TPPD Individual
TPPD Individual
TPPD Individual
planning in the Philippines? practices that have noticed in tourism development of tourism in the
development in the Philippines Philippines?
especially during this pandemic?
In tourism planning in • The tourism industry began to grow • To have a platform for
development, I learned about in popularity, and several techniques advocacy and a positive
many theories, planning to tourism planning and development influence in the tourism
platforms, and methodologies. were applied. industry.
• Understanding the components of • Setting strategic goals will act as a • To be organized in terms
tourism site profiling. road map for the entire development of cleanliness.
process. The issue of tourism in a
• I also learned about Philippine destination must be addressed in the • Use social media
tourism planning guidelines. goals and objectives. platforms like Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter to
• Different activities are involved in promote local
analyzing the tourism situation in a destinations.
certain area.
• Improve infrastructure,
• I learned how to analyze the fund dialogue efforts, and
present situation of tourism in a encourage more
particular location. responsible travel.