Midterm Test Lesson Plan Templateal

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Lesson Plan Midterm test April 4, 2023, CLIL course.

 Your lesson is an English lesson, using the given subject text:

 The duration of the lesson is 45 minutes.
 After your lesson, the subject teacher of economics will teach on the basis of your
English input.
 Some steps in the lesson plan are pre-filled for you already!
 There are three lesson steps you could fill in 3, 4 and 5. Step 3 you have to fill in, of
course. You may also use step 4 and 5 for your plan, but it is not compulsory. If you do
not use these steps, just leave empty.
 Please give possible CLIL remarks for all steps you use in the plan (so from step 0 to step

1. What is your name? (surname – first name) Please put your answers in the white rows below

Janassova Albina
2. What is the number and the name of the Practical Activity in the CLIL book that you are going to use for this lesson?
(Example: 2.8 Learner generated questions)
Choose from the chapter that is allocated to you. You will see your allocated chapter in Canvas at the beginning of
the test.
Chapter 2. Guiding Understanding

3. What is (or are) the English content topic(s) of your lesson?

Present Tense and Future Tense, Conditionals, Specific terminology, nouns, linking words, comparative.

4. What is the target group: which grade and how many students in class?
10th grade, 20 students

Title of the lesson:

Labour and business

Objective of the activity in the lesson:

At the end of this activity, students:
 Will be able to evaluate on what labour is and how it is connected to business.
 After revising the grammar in the lesson, students will be able to correctly describe and practice it, connecting to the
topic of the lesson.
 After reading the text, and analysing vocabulary, students will be able to understand clearly.

Steps & time Content Method + materials CLIL related remarks

Step 0 Student pre- Students have studied the chapter on Students and teacher scaffolded with the
min lesson homework graphs, underlining new words that they new words
had to look up in the dictionary
Step 1 Opening of the  Welcome by the teacher Goals of the lesson written on a whiteboard,
5 min lesson  An overview of the lesson is given, students analyse the overview
using a short powerpoint. Lesson
objectives are included
Step 2 Mastering of the  In pairs, students compare their Use of vocabulary; use of L1 and L2 for
10 min lesson text homework. Each pair selects one of better understanding (scaffolding);
their new words and published it communication using language to learn the
through a padlet (see homework) topic; students discuss chosen words in
 Teacher discusses the chosen words, Target language
in a class teacher-student learning
Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6 Evaluation of the  To quickly evaluate the lesson, the Cognition: teachers questions about the
5 minutes lesson & teacher asks the class to mention lesson findings.
homework two ‘tops’ and two ‘tips’ about the Communication in target language,
lesson. reproduction of acquired knowledge
 Homework for next lesson: find and (cognitive skills).
(try to…) read a newspaper article or Teacher explains homework using a future
website in English about the tense, as they already revised it.
economy of Kazakhstan that has at
least one graph or bar chart.

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