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A Research Paper

Presented to the Faculty of the ABM Strand

Leyte National High School

Division of Tacloban City

Tacloban City, Leyte

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion 12

Presented by:

Ruben Balotol III

Arianne Nicole N. Jao

Claire D. Macamay

Precios Hannah M. Mendez

Noeme M. Ramos

Aila Shane M. Regis

Richard B. Silawan Jr.

Keight Reyzen M. Teodoro



This research study entitled “THE SIGNIFICANCE OF TIME MANAGEMENT TO


and submitted by Ruben Balotol III, Arianne Nicole N. Jao, Claire D. Macamay,

Precios Hannah M. Mendez, Noeme M. Ramos, Aila Shane M. Regis, Richard B.

Silawan Jr. and, Keight Reyzen M. Teodoro

has been evaluated and ACCEPTED.

Accepted by:
Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion


The aim of the study was to determine on how big the contribution of time management

is to a student’s life. Time Management is essential it has greater effects in a person’s life

than it may appear. Different theories have and had always been connected in time

management because time will always be relevant. Having good time management enables

a student to utilize their time on important things which mostly lead to academic excellence

and a healthier more balanced life style. Having a good time management skill had always

been an appanage to the person who possess it. The data will be collected from the grade

11 students of Leyte National High School through an online questionnaire the contents of

the survey contain the following; summarized introduction about the study, data privacy

awareness, the data questionnaire itself.

Keyword: Time management, Academic excellence, Leyte National High School, Grade 11


The Researchers would like to give their deepest appreciation to the following individuals
who helped them in achieving their goals and objectives in the study that they have
conducted. The study would have not been possible without them.

First and foremost, God the Almighty Father who gave us the wisdom, knowledge
courage and Strength to be able to start, continue and, end the research study without his
guide the study would have not been started in the first place.

To Mr. Ryan Paul C. Niones who had been very patient in teaching us answering our
questions and extending our deadlines that lead us to the path of excellence and success in
conducting this research study.

To our parents who tried their best to be able to help us as much as they can. They had
always served to be an inspiration for us to strive harder and to persevere.

To our peers and friends who made this study memorable and fun, and had been an
accomplice through the ups and downs of the research.


TITLE PAGE …………………………………………………………………… I


ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………….... III

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………………………...... IV

TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………………… V


1 INTRODUCTION …………………………………………...... 1

Background and Rationale ………………………………. 1-2

Statement of the Problem ………………………………… 2

Scope and Limitations of the Study ……………………… 3

Significance of the Study ………………………………… 3-4

Definition of Terms ………………………………………. 4-5



Related Literature …………………………………........... 6-7

Related Studies ………………………………………….. 8-9

Theoretical Framework of the study ……………………. 10-11

Research Hypothesis ……………………………………. 12


3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY …………………………...... 13

Research Design ………………………………………… 13

Research Locale …………………………………………. 13-14

Participants ………………………………………………. 14

Sampling Procedure …………………………………….. 14

Research Instrument …………………………………….. 14-15

Data Gathering Procedure ……………………………….. 15

Ethical Consideration ……………………………………. 16

Analysis of Data ………………………………………… 16-17

BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………… 18-21

APPENDICIES ………………………………………………………………… 22-30




In the First chapter, the basic information of the study that has been conducted by

the researchers can be seen such as the Background of the Study and rationale, Statement

of the Problem, Scope and Limitations of the Study, and the definition of terms that will

enable the readers to understand the study that the Researchers have Conducted.

Background of the Study and Rationale

Humans see and define time in various ways, but we all can agree that time is

inevitable it can’t even be stopped by change. According to (Brigitte et. al, 2005) utilizing

and managing time is one of the main skills a student must have to be able to balance their

academic life and achieve their goals while still having time for themselves and their other

personal needs outside their academic path. It is essential to students who are balancing

various responsibilities and aspirations in life. According to Shazia Nasrullah PhD as cited

in Macan, 2000 that in order to achieve great success in life one must utilize the things or

resources that was given to us fairly and we also have to plan it efficiently for example is

time everyone is given fair freedom of choice in what he or she may do with his or her time.

Various activities are done by students, balancing their academic life personal

life etc. Different activities act as a barrier between them and the full potential of their

academic performance. Due to the mismanagement of time certain gaps between life roles

are formed. In this study the researchers focus is on how relevant and important time

management is to the grade 11 students of Leyte National High School who are also the

respondents for the study. This study will promote and hopefully encourage Grade 11

students of Leyte National High School to utilized their time for their own welfare.

There has been an increasing understanding of the need to adapt and improve student

preparation in order for them to perform productively in a constantly changing and highly

demanding environment. The sudden rise of this Covid-19 pandemic brought challenges

to all of the sectors of our society. The educational sector alternatives to face-to-face

teaching and learning. This change affects most especially the students. This study aims to

know and understand the significance of having time management in the studies of grade

11 students now that the world is facing this pandemic.

Statement of The Problem

This Study aims to know the significance of time management and what are the

Effects of good time managing amongst the Grade 11 Students of Leyte National High

School. Specifically, its intention is to answer the following questions:

1. What is the appanage of having good time management skills?

2. What is the relationship between the student's time management and

their academic performance?

3. What is the purpose of Time management in a Students Life?


Scope and Limitations of the Study

There are several limitations to this study that must be considered. First, the study is

only Limited to the Grade 11 ABM students of Leyte National High school. It is located at

Lino Gonzaga Street in Tacloban City. Second, the study won’t be that generalized and

cannot be relatable and applicable to various people since only grade 11 students were

chosen to be the Respondents of the research.

Third, the point of view of the research can only be seen at the point of view of the

Researchers that conducted the Research Study. Fourth the range of information and

opinions from the students is only limited by the answer they had given and the survey

questions itself. Fifth, the accuracy of the data that has been given by the respondents

through answering the survey questionnaires.

Significance of the Study

The current study has the potential to be valuable and significant to society,

students, and the future researchers.

Students. In particular, the Grade 11 students, will understand the significance of time

management. Hence, students will be more aware on how time management is important.

It ensures that students be well-prepared, organized, and focused in order to manage their

daily lives and complete academic work on time. It can help students achieve more success,

but it is a skill that they must learn and practice.

Society. Everyone has the same time track so this will also apply to people in the

community. This research would give people the knowledge to improve their lives and

become a productive citizen in the community. The human life will be more balanced with

the help of this research.

Future Researchers. This study can be a guidance and source of knowledge for their study

related to this topic.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined conceptually and operationally for a better

understanding of this study.

Demanding Environment. It refers to the "demanding job or task requires a lot of your

time, energy, or attention." (Collins Dictionary, n.d.). In this study, demanding

environment pertains to the surroundings or place that provide more difficult work that

needs to be focused on.

Grade XI Students. It refers to "the eleventh year of school, when students are 16 or 17

years old." (Collins Dictionary, n.d.). In this study, it refers to senior high school starter

learners as part of the kindergarten to the 12th-grade program implemented by the

government in schools nationwide.

Pandemic. It refers to "a disease outbreak that spreads across countries or continents."

(Downs, n.d.). In this study, this refers to the global epidemic due to coronavirus disease

caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Productive. It pertains to "someone or something with a lot of things completed." (Your

Dictionary, n.d.). In this study, it refers to the ability of a person to do much work, without

wasting time.

Resource. It refers to "an action or strategy which may be adopted in adverse

circumstances." (Oxford Languages, n.d.). In this study, it refers to the time that everyone


Self-Motivation. It refers to "the internal state that helps us initiate, continue, or terminate

a behavior." (Davis, n.d.). In this study, it refers to the perseverance to do the things that

need to be done.

Time Management. This pertains to "the process of organizing and planning how to divide

your time between different activities." (Mind Tools, n.d.). In this study, it refers to a

person's action or process of controlling his or her time spent on particular activities.



After a rigorous and in-depth search, the research’s offer the literature and studies

in this chapter, books, these and dissertations, journals and other publications, online

sources, other published and unpublished resources were used to compile this list. This will

also include a theoretical and conceptual framework for understanding how the research

will be carried out, as well as a glossary of terms to facilitate comprehension.

Related Literature

Time management is a skill that everyone should have in order to do things

successfully and efficiently. According to Caroll 2015, proper time management leads to

better decisions, especially when one is not under pressure and so one can achieve a

successful life just by making the appropriate decisions in a conscious manner. Time

management can be classified, which adds to a variety of core attributes in general. Goal

setting, planning, prioritizing, and scheduling are some of the most important and key

variables to consider in one’s time management abilities.

Alrheme and co. al, 2014 performed research to find out what students thought

about time management in terms of planning, organizing, directing, and censorship, as well

as effects of personal variables on academic achievement. The data was collected from a

sample of 300 pupils. As evidenced by a correlation coefficient, the study found that

planning had a considerable impact on academic attainment. As evidenced by a correlation

coefficient, the study's findings show that planning has a considerable impact on academic

accomplishment. And that time management and academic accomplishment have a

statistically significant beneficial association.

At Ghazi University in Turkey, Kimlglo et. al, did a study to evaluate the

association between academic accomplishment and time management abilities in education

college. The study also discovered that while students' conduct in the area of time planning

was at an all-time high, their behavior in the area of wasting time was at an all-time low. It

also revealed that there is a strong positive association between planning time and waste

time and students' academic results, as well as a noteworthy relationship between medium

time management and academic achievement.

According to Tsai et. al 2015 time management is a talent that everyone should

have in order to do their tasks successfully and efficiently. Proper time management leads

to better decisions especially if one is not pressured, and thus, by making the right decision

in mindful manner, one can attain a successful life just by properly managing their time.

Moreover, time management skills and techniques can be characterized by one's personal

approach, which contributes numerous fundamental qualities in general. And some of the

main and primary factors that should be considered in one's time management skills are

goal setting, planning, prioritizing, and scheduling.


Related Studies

Time management is the process of planning and consuming your time in a

particular activity every day. A variety of different skills, tools, and approaches that are

used to manage time while completing certain pursuits, projects, and goals by a deadline

can help with time management. In addition, effective time management is linked to

improved academic success. Numerous considerations might require exemplify time


The study of Nashrullah and and Khan (2015) Planning and time attitude are two-

time management characteristics found as independent variables linked to students'

academic success. Students' academic progress is substantially connected with time

management factors such as short-range, long-range, and time attitude, according to the


Another study proposes the following time management variables: Independent

variables include priority, procrastination, socializing, and time management.

academic performance of students (Adebayo, 2015). Specifically, His study trusted

source found that there is a positive association between time and effort factors such as

Prioritization, procrastination, socializing, and other management aspects

academic achievement of student’s other implications of the findings include: Learners

should manage their tasks and respond to deadlines with less procrastinating

as well as in taking exams and participating in mild sociability activities Karim, et. al,

(2015) includes the attitudes and ideas of students around time and management are linked

to time management elements. Students that took use of time-saving abilities excelled


They discovered that pupils who do not adopt time-saving measures in their

educational environment have much lower grades. Pupils who use time management

techniques have significantly higher academic accomplishments than those who

don't.Every student should understand and practice time management. Many university

students are concerned about running out of time and feeling frustrated because they will

not be able to complete the work before the deadline.

Time management is crucial for university students, as it will help them enhance

their grades and productivity Laurie & Hellsten, 2002).

However, most students struggle with task aversion and uncertainty, leading them to delay

due to a lack of organizational abilities. As a result, students will be unable to organize

their obligations according to their priorities, making them prone to being distracted and

procrastinating. As can be seen, time management is critical for all university students and

is one of the keys to academic success.


Theoretical Framework

Time management has a huge impact on students’ academic virtues. The

effects are clearly deeper that most people translate. There are three known theories that

are the foundation of the study about time management The Pickle Jar theory where

basically that the time is based on a pickle jar that time is limited. In time management, the

Pareto principle argues that 20% of your effort yields 80% of the results. According to

Sipica (2021), as a result, understanding the Pareto principle can primarily assist us in

setting the proper priorities.

According to Parkinson's Law, work expands to occupy the time given for

completion. As cited in Asana Inc, 2022 this could imply that you take longer than

necessary to accomplish a task or that you postpone and do it right before the deadline. The

researchers study used these three theories as a foundation in order to fully understand

these common and uncommon phenomena in order to fully understand what are the are the

consequences of having good or bad time management skills. We found out that it goes

deeper that we have expected it to be. Such as it can affects one’s mental, physical, and

emotional health. That figure above shows the great impact of having good and bad time

management as a student.

The Pareto principle The Pickle Jar theory The Parkinson’s Law

Time Management

Effects to the grade 11

Having Good Time Having Bad Time

Management Skills Management Skills

• It assists you in • Academic

achieving your performance is
objectives more quickly. deteriorating.
• Proper time management • Sleep deprivation.
makes you more • Poor Diet.
effective. • Dropping out is a
• It assists you in possibility.
prioritizing your tasks. • Mental Health is
• You do more in less affected
• Reduces stress.
• Procrastination is
• It improves your
professional options and
raises your confidence.

Research Hypothesis

SOP1: What is the appanage of having good time management skill?

Ho1: The appanage of having good time management skill is time planning and writing

down to hour by hour for more detailed schedule.

Ho1: There is no time wasting in planning and manage your days and hours in having time

management skills.

SOP2: How does a student's time management affect his or her academic performance?

Ho2: It affects the students of their time management of his or her academic performance

that the students are well prepared, organized and completing their academic activities on


Ho2: There is no reason of the students of not completing the academic activities in using

their time management.

SOP3: What is the purpose of time management in a student's life?

Ho3: The purpose of the time management in a student's life is the coordination of tasks

and activities to maximize the effectiveness of their efforts, and to get more and better

performance done in less time.

HO3: There are no distractions in manage their time by using their planned and detailed

schedule in having their time management.



This research study has a qualitative design. In this chapter the method or

Methodology that was used is stated. In this chapter it will be explained and presented on

how the data was gathered.

Research Design

This study took a qualitative approach for its investigation. This study uses a

descriptive research design. This study uses a phenomenological research design. The

researchers will choose random students of Grade 11 ABM Senior High School students

to determine the impact of time management to the students' academic progress. The

participants will answer open-ended questions through questionnaires and interview.

Research Locale

This study was conducted at Leyte National High School, this place was selected

for knowing the importance of time management in Grade 11 Students. The research study

was implemented inside the premises of Leyte National High School, Eastern Visayas

number one secondary school. Since 1905, VIII for more than a hundred years.


The Participants for the study that the researchers have conducted are the Grade 11

Accountancy and Business Management students who are currently enrolled at Leyte

National Highschool. The Researchers estimated about more or less 50 Respondents since

there are more than 50 students who are currently enrolled in Leyte National Highschool.

Sampling Procedure

In gathering the data for the study, the sample for the Research are the Grade 11

Accountancy Business Management (ABM) Students of Leyte National Highschool. The

target of the Researchers is at least 50 students as the respondents. The researchers aim to

conduct a survey on different types of students those who excels in their academic

performance and also to those who don’t. This study uses a survey-based research design.

The Researcher will include a short introduction in the online survey for the respondents

to know what the Survey they are answering is for.

Research Instrument

To obtain the data needed in this study the instruments used were questionnaires

and interviews. The questionnaires will be given to the random selected Grade 11 ABM

Senior High School students of Leyte National High School with an open-ended question

to have better accuracy and to further determine the impact of time management to the

student’s academic progress. In addition, to supplement the additional data that cannot be

covered by the questionnaires, the researchers conducted interviews to gather the necessary

information and provide the necessary data. To collect the data for the study, the

researchers conducted an unstructured interview. To keep the research unbiased, the

researchers facilitated the interview using Google Meet with open-ended questions.

Data Gathering Procedure

The Data that will be collected by the researchers will all come from the online

survey questionnaires, the interview and the observations that the researchers had from the

respondents. The data collected is only valid if the information came from the chosen

respondents for the study. The online survey is open ended questions meaning the

researchers are open for different thoughts and opinion regarding the study they have

Conducted. The online survey and google meet methods are the most convenient less costly

way of gathering data from respondents.

The identity of the respondents such as the name will all remain anonymous for

confidentiality purposes, and only the data that is mainly needed by the research will be

used and publicized. When the participants agree in being a respondent for the research

study the survey questionnaire itself will contain the short introduction about the study and

the significance of their participation is to the study. The online survey questionnaire will

be sent via messenger through google docs. If the respondent agrees to attend the google

meet the link for the created classroom would automatically be sent along with the schedule.

Ethical Considerations

The respondents should know about the conducted research. They should be

informed about the research such as the purpose and how the answers will be used. This is

to give the respondents the opportunity to decide whether to participate to the research or

not. The decision will be respected and will not make any force.

It is important that the privacy of the respondents is safe. It is ensured that no personal

information about respondents specially who they are is disclosed to the public.

Vulgar, offensive and any discriminatory languages should be avoided in conducting the

research. It causes harm socially, emotionally, and many more that leads to anxiety, stress,

diminishing self-esteem. Any harm should be avoided. The researchers ensure the

protection of the respondents.

Honesty and transparency are important in research. The researchers ensure that any

forms of communication regarding this research are factual. The dignity of the everyone

should be respected. By acknowledging and validating them, they will feel that they belong,

safe and respected.

Analysis of Data

Based on the data that the researchers have gathered it shows that time

management greatly influences the academic performance of the student. Time

management is important to the students to be able to perform different life roles and being

responsible to their obligations in life but at the same time have the time to enjoy. The data

also indicates that time managing skills is not only for the students but it should be mastered

by everyone regardless of their life roles. The researchers will use the phenomenological

research design to be able to truly understand the study while still being restrained by the

with the indicated limitations of the study.

The research will be conducted in Leyte National High school located at

Tacloban city. The participants for the study would be the grade 11 students of Leyte

National High school. They will use an online survey questionnaire to gather the data

needed. They would also like to interview the participants via google meet for further

queries about the study.



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Management, Self-Leadership, and the Nurse Manager. Administrative Sciences, 10(3), 38.

Tsai, HC., Liu, SH. (2015). Relationships between time-management skills, Facebook

interpersonal skills and academic achievement among junior high school students. Soc

Psychol Educ 18, 503–516.

Alrheme, & Almardeni. (2014). The Effect of the Time Management Art on Academic

Achievement among High School Students in Jordan. ERIC - Education Resources

Information Center.

Kisa, A., & Ersoy, K. (2005). Time management and academic achievement of higher

secondary students. i-manager's Journal on School Educational Technology, 10(3), 38-43.

(Sevari and Kandy, 2011; Adebayo, 2015;Kearns andGardiner; 2007; Kaushar, 2013)




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in association" from

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Gardiner; 2007; Kaushar, 2013). proper time management positively correlates to better

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Laurie, A., & Hellsten, M. (2002). What Do We Know About Time Management? A

Review of the Literature and a Psychometric Critique of Instruments Assessing Time

Management University of Saskatchewan, Canada from



Kelly, M. (2004). Get time on your side, Careers & Universities, 24 (4), p.28 from

Sabelis, I. (2001), “Time management: paradoxes and patterns”. Time & Society, 10, p-

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Faisal, Z., Miqdadi, A. F., Mohammad, T., & Nabil, M. (2014). The Relationship

between Time

Management and the Academic Performance of Students. University of Bridgeport,

Bridgpeort, CT, USA from




Schools Division of Tacloban City


Senior High School

Tacloban City

May 23, 2022


MT-III/ Assistant SHS Principal for Academics


We, the Grade 12 Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) students of Leyte

National High School are currently working on a qualitative research study entitled:


LEYTE NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL”. The studies obtain to; emphasis the significance

of time management and how time management gradually effects a student’s academic


On that note, we respectfully ask for your permission and approval to

conduct our study. We are hoping for your kind consideration.

Thank You and God Bless!

Respectfully Yours,

Ruben Balotol III

Arianne Nicole N. Jao

Claire D. Macamay

Precios Hannah M. Mendez

Noeme M. Ramos

Aila Shane M. Regis

Richard B. Silawan Jr.

Keight Reyzen M. Teodoro

Noted by:


Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion Teacher MT-I/ Group Head, ABM

Approved by:


MT-III/ Assistant SHS Principal for Academics


Approved: ( )

Disapproved: ( )


Letter to the Respondent

Schools Division of Tacloban City


Senior High School

Tacloban City

Dear Respondents,

Greetings! We, the Grade 12 students from Section Proprietorship of

Accounting, Business, and Management (ABM) Strand are conducting a study entitled

“Significance of Time Management for the Grade 11 students in Leyte National High

School”. In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Inquires, Investigation,

and Immersion, the researchers are inviting you to take part in the research study.

Respondents have the right to refuse to answer the questionnaires or

withdraw from the study anytime without adverse repercussions. But if you voluntarily

decide to be part of the study by answering the questionnaires, rest assured that the data

gathered from you will be kept in the highest level of confidentiality.

Your positive response in this request will have an essential contribution

for the success of the study and will surely be highly appreciated.


The Researchers:

Ruben Balotol III

Arianne Nicole N. Jao

Claire D. Macamay

Precios Hannah M. Mendez

Noeme M. Ramos

Aila Shane M. Regis

Richard B. Silawan Jr.

Keight Reyzen M. Teodoro




Schools Division of Tacloban City


Senior High School

Tacloban City


MT-III/ Assistant SHS Principal for Academics


We, the Grade 12 Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) students of Leyte

National High School are currently working on a qualitative research study entitled:


LEYTE NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL”. The studies obtain to; emphasis the significance

of time management and how Time management gradually effects a student’s academic


In connection with this, we are respectfully requesting from your office to provide us a

copy of the master list of all of the sections of the ABM strand for the school year 2020-

2021. The list will be used as a reference for choosing the respondents of our research.

We hope for your kind consideration. Thank you and God Bless.

Respectfully Yours,

Ruben Balotol III

Arianne Nicole N. Jao

Claire D. Macamay

Precios Hannah M. Mendez

Noeme M. Ramos

Aila Shane M. Regis

Richard B. Silawan Jr.

Keight Reyzen M. Teodoro

Noted by:



Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion Teacher MT-1/Group Head, ABM

Approved by:

(sgd.) ALDIM B. RODA, MaEd

MT-III/Assistant Senior High School Principal for Academics



Survey Questionnaire

Schools Division of Tacloban City


Senior High School

Tacloban City

I. Participant’s Profile

Instruction: Fill in the following information below.

Grade level: Section:


II. Questionnaire’s

Kindly select one answer HONESTLY by putting a check on the box of your choice.

Do you think time management is significant?




What is/are the advantage(s) of proper utilization/use of time?

State your answer:

How does your time managing skills affect your academic performance?

State your answer:

What do you think is the advantage of proper time managing to you as a student?

State your answer:

Would you like to join a g meet where the researchers would ask a few questions?



Accountancy and Business Management

Barangay 79 Ugsad, Marasbaras

Tacloban City, Leyte


[email protected]

Richard B. Silawan Jr. is a Senior High school Student at Leyte National High School

and he is taking up the strand accountancy business and management in his senior high


He is an athlete when he’s elementary and he graduated his junior high in the

same school which is in Leyte National High School. He is now 19 years old, currently

enrolled in Leyte National High School. He lives in Brgy.79 Ugsad, Marasbaras,

Tacloban City, Leyte for 1 month.


Accountancy Business and Management

Brgy.95 Caibaan Tacloban City, Leyte


[email protected]

Arianne Nicole N. Jao an 18 years old Filipino citizen. She is now taking up

the strand Accountancy Business and Management and an aspiring accountant in the future.

She graduated in her junior high school at St. Mary's Academy of Guiuan in year 2019 and

she transfer in Senior High school in Leyte National High School. She is also a volleyball

and badminton player in Guiuan. Meanwhile, her elementary days she is a band member

and she graduated in Immaculate Conception School. She is an independent girl and she

believes that all her hard work now will eventually grow and result into something great in

the future. She wanted to help in her family in simple ways and is doing her best in school

just so she could make her family proud.


Accountancy Business and Management

Brgy. 106 Santo Nino Tacloban City, Leyte


[email protected]

Claire D. Macamay is a senior high school student at Leyte National High

School taking up the Accountancy Business and Management strand. She is a Filipino

citizen and now 18 years of age. She was a member of the Comelec Organization and the

Boy Scout of the Philippines when she was in Junior High School at Leyte National High

School. At Tigbao Diit Elementary School she graduated from elementary and she is a

consistent honor student.


Accountancy Business and Management Student

Brgy. Bagong Silang Babatngon, Leyte


[email protected]

Precios Hannah M. Mendez from Brgy. Bagong Silang Babatngon,

Leyte. A Filipina student and a member of Accountancy Business and Management club

for the fact that she is taking up the strand accountancy business and management in Senior

High School. In her elementary days she is active in school she is a former SPG member

of her school and a consistent honor student in her elementary days and graduated at

Pagsulhugon Elementary School as 5th honorable mention. She is also a member of SSG,

Senior scout, Dance troupe, Band member and a consistent honor student from Grade 7-9

junior high school days at Emeterio Federica Gerez National High School and transferred

at Pagsulhugon National High School and graduated “with honors” due to her academic

excellence. She is now 18 years of age, currently excelled in Leyte National High School

in Senior High School Department.




Ninoy Aquino Street. Tacloban City, Leyte


[email protected]

Noeme M. Ramos is a Senior Highschool Student at Leyte National

Highschool taking up the ABM Strand. An 18 years old Filipina Citizen. She graduated

her Junior Highschool in the same school which is in Leyte National Highschool with

honor which she felt honored to be part of the honor list. She is just a normal and ordinary

girl who strives to become a professional business in the future.


Accountancy Business and Management

Brgy. 6-A Lopez Jaena Ext. Tacloban City


[email protected]

Aila Shane M. Regis is 18 years old, student. She is currently studying at Leyte

National High School under the Accountancy Business and Management (ABM) strand.

She is graduated in elementary at Rizal Central School and then transferred to Leyte

National High School (LNHS) for junior high school. Some of her achievements are being

salutatorian in kindergarten, A girls scout in elementary, A third member of Comelec

Organization in Junior High School. Transferred to Leyte National High School and

moving up with honors. She is also with honors in Senior High School since then due to

her academic excellence.


Accountancy Business Management

Brgy, Tangnan Carigara, Leyte


[email protected]

Keight Reyzen M. Teodoro is a Grade 12 Student of Accountancy Business

Management in Leyte National High School. She Graduated with honors in her elementary

years at Cassidy Elementary School She Also Graduate with Honors on her Junior High

School journey at Holy Cross College of Carigara. She is also an honor student on her

Senior High school days as a Grade 11 student.

Ruben Baloto lII

Accountacy, Business and Management

Barangay Campetik Palo, Leyte


[email protected]

Ruben Balotol is a Senior Highschool Student at Leyte National High School. He

was an honor student and an athlete when he studied in Liceo Del Verbo Divino. He Aims

to be a successful entrepreneur and write books to inspire young people.

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