Prime Minister Letter

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MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT (Rajya Sabha! Res.: AB-14, Panclara Road, New Delhi 110 003 Phone & Fax: +91 11 25387278 E-mail: swamy39@gmallcom swamy@post July 15, 2020 Shri Narendra Modi Prime Minister South Block, New Delhi. Dear Prime Minister, You are well aware, | am sure, of the untimely death of Film Actor Mr. Sushant Singh Rajput. My Associate in Law, Mr. Ishkaran Bhandari, has done research on the circumstances of his alleged suicide that he is said to have committed. Although the Police is still investigating the circumstances after registering an FIR, | learn from my sources in Mumbai that many big names in the Bollywood Film World with links to Dons in Dubai are seeking to ensure a cover-up is carried out by the Police so that voluntary suicide is concluded as the reason for the demise of Mr. Rajput. Since Maharashtra Government has many big wigs to share this view that Mr. Rajput be proved to have committed voluntary suicide, therefore, | am concerned that for public confidence Mumbai Police conducts a perceived impartial investigation.2 Therefore, | urge you as the Head of the Government of India, and with your known compassion for innocent people who are framed, that you may consider advising the Chief Minister of Mahrashtra directly or through the Governor to agree a CBI enquiry. The Mumbai Police has already hands full with Coronavirus Pandemic issues and maintaining law and order under the circumstances, Hence, this laborious duty of conducting this enquiry where public credibility is being strained, a CBI enquiry would be the only way to retain public confidence. I am sure that the Chief Minister of Maharashtra will agree to a CBI investigation upon such advice. \ Ale Pye Ry Mecvetescincoety ees (Subramanian Swamy)ok a wart wat Prime Minister New Delhi July 20, 2020 HISS 29, wer Waa 1942 Dear Dr. Swamy, Thave received your letter of July 15, 2020. With regards, Yours sincerely, (Narendra Modi) Dr. Subramanian Swamy, MP AB-14, Pandara Road ‘New Delhi - 110003

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