Criterion Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement Score 5 4 2.5 1

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Rubric for Writing (3RD GRADE)

Name: ________________________________________ Grade: _____________

CRITERION Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement Score

5 4 2.5 1
Purpose of the text is clear Purpose of the text is Purpose of the text is Purpose of the text is
and ideas follow a logical clear. Most ideas follow a clear, though ideas do unclear and/or ideas do
sequence. Text includes logical sequence, but not not follow a logical not follow a logical
many details that support the all. Text includes sequence. Text includes sequence. Text includes
MESSAGE main idea. Author’s voice is sufficient supporting few supporting details. few supporting details.
clear. Transitions are used details. Few transitions Few transitions are used Transitions are lacking.
effectively. are used. and/or used
Sentences are varied and Sentences are varied and Sentences are simply Sentences are often
well developed. Uses well developed. Uses constructed. Uses some incomplete or confusing.
appropriate vocabulary from appropriate vocabulary vocabulary from the unit, Writing lacks structure and
the unit and additional from the unit, but but use is incorrect detail. Appropriate
LANGUAGE vocabulary to create a clear additional vocabulary is and/or unclear. vocabulary is lacking.
idea for the reader. lacking.

The text type is clearly The text type is The text type is hardly The text type is not
recognizable and sometimes recognizable recognizable or is not recognizable.
appropriate. and appropriate. appropriate. Conventions appropriate
Conventions appropriate to Conventions appropriate Conventions appropriate to the text type are not
the text type are effective to the text type are to the text type are very used.
and evident. limited. limited.
All words are completely Most words are legible Most words are legible Writing is not legible.
legible. but a few are difficult to but several are difficult to
read. read.

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