears
• Z-line: Gets considerably darker
• I-band: Narrower/smaller
• A-band: κ
c. Sarcomere: Shortens
The Physiology of Muscles
Part III
Skeletal Muscles: ECC
Changes in banding pattern
Discharge of motor neuron
Release of Ach at motor endplate
Binding of Ach to nAchR
↑gNa+ and gK + in endplate membrane
Generation of EPP
Generation of AP in muscle fibers
Steps in relaxation
Clinical Correlates
1. Lambert-Eaton Syndrome
a. ↑Abs against Ca2+ channels in the presynaptic nerve endings at
NMJ → density of VG Ca2+ channels.
b. Ca2+ influx → Ach release → muscle weakness
2. Myasthenia gravis :
An autoimmune disorder of NMJ caused by:
a. Abs against nAchR → nAchR on the postjunctional membrane →
b. Weakness and inability to sustain muscle contraction.
Rigor Mortis
a. The physiological basis of heart pumping (contracting of the heart) is
to propel blood through the circulatory system.
b. It has SAME contractile machinery with some degree of modification.
(Actins, myosin, meromyosin, c-protein, nebulin, α-actinin, tropomodulin…)
Reasons :
6. The SR - makes contact with T-tubule and the cell membrane. The SR
of cardiac muscle is less well developed than skeletal muscle and does
not store enough Ca to provide full contraction.
The Ca combines with the regulator protein troponin and the cross bridge
formation between actin and myosin is initiated.
5.1. Introduction
The Physiology of Muscles
Part III
Smooth Muscles
MLC inactive
MLC active
MLCK, myosin light chain kinase
MLCP, myosin light chain phosphatase
Comparison of Smooth muscle contraction and
Skeletal muscle contraction
• Slow cycling of the myosin cross-bridges
– as little as 1/10 to 1/300 that in skeletal muscle
– less ATPase activity than in skeletal muscle
• Low energy requirement to sustain smooth muscle
– one molecule of ATP is required for each cycle.
• Slowness of onset of contraction and relaxation of smooth
muscle contraction
– about 30 times as long as a single contraction of an average
skeletal muscle fiber’.
– is caused by the slowness of attachment and detachment of the
cross-bridges with the actin filaments
• Maximum force of contraction is often greater in smooth
muscle than in skeletal muscle
– results from the prolonged period of attachment of the myosin
cross-bridges to the actin filaments.
• “LATCH” Mechanism facilitates prolonged
holding of contractions of smooth muscle
– Little continued excitatory signal is required from
nerve fibers or hormonal sources.
– with little use of energy.
• Stress-Relaxation of smooth muscle
– is its ability to return to nearly its original force of
contraction seconds or minutes after it has been
elongated or shortened.
Summary ECC smooth muscle
Types of Contraction
Isometric contraction
When the muscle does not shorten but develops
Occur when the muscle supports a load in a constant
position or attempts to move a load that is greater than
the tension developed by a muscle.
Isotonic contraction
Isotonic Contraction
Skeletal muscle changes length:
resulting in motion
If muscle tension > load (resistance):
muscle shortens (concentric contraction)
If muscle tension < load (resistance):
muscle lengthens (eccentric contraction)
Muscle Contraction Types
Isometric contraction
Isometric contraction
Skeletal muscle develops tension,
but is prevented from changing
Note: iso- = same, metric = measure
Produces no movement
Used in
Summation of muscle contraction
The decrease in muscular activity due to repeated
1. Exhaustion of Ach in motor end plate
2. Accumulation of metabolites like lactic acid
3. Lack of nutriens
4. Lack of oxygen
Muscle Fatigue
Length Tension Relationship
Stretching a relaxed muscle
Length–tension relationship
fibre pulls the thin filaments
past the thick filament. No -Number of pivoting cross-bridges
depends on:
As more filaments overlap the amount of overlap between thick and thin
tension developed increases in fibers
proportion to the increased -Optimum overlap produces greatest
number of cross bridges in the
amount of tension:
overlapped region
too much or too little reduces efficiency
Filament ovelap is greater at -Normal resting sarcomere length:
2um allowing the maximum No is 75% to 130% of optimal length
of cross bridge to bind to thin
filament thereby producing
maximal tension
12/16/2023 The Physiology of Muscles 102
Tension declines at length less than 2 bcs