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A S Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English, P. 662

This chapter introduces the background, problem, objectives, significance, and variables of the study. It discusses how language is important for communication and English is needed in Indonesia. Many students struggle with reading in English due to issues with pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension. Think-aloud strategy has been shown to improve reading scores by helping students assess their own comprehension and address challenges. The study aims to determine the effect of think-aloud strategy on improving students' reading skills at an MTsN school in Palangka Raya.

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333 views12 pages

A S Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English, P. 662

This chapter introduces the background, problem, objectives, significance, and variables of the study. It discusses how language is important for communication and English is needed in Indonesia. Many students struggle with reading in English due to issues with pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension. Think-aloud strategy has been shown to improve reading scores by helping students assess their own comprehension and address challenges. The study aims to determine the effect of think-aloud strategy on improving students' reading skills at an MTsN school in Palangka Raya.

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This chapter presents the discussion on the background of the study,

previous study, problem of the study, hypothesis of the study, limitation of the

study, assumption of the study, objective of the study,significance of the study,

variable of the study, operational definition and theoretical framework.

A. Background of the Study

Language is very important for our life, because it is way

tocommunicate with other people. According A.S Hornby, language is system

of sounds and words used by humans to express their thoughts and feelings.1

English is one of a foreign language in Indonesia. It becomes an

important need for people to gain more combative advantages. It is known that

language has functioned as media to connect among nations, and to develop

knowledge and science and the english teaching in Indonesia is to enable

students to use english in real situation. It means which the students can use it

as a means of communication and comprehending some sources written in it.

The most often become to complain is the teachers ability in applying

appropriate approaches, methods, strategies or techniques in teaching or

learning. So, many students are not interest in learning English. Therefore, the

English teach suggested in order to be able mastering of method, such

A S Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, p. 662


as,notices that a qualified teacher is the teacher who is able to suit best method

or technique to the material that is being taught.2

People learn to read their first language in a wide variety of

circumstances. The following description is of the fortune child in in a

fortunate country where reading is well prepared for and well taught. Children

are prepared for reading at an early age by listening to stories, being read to,

and interacting with adults and others about the stories they hear. This is done

not with the main purpose of preparing a child for reading but as a way that

parents and others interact with, show affection for, and entertain and educate

children. 3

Furthermore, good readers are more likely to fall back on appropriate

strategies when the need to change strategies becomes apparent. For most poor

readers however, using a variety of strategies, using strategies appropriately,

and monitoring strategies is not automatic. So, teachers need to recognize their

students' learning habits, the problems the students encounter while grappling

with the intricate system of the foreign language and provide them with

evidence of the usefulness of certain strategies. The strength of reading

strategy comprehension for most second language learners who already

literate in a previous language, reading comprehension is primarily a matter

developing appropriate efficinet comprehension strategies. 4

Arif Furchan, Pengantar Penelitian Dalam Pendidikan, Surabaya: Usaha Nasional. P . 4
I.S.P. Nation. Teaching ESL/EFL Reading and Writing. p.2-3
H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles an Interactive Approach to Language
Pedagogy, San Francisco: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., 2001, 2nd Edp. 306

Think-aloud as originally developed by (Newell and Simon),whoused

think aloud protocols in combination with computer models of

problemsolving processes to build very detailed models. Using this

methodology Newell and Simon were able to explain protocol data from a

theory of human memory and assumptions about the knowledge that subjects

could bring to bear on a task. This work had a major influence, because it

showed that very detailed explanations of verbal data can be obtained. To

study problem solving strategies. ''One way for teachers to know what reading

strategies students are using and help them use effective strategies in their

reading is to engage them in think-aloud protocols. With think-aloud

protocols, students verbalize, in an interview context, how they are processing

the text they are reading''. Therefore modeling strategic behaviors for

struggling readers by thinking aloud for them while they read (and hence,

allowing students to think aloud), is the first step in raising their awareness of

what it means to be a strategic reader. By analyzing the results, he can

pinpoint the individual student's needs and provide appropriate instruction. 5

One of the methods researchers uses to get a clearer picture of what

learners generally do while reading in a foreign language is think aloud. This

is one type of verbal reports, obtained from the readers during reading . Think-

aloud means that readers report their thoughts while reading, but they are not

expected to analyze their behavior as in introspection. By means of asking

their subjects to say out loud whatever goes through their minds, researchers
Maarten W. van SomerenYvonne F. BarnardJacobijn A.C. Sandberg. The Think Aloud
Method A practical guide to modelling cognitive Processes. P.38

hope to get a more direct view of the mental processes readers are engaged in

while reading. 6

The advantages of think aloud strategy it’s can be used (teacher to

students, student to teacher, student to student) and expressed (on paper /

sticky notes / on the board, large / small group) in a variety of ways, allows

the opportunity for teachers to informally assess how students think and

comprehend material, students are given a purpose and as a result able to read

more effectively, students are encouraged to pause while they are reading and

think about whether they understand and what steps they should take if they

don’t, and can be used with students of varying reading skills / levels.

In conclusion, researchers have found that the think-aloud strategy

“significantly increases students’ scores on comprehension tests, adds to

students’ self-assessment of their comprehension, and enhances students’

abilities to select thinking processes to overcome comprehension challenges

while they read. 7

Nowadays, at school some students has problems in reading. First,

how to pronounce. Second, about the difficult words that their find in the

passage. Three, unfamiliar words and the last is about the grammatically

6 Shahrokh Jahandar,Morteza Khodabandehlou,Gohar Seyedi, Reza Mousavi Dolat

Abadi. TheThink-aloud Method in EFL Reading Comprehension .International Journal of
Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2012. P.1

7 https://makingeducationfun.wordpress.com/2012/02/29/think-aloud-reading-strategy/
aces date: Sunday, 17-5-2015 21:32

instead. This problem got by interview with students at eight grade MTsN –

2 Palangka Raya.8

Based on the problem and the benefits of the strategy, thats why I as

writer interested in choose this topic use the think aloud strategy how to

increase students reading skill ability.

Because the explanation above, the researcher is interested in doing a

study entitled, The Effect of Think Aloud Strategy Toward Students’

Reading Skill Study at the Eighth Grade of MTsN 2 Palangka Raya.

B. Previous study

In this study, there were some previous studies, which conducted in

this study, the researcher related previous studies. First, (Shahrokh

Jahandar,Morteza Khodabandehlou, Gohar Seyedi, Reza Mousavi Dolat

Abadi) “The Think-aloud Method in EFL Reading Comprehension” Think-

aloud is a research method in which readers report their thoughts while

reading, thereby researchers will be able to achieve a better view of the mental

processes in which readers are engaged. Reading in a foreign language needs

considerable efforts on the readers' part due to understanding of a text. Think-

aloud is a method which helps the teachers to collect unseen processes such as

inference or the use of prior knowledge by learner. In the present paper, the

researchers have considered a type of verbal report and the way it can be used

in foreign language reading comprehension along with strategy training. To

this end, 32 subjects were selected randomly from among upper intermediate

8 Based on interview by teacher and students at MTsN-2 Palangka Raya,Wednesday,

February 11, 2015

Iranian EFL male learners in Parsian English Institute in Tonekabon, Iran and

divided randomly into two groups.9

The TOEFL test administered to the students. Finally, the data gathered by
the experiment was analyzed through SPSS software, using Samples Independent
t-test. The results revealed that there is significant increases in mean score of
treatment group, confirming the positive effect of think-aloud method on
improving learners' reading. Second, point out that the think-aloud method can be
used as a diagnostic tool to analyze students' strengths and weaknesses in reading
since it reveals rich information about how readers carry out mental activity,
which is unobservable. TAPs (Think-Aloud Protocols) provide rich information
about how learners solve problems it developed in 1996, what difficulties they
encounter andwhat contexts they use certain strategies in a learning task, As
students think out loud with teachers and with peers, they gradually internalize
this dialogue; it becomes their inner speech, the means by which they direct their
own behaviors and problem-solving processes.According to Snow, for a purpose
to achieve some ends. During reading the reader processesthe text with regard to
the purpose. To be a good reader, the learner must learn how to comprehend and
understand the passage. So, her or she can achieve thepurpose of reading is done.
Think-aloud are used to model comprehension processes such as making
predictions, creating images, linking information in text with prior knowledge,
monitoring comprehension, and overcoming problems with word recognition or

C. Problem of the study

The problem of this study: what is effect of think aloud strategy toward

the students’ reading skill at the Eight grade of MTsN-2 Palangka Raya?

9 International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research Vol.3, Think Aloud

Method in EFL Reading Comprehension. 2012. P.3

D. Hypothesis of the Study

Hypothesisthere are two types, as follows :

1. Alternative hypothesis (Ha) :

The use of think aloud gives effect to improve students’ ability in reading

text at the Eighth Grade of MTsN-2Palangka Raya.

2. Null Hypothesis (Ho) :

The use of think aloud does not give effect to improve students’ ability in

reading textat the Eighth Grade of MTN-2 Palangka Raya.

E. Delimitation of the Study

The scope of the study was only conducted to know the effectof think

aloud strategy toward students’ reading skill in teaching narrative text in ESL

classroom, in particular of the eighth grade students of MTsN 2 Palangka

Raya with the pecentages are 60% of explicit questions (literal questions) and

40% of implicit questions (Inferential questions).

F. Assumption of the Study

1. Think aloud strategy is effective toward students’ reading skill.

2. The students’ reading score of think aloud strategy will improve better

when teacher teaches them using think aloud.

G. Objective of the study

The objective of the study is to measure the effectiveness of using

think aloud strategy toward students’ reading ability at the Eight Graders of

MTsN-2 Palangka Raya.


H. Significance of the Study

This study has theoretical and practical significances. Theoretically,

this study enables up to understand more about the uses of think aloud

strategy in teaching learning process that can be used to improve the quality of

the reading text. Practically, the study is as the alternative way to improve the

students’ ability in reading skill at MTsN-2 Palangka Raya, as one of

alternative technique that can be used by English teacher in teaching think

aloud srategy of reading text, and as contribution for those who want to use

think aloud strategy in teaching learning process.

I. Variable of the Study

As the experimental study, there are two variables of the study, they are:

1. The independent variable of study (X) is think aloud strategy that is used

in reading narrative text

2. The dependent variable of the study (Y) is the students’ score in reading

narrative text.

J. Operational Definition of Key Terms

In order to clarify the key terms used in this study, some definitions are

put forward.

1. Think-aloud have been described as "eavesdropping on someone's

thinking." With this strategy, teachers verbalize aloud while reading a

selection orally. Their verbalizations include describing things they're

doing as they read to monitor their comprehension. The purpose of the


think-aloud strategy is to model for students how skilled readers construct

meaning from a text. The think-aloud strategy asks students to say out

loud what they are thinking about when reading, solving math problems,

or simply responding to questions posed by teachers or other students.

2. Reading skill is the capability of understanding or getting information

from reading material and is a complex cognitive process of decoding

symbols in order to construct or derive meaning (reading comprehension).

Reading for literal comprehension, or acquiring information that is directly

stated in a selection, is important in its self and is also a prerequisite for

higher level comprehension. Recognizing stated information is the basis of

literal comprehension, the specific, explicitly stated parts of a paragraph or

passage that contain basic information are the details on which main ideas,

cause and effect relationships, inferences, and so on are built. It means that

literal is to inform the readers directly shown in the text.

3. It is a means of language acquisition, of communication, and of sharing

information and ideas. Like all language, it is a complex interaction

between the text and the reader which is shaped by the reader’s prior

knowledge, experiences, attitude, and language community which is

culturally and socially situated.

4. Strategies ; According to Gony and Kingsmey, the strategy is a process of

individual behavior which modified or changed through practice or

learning on the other hand. "Annotation is a strategy for active reading

where in you write the key information (such as major points, definitions,

and examples) in the margins of your text. Instead, experience increases

the ability to read different kinds of text.10

5. Effect is words indicate things, which arise out of some antecedent, or

follow as a consequence. Effect size measure are the common currency of

the meta-analysis studies that summarize the finding from a specific area

of research. In statistics, effect size is a measure of the strength of th

realationship between two variables. In this case this study would measure

the strength of the realationship between think aloud strategy toward

student reading skill.

K. Theoretical Framework

The frameworks of the discussion as follows:

Chapter I : This chapter consists of background of the study,

previous of study, problem of the study, hypothesis

of the study, delimitation of study, assumption of the

study, objective of the study, significant of the study,

operational definition and theoretical framework.

10 Frank Smith, Understanding Reading: A Psycholinguistic Analysis of Reading and

Learning.Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004

Chapter II : This chapter consists of the nature of reading,

concepts of reading, reading process, reading as

languange skill, types of reading comprehension,

theory of think aloud, benefits of think aloud,

procedure of teaching of think aloud.

Chapter III : The research method covers research type, research

design, variable of the study, population and sample

of the study, research instrument, try out, validity,

reliability, data collection, data analysis.

Chapter IV : The result of the study covers the description of the

data, test of the statistic, result of the data


Chapter V : Conclusion and suggestion

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