Optimal PID-Control On First Order Plus Time Delay Systems & Verification of The SIMC Rules
Optimal PID-Control On First Order Plus Time Delay Systems & Verification of The SIMC Rules
Optimal PID-Control On First Order Plus Time Delay Systems & Verification of The SIMC Rules
Abstract: Optimal PID-settings are found for first-order with delay processes for specified levels
of robustness (MS -value) and compared with an extended SIMC-rule. Optimality (performance)
is defined in terms of the integrated absolute error (IAE) for combined step changes in load
output and input disturbances. The SIMC-rules gives a PI-controller for first order systems and
no recommendation is given for tuning the derivative part. We propose an extended SIMC-rule
where the the time delay is counteracted by introducing derivative action with τD = θ/3. The
modification was found to give surprisingly good settings with near Pareto-optimal performance.
However, to obtain the improvement over PI control τc should be reduced to about half of the
recommended value τc = θ.
Table 1. Optimal PID-controllers (Ms = 1.59) and corresponding IAE-values for four processes.
parameter, the closed-loop time constant τc , which can be To ensure robust reference controllers, they are required
used to trade off between performance (“tight” control) to have MS = 1.59 1 , and the resulting weighting factors
and robustness (“smooth” control). are given for four processes in Table 1.
In a previous paper, we studied the optimal PI-controller It may be argued that a two-degree of freedom controller
on the same first order process (1), where we compared with a setpoint filter can be used to enhance setpoint
the SIMC-tuned PI-controller with the “optimal” PI- performance, and thus we only need to consider input
controller (Grimholt and Skogestad, 2012). disturbances. But note that although a step load change
on the output do , as mentioned, is equivalent to a setpoint
The SIMC rules do not cover the tuning of PID-controllers step-change ys for the setup in Figure 1, it is not affected
(τD ) for first-order processes. In this work, we propose an by the setpoint filter. In summary, we consider disturbance
extension of SIMC, and we find that adding τD = θ/3 rejection which, can only be handled by the feedback
gives a close-to optimal controller. controller K (Figure 1). The optimal controller will depend
This paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 the perfor- on the specific disturbance model, and we chose to consider
mance/robustness trade-off is quantified. The optimization disturbances at the plant output (do ) and plant input (di ).
problem is defined in Section 3. Optimal PI- and PID- To get a good balance, we weigh the both equally as given
controllers are presented in Section 4, and the extended in (5).
SIMC-rule is presented and analysed in Section 5.
2.2 Robustness
December 18-20, 2013. Mumbai, India
Four different first-order processes have been investigated, The delay dominated region can be subdivided into two
additional regions based on the controller: Equal controller
• Pure time delay (τ1 /θ = 0) zeros (τI = τD ), from approximately τ1 /θ < 2, and two
• Small time constant (τ1 /θ = 1) distinctive controllers zeros, from approximately τ1 /θ > 2.
• Intermediate time constant (τ1 /θ = 8) Setting the derivative time equal to the integral time
• Integrating (τ1 /θ = ∞) concurs with the recommendation of Ziegler and Nichols
(1942). However, this is only for a small range of first-order
In the pure time delay case, small additional poles
processes. In the upper part of the delay dominated region
1/(0.0001s + 1) were added to make the loop transfer
function proper.
Normalized controller gain, Kc kθ/τ1
In Table 1, the resulting optimal PID-controllers and J-
values are given for MS = 1.59 for four processes; We
MS = 2.00
note that J = 1 for a time delay process, because there 0.8
is no trade-off between disturbances for this process, and MS = 1.70
because the reference controllers have MS = 1.59. For 0.6
the other cases we have J > 1 because there is a trade-
off between input and output disturbances rejection. For
example, for the integrating process, the optimal value 0.4
MS = 1.59
of J is 1.47, mainly because we have to sacrifice output MS = 1.50
disturbance rejection. 0.2 MS = 1.20
Pareto-optimal curves for PI- and PID-control for the four MS = 1.50
MS = 1.59
processes are shown in Figure 3. Notice that we have only MS = 1.70
a real trade-off when there is a negative slope between the τI /θ
variables (left side of the plots). Here we have to decide
on a compromise between the two objectives. That is, if MS = 2.00
we improve one objective, the other deteriorates. We never 2
want to be in a region with zero or positive slope (right
side of the plots), because we can both improve robustness
and performance by just moving to the left. Therefore, the 1
τD /θ
minimum point in the cure represent the largest MS value
we would like to use. The deterioration in performance
at large MS -values is cased by oscillating response which 0
0 10 20 30
increases the IAE.
Process time constant τ1 /θ
For a pure time delay process there is no advantage to add
derivative action, and it is optimal to use simple PI-control Fig. 2. Pareto-optimal PID settings for five given MS -
(Figure 3, top right). As the time constant increases the −θs
benefit of using derivative action increases. For integrating values (robustness) for the process G(s) = τke1 s+1 . For
processes, using derivative action improves performance a reference τI = τ1 is also plotted (dashed line).
December 18-20, 2013. Mumbai, India
4 4
Performance, J(K) G(s) = e−s G(s) = s+1
Performance, J(K)
3 3
2 2
1 1 PO-PID
0 0
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Robustness, MS Robustness, MS
4 4
e e−s
G(s) = 8s+1 G(s) = s
Performance, J(K)
Performance, J(K)
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Robustness, MS Robustness, MS
Fig. 3. Pareto-optimal trade-off between robustness (MS ) and performance (J) for Pareto-optimal PI- and PID-control
for four processes
the integral time is close to the process time constant form controller (8). However, as seen from Figure 5, the
(indicated by dashed line) which is in agreement with the difference between the cascade and the parallel controller
well-known IMC rule (Rivera et al., 1986). very small even for this process.
0 1 0 3
Kparallel = Kc 1 + 0 + τD s (8)
τI s
The cascade controller can always be translated into the
parallel form by 2
Kc0 = Kc f, τI0 = τI f, τD 0
= τD /f (9)
where f = 1 + τD /τI . The more general parallel form (8) parallel
can not be translated to the cascade form (2) if it has
complex zeros.
The difference between the two forms are minor in our 0
case. For three of the processes the cascade form is optimal. 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Only the small time constant process (τ1 /θ = 1) had Robustness, MS
optimal parallel PID-controller with complex zeros. The
optimal cascade controller (2) for this process is on the Fig. 5. Pareto-optimal cascade PID-control (blue line) and
boarder between real an complex with to coinciding real e−s
zeros, τI = τD . This compares to τI0 = 4τD0
for the parallel parallel PID-control (red line) on G(s) = s+1 .
December 18-20, 2013. Mumbai, India
4 4
G(s) = e−s G(s) = s+1
Performance, J(K)
Performance, J(K)
3 3
2 2 τc = 1.5θ
τc = 1.5θ
τc = θ τc = 0.5θ τc = θ
τc = 0.5θ
0 0
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Robustness, MS Robustness, MS
4 4
e−s e−s
G(s) = 8s+1 τc = 1.5θ G(s) = s
Performance, J(K)
Performance, J(K)
3 τc = 1.5θ 3
τc = θ
τc = θ
2 τc = 0.5θ 2 τc = 0.5θ
1 1
0 0
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Robustness, MS Robustness, MS
Fig. 4. Pareto-optimal trade-off between robustness (MS ) and performance (J) for optimal and SIMC PI- and PID-
control for four processe. SIMC-PI and SIMC-PID have Kc and τI given by (10) (but the value of τc are not the
the same for a given MS ), and SIMC-PID have τD = θ/3.
Table 2. Tuning for optimal and SIMC PID-controllers with Ms = 1.59 on four processes.
4.4 Input usage controllers, which has a higher controller gain Kc , requires
more input usage than the optimal PI-controller.
Input usage is an important aspect for control. From The product Kc τD is good indication for input usage in
Figure 1 we have the high frequency range, where |KS(jω)| ≈ Kc τD ω. For
PID-controllers without a measurement filter (τF ), the
u = −T di + KS (do + n) |KS| peak goes to infinity, kKSk∞ = ∞. Therefore, it
is important to filter out the high frequency noise, and the
Thus, input usage is decided by the two transfer functions:
resulting peak will depend heavily on the selected filter.
T (from input disturbance) and KS (from output distur-
It is important that the selected filter do not influence
bance and noise).The input disturbances are not a problem
controller performance and robustness in a significant way.
because T is bound by MT which is low for our cases.
If so, we have a PIDF-controller where also the filter
KS has a peak at the intermediate frequencies which is constant should be considered a degree of freedom in the
approximately |KS(jω)| ≈ Kc MS (Åström and Hägglund, optimization problem. For this reason we recommend that
2006). Thus, with a given MS -values, the optimal PID- the filter constant should be selected no larger than τD /3.
December 18-20, 2013. Mumbai, India
5. EXTENDED SIMC FOR PID-CONTROL OF frequency range and less input usage in the high frequency
FIRST-ORDER PROCESSES WITH TIME DELAY range, as can be seen from the higher Kc and lower Kc τD
values (Table 2).
The SIMC PI-settings for the first-order plus delay process
(1) are The SIMC-rules settles slower than the optimal controller
for both input and output disturbances (Figure 6). How-
1 τ1 ever, it is usually the maximum deviation that is of main
Kc = , τI = min{τ1 , 4(τc + θ)} (10)
k τc + θ concern in the industry. The SIMC-rule have roughly equal
where the desired first-order closed-loop time constant τc is peak deviation for input disturbance, and a smaller peak
the only tuning parameter. For a “fast and robust” setting, deviation for output disturbances compared with the op-
τc = θ is recommended. timal. By using SIMC-PID the peak deviation is reduced
by 26% for input disturbances, compared with SIMC-PI.
The trade-off curve for the SIMC controllers was generated
by varying the tuning parameter τc from a large to a small
value. The controllers corresponding to the three specific REFERENCES
choices Åström, K. and Hägglund, T. (2006). Advanced PID
• τc = 1.5θ (smooth tuning) Control. ISA.
• τc = θ (default value) Grimholt, C. and Skogestad, S. (2012). Optimal PI-
• τc = 0.5θ (more aggressive tuning) Control and Verification of the SIMC Tuning Rule. In
IFAC conference on Advances in PID control (PID’12),
are shown by circles. Except for the pure time delay 2.
process, the differences in performance (J) between SIMC- Rivera, D., Moriari, M., and Skogestad, S. (1986). Internal
PI and optimal-PI are within 10%, which shows that Model Control. 4. PID Controller Design. 252–265.
the SIMC PI-rules are close to optimal (Figure 4). In Skogestad, S. (2003). Simple analytic rules for model
other words, by adjusting τc we can generate the optimal reduction and PID controller tuning . 13, 291–309.
controller for a given desired robustness (Grimholt and Skogestad, S. and Postlethwaite, I. (2005). Multivariable
Skogestad, 2012). Feedback Control – Analysis and Design. John Wiley &
Sons, Ltd, 2 edition.
When considering PID-control, is commonly proposed to
Ziegler, J.G. and Nichols, N.B. (1942). Optimum settings
introduce derivative action to improve performance for
for automatic controllers. Trans. ASME, 64, 759–768.
processes with time delay, e.g. τD = 0.5θ (Rivera et al.,
1986). Based on analytical derivations and simulations,
Skogestad (2003) found that adding τD = 0.5θ only
marginally improved performance for load input distur-
bances compared with PI. However, it was also noted
that introducing derivative action improved the robustness
margins somewhat. Because of the small improvements, e−s
2 G(s) =
increased complexity and increased noise sensitivity, Sko- s
Outputs, y