425-Article Text-1180-1-10-20220522
425-Article Text-1180-1-10-20220522
425-Article Text-1180-1-10-20220522
Vol. 2 (2019)
ISSN 2651-673X (Online)
Marmie R. Poquiz
Pangasinan State University
Abstract - This aimed to explain and measure the factors influencing attractiveness of tourism
destination, destination image and to measure level of cultural identity of La Union Province. The guiding
principle of this study is that the overall tourism attractiveness of a destination depends on the relationship
between the availability of existing attractions and the perceived importance of such attractions. The
researcher used the descriptive type of research to a proposed framework branding image in the hospitality
destinations in La Union province. Part I Determine the profiles of the respondents in terms of Sex, Age,
Nationality, Reason for travel in Ilocos Region, Frequency of visit in Ilocos Region, and the attractions
visited in the province of La Union. Part II Determine the factors influencing the attractiveness of a tourist
destination as to key attributes, facilities, and services and miscellaneous. Part III determine the tourist
destinations image in terms of accommodation facilities, destination utilities, communication facilities,
destination accessibility. Part IV Determine the level of cultural identity destination image as to cultural
practice and heritage, branding image of tourist destination, tourist cultural satisfaction, tourist destination
cultural image, peoples culture image. The reliability of the survey questionnaire, the Cronbach’s Alpha
and the internal consistency of 60 items in the questionnaire. The Overall Cronbach’s Alpha is 0.987 which
showed that the questionnaire reached an Excellent Reliability, Also, Cronbach’s Alpha of the construct
Part I of the Questionnaire was 0.862, 0.824, 0.837 respectively have Good Reliability. The Cronbach’s
Alpha of the construct in Part II of the Questionnaire was 0.878, 0.751,0879, 0.940 respectively which is
acceptable. The Cronbach’s Alpha of the construct in Part III of the Questionnaire was 0.853, 0.882, 0.932,
0.969 and 0.957 respectively have Good and Excellent Reliability, with regards to the Cronbach’s Alpha
of all the construct parts of the questionnaire, it showed that all the items appeared to be worthy of
Statement of the Problem
As of today, the Philippines is investing
to promote tourist destinations in the different This study aimed to:
places, and it is good to note that in every region
across the nation has its potentials to be visited by 1.Determine the profile of the respondents in
local tourist or foreigners. terms of.
In view of the researcher that it is very 1.1 Sex,
important for government officials to support 1.2 Age
tourism industry for the country to have a very 1.3 Nationality,
good image so that it could invite international 1.4 Reasons for travel in Ilocos Region,
business tycoons to be the country’s partner in 1.5 Frequency of visit in Ilocos Region,
development. It has to protect and promote a 1.6 Attractions visited in the province of La
positive image of the natural sites and man-made Union.
recreations in order to gain income. 2. Determine the factors influencing the
attractiveness of a tourist destination as to:
described by Best (2017) in order to show the Cronbach’s Alpha of the construct Part I of the
existing conditions or relationships that exist; Questionnaire was 0.862, 0.824, 0.837
practices that prevails, beliefs, points of view or respectively have Good Reliability. The
attitudes that are held, process that are going on, Cronbach’s Alpha of the construct in Part II of the
effects are felt, and trends that are developing. It Questionnaire was 0.878, 0.751,0879, 0.940
utilized numerical and graphical methods to help respectively which is acceptable. The Cronbach’s
the research analyze data. Alpha of the construct in Part III of the
Questionnaire was 0.853, 0.882, 0.932, 0.969 and
Respondents of the Study 0.957 respectively have Good and Excellent
Reliability, with regards to the Cronbach’s Alpha
The participants were purposively selected by the of all the construct parts of the questionnaire, it
researcher to gather reliable data about the showed that all the items appeared to be worthy
perception of the respondents who were the hotel of retention.
guests from the selected resorts and hotels in the
province of La Union who were able to tour to the
tourists destinations and attractions in the Procedure
locality. The researcher conducted the survey
questionnaire to the selected respondents in the
Instrument nineteen towns and one City of the La Union
A survey questionnaire was used in province who were guests of resorts and hotels
gathering data. The questionnaire was divided who were able to visit the tourists destinations
into four (4) parts. Part I Determine the profiles and attractions in the locality.
of the respondents in terms of Sex, Age, After which, the research questions were
Nationality, Reason for travel in Ilocos Region, refined and improved based from the suggestions
Frequency of visit in Ilocos Region, and the of the adviser as well as the members of the
attractions visited in the province of La Union. Graduate School Panels during the Pre-Oral
Part II Determine the factors influencing the Defense. It was finally refined before the actual
attractiveness of a tourist destination as to key floating of the questionnaire.
attributes, facilities and services and A formal letter was sent by the researcher
miscellaneous. Part III determine the tourist to the Provincial administrator in charge to
destinations image in terms of accommodation tourism and industry in La Union.
facilities, destination utilities, communication
facilities, destination accessibility. Part IV
Determine the level of cultural identity Data Analysis
destination image as to cultural practice and
heritage, branding image of tourist destination, Mann Whitney U test was used to test the
tourist cultural satisfaction, tourist destination significant difference on sex and nationality with
cultural image, peoples culture image. The two categories while Kruskal Wallis Test was
questionnaire was adopted by the researcher from used to test the significant difference of those
the study of (Sebastian) and Ruiz (2018). Finally, profile with three (3) or more categories.
in the interpretation and analysis of data, the likert Meanwhile, Spearman rho was used to test the
scale was used in the study. significant relationship across the three major
variables. Non-parametric tests were used in the
And finally, to test the reliability of the study because the result of Shapiro Wilk test for
survey questionnaire, the Cronbach’s Alpha and the three major variables are less than 0.01,
the internal consistency of 60 items in the therefore the set of data is not normally
questionnaire. The Overall Cronbach’s Alpha is distributed. Furthermore, Linear Regression
0.987 which showed that the questionnaire analysis was used to determine the indicators that
reached an Excellent Reliability, Also, determine the cultural identity destination image
from the tourist destination image and factors any ways the results or findings of the study. The
influencing attractiveness. study considered high respect of the dignity of
research be prioritized and full consent should be
obtained from the participant prior to the study.
Ethical Consideration The researcher considered asking permission to
the management about the identified resorts
To observe highly confidential nature of mentioned names in this study as the researcher
the survey and the interviews, no names will be received positive response from the managers.
mentioned in the report. The identity of the Lastly, the protection of the privacy of research
respondents will not be revealed except they are was ensured.
hotel and restaurant managers. No opinion will be
given by the researchers, only information and
results based on the data gathered. The research
participants should not be subjected to harm in
Table 1
Distribution of the Tourist-Respondents of the Study
Resorts in La Union Total Number of Percentage
Respondents %
1. Sea of Dreams Resort 35 9.09
(Caba, La union)
2. Sibling Resort 35 9.09
(Bangar, La Union)
3. Final Option Resort 35 9.09
(San Juan, La Union)
4. Pebbles Resort 40 10.39
(Luna, La Union)
5. Hotel 45 Resort 60 15.59
(Bauang, La Union)
6. Four Aces Resort 40 10.39
(Balaoan, La Union)
7. Kahuna Beach Resort 35 9.09
(San Juan, La Union)
8. Splash Town Resort 35 9.09
(Agoo, La Union)
9. Puerto de San Juan Resort 35 9.09
(San Juan, La Union)
10. Kultura Splash Resort 35 9.09
(Pugo, La Union)
TOTAL 385 100.00
Table 2
Profile of Customers/Guests
Profile Category Frequency Percent
Sex Male 227 59.0
Female 158 41.0
Age Generation B: 61 years & above 11 2.9
Generation X: 41-60 137 35.6
Generation Y: 26-40 164 42.6
Generation Z 73 19.0
Nationality Local 370 96.1
Foreign 15 3.9
Reason for travel Visiting Family 107 27.8
in Ilocos Region Leisure 65 16.9
Business 172 44.7
Religious 37 9.6
Others 4 1.0
Frequency of Visit Once a year 32 8.3
in Ilocos Region Twice a year 89 23.1
Thrice a year 172 44.7
Once a Month 92 23.9
Number of 1 18 4.7
Attractions Visited 2 29 7.5
3 58 15.1
4 91 23.6
5 95 24.7
6 58 15.1
7 27 7.0
8 4 1.0
9 5 1.3
Attractions Visited Grape Picking (Lomboy Farm)
271 70.4
Halo-Halo de Iloko (San Fernando
286 74.3
104 27.0
PUGAD (Pugo)
Tangadan Falls (San Gabriel) 78 20.3
Surfing Area (San Juan) 264 68.6
Baluarte Watch Tower (Luna) 235 61.0
Loom Weaving (Bangar) 69 17.9
Agoo Eco Fun World (Agoo) 108 28.1
IBITS Farm (San Fernando City) 60 15.6
Red Clay Pottery (San Juan) 230 59.7
Table 3
Factors influencing the Attractiveness of a Tourist Destination in terms of Key
Key Attributes WM SD VI R
1. Presence of religious sites 3.81 0.40 VA 1
2. Existence of historical sites and archeological remains 3.69 0.46 VA 2
(i.e. museums, galleries, etc.)
3. Celebration of festivals and other tourism events 3.67 0.47 VA 3.5
4. Availability of souvenirs shops and shopping malls 3.67 0.47 VA 3.5
5. Presence of theme parks 3.63 0.48 VA 5
Composite Mean 3.70 0.32 VA
Scale: 3.50-4.00: Very Attractive (VA); 2.50-3.49: Attractive (A); 1.50-2.49: Less Attractive (LA); 1.00 –
1.49: Not Attractive (NA)
Table 4
Factors influencing the Attractiveness of a Tourist Destination
in terms of Facilities and Services
Facilities and Services WM SD VI R
1. Accessibility of tourism information centers at
3.64 0.48 VA 5.5
prominent locations
2. Availability of reservation facility (travel and tour
services) for travel arrangement and local tour 3.62 0.49 VA 7
3. Quality of basic infrastructure, condition of roads,
transportation facilities, communication facilities,
3.71 0.46 VA 2
electricity, sewerage etc. of city above minimum
touristic quality
4. Quality of infrastructure and amenities of hotel /
3.64 0.48 VA 5.5
lodge / guest house
5. Quality and variety of foods and local foods. 3.72 0.45 VA 1
6. Attitude of local people towards tourists. 3.69 0.46 VA 3
7. Quality of physical environment and cleanliness
3.68 0.47 VA 4
in and around the province / region.
Composite Mean 3.67 0.33 VA
Scale: 3.50-4.00: Very Attractive (VA); 2.50-3.49: Attractive (A); 1.50-2.49: Less Attractive (LA); 1.00 –
1.49: Not Attractive (NA)
Table 5
Factors influencing the Attractiveness of a Tourist Destination
In terms of Miscellaneous
Miscellaneous WM SD VI R
1. Uniqueness of attraction 3.75 0.44 VA 2
2. Various tourist activities within the destination 3.69 0.47 VA 3.5
Table 6
Tourist Destination Image in terms of Accommodation Facilities
Accommodation Facilities WM SD VI R
1. Quality of facilities 3.79 0.41 E 1.5
2. Variety of facilities 3.74 0.44 E 3
3. Value for money 3.73 0.45 E 4
4. Clean, green and safe environment 3.70 0.46 E 5
5. Gender –Friendly 3.79 0.41 E 1.5
Composite Mean 3.75 0.32 E
Scale: 3.50-4.00: Excellent (E); 2.50-3.49: Very Good (VG); 1.50-2.49: Good (G); 1.00 – 1.49: Needs
Improvement (NI)
Table 7
Tourist Destinations Image in terms of Destinations Facilities
Destinations Facilities WM SD VI R
1. Banking and Financial System 3.49 0.50 VG 4
2. Accommodation quality 3.60 0.49 E 3
3. Medical Facilities within the area 3.70 0.46 E 1
4. Easy access desired food facility 3.62 0.49 E 2
Composite Mean 3.60 0.37 E
Scale: 3.50-4.00: Excellent (E); 2.50-3.49: Very Good (VG); 1.50-2.49: Good (G); 1.00 – 1.49: Needs
Improvement (NI)
Table 8
Tourist Destinations Image in terms of Communications
and Information Facilities
Communications and Information Facilities WM SD VI R
1. Availability of Telephone to all visitors 3.43 0.50 VG 4
2. Modern communications facilities 3.58 0.49 E 1.5
3. Internet/WIFI Connections 3.58 0.49 E 1.5
4. Cable/Television/Radio 3.52 0.50 E 3
Composite Mean 3.53 0.42 E
Scale: 3.50-4.00: Excellent (E); 2.50-3.49: Very Good (VG); 1.50-2.49: Good (G); 1.00 – 1.49: Needs
Improvement (NI)
Table 9
Tourist Destinations Image in terms of Destination Accessibility
Destination Accessibility WM SD VI R
5. Car rental facilities 3.43 0.50 VG 5
6. Adequate transport networks 3.59 0.49 E 4
7. Adequate local transportation 3.74 0.44 E 1
8. Accessibility of attractions sites 3.68 0.47 E 3
9. Quality of road system 3.70 0.46 E 2
Composite Mean 3.63 0.35 E
Scale: 3.50-4.00: Excellent (E); 2.50-3.49: Very Good (VG); 1.50-2.49: Good (G); 1.00 – 1.49: Needs
Improvement (NI)
Table 10
Cultural Identity Destination Image as to Cultural Practice and Heritage
Cultural Practice and Heritage WM SD VI R
1. The province of La Union protects the indigenous
3.79 0.40 E 1
peoples culture
2. The province of La Union preserves cultural
3.65 0.48 E 5
identity of the Ilocano people
3. The province of La Union creates new avenue for
3.66 0.47 E 4
Ilocano people to promote their own culture
4. The province of La Union promotes cultural
heritage through celebration of festivals of every 3.67 0.47 E 3
town and as one province
5. Tourist re visits La Union because of its food
services specially in its delicacies and local native 3.68 0.47 E 2
products like kakanin,bibingka, basi,suka etc
6. Tourists decides to come back in La Union since
3.61 0.49 E 6
they experienced hospitality during their visit
Composite Mean 3.68 0.34 E
Scale: 3.50-4.00: Excellent (E); 2.50-3.49: Very Good (VG); 1.50-2.49: Good (G); 1.00 – 1.49: Needs
Improvement (NI)
Table 11
Cultural Identity Destination Image as to Branding Image of Tourist Destination
Branding Image of Tourist Destination WM SD VI R
1. Tourist targets to visit La Union for its trademark
3.74 0.44 E 1
resort and beaches
2. Tourist goal is to revisit La Unions trademark to
3.58 0.49 E 4
experience the grape picking agri- industry
3. La Union finds ways to improve its image in
promoting different tourist spots in the arts, galleries 3.65 0.48 E 2
e.g stone arts etc.
4. La Union considers the help of different organizations
in promoting tourism industry 3.63 0.48 E 3
Table 12
Cultural Identity Destination Image as to Tourist Destination Cultural Image
Tourist Destination Cultural Image WM SD VI R
1. La Union is considered as a one stop place for
3.63 0.48 E 4
tourist adventure
2. La Union is considered as a the capital fruit
3.56 0.50 E 5
basket of the north
3. La Union people are very hospitable hence,
3.68 0.47 E 2
making tourist revisit the province
4. La Union preserves its main tourist destinations to
every town hence, providing tourists a wonderful 3.72 0.45 E 1
experience during their visit
5. La Union provides different avenues of
adventures for visiting tourist like food trips, eco- 3.66 0.47 E 3
friendly place, and cultural heritage places
Composite Mean 3.65 0.35 E
Scale: 3.50-4.00: Excellent (E); 2.50-3.49: Very Good (VG); 1.50-2.49: Good (G); 1.00 – 1.49: Needs
Improvement (NI)
Table 13
Cultural Identity Destination Image as to Tourist Cultural Satisfaction
Tourist Cultural Satisfaction WM SD VI R
1. Tourist were satisfied in the tourism industry in La
3.68 0.47 E 3
Union particularly in cultural preservation
2. It is evidenced in La Union where tourist experience
3.65 0.48 E 6
cultural preservation among the townspeople
3. Tourist were satisfied to the programs of the Provincial
government of La Union in the preservation of culture 3.69 0.46 E 1
of Ilocano people
4. It is evidenced in La Union the preservation of cultural
heritage through the existing museums in the different 3.67 0.47 E 5
towns where tourist were satisfied
5. Tourist can easy access cultural heritage museum in
3.68 0.47 E 3
the province
6. Tourist were satisfied on how the La Union preserve
3.68 0.47 E 3
cultures especially to indigenous peoples.
Composite Mean 3.67 0.33 E
Scale: 3.50-4.00: Excellent (E); 2.50-3.49: Very Good (VG); 1.50-2.49: Good (G); 1.00 – 1.49: Needs
Improvement (NI)
Table 14
Cultural Identity Destination Image as to Peoples’ Cultural Image
Peoples’ Cultural Image WM SD VI R
1. La union people help the government of La Union
3.73 0.44 E 3
in Ilocano culture preservation
2. Indigenous people’s culture was preserved in
3.73 0.44 E 2
selected towns in La Union
3. La Union people are responsive to the
government’s program in terms of tourism 3.70 0.46 E 4
industry (e.g agri tourism, aquatic tourism)
4. La Union people always find time to regularly
3.70 0.46 E 4
celebrate festivals in the province
5. La Union people preserves religious artifacts as
3.79 0.41 E 1
evidenced in preserved old churches
Composite Mean 3.73 0.33 E
Scale: 3.50-4.00: Excellent (E); 2.50-3.49:Very Good (VG); 1.50-2.49: Good (G); 1.00 – 1.49: Needs
Improvement (NI)
Table 15
Summary of the Factors influencing the Attractiveness of a Tourist Destination, Tourist Destination
Image and Cultural Identity Destination Image
Attractiveness 3.69 0.28 VA
Key Attributes 3.70 0.32 VA 2
Facilities and Services 3.67 0.33 VA 3
Miscellaneous 3.72 0.34 VA 1
Tourist Destination Image 3.63 0.31 E
Accommodation Facilities 3.75 0.32 E 1
Destinations Facilities 3.60 0.37 E 3
Communications and Information Facilities 3.53 0.42 E 4
Destination Accessibility 3.63 0.35 E 2
Cultural Identity Destination Image 3.69 0.30 E
Cultural Practice and Heritage 3.68 0.34 E 2
Branding Image of Tourist Destination 3.67 0.36 E 3.5
Tourist Destination Cultural Image 3.65 0.35 E 5
Tourist Cultural Satisfaction 3.67 0.33 E 3.5
Peoples’ Cultural Image 3.73 0.33 E 1
Table 16
Significant Difference on the Factors influencing the Attractiveness of a Tourist Destination,
Tourist Destination Image and Cultural Identity Destination Image when grouped According to
Mean Rank z- p-
Male Female value value
Attractions 199.40 183.81 -1.363 .173
Table 17
Significant Difference on the Factors influencing the Attractiveness of a Tourist Destination,
Tourist Destination Image and Cultural Identity Destination Image when grouped According to
GenB GenX GenY GenZ x2
Attractiveness 129.41 206.92 192.48 177.63 7.244 .065
Key Attributes 133.73 198.16 192.45 193.49 3.688 .297
Facilities and Services 130.09 211.74 187.34 180.03 9.214* .027
Miscellaneous 134.27 201.77 199.92 169.84 8.773* .032
Tourist Destination Image 149.86 207.46 192.39 173.73 6.213 .102
Accommodation Facilities 125.23 202.27 196.51 177.92 7.445 .059
Destinations Facilities 175.18 199.81 198.61 170.29 4.535 .209
Communications and
163.14 215.39 186.66 169.73 10.883* .012
Information Facilities
Destination Accessibility 159.23 204.70 191.93 178.53 4.001 .261
Cultural Identity
133.23 210.62 190.58 174.37 8.963* .030
Destination Image
Cultural Practice and Heritage 152.00 197.52 201.77 170.99 5.988 .112
Branding Image of Tourist
122.68 215.95 187.85 172.10 14.154** .003
Tourist Destination Cultural
120.36 197.85 193.86 192.90 5.296 .151
Tourist Cultural Satisfaction 128.05 214.47 195.04 157.90 17.154** .001
Peoples’ Cultural Image 199.45 207.19 195.20 160.46 9.667* .022
Note: *Significant at p<.05; **Significant at p<.01
Table 18
Significant Difference on the Factors influencing the Attractiveness of a Tourist Destination,
Tourist Destination Image and Cultural Identity Destination Image when grouped According to
Local Foreign z-value p-value
Attractiveness 197.59 79.90 -4.047** <.01
Key Attributes 199.17 40.70 -5.614** <.01
Facilities and Services 195.60 128.87 -2.328* .020
Miscellaneous 195.49 131.67 -2.322* .020
Tourist Destination Image 195.43 133.13 -2.134* .033
Accommodation Facilities 194.09 166.00 -1.023 .306
Destinations Facilities 195.55 130.13 -2.305* .021
Communications and Information Facilities 195.72 125.83 -2.480* .013
Destination Accessibility 193.22 127.63 -2.342* .018
Cultural Identity Destination Image 194.28 161.40 -1.137 .256
Cultural Practice and Heritage 194.02 167.80 -.925 .355
Branding Image of Tourist Destination 194.06 166.77 -.966 .334
Tourist Destination Cultural Image 195.59 129.17 -2.343* .019
Tourist Cultural Satisfaction 193.11 190.20 -.102 .918
Peoples’ Cultural Image 194.31 160.80 -1.214 .225
Note: *Significant at p<.05; **Significant at p<.01
Table 19
Significant Difference on the Factors influencing the Attractiveness of a Tourist Destination,
Tourist Destination Image and Cultural Identity Destination Image when grouped According to
Reason for travel in Ilocos Region
Visiting p-
Family Leisure Business Religious value
Attractions 189.63 146.71 215.74 157.80 22.938** <.01
Key Attributes 182.08 137.30 220.45 174.22 31.646** <.01
Facilities and Services 187.22 170.09 203.58 180.16 5.308 .151
Miscellaneous 187.14 163.32 214.26 142.69 21.731** <.01
Tourist Destination
188.25 210.81 189.27 172.19 3.320 .345
165.19 221.63 197.38 182.19 13.411* .004
Destinations Facilities 196.94 193.35 190.30 172.97 1.429 .699
Communications and
194.79 193.68 192.54 168.20 1.931 .587
Information Facilities
Destination Accessibility 189.82 213.91 187.28 171.49 4.437 .218
Cultural Identity
206.52 175.47 189.87 178.66 4.003 .261
Destination Image
Cultural Practice and
199.38 175.04 193.62 182.65 2.455 .483
Branding Image of
212.30 182.08 183.97 177.73 6.097 .107
Tourist Destination
Tourist Destination
199.57 174.35 192.15 190.09 2.308 .511
Cultural Image
Tourist Cultural
187.79 182.47 200.65 170.41 3.290 .349
Peoples’ Cultural Image 190.91 178.07 198.71 178.12 2.541 .468
Note: *Significant at p<.05; **Significant at p<.01
Table 20
Significant Difference on the Factors influencing the Attractiveness of a Tourist Destination,
Tourist Destination Image and Cultural Identity Destination Image when grouped According to
Frequency of Visit in Ilocos Region
Once Twice Thrice Once a p-
a year a year a year Month value
Attractiveness 230.64 213.40 192.22 161.64 14.187** .003
Key Attributes 218.69 204.23 188.06 182.44 4.074 .254
Facilities and Services 230.66 208.08 197.58 156.76 16.043** .001
Miscellaneous 228.41 217.33 186.42 169.44 13.898** .003
Tourist Destination Image 259.67 244.84 191.70 122.10 68.751** <.01
Accommodation Facilities 221.83 221.99 198.38 144.86 29.397** <.01
Destinations Facilities 262.89 234.47 185.33 142.92 47.369** <.01
Communications and <.01
252.22 239.69 189.47 133.85 55.054**
Information Facilities
Destination Accessibility 267.36 237.13 189.00 131.92 59.556** <.01
Cultural Identity
255.98 215.40 198.89 138.40 37.454** <.01
Destination Image
Cultural Practice and
229.50 200.39 196.14 167.28 9.512* .023
Branding Image of Tourist <.01
239.91 210.26 203.95 139.51 33.108**
Tourist Destination Cultural <.01
244.52 215.02 191.75 156.11 21.876**
Tourist Cultural Satisfaction 262.92 222.72 189.75 146.01 37.709** <.01
Peoples’ Cultural Image 256.97 217.75 188.66 154.92 29.330** <.01
Note: *Significant at p<.05; **Significant at p<.01
Table 21
Significant Difference on the Factors influencing the Attractiveness of a Tourist Destination,
Tourist Destination Image and Cultural Identity Destination Image when grouped According to
Number of Attractions Visited
1 2 3 4 5 6 7-9 value
Attractiveness 120.75 157.16 203.83 187.07 213.30 188.91 208.56 15.590* .016
Key Attributes 145.61 172.55 196.16 182.29 214.17 188.50 206.54 9.917 .128
Facilities and
126.00 155.84 199.92 190.61 209.78 195.28 203.35 13.087* .042
Miscellaneous 138.78 156.34 216.36 187.54 204.57 193.28 194.81 12.776* .047
Destination 120.11 182.38 207.69 181.97 200.62 196.14 217.06 12.168 .058
129.25 192.79 206.22 183.53 192.02 201.76 216.18 10.610 .101
131.72 185.67 197.91 183.67 205.73 193.58 210.69 9.053 .171
and Information 127.11 187.47 213.46 186.19 204.35 182.09 202.28 11.334 .079
142.50 184.05 196.78 180.09 198.52 208.27 212.85 8.111 .230
142.64 161.22 203.14 179.35 210.57 195.37 211.76 11.621 .071
Cultural Practice
166.53 158.47 206.58 184.23 206.73 184.54 211.76 8.609 .197
and Heritage
Branding Image
of Tourist 151.67 170.97 190.87 186.98 205.65 193.39 216.04 7.192 .303
Destination 113.86 164.36 204.37 182.74 205.94 203.88 211.58 16.292* .012
Cultural Image
Tourist Cultural
145.39 181.66 204.65 177.35 210.01 200.42 189.92 9.059 .170
157.53 175.38 194.43 187.49 209.64 185.79 204.25 6.230 .398
Cultural Image
Note: *Significant at p<.05; **Significant at p<.01
Table 22
Cross Correlation Matrix Among Factors influencing the Attractiveness of a Tourist Destination,
Tourist Destination Image and Cultural Identity Destination Image
Attractiveness Tourist Destination Image
Tourist Key Facilitie Misc. Accom Dest. Comm Dest.
Destination Attribut s & m & Info Acc.
Image es Services
Accommodation rs- .304(** .400(**) .445(**) 1.000 .493(**) .511(**) .558(**)
Facilities value )
p- .000 .000 .000 . .000 .000 .000
Destinations rs- .415(** .448(**) .541(**) .493(**) 1.000 .741(**) .669(**)
Facilities value )
p- .000 .000 .000 .000 . .000 .000
Communications rs- .394(** .453(**) .482(**) .511(**) .741(**) 1.000 .597(**)
Table 23
Model Summary on Predictors of Cultural Identity Destination Image from Attractiveness and
Tourist Destination Image