The Life and Works of Dr. Jose P3
The Life and Works of Dr. Jose P3
The Life and Works of Dr. Jose P3
Purpose and Support Writing is clear and Writing is generally clear and Writing is adequate in terms of Writing may be unclear and
appropriate for the purpose of appropriate for the purpose of clarity and appropriateness inappropriate for the purpose
the assignment. All evidence the assignment with some for the purpose of the of the assignment.
and examples are effective exceptions. assignment.
and relevant.
Structure and Ideas are coherently and Organization of ideas is Organization of ideas meets Organization of ideas not
logically organized with well greatly coherent and logical. the minimum requirement for meet the minimum
Development developed paragraphs and In addition, most paragraphs being coherent and logical. requirement for coherent and
effective transitions. are well developed and use Some paragraphs may be logical. Paragraphs lack
effective transitions. well developed and use development fail to employ
effective transitions while transitions effectively.
others do not.
Language and All sentences are well written Most sentences are well Minimally acceptable number Some/few sentences are well
with varied sentence structure written with varied sentence of errors in grammar, written with little variance in
Mechanics and virtually free of errors in structure and virtually free of punctuation and spelling. structure and/or numerous
grammar, punctuation and errors in grammar, errors in grammar,
spelling. punctuation and spelling. punctuation and spelling.
Target Audience / Point Maintains appropriate tone, Tone, diction and vocabulary Tone, diction and vocabulary Lacks some important
diction and vocabulary for are mostly appropriate for are adequate for various qualities for having the
of View / Originality various modes of writing. various modes of writing. modes of writing. appropriate tone, diction and
vocabulary are adequate for
various modes of writing.