Research Methodology
Research Methodology
Research Methodology
This chapter outlines the research design, the subject of the study, the research
instrument to be used, the data gathering procedure, and the statistical treatment of
data that were to apply to this study.
Research Design
The study focused on the speech anxiety and its effect on the academic
performance of grade 12 HUMMS students in Malvar Señior High School to know and
understand the effects and how to overcome the speech anxiety. Due to the nature and
scope, the researchers utilized the descriptive method of research. As cited in the study
of De Leon (2012), the descriptive method is the best method of research to determine
the contemporary status of the respondents or subject of the study.
DescrThe descriptive of was defined by Porto (2008) as a design technique used
to gather information about presenting existing conditions. It is the best method of
research to describe the nature of the situation as it exists at the time of the study and
explore the causes of particular phenomena. It is also the method that is used to involve
collecting data to test a hypothesis or to answer questions concerning the current status
of the subject of the study. Comparative analysis is a set of systematic ways of studying
causality in a simple data table of binary or ordinal variables. It is used to compare two
distinct variables and determine their similarities and difference. It is also a way to
analyze data based on sets of multiple values (group comparison).
The descriptive-comparative design best suits the current undertaking as the
research evaluated the characteristics of the subjects and determined the significant
difference in their assessments when grouped according to their profile.
Respondents of the Study
The respondents of the study were the students of Malvar Señior High Schoo
were experience speech anxiety that highly affect their academic performance. The
researchers believe that the Malvar Señior High School HUMSS students are the group
of people that can give accurate information about the given problem, and experience
most speech anxiety.
Researchers chose wisely those respondents who experience speech anxiety in
every section of HUMSS students to comply with the quota sampling given by the
research project instructor with a total number of 70. Respondents who answered the
questionnaires prepared by the researchers depended has based their availability at the
time the questionnaires were given. To further ensure that the data collected were
accurate and correct, only the students that age is 15 years old and above were allowed
to answer the questionnaire in google forms.
Research Instrument
The main instrument used in the study was a self-constructed questionnaire,
which was designed to know the assessment on the speech anxiety of students. The
draft was forwarded to the subject teacher for corrections and certain modifications. The
researchers also obtain some suggestions to enhance the questionnaire for making it
more valid in every way possible. Several improvements and revisions were done
before the researchers produce their final draft. Once the final draft was derived, it was
then submitted to the subject teacher for grammatical correction.
The questionnaire used in this study had two parts. The initial part determined
the profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, and grade level. While the other part
of the assessment of the respondent concerning the following speech anxiety factors
such as how speech anxiety affects the academic performance of students in terms of
knowledge and attitude. Every factor comprised ten (10) items each.
To access each item in the research-made questionnaire, the respondents were
requested to rate each item on a four-point scale with its corresponding interpretations.
To determine the speech anxiety and its effect on the academic performance of
HHMMSstudents, the following scale of mean ranges was used to interpret the
computed weighted mean and composite mean.
Rating Mean Ranges Interpretation
4 3. 51- 4.00 Strongly Agree/Highly Prepared
3 2. 50 – 3.50 Agree/Prepared
2 1.51 – 2.50 Slightly Agree/Slightly Prepared
1 1. 00 – 1.50 Disagree/Not Prepared