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Using Various Strategies in Decoding The Meaning of Words Melc

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Title: Using various strategies in decoding the meaning of words

Learning Area: English Grade Level: 8
Length (In minutes): 12 minutes
Teacher Broadcaster: Ivy B. Cluma
Language/ Content Editor: Alleli Faaith P Leyritana

Scene 1: INTRO
Half frame

Happy learning day, dear learners!

Today’s going to be a productive day as we will venture

GFX pop up text IVY B. CLUMA together to the world of knowledge. This is your
fairymazing teacher, IVY CLUMA
GFX pop up text DepEd TV Lanao del Norte
Welcome to another exciting episode in English 8
Here on DepEd TV LaNorte.

And, let’s get it on!

Scene 2: REVIEW

GFX pop up text Previously, we were able to discuss about

Figurative Language.

Figurative Language . As a review, we will have a short quiz. Grab your pen
and paper and let’s get started with the quiz.

Directions: Identify the figurative language used in
Directions: Identify the figurative language
each sentence. Write your answers in your activity
used in each sentence. Write your answers in
your activity notebook.
1. Lightning danced across the sky.
1. Lightning danced across the sky.
Answer: Personification
Answer: Personification
2. The car complained as the key was roughly
2. The car complained as the key was
turned in its ignition.
roughly turned in its ignition.
Answer: Personification
Answer: Personification
3. You were as brave as a lion.
3. You were as brave as a lion.
Answer: Simile
Answer: Simile
4. Laughter is the music of the soul.
4. Laughter is the music of the soul.
Answer: Metaphor
Answer: Metaphor
5. The suitcase weighed a ton!
5. The suitcase weighed a ton!
Answer: Hyperbole
Answer: Hyperbole

You did well with the review quiz, learners.

GFX pop up text

For today’s Lesson, you are going to learn:
Using various strategies in decoding the Using various strategies in decoding the meaning of
meaning of words words
GFX pop up text Now let’s discuss the lesson thoroughly.

Every time you read, listen, or watch something and you

find words that are new to you and sometimes you find
them difficult to understand. In order to understand those
difficult words, you use the dictionary to look for the
meaning of those words. But, what if you do not have
dictionary? What is the best thing to do?

There is the best way not to hassle yourself from doing

so. You can use Context clues.

Context clues are hints in the passage, paragraph or

Context clues are hints in the passage, individual sentence that, if considered, can tell you the
paragraph or individual sentence that, if meaning of a word you are not familiar with.
considered, can tell you the meaning of a word
you are not familiar with.
Types of context clues
Types of context clues 1. Context clues on definition or restatement- the
1. Context clues on definition or meaning of the words is in the sentences itself,
restatement- the meaning of the words is usually following the vocabulary word.
in the sentences itself, usually following
the vocabulary word.
 It was idyllic day- sunny, warm, and perfect
 It was idyllic day- sunny, warm, and
for a walk in the park.
perfect for a walk in the park.
 Jayson’s crafty dishonesty caused him to
 Jayson’s crafty dishonesty caused
steal his co-worker’s pensions by funnelling
him to steal his co-worker’s pensions
their money into an offshore account
by funnelling their money into an
offshore account

2. Context clues on synonym- the sentence 2. Context clues on synonym- the sentence uses a
uses a similar word to help explain the similar word to help explain the meaning of the
meaning of the vocabulary word. vocabulary word.

Examples: Examples:
 The teller was sent to the penitentiary,  The teller was sent to the penitentiary, or
or prison for stealing the money from prison for stealing the money from the bank.
The underlined word means PRISON.

the bank.  Lorna was wistful, she felt sad when her best
The underlined word means PRISON. friend moved away.
 Lorna was wistful, she felt sad when The underlined word means SHOWING A SAD
her best friend moved away. LONGING
The underlined word means SHOWING A SAD
END OF VO 3. Context clues on antonym- the sentence uses a
3. Context clues on antonym- the sentence word with an opposite definition to give the
uses a word with an opposite definition to meaning of the vocabulary word.
give the meaning of the vocabulary word.
VO Examples:
Examples:  Rey is gregarious, unlike his brother who is
 Rey is gregarious, unlike his brother quiet and shy.
who is quiet and shy.  While she was indifferent to golf, her
 While she was indifferent to golf, her husband was an avid fan.
husband was an avid fan. END OF VO
4. Context clues on examples- this type of context
4. Context clues on examples- this type of clues uses examples to help infer the meaning of
context clues uses examples to help infer the vocabulary word. Words like including, such
the meaning of the vocabulary word. as, and for example.
Words like including, such as, for
example, point out example clues.
VO Example: Her duplicity involved lowering her
Example: Her duplicity involved lowering her employee’s salaries, increasing their stock options,
employee’s salaries, increasing their stock and then stealing the money she saved by doing so.
options, and then stealing the money she END OF VO
saved by doing so.
END OF VO Now, let us have an activity for you to fully
understand the topic we have.

DIRECTIONS: Read and answer the questions. Choose the word
Read and answer the questions. Choose the that best fits the sentence. Write only the letter of the
word that best fits the sentence. Write only correct answer.
the letter of the correct answer.
1. The truck drivers rallied together against the
1. The truck drivers rallied together company.
against the company. In this sentence, the word rallied means:
In this sentence, the word rallied means: b. Divided b. United c. Enjoyed d.
a. Divided b. United c. Enjoyed d. Entertained
Entertained Answer: B
Answer: B 2. She acted in an inhumane way when taking
2. She acted in an inhumane way when care for the lost dog.
taking care for the lost dog. In this sentence, the word inhumane means:
In this sentence, the word inhumane means: b. Mean b. Hurtful c. Loving d. Caring
a. Mean b. Hurtful c. Loving d. Caring Answer: A
Answer: A 3. The altar boy was an acolyte- a helper in the
3. The altar boy was an acolyte- a helper religious service.
in the religious service. In this sentence, the word acolyte means:
In this sentence, the word acolyte means: b. Deacon b. Priest c. Leader d. Helper
a. Deacon b. Priest c. Leader d. Answer: D

Helper 4. The television anchor gave the evening news
Answer: D report without messing up.
4. The television anchor gave the In this sentence, the word report means:
evening news report without messing b. Information b. Surprise c. Reality d. Cause
up. Answer: A
In this sentence, the word report means: 5. My little brother is a nuisance when he asked
a. Information b. Surprise c. Reality d. too many questions.
Cause In this sentence, the word nuisance means:
Answer: A b. Teacher b. Friend c. Help d. pest
5. My little brother is a nuisance when he Answer: D
asked too many questions. END OF VO.
In this sentence, the word nuisance means:
a. Teacher b. Friend c. Help d. pest Very good, dear Grade 8 Learners! You are such
Answer: D wonderful students!


Context clues are the words and sentences that

surround a word and help explain the word’s
meaning. Knowing the various types of context
clues can help you understand unfamiliar and
difficult words in context better. It can also make
your reading and listening journey more fun and
memorable by learning new words.
GFX FULL FRAME TEXTS: Now, let’s check your understanding of the lesson we
have for today. Get ready with your pen, paper and
modules and do the task that follows

Read and answer the questions. Choose the Read and answer the questions. Choose the word
word that best fits the sentence. Write only that best fits the sentence. Write only the letter of the
the letter of the correct answer. correct answer.

1. James committed an offense when he 1. James committed an offense when he robbed

robbed the bank. the bank.
In this sentence, the word offense means: In this sentence, the word offense means:
a. Cash b. Murder c. Crime d. Libel b. Cash b. Murder c. Crime d. Libel
Answer: C Answer: C
2. The song soared above the rest of the 2. The song soared above the rest of the songs
songs on the Top Music Charts. on the Top Music Charts.
In this sentence, the word soared means: In this sentence, the word soared means:
a. dove b. sang c. rose d. fell b. dove b. sang c. rose d. fell
Answer: C Answer: C
3. The ugly monster’s face was hideous 3. The ugly monster’s face was hideous to look
to look at. at.
In this sentence, the word hideous means: In this sentence, the word hideous means:
a. scary b. funny c. beautiful d. lovely b. scary b. funny c. beautiful d. lovely
Answer: A Answer: A

4. The class assembled in front of the 4. The class assembled in front of the flag pole
flag pole to sing the National Anthem to sing the National Anthem
In this sentence, the word assembled means: In this sentence, the word assembled means:
a. climbed b. gathered c. spoke d. b. climbed b. gathered c. spoke d. dispersed
dispersed Answer: B
Answer: B 5. The bridge swayed back and forth in the
5. The bridge swayed back and forth in wind.
the wind. In this sentence, the word swayed means:
In this sentence, the word swayed means: a. moved b. flew c. rose d. bridged
a. moved b. flew c. rose d. bridged Answer: A
Answer: A

Wow! You did great with our activity, my dear
Grade 8 Learners. Congratulations!
Students who use context clues can create pictures in
their minds to visualize a concept and better create
meaning and understanding. Yes, it is important to
understand unfamiliar words so that you can interpret the
overall meaning of a sentence.
And, it was one great episode, my dear Grade 8
I hope to see you in the next episode of English 8.
Keep in mind that knowledge empowers you. Keep
safe everyone and have a great day.


(NOTE: Script should be 6 to 7 pages only. Thank you!)


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