Thesis Chapter 1 and 2
Thesis Chapter 1 and 2
Thesis Chapter 1 and 2
and college level, highly specialized field trips may be taken in order for students
to gain firsthand knowledge on their major. (Wikipilipinas)
Educational trips that form a part of the school curriculum are very
valuable as they provide the students the opportunity of learning through travel,
especially to places that they may not otherwise get to visit. Apart from this, the
trips also provide relief from the drudgery that academic study sometimes
becomes, an opportunity for close interaction with peers that students enjoy so
much, and a chance for the teacher to observe and interact with the student in a
structure different from and more informal than the classroom. (J. Krishnamurti,
Tourism is the pleasure and business activity which involve people
travelling to destinations outside normal place of residences for over short of time
(Chilembwe, 2010). On the same, The United Nations World Tourism
Organisation (UNWTO, 2010) interprets tourism as activities of persons travelling
to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than on
consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the
exercise of any activity remunerated from within the place visited.
In Africa, education tourism or edu-tourism refers to any "programme in
which participants travel to a location as a group with the primary purpose of
engaging in a learning experience directly related to the location. It is comprised
of several sub-types including ecotourism, heritage tourism, rural/farm tourism,
and student exchanges between educational institutions. The notion of traveling
for educational purposes is not new and its popularity in the tourism market is
only expected to increase both locally and abroad. (Educational Research and
Study Tourism in Africa)
More important, however, these trips emphasize the attentive mind,
enabling a sense of discovery and a quality of quietness. And this emphasis need
not come in the way of such trips being fun, as they are meant to be. (S.
Gopalan, 2015)
As far as the benefits of the tour are concerned, Waditwar says that during
such tours, students can actually see and enrich their knowledge of places and
people theyve learned about in the classroom. He emphasizes that students can
gain a deeper understanding of real life situations and trends than a book can
ever convey. Perhaps most important of all, students gain new insights into their
own culture, and a more global perspective. (P., Waditwar, 2012)
Rickinson (2011) suggests when applied to students learning in an
educational trip, program evaluations should consider what students want to say.
However, the research studies that explore students feelings and experience in a
tour are limited. In other words, most tour evaluations rarely consider what
students are feelings in a trip program.
Thinking as an experiential learning the study trips are conceptual
programmed related with the core course content the tri-dimensional space and
the complexity and power of landscape. Thus, they respond to many objectives,
namely knowledge, skills and experiences. For sure, all together form a powerful
combination and exploration of academic and cultural domains and experiences.
In this context, they include unquestionably the positive socializing and fun
The study aims:
Learning Experience
Safety measures
Attractions and Environments
Research Design
Research Locale:
The study will be conducted at Lyceum of the Philippines University
Laguna. The research study is to be implemented inside the classroom of
Lyceum of the Philippines Laguna. The classroom was clean, well-ventilated,
air-conditioned and had enough chairs for every student who will participate in
the activity.
The respondents of the study will be coming from the 4 th year tourism
students of Lyceum of the Philippines Laguna who had participated on their
domestic tours in Baguio and Palawan. All of the participants on the survey will
be selected through random sampling. This sampling method is conducted where
each member of a population has an equal opportunity to become part of the
have their opinions regarding their experiences and perceptions towards their
domestic tours on Palawan and Baguio. Their own intuitions are necessary in
identifying its strengths and limitations.
Moreover, two types of data will be used: the primary and the secondary
data. The primary data will be derived from the answers of the respondents in the
self-administered questionnaire to be prepared by the researchers. In addition,
the information that will be obtained from the interviews will also be a primary
research data that will support the study. The secondary data on the other hand,
will be derived from the findings stated in published documents and literatures
related to the research problem.
Data Analysis
To get the frequency of each answer, the researchers will use data and
frequency to compute for the percentage of each answer according to the degree
of their perception on the tours cost, learning experience, satisfaction, conformity
with the itinerary and safety measures observed, as well as the degree on how
much did the experience affected them in terms of accommodation, attractions
and environments, transportation and convention.
Experiential Learning
Experiential learning is a process, through which students develop
knowledge, skills, and values from direct experiences outside a traditional
academic setting. Experiential learning encompasses a variety of activities
including internships, service learning, undergraduate research, study abroad,
MANCOSAs MBA students and academics who returned from the recent
Shanghai Study Tour to China gained insights into international business
practices; leadership and how the cultural imperatives impacts on business. The
scholarly tour to China was aimed at offering participants knowledge of
international business practices; adding a practical component to the MBA
degree offered at MANCOSA and building international education relations. The
Shanghai Study Tour emerged following a collaborative agreement between
The educational tour in Baguio City gave the tourism students of Our Lady
of Fatima Academy a better understanding of the lessons they have learned in
school. The theories discussed in the classroom were validated with the
experiences they had discovering the city. For them, it was glorious moment of
learning, improving and having fun. (
appreciate the multi-faceted workplace and wide scope of ICT careers available
in the industry. (
perception, such as happy, afraid, likes and dislikes. These research studies
suggest that affective perception and social interaction are important factors to
consider in providing a meaningful tour experience for students. ( S., Carlson, H.
Wang, 2010)
and would need to ensure that emergency procedures are in place and that back
up cover is arranged. They should liaise with the representative of the tour
operator if one is being used. Professors in charge of students during a visit have
a duty of care to make sure that the pupils are safe and healthy. They also have
a common law duty to act as a reasonably prudent parent would. Teachers
should not hesitate to act in an emergency and to take lifesaving action in an
extreme situation. (Collins, M. 2010)
First aid should form part of the risk assessment. Before undertaking any
off-site activities the head teacher or the group leader should assess what level
of first aid might be needed. On any kind of visit the group leader should have a
good working knowledge of first aid and ensure that an adequate first-aid box is
taken. For adventurous activities, visits abroad or residential visits it is sensible
for at least one of the groups teachers to be a fully-trained first-aider. All adults in
the group should know how to contact the emergency services. (Collins, Michael,
The school should ensure that parents have early written information
about the costs of the visit, how much will come from school funds, and how
much each parent will be charged or asked to contribute. Parents should be
given enough time to prepare financially for the visit. It may be useful to break the
costs down into subheads such as travel, hostel, meals etc. (M. Collins, 2010)
Planning Transport
According to (Michael Collins, 2010) the school must give careful thought
to planning transport. The main factors to consider include are passenger safety,
the competence and training of the driver to drive the proposed vehicle and
whether the driver holds the appropriate valid license, number of driving hours
required for the journey and length of the drivers day (including nondriving
hours) and the capacity and experience of driver to maintain concentration whether more than one driver is needed to avoid driver fatigue.
The school is responsible for ensuring that aircrafts and buses were hired
from a reputable company. Professional operators of buses and aircrafts are
legally required to be licensed. Schools using operators to transport pupils should
ensure that the operators have the appropriate public service vehicle (PSV)
operators license. When hiring transport, the school should ensure that seat
belts are available for student. When booking aircrafts, the group leader should
check that the company used has appropriate insurance.
Students using transport on an educational tour should be made aware of
basic safety rules including arrival on time and wait for the transport in a safe
place and wearing of seatbelt and stay seated whilst travelling on transport.
Tour package
The Package Travel Act defines a package tour as a combination of prearranged services offered for an inclusive price, entailing at least: (1) transport
and accommodation; or (2) transport or accommodation, 60 together with some
additional travel service essential to the package as a whole. Furthermore, it is
offered, other than occasionally, by a business organizing or retailing travel
services for payment; and covers a period of more than twenty-four hours or
includes overnight accommodation (Package Travel Act)
This study is also based on the definition by (Middleton et al. 2010: 429)
whereby a tour package is defined as a quality assured, repeatable offer
comprising two or more elements of transport, accommodation, food, destination
attractions, other facilities and related services such as travel insurance. They
are marketed to the general public, described in print or electronic media, and
offered for sale to prospective customers at a published, inclusive price, in which
the costs of the product components cannot be separately identified. Typically,
package tourism refers to mass tourism even though, by definition, package
tours can also mean highly individual and tailor-made products targeted for
example to various niche tourism markets.
In the current thesis, the definition by Tung and Ritchie (2011) is applied
and a tourism experience2 is understood as an individuals subjective evaluation
and undergoing of events related to tourism activities before, during, and after
the trip. A tourism experience, such as a package tour, is practically everything
that a tourist goes through during the vacation.
In every case the package is assembled from the five basic elements of
the overall tourism product (destination attractions and environment, destination
facilities and services, accessibility of the destination, images of the destination
and price to the consumer) plus any value from their own tour operations, such
as branding, convenience, price guarantees and contractual agreements
(Middleton et al., 2010: 123, 430).
Conceptual Framework
Perceptions in terms
Learning Experience
Conformity with the
Safety measures
Name (Optional): __________________________
Put a check in the box if you SA strongly agree, A agree, D disagree, or SD
strongly disagree with the statements.
The final tour price was reasonable enough in considering the provided
amenities during the whole tour.
The final tour price had been precisely calculated exactly that no additional
expenses had been incurred and shouldered by the participants during
the whole trip.