Early Literacy Skills Activity and Lesson Plan

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Teacher Candidate:
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Date: February 11, 2023
Unit/Subject: Reading
Instructional Plan Title: Switch ‘Em Up
Lesson summary and The purpose of this lesson is for students to recognize that new words are created when
focus: (Central focus: letters are changed, added, or deleted within a word family. Students will use letter and
content/skills) sound fluency to aid in decoding new words. Word study is important because it gives
students a a foundation for reading and enhances vocabulary.
Classroom and student The majority of the students are on target for the semester. The classroom has a student
factors Demographics with ADHD who struggles with following directions and another with slight autism that
and environment: requires more time to complete assignments. The classroom environment is well-behaved
General education, and is generally on-task. Both students with learning disabilities are in a general education
Resource, self- classroom.
contained, IEPs, 504s,
ELLs, non-labeled
challenged students
National / State K.2B.iii recognizing that new words are created when letters are changed, added, or
Learning Standards: deleted such as it - pit - tip - tap
Specific learning target(s) / objectives: Teaching notes/ unit of study:
(standards-based). Have the student with autism sit near me so that I can
Standard XI the special education teacher promotes monitor thaw or progress and provide an extended amount
students’ performance in English language arts and of time on assignments
reading Provide on-task reminders and respect instructions for the
student with ADHD
Agenda: Formative assessment:
Students will be given a word from a word family learned
1. Discuss Prior Knowledge on word families from the lesson and create two new words by changing the
using a word ladder initial letter.
2. Introduce word groups
3. Guided Practice
4. Roll a Letter Activity (independent practice)
5. Assessment
6. Closure

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Academic Language: Key vocabulary: Function of activity: Form of activity:
word family Ensure the students can Exploratory, content
Onset Cat, rat, mat, bat, sat master the ability to create focused
Rhyme Fan, can,can,pan,man new words by adding or
deleting the onset.
Blend Pot, lot, cot, got, hot

Instructional Materials, dice, roll a letter activity, index cards,

Equipment and
Grouping strategy: Random, heterogeneous, skill set

A. Opening
Prior knowledge Review word families and show examples to the students. Model how to create different words
connection: by changing the onset.
Anticipatory set: Students will be given a blank sheet of paper and a pencil to draw three ladders. The students
will follow along with the teacher and add words to their ladders as they are created.
B. Learning and Teaching Activities (Teaching and Guided Practice):
I Do Students Do Differentiation
On the white board the teacher will ● Students are actively listening to The students that are mastering
use phoneme manipulation and guide the instruction and engaging . the TEK with no issues can
students as they change onsets to ● The students will participate in create words by adding blends
create new words. call and response questioning to the beginning of a word (ex.
● The teacher will provide a and ask questions. Adding bl to -end)
starter word for the top ● Complete worksheets
rung of the ladder. Students that experience
● The teacher will model how difficulties staying on task will
to sound out the starter be provided a ladder prefilled
word on the first rung of the with ending sounds and expected
ladder. to fill in the onset.
● Demonstrate creating a new
word by changing the onset
○ (m,c,s,r,h,)-at,
(v,c,f,m p)-an,

● The teacher will provide

each students with a dice
and a Roll a Letter activity

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Summative The students will be given time to complete a five-question quiz Differentiation of assessment:
Assessment over the information covered in the lesson. They will be given five The students with learning
linked to minutes to complete the quiz. disabilities will be given the
objectives: opportunity to take home the

Closure: Review the new words students created during the lesson and ask questions about what they have
learned. The words will be brought home for future reference.
Homework: The students will come up with their own set of word families and write at least three ways to create
new words.

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