Rubric S

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Reflective Writing Rubric

Skills 5 4
Demonstrate a conscious and Demonstrate a thoughtful
thorough understanding of the understanding of the writing
writing prompt and the subject prompt and the subject
matter. This reflection can be matte
Depth of reflection used as an example for other

Use specific and convincing Use relevant examples from

examples from the texts studied the texts studied to support
to support claims in your own claims inyour own writing,
writing, making insightful and making applicable
Use of textual evidence and historical context applicable connections between connections between texts

Use stylistically sophisticated Use language that is fluent

language that is precise and and original, with evident a
engaging, with notable sense of sense of voice, awareness of
voice, awareness of audience audience and purpose, and
and purpose, and varied the ability to vary sentence
Language use sentence structure. structure

Demonstrate control of the Demonstrate controlof the

conventions with essentially no conventions,exhibiting
errors, even with sophisticated occasional errors only when
language using sophisticated
Conventions language
g Rubric
3 2 1
Demonstrate a basic Demonstrate a limited Demonstrate little or no
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
writing prompt and the writing promptand subject writing prompt and subject
subject matter. matter. This reflection matter. This reflection
needs revision. needs revision.

Use examples from the Use incomplete orvaguely No examples from the text
text to support most developed examples to are used and claims made
claims in your writing onlypartially support in your own writing are
with some connections claims with no connections unsupported and irrelevant
made between texts. made between texts. to the topic at hand

Use basic but Use language that is vague Use language that is
appropriate language, or imprecise for the unsuitable for the audience
with a basic sense of audience or purpose, with and purpose, with little or
voice, some awareness little sense of voice, and a no awareness of sentence
of audience and limited awareness of how structure.
purpose and some to vary sentence structure
attempt to vary
sentence structure

Demonstrate partial Demonstrate limited Demonstrate little or no

control of the control of the conventions, control ofthe conventions,
conventions, exhibiting exhibiting frequent errors making comprehension
occasional errors that that make comprehension almost impossible.
do not hinder difficult.
Journal Writing Rubrics
25 22 19
Journal entry thoroughly answers the Journal entry generally Journal entry addresses
question(s) posed in the prompt. answers the question(s) some aspects of the prompt,
posed in the prompt. but questions or portions of
Subject a question are left

Journal entry is thoughtful, carefully Journal entry is carefully Journal entry shows lapses
written and demonstrates self- written and generally in care and depth of
reflection with regards to the demonstrates self-reflection understanding regarding the
topic.The response encompasses with regards to the task at hand.The response
textual evidence and is topic.The response encompasses little textual
Quality comprehensive. encompasses some textual evidence and is clear.
evidence and is clear.

Journal entry is clear, logical and Journal entry is mostly clear Journal entry is somewhat
articulate and logical. unclear and may have gaps
Clarity in logical sequence.

Journal entry contains few or no Journal entry is contains Journal entry contains
grammatical errors. Paper is in perfect some grammatical errors, several grammatical errors.
MLA format. but is generally well- MLA format has several
Mechanics written. MLA format may errors.
have an error.
Journal entry is off-task or
makes little reference to the
question(s) being asked.

Journal entry is not

thoughtfully written, and does
not suggest the subject has
been taken seriously.The
response doesnot encompass
textual evidence and is not

Journal entry is unclear

andmay ramble from topic to

Journal entry contains

frequent grammatical errors
and is poorly-written. MLA
format is not followed.
TikTok Rubrics
Criteria 5 4
The presentation was very The presentation was easy to
easy to follow. follow.

All information presented in Most information presented in

video was clear, accurate and video was clear, accurate and
Accuracy of information thorough. thorough.

Audio/video effects flow The audio and video effects are

exceeding well and are of of acceptable quality. There
high quality. are few distracting aspects to
the audio/video.
Music/Sound Effects/Voice

Presentation of the activity Presentation of the activity was

was effectively and creatively executed properly. Appeared
done. Appeared well- comfortable and confident. The
prepared, confident and presentation is somehow
Presentation of Content
comfortable. The execution polished.
was polished.
3 2
The presentation was not The presentation was
easy to follow. difficult to follow due to
disorganization of the

Most information Most of the information

presented in video was was inaccurate or not clear.
clear, but was not usually

The audio and/or video The audio or video is

effects are of moderate garbled and hard to
quality. Some decipher. Too much
background noises not background interference
related to the and/or the video is of low
presentation are heard. quality.

Presentation of the The presentation were

activity was executed roughly executed and it was
but there was a need for obvious that there was no
more preparation to preparation at all.
have a polished
Video Presentation Rubrics
Category 4-5 points 3 points
There is a very clear main idea The main idea is clear and the
that is well-developed with lots development throughout the
Content of detail throughout the presentaton can be seen.

Information is very organized Information is organized with well-

with well-constructed video constructed video continuity.
Organization continuity.

Student clearly explored and Student project is explored and

expressed multiple ideas in a expressed in a fairly original way.
Creativity unique way.

Information clearly relates to the Information clearly relates to the

Quality of main topic. It includes several main topic. It provides 1-2
information details and examples. supporting details and examples.
esentation Rubrics
2 points 1 point
The main idea is somewhat clear, but The main idea is not clear or
needs more development throughout well-developed.
the presentation.

Information is organized, but the video The information appear to be

are not well-constructed. disorganized.

Student project is original, but mostly Student follows a set of

based on an existing idea. direction to complete a project,
but did not explore new ways
to alter the idea.

Information clearly relates to the main Information has little or

topic. No details and examples. nothing to do with the main
Brochure-Album-Pamphlet Rubrics
Criteria 4 3 2
All details are accurate. Minimal details are Most of the details
Content-Accuracy inaccurate. are in accurate.

Capitalization, punctuation Capitalization, There are several

and grammar are correct. punctuation and capitalization,
grammar are almost punctuation and
Writing Mechanics correct. grammar errors.

Has exceptional attractive Has attractive Has well-organized

formatting and well- formatting and well- information.
organized information. organized
Organization information.

Contains adequate amount Contains good Contains some

of graphics and amount of graphics amount of graphics
enhancements without and enhancements and enhancements
Creativity taking away the content. without taking away without taking
the content. away the content.

Looks excellent. Few minor problems, Looks okay. Some

could have been problems with its
Presentation neater. looks.
Details are all

There are frequent

punctuation and
grammar errors.

Formatting and
organization of
material is confusing
to the reader.

Contains few amount

of graphics and
without taking away
the content.

Looks like it was

thrown together.
Parts are falling off
or don’t fit.
Role Play Rubrics
Exceptional (21-25) Admirable (15-20)
Factual information is accurate; Factual information is mostly
and indicates a accurate; good understanding of
Understanding of topic clearunderstanding of topic. topic.

Point-of-view, arguments, and Point-of-view, arguments, and

solutions proposed were solutions proposed were usually
Accuracy and believability of role always realistic and constantly realistic and in character.
in character.

Accepts ideas of others; able to Accepts most ideas without negative

compromise; allmembers comments; ableto compromise;some
Cooperation contribute. members contribute .

Shows confidence; informative; Shows some confidence; presents

entertaining; engages some information; engages audience;
audience; speaks loudly and can be heard; some use of body
Presentation clearly; appropriate useof language hard to hear; some
body language. movement.
Acceptable(10-14) Attempted (0-9)
Factual information is Information is somewhat
somewhat accurate; and fair accurate; and fair understanding
understanding of topic. of topic.

Point-of-view, arguments, and Point-of-view, arguments, and

solutions proposed were often solutions proposed were rarely
realistic and in character. realistic and in character.

Unwilling to compromise; few Group does not work together;

members contribute. one person does all the work.

Unsure of responsibility; Portrayal stalls; lacks

somewhat informative; engages information; audience bored;
audience intermittentl. mumbles; body language is
lacking; inappropriate.
Written Assessment-Physical Assessment Output-Video Analysis-Research Output-Diagram Activity R
4-5 points 3 points
Consistent focus on topics, all key Focus on topics, most issues
material included, high accuracy included.
Relevance and excellent integration.

In-depth analysis, all key aspects Only modest abstraction

identified, related and rigorously beyond facts, some potential
evaluated. connections missed: overly
Analysis derivative.

Exemplary in all aspects, with no or Few errors but complex,

very few lapses, precision concepts not adequately
Writing and Presentation eveident. No grammatical errors. conveyed. Less grammar
lysis-Research Output-Diagram Activity Rubrics
2 points 1 point
Generally superficial or Overall limited or patchy
partial, significant topics inclusion of key topics,
omitted, issues touched inaccuracies, main issues not
upon lightly. addressed.

Adequate in parts, gaps in Almost entirely descriptive,

logical development, many little abstraction beyond
poorly supported facts, weak progression of
generalizations. ideas.

Ambiguity in stating facts, Poor or sloppy

poor sentence control with conceptualization, deficient
frequent grammatical lapses. technicalities. Unclear.

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