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Presentation TESL 2101 (Updated)

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1.Date : 28th March 2023

2. Title of the lesson : The Dark Knight
3. Level of the students : UTEL Level 5/ CEFR Level B2
4. Main Skill/s focused : Reading, Writing
5. Sub-skills focused : Speaking
6. Language Areas : Grammar, Vocabulary
Focused 7.Time : 45 Minutes

8. Classroom Profile : It is a grade seven class.There are five students

in the age range of twelve to thirteen years.
The mother tongue of the students is Sinhala and all
of them have exposure to Englis h within the

9. Timetable fit : Students have prior practice in writing answers for

questions related to reading comprehension
10. Main Aim : To provide practice in eliciting information
from a reading comprehension passage
to answer questions accurately so that
students would develop their overall
comprehending ability of a text.

11.Intended Learning : At the end of this lesson, students will be able to;
• Demonstrate their ability to comprehend a text
through answering reading comprehension
•Apply their knowledge in the simple present tense to
complete a grammar activity.
• Formulate a written composition related to the
topic and content of the lesson.
12. Personal Aims : • To maximize student participation
• To reduce teacher talking time
• To provide clear and concise instructions
• To make the lesson varied and engaging
• To encourage students to communicate in English

13. Assumptions : • Student s may be familiar with stories about the

supernatura l
• The narrative style of the text may peak their interest
14. Anticipated problems • Some students may not understand instructions properly
• Some students may face technical iss ues such as low
internet connectivity and device problems
• Some students may be unfamiliar with certain
vocabulary items in the text
• Some students may read at a slower pace than others
and would not be able to complete the activities on time
• Some students may not interact actively in the session
15. Possible Solutions : • Repeat the instructions slowly and resort to L1 if the
still does not understand
• Record the session and provide the students access to
the recording for later reference
•Introduc e the students to difficult vocabulary through
an activity in the pre task stage
: • Give extra time for learners who are slow in reading
and completing activities on time.
• Keep the sess ion engaging by asking questions from
the students
16. Rationale for : In the pre-task stage, the teacher will ask questions from the
the student s related to the topic to be discussed, and it would activate
organization of student s ' schemata and raise their interest and motivation to
the lesson engage in the lesson.The teacher also helps students to memorize
vocabulary by introducing them through an activity in the pre task
stage.The teacher also discusses about the s imple present tense
so that student s will be able to complete the grammar activity that
will be given in the post task stage. In the while task stage, the
teacher will provide a worksheet with questions related to a
reading passage, and the students will answer them and it would
help them to improve their overall reading comprehension skills. In
the post task stage,the students will be asked to complete a
grammar activity on the simple present tense by using the
knowledge provided by the teacher in the pre task stage.Then the
student s will be asked to write a creative paragraph according to
sentence provided by the teacher and this would assist them to
develop their skill of writing.
17. Materials and Aid : • PDF of the reading text
• PDF worksheet
Time Teacher 's Role Student' s Role Stage Aim Interaction Pattern

5 minutes The teacher will ask questions from The students will actively To activate students' prior Whole class
the students related to the content of engage in answering the knowledge about the topic to
the reading passage to be given and questions by relating to their be discussed a nd to peak
conduct a general discussion about personal exper iences their interest a bout the
the topic with the students. lesson.
(Appendix 01)

5 minutes The teacher will introduce The students will attempt to To introduce a preface to the Individua l
new vocabulary items whic h complete the activity given content of the lesson and
will be inclus ive in the by the teac her and improve learners' vocabulary.
reading familiarize themselves with
activity for the student to complete. new
vocabulary and
(Appendix 02) memorize them.

5 minutes The teacher holds a discussion The students answer the To introduce the Whole class
about the simple present tense by teacher's questions. grammatical structures
asking students about their students to complete
required for the the
daily habits. grammar activity in the while
(Appendix 03) task stage.
Time Teacher 's Role Student' s Role Stage Aim Interaction Pattern

10 minutes The teacher will display a pdf of The students will silently read To give practice in extracting Individua l
the the passage a nd answer the specific information of a text
reading passage and a Pdf of a questions in the worksheet and a nswer comprehension
separate worksheet and provide questions accurately.
instruc tions to a nswer the questions
ca refully.
(Appendix 04, 05)
Time Teacher 's Role Student' s Role Stage Aim Interaction Pattern

10 minutes The teacher provides c lear instruc The students complete the To enha nce students' Individua l
tions to the students on how to grammar activity given by knowledge and give practice
complete the grammar activity. the teacher. regarding the correct usage of
the simple present tense.

10 minutes The teacher provides a sentence a The students employ their To develop students' skill Individua l
creativity and write down the in written compos ition.
asks the students to continue writing
a story in a paragraph of fifty to
seventy five words.
19.Take-home : Write an essay on the title "The most frightening day
Assignment in my life" (100 words)
Appendix 01

1. Do you believe that there are ghosts?

2. Has anyone you know talked to you about seeing ghosts?

Appendix 02

Question 1
Match the words with the correct meaning.

A- B
Disgrace Smiled
Derelict Strange
Haste A large or special meal to celebrate
Feast something Loss of respect
Grinned In bad condition
Appendix 03

Simple Present Tense

Positive Form
I/We/They go to the park everyday.
He/She/It Jane goes to the park
Negative Form
I/We/They do not go to the park everyday.
He/She/It/Jane does not go to the park everyday.
Question Form
Do I/we/they go to the park everyday.
Does he/she/it Jane go to the park everyday?
Appendix 04 The Dark Knight


Trapped alone in a dark cage,vas unusual for the greatest knight in the land.
However, this ,vas reality no,.v. His cage ,vas small, and the damp smell stu ng his
nostrils. His food was moldy,and the water ,vas muddy.Tobe defeated by an enemy
and dragged back to their home was an absolute disgrace.The Dark Knight had to

Over a three-day period, he had managed to craft a small knife out of stone.He
used thisto chip a,vay at one of the bars. As the stm began to set, the Dark Knight
made his escape. Hisheart beat ,vith every sound and S\Veat ran off his nose.The
derelict conditions had drained his energy, but he kne,v no,v ,vas his opportunity.

Out of nowhere came a small voice. "I'll help you," said a young boy.
"Follow me. he continued.The Dark Knight had no option but to follow. The boy
,vith haste and kne,v the streets like the back of hishand. At the edge of the city, he
pointed to the forest. Run through the forest for 2 days and you'll find your
,vhispered the boy as he grinned ear to ear.

The Dark Knight made his way home and was greeted with cheers and
The greatest fighter in the land bad escaped death and made it home, ready to fight
another day. The King ,velcomed him into the castle and prepared a great feast.
"Ho,v did you escape?" questioned the king.

'I ,vas helped by a young boy and.. before he could finish hissentence, he sa,v
a picture on the wall. That's the boy ,vho helped me, the one in that picture."
That's Prince James," said the king, "he died syears ago.
Appendix 05 Question 2
Answer the following questions 1n complete sentences.
1. What was an absolute disgrace to the dark knight?
2. How long did .it take for the knight to craft a small knife out of stone?
3. What phrase shows that the young boy knew the str:eets well?
4. How was the dark knight welcomed when he r,eached home?
5. Was the dark knight guided by a realyoung boy? Give the reason for your answer.

Question 3
Read the text and mark the following "True" or "False".

1. The dark night finally made his escape during the evening.
2. Although he was kept a prisoner,the knight was provided good food.
3. After three days of running, the dark ,knight reached his home.
4. The dark knight was given a warm welcome by the king.
5. Prince James had helped the dark knight to escape.

Question 4
Find the antonyms for the following words from the rpassage.

1. Bright -
2. Shouted
3. Birth
4. Dry
5. After
Question 5 (10m) Question 7
Change the verbs in the brackets Into the correct verbs using the simple present Read the following sentence and continue writing a story in a paragraph of 50-75
words. Arthur opened his eyes and found himself in a dark forest
1. The boys basketball at school every afternoon.(play)
2. The sailor always the fish using the big net. (catch) .......................................
3. My grandfather the newspaper everyday. (read)
4. The director of the company in his office.(be)
5. Her English teacher the lesson well. (explain)
6. The woman the room for a meeting.(arrange)
7. You very attentive on this school project. (be)
8. The man usually his bike in his workshop.(fix)
9. She watching electronic cinema on TV.(watch)
10. Ioften some books from the library.(take)

Question 6
Change the sentence Into negative (-) and question (?) form.

1. The doctor examines the patient carefully.



2. We do not start the meeting in the morning.

((-?)) __ __ ___ ___ __ _
_ _ _ _

3. Those girls clean their bedrooms after sleeping.

__ ___ __ _
___ _

4. Are you a junior high schoolstudent?

(- )
( ? )___ __ _ __ _ ____

5. The students are in their classroom.

__ ___ __ __
_ _

• They were hesitant to interact and talk.
• One student was fac ing an issue with their microphone
• The majority of the students were silent

The Solutions Used at the Time

• We called them names specifically to make them interact
• We tried to make them involve in the lesson by asking questions
Pre-Task • For the student with the iss ue of his microphone, we advised
Stage him to use the chat box to answer.

Possible and Suggested Solutions

• Using visual aids such as video clips and pictures to keep their
• Making the group members familiar to the student s by
casually interacting with them prior to the lesson.
• Turning on our video cameras to keep the lesson more
• The time given for them to complete the reading comprehension
activity was not sufficient.
• One student personally stated that he had struggled paying attention
and could not understa nd the questions clearly.
• Student s found it difficult to understa nd some vocabulary items
• The zoom session was cut off in 40 minutes and the reading
While-Task passage flow of the sess ion was interrupted
The Solutions Used at the Time
• Extra time was given to the students to complete the activity.
• Then,the first answers for the questions were given, so the students
could understand how to answer them properly.
• The confused students were provided clarifications for their
doubts through the answers discussed by their peers.
• We quickly sent out the link to the students tojoin again
Possible and Su gg est ed Sol u t i on s
• Discussing the reading text after the students answer the questions.
• Introduc ing more difficult vocabulary items in the pre-task stage.
• Using other apps like Microsoft teams,Google Meet to hold

the session.

While-Task Stage
Post-Task Stage • There was not enough time for students to complete
the grammar activity or to discuss all the answers.
• One student was facing a connection issue and left the sess ion.
• The allocated time was not enough for in-class activity.
• The creative writing activity was a little advanced to the

The Solutions Used at the Time

• The answers for more difficult questions were discussed.
• The in-class activity was given as homework.
• The sess ion was recorded so anyone could have access to it
• The Worksheet was also sent to each student after the lesson.

The Solutions Used at the Time

• Possible and Suggested Solutions
• Choosing activities according to the allocated time.
• Gi eep their interest and interaction in the lesson.
Lesson "The Dark 4 responses
61 Link to Sheets •••

Thank you for participating.Please answer the following questions.
Accepting re$ponses

Summary Question Individual

How well prepared were the instructors?

l9 Copy
4 responses
How well prepared were the instructors? *

( Very Well Perpared e Very WellPerpared

e Somewllat
Prepared e Not
( Well Prepared Prepared

(_ Somewhat Prepared

( Not
Did the instructors explain the lesson l9 Copy
4 responses

Did the instructors explain the lesson clearly? * e Very Clearly

e Clearly
e Somewhat Cleary
( Very CIearly e Not C eay

( Clearly

( Somewhat Cleary

Did the instructors clear up the points of confusion?

IQ Copy
4 responses
Did the instructors clear up the points of confusion? *

e Very Well
( Very Well e Wei Explained
Explained •Somewhat Expla ned
e Not Explained
( Well Explained

( • Somewhat Explained

https:/ImyfreeengIis hworks
heets.com/wp-content/upIoads/2022/04I Reading-Comprehension-

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