CPAR Quarter 2 Module
CPAR Quarter 2 Module
CPAR Quarter 2 Module
Study the different types of houses below then answer the given questions.
Bahay Kubo
Modern house
2. Why do the structures of the three houses differ from each other?
Local Materials Used
1 in Contemporary Arts
Material, or the substance are the things in which the art is made off.
Through these materials, the artists express and communicate feelings and
ideas. Some contemporary artists used found materials like old bottles,
scraps, and unusual materials in creating their artwork.
In Sculpture, the sculptor uses metal, wood, stone, clay and glass.
The architect uses wood, bamboo, bricks, stone, concrete and various
building materials.
The painter uses pigments (eg. watercolor, oil, tempera, textile paint,
acrylic, ink, etc.) on a usually flat ground (wood, canvas, paper, stone wall
such as in a cave painting.
The printmaker uses ink printed or transferred on a surface (wood, metal,
plates, or silk screen that is in keeping with a duplicating o reproducing
process. While paintings are unique and one of a kind, prints can be
reproduced in several predetermined editions.
Musician uses sound and instruments (including the human voice) A T’boli
chanter sings creation stories in a way that is different from a classical singer
or pop singer influenced by the Western music scale.
The dancer uses body and its movements. Dance is often accompanied by
music, but there are dances that do not rely on musical accompaniment to
be realized. Dance can tell stories, but at other times, they convey abstract
ideas that do not rely on a narrative.
Theater artist integrates all the arts and uses stage, production design,
performance elements and script to enable the visual, musical, dance and
other aspects to come together as a whole work.
The photographer and film maker use the camera to record the outside
world. The film maker uses cinematographic camera to record and put
together production design, sound engineering, performance, and
screenplay. In digital photography and film, the images can be assimilated
into the computer, thus eliminating the need for celluloid or negatives,
processing chemicals or print.
4 Pictures 1 Word
You will be shown 4 photos in a grid, all of which share a word in common.
Your goal is to figure out the common word based on word length, which is
provided to you, and a selection of possible letters.
1. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ 3. __ __ __ __ __ __ __
2. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 4. __ __ __ __ __ __
From the pictures and answer that you made, arrange the letters below to
create a word that describe our topic in this week.
_______________ ______ ____ _____
What is It
Abaca - belongs to banana family. Its fibers have a natural luster with colors
ranging from pure white to ivory and dark brown.
Buri – is extracted from matured leaves of buri palm. The fiber is durable and
resistant to moisture.
Capiz shells- are translucent to allow light to pass through, but still allow
privacy. The capiz comes from the windowpane oyster (placuna placenta)
found in the coastal waters of the Philippines and are known for their
beautiful mother of pearl look.
Rattan – belongs to the palm family. There are different types of rattan palms,
such as high or low climbers, single stemmed or clustered rattan species.
Sea Shells - hard exoskeleton of marine mollusks such as snails, bivalves,
and chitons that serves to protect and support their bodies. This material is
usually used in making ornaments and house decorations.
What’s More
Artwork Materials
1. A. Buri
2. B. Shell
3. C. Bamboo
4. D. Capiz
5. E. Abaca
6. F. Rattan
What I Have Learned
Part 2: Short Answer Test
3. What resources are available in your locality and what art product can
you make out of these available materials?
What I Can Do
Word Puzzle:
Find the words about the different materials used in creating art.
Across Down
1. Clay 6.Body
2. Piano 7.Cement
3. Camera
8. Typewriter
4. Fabric 9. Printer
Additional Activities
Look for other local materials that are available in your environment that
you can use in creating art. List it down and identify what art work can
you make out of those materials.
Philippine Arts
from the Region
Quarter 2 – Module 2:
Traditional Technique used in
Philippine Contemporary Art
What I Need to Know
Medium and technique in contemporary art have become more and more
integrated, such that the works have crossed boundaries between art and
science, and between mediums and techniques. The works are also using
contemporary mediums and techniques based on digital and electronic
technology, as well as reformulated traditional methods.
What I Know
Activity 1
Study and analyze the two pictures by answering the guide questions.
Guide Questions:
1 in Philippine Contemporary
What is Technique?
There are some places in the Philippines that became famous because of the
unusual or extraordinary products that they make. These products become
their way for the people to know about their places. These people used
traditional technique in creating a particular art that makes them famous.
Traditional techniques used by the Filipinos even from the past years are
depicted in our painting, sculpture, dance, architecture, music, and even
textile. It only proves that Filipinos like any other people in the world can be
very proud of our Philippine arts
Incised designs also appeared in the posts of Masbate. Among the finest of early Philippine
pottery designs are footed dishes that were decorated with geometric cut-outs, molding, cording
or finger impressions, most of these were made in Batangas. Pottery traditions continued to
develop in certain locals, such as Burnay, unglazed clay pottery of Vigan.
Coiled basketry, using grasses, rushes and pine needles
Plaiting technique - interweaving or braiding two or more strands, fibers, etc.
Twining technique, using materials from roots and tree bark. This is a
weaving technique where two or more flexible weaving elements ("weavers")
cross each other as they weave through the stiffer radial spokes.
What’s More
What arts or products can be made by using the given materials and what
technique will be used in the creation?
Material Artwork/product Technique
Coconut leaves
Part 1: Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the best answer for the
5. What is the best material for making a mat using plaiting technique?
A. Abaca
B. Nito grass
C. Clay
D. Wood
A. Coiling
B. Plaiting
C. Wickering
D. Twining
Part 2: Short Answer: Answer the questions briefly and concisely. (5 points)
Philippine Arts
from the
Quarter 2 – Module 3:
Local Materials used in
Philippine Contemporary
Contemporary Materials and
1 Techniques Used in Art
What’s New
Picture Study
Which picture shows Minimalism in Art.
Picture 1
Picture 2
What can you say about the materials and technique used in
the work?
What is It
As an artist, the contemporary art techniques and performance practices
are just breaking the conservative's rules.
"Contemporary art is the art of today", that could be the best definition.
This kind of art produced by artists who are living in 21st century.
Here are three techniques that are among the most relevant in
contemporary art today
One of the artistic movements that has been most relevant
throughout the contemporary art movement is minimalism. Minimalism
seeks to take away what is unnecessary and leaving only what is
Arturo Luz is a Filipino modern artist best known for his
minimalist, geometric, and abstract styles of art and his animated
paintings of circus performers and musicians as well as his
revered cityscape series
Taking something that people view as useless, and then using it
in a unique way to make artwork is one of the most important
movements that currently exist in contemporary. The idea is that things
that we often view as junk are more valuable than we think that they
are. Everything you find can be used to tell a story, or to create new
diverse perspectives that we are looking for when we attend an art
Walter De Maria created an art piece in 1977 that included a four
hundred steel poles over one mile by one kilometer. That is incredible.
Creating something huge to express diverse perspectives in artwork is
incredibly popular, even today. Over the past forty years, largescale art,
and art that includes the environment has come into its own as one of
the most important movements within contemporary art. That is why
you often see modern art pieces alongside buildings, or as huge
structures out in the open.
What I Can Do
• Choose the best material for backing, it is the support that will hold your
materials together, e.g. cardboard, paper, wood
Rubrics to be used in grading your Found Object Art
Additional Activities