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Using Random Text Strategy in Improving Reading: Arrenged By: Sausan Nudhar (16060013)

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Arrenged By :

Sausan Nudhar (16060013)

English Department Faculty Of Teacher Training And Education

University Of Riau Kepulauan

Reading has a significant place in learning English. Reading is important because it can
help the students to gain information such as general knowledge, subject of school. Through
reading people can improve their own knowledge which is needed to insure the continuing
personal growth and adapt the change in the world.

One of the English language skills that should be mastered and pressured in Junior High
School is reading since it is a crucial part of second language learning and teaching. Those
statements are supported by Carrel et all (1988: 1), they say that reading is by far the most
important of four skills in second language, particularly in English

Reading for comprehension is not of course an easy text especially for Junior High
School students. Many students have troubles when they get task related to the reading material.
The cause of this matter is lack of reading comprehension ability. The important thing that can
help the students to explore their reading comprehension is ability to arrange the reading
material, its element, and understand interrelationship between it parts. Through reading, they
can improve their vocabulary and knowledge.

Understand reading material is an ability which has to be developed and growth to the
children, and need a hard effort and more attention because they have to learn about sentences
construction, short story, and poem. In this case we need strategies.

Strategies have an important role in teaching and learning process which is used by the
teachers who would like to be successful, especially English teacher in teaching English as
foreign language. The effective strategy creates a good result in teaching and learning process
and absolutely we can attract the student’s motivation.

To improve the students reading comprehension ability, teacher has to use a strategy to
teach it, so the writer tries to use Random Text Strategy in this research. Random text strategy is
an approach in teaching process where the text as main tool.
In this case, text is given to the students disorderly and then they will arrange it on the
true form. Random text strategy is one of the active learning strategies.

This strategy appropriate with language learning because it can help the students to think
logically and chronologically. Based on the argumentation above, the writer tries to conduct
research about the using Random Text Strategy to improve reading comprehension.

Arrenged By :

Sausan Nudhar (16060013)

English Department Faculty Of Teacher Training And Education

University Of Riau Kepulauan

English is one of the most important elements in education to develop human sources. It
is being expected to be able to make people aware about future where English will be used in all
fields even now English can be found easily everywhere and every time. Crystal (in
McKey.2000: 7) says that English is rapidly assuming the role of a world language, and no other
language has spread around the globe so extensively, making English a truly international
language. Therefore, the mastery of English is a must. In Indonesia, English is an important
subject in the curriculum. The students must master four skills namely listening, speaking,
reading, and writing. Particularly for writing, as we know, it is being used in many aspects of
global literature such as agreements in political and military, advertisement, business transaction,
archiving, legal document, and newspaper. Richards and Renandya (2002: 303) stated that
writing is the most difficult skill for second language and foreign language learners. They define
that writing is generating, organizing, and translating ideas into a readable text. Their statements
show that learners are getting more than one process in writing. It becomes a problem when
learners cannot process their ideas into a text, even sometimes they do not know what to do in
the beginning of writing. That is the 2 reason why learning techniques are needed in learning
activities to help the students.

A technique is a method that is used during the learning process. One technique that has
proven and is capable of optimizing learning outcomes is the mapping technique called mind
maps (Mind Mapping). According to Edward (2009: 64), mind mapping is the most effective and
efficient way to enter, store and retrieve data from or to the brain. Mind Mapping is a way of
noting the subject matter that allows students to learn writing.

In this case, writing activities utilize the entire activity of the brain, namely the potency
of the left brain related to logic and right brain related to the emotion. This technique will help
the students for brainstorming or to find information within the brain by combining elements of
color and symbols. As we know that color, symbol, and picture can stimulate the students to be
active and relieve their stress, then they will more quickly develop their creativity in writing.
Mind Mapping will greatly assist students in exploiting the potency of both sides of their
brain. A good interaction between the two parts of the brain can trigger creativity that provides
convenience in the process of writing. The students that always use and develop their potency of
the brain parts will achieve an increase in some aspects, namely concentration, creativity, and
understanding, then they can develop writing through mind mapping. In English learning,
especially writing, the teacher basically just gave the material in textbooks or manuals used as a
reference in teaching. Therefore, the student experience of writing is less spacious and limited.
The strategy was not attractive enough that makes the low creativity in writing. These factors
encouraged the researcher conducted research on the effectiveness of mind mapping technique in
writing. The result of this study is expected to become evidence that the technique of mind
mapping can be one of proper technique in teaching writing.

Arrenged By :

Sausan Nudhar (16060013)

English Department Faculty Of Teacher Training And Education

University Of Riau Kepulauan

Reading is one of the four important languange skills that should be mastered by
students. Through reading, the students can increas their knowledge from books, newspaper,
magazine, journal or article. The students who like reading will have more knowledge than the
ones who do not. Beside that, by reading the students knows the importance information. Also
they can share information from what they have been read to other students. Reading will
provide the students with a lot of information about the world that will give contribution to their
success in study and in life later on.

Teaching reading is a process of helping students to be able to read and achieve

comprehension about what they read

. Reading is conceptualized as an interactive cognitive process in which readers interact

with the text using their prior knowledge, cultural background and use appropriate strategies
according to Li Fenfang (2010). Reading is an interactive process between a reader and a text.
There is a process in readers’ mind involving recognizing the words and connecting information
from the text to their background knowledge before generating the meaning. Reading for
meaning is known as reading comprehension.

In this paper, the writer focuses in reading descriptive text, because it is easily found in
daily life. Suswanti (2011) says that descriptive text is a text which is usually used to describe
something specially so that the reader can visualize and know exactly about the things that is
being described. The problem faced by the students in reading comprehension is influenced by
many factors when the writer asks for some teachers. Some of the factors are; first, the students
have low interest in reading. Second, they also have lack of vocabulary mastery and low critical
thinking skill. Some of the students do not understand the meaning of the sentences and they
cannot catch the idea or information from the sentences. Third, they are lazy to read about the
topics being discussed in the text and poor reading style. Furthermore, the teachers are less
creative to choose strategy to teach reading in the classroom. The strategies and the techniques
are not interesting which cannot motivate students to learn. Hamzah in Suparman (2011),
assumes that the lack of reading comprehension might be due to the ineffective of teaching
technique usually used by the teachers in the classroom.
Actually, this problem can be decreased by applying a certain strategy in teaching
reading. Grabe in Alyousef (2005) reveals the importance of using reading strategies in order to
read more efficiently. Reading comprehension strategies will give motivation for students to
develop their thinking ability. Teachers can apply several reading comprehension strategies
especially for descriptive text in order to help the students comprehend a text successfully.
Teachers can use Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) to teach in the classroom.

Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) is a technique that teaches students to work

cooperatively on a reading assignment to improve better comprehension. The students can make
a group or pairing to exercise reading comprehension. CSR maximizes the students’
development of critical thinking so they can easily understand the content of the text reading. In
reciprocal teaching, teachers and students take turns leading a dialogue concerning key features
of text through summarizing, questioning, clarifying, and predicting. This strategy aims to help
students when experiencing difficulties with reading comprehension. Many students of junior
high school lack understanding the content of reading whereas in reading there is a strategy that
can be used to comprehend the meaning of words they do not know.

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