Manabik Pension Scheme 2018

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1. Short title and commencement- (1) This scheme may be called as

"MANABIK", Pension scheme, 2018 for disabled persons.

(2) It shall come into force with effect from 01.04.2018.

2. Application of the Scheme- (1) This scheme shall apply to a Person with
Disability entitled to receive financial assistance under this scheme, if the
Person with Disability satisfies the following condfrions:-
(a) The person should have 50 percent or more disability ;
(b) The family income of the person with disability does not exceed Rs.
1,00,000.00 (one lakh) per annum;
(c) The Person with Disability is a citizen of India and resident of the
state namely West Bengal for not less than 10 years on the date of
making application for Pension ;
Provided that in case of the disabled person whose age is below 10
years, the period of residence shall be limited to the period covered by
the date of birth and date of submission of the application.
Note :- (1) The persons having 50 percent .or more disability and meeting the
income criteria and already included in the existing Disability Pension
Scheme of 2010 will be brought under the "Manabik" Pension Scheme,
2018 with effect from. 01.04.2018. They will be discontinued from the
existing Disability Pension Scheme of 2010.

(2) "Manabik" Pension Scheme, 2018 will be demand driven. All eligible
disabled persons will be brought under this scheme.

(3) MANABIK beneficiaries will not get any other disability pension
from any state or Central Government

(4) The Persons with Disability who are a recipient of "Widow Pension",
"Old Age Pension', "Farmers' Pension" or financial assistance under
"Family Pension Scheme" of the State Government/the Central
Government I Other concerns, shall not be entitled to the "Manabik"
Pension Scheme in addition to those assistances.

(5) The eligible disabled persons will get financial assistance @ Rs.
1000/- per month with effect from O 1.04.2018 under the "MANABIK"
Pension Scheme.

3. Definition- In this scheme, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject

or context-
(a) "Application" means an application for Financial assistance;
(b) "Form" means a form as prescribed by the State Government in this behalf;
(c) "District Officer" means the District Magistrate of the District;
(d) "The Person with Disability" is a person with specified disability defined in
sec 2(zc) and detailed in the Schedule of the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities Act, 2016.
(e) "Medical Authority" means an authority competent to issue certificate of
disability as defined in Sec 57(1) & (2) of the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities Act, 2016. "MANABIK" pension will not be admissible to a
Person with Disability with degree of disability of less than 50 percent;
(f) "MANABIK" pension means Disability Financial assistance under this
(g) Recipient means Person with Disability receiving "MANABIK" pension.
(h) "Secretary" means and includes the Secretary or the Principal Secretary to
the Government of West Bengal, Department of Women & Child
Development and Social Welfare;
(i) "State Government" means the State Government in the Department of
Women and Child Development and Social Welfare;
U) "State" means the State of West Bengal.

4. Method of Applying for "MANABIK" Pension Scheme - (1) Application

Form (Appendix-A) for "MANABIK" pension scheme may be obtained
free of cost from following offices, apart from the site, namely:-
(a) Office of the Block Development Officer or the Executive Officer of the
concerned Panchayat Samity in case the applicant resides in the rural
areas under the said Panchayat Samity;

(b) Office of the Sub-Divisional Officer in case the applicant resides in

Municipal/ Notified areas besides the areas of Kolkata Municipal
Corporation, and

(c) Office of the Controller of Vagrancy, West Bengal situated at Purta Bhawan,
Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata 700091, in case the applicant resides within the areas
under Kolkata Municipal Corporation.

(2) Application Form for "MANABIK" pension .scheme shall be addressed.


(a) the District Magistrate of the concerned District and shall be submitted to
the Block Development Officer or the Executive Officer of the Panchayat
Samity in case of the applicant residing in the rural areas under a
Panchayat Samity;

(b) the District Magistrate of the concerned District and shall be submitted to
the Sub-Divisional Officer in case of the applicant residing in Municipal/
Notified areas outside the areas ofKolkata Municipal Corporation; and

(c.) the Controller of Vagrancy, West Bengal and shall be submitted to the
Controller of Vagrancy, West Bengal in case of the applicant residing
within the areas under Kolkata Municipal Corporation.

5. Verification of Application- (1) All applications received shall be serially

numbered and verified as follows:-
(a) in case of the applicant residing in the rural areas under a Panchayat
Samity, or under a Municipal v/ Notified areas outside the areas of
Kolkata Municipal Corporation and if the application is found in order,
the concerned Sub-Divisional Officer or the Block Development Officer,
as the case may be, shall cause an enquiry through the Block Welfare
Officer or through any other Officer authorized in this regard.
(b) After the enquiry the concerned Block Development Officer or the Sub­
Divisional Officer, as the case may be, shall send the application along
with the enquiry report and comments of the Panchayat Samity (in case
of Rural areas) or comments of the Local Authority to the District Officer
for decision.
(c) In case of the- areas falling within the jurisdiction of Kolkata Municipal
Corporation, the Controller of Vagrancy, West Bengal shall dispose of
the application after causing necessary enquiries through any Officer
authorized on his behalf.

(2) The Persons with Disability, applying for the "MANABIK" pension scheme
if suffering from terminal diseases like cancer and AIDS, shall be given
priority in enquiry and sanction.
Note- While verifying the eligibility of the Persons with Disability applying
for the "MANABIK" pension scheme, the certificate of the respective
Medical Authority may be treated as a valid document for proof of his/her
6. Sanction of "MANABIK" Pension - (1) The District Magistrate of the
concerned District shall be the sanctioning authority of MANABIK Pension,
in respect of cases for the District and the Controller of Vagrancy, West
Bengal shall be the sanctioning authority in respect of cases within Kolkata
Municipal Corporation.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in clauses 4 and 5, the State
Government may suo moto consider an application after getting necessary
enquiry report from the District Officer, Sub-Divisional Officer, the Block
Divisional Officer or the Controller of Vagrancy, West Bengal, as the case
may be, and if the State Government thinks fit and proper, may sanction
financial assistance at the rate mentioned in sub-clause (5) under Note in
clause 2 or may ask the concerned District Officer, Sub-Divisional Officer,
Block Divisional Officer or the Controller of Vagrancy, West Bengal, to
consider the application for sanctioning the Financial assistance.
(3) The selection of beneficiaries under MANABIK scheme & all matters
related with it shall be determined by the State Government and the decision
of the State Government shall be final.
7. Provision of Funds and its allotment- (1) Necessary funds for
"MANABIK" pension scheme shall be met out of the budget provision for
the Department of Women and Child Development and Social Welfare.
Funds shall be allotted, under intimation to the concerned treasury/ Kolkata
Pay and Accounts Officer, to the District Officers and the Controller of
Vagrancy, West Bengal for expenditure in this connection.
(2) (a) The District Officers shall sub-allot necessary amount of funds to the
Block Development Officers who shall be the drawing and disbursing
officers in respect of the "MANABIK" pension scheme for cases of the
areas within the jurisdiction of the Panchayat Samities.

(b) The District Officers shall sub-allot necessary amount of fund to the
Sub-Divisional Officers who shall be the drawing and disbursing officers in
respect of "MANABIK" pension cases of the areas within the jurisdiction of
the Municipal/ Notified areas outside the Kolkata Municipal Corporation.
(c) In respect of "MANABIK" pension cases of the areas within the
jurisdiction of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation, the Controller of
Vagrancy, West Bengal or an Officer authorized by him in this behalf shall
be the drawing and disbursing officer.
8. Payment of "MANABIK" pension - Financial assistances, sanctioned
under this scheme in the areas within the jurisdiction of the Kolkata
Municipal Corporation shall be paid through transfer to Bank account of the
recipient with effect from the first day of the month following the date of
order of the sanctioning authority as indicated in the order of the Controller
of Vagrancy, West Bengal. In the areas outside the jurisdiction of the
Kolkata Municipal Corporation, the District Officer, the Sub-Divisional
Officer, the Block Development Officer as the case may be, shall arrange for
the disbursement of the financial assistance through transfer to the Bank
account of the recipient with effect from the first day of the month following
the date of order of the sanctioning authority as indicated in the order of the
District Officer.
The beneficiaries of the 'MANABIK' pension scheme who are unable to go
to bank will get the said pension through money order.
9. Stopping or withholding of Financial assistance- The State Government
and also the sanctioning authorities may, after giving the recipient of
MANABIK an opportunity of being heard, stop or withhold financial
assistance if-
( 1) the financial assistance has been sanctioned on mistaken grounds ; or
(2) the condition for the granting of financial assistance no longer exists.
10. Information about change of address- A recipient shall notify within a
month to the District Magistrate, the Sub-Divisional Officer, the Block
Development Officer or the Executive Officer of the Panchayat Samity or
the Controller of Vagrancy, West Bengal, as the case may be, any change of
his residential address. "MANABIK" Pension shall be remitted to the above
recipient by the erstwhile drawing and disbursing officer as before to his/ her
new address on receiving eligibility report. There is no necessity to transfer
the case to the District where the recipient of MANABIK has migrated.
11. Information about Death of the Recipient of MANABIK- The District
Officer, the Sub-Divisional Officer, the Block Development Officer or the
Executive Officer of the Panchayat Samity or the Controller of Vagrancy,
West Bengal, as the case may be, on receipt of information of the death of a
recipient of MANABIK and after proper verification of such information,
shall take steps to have necessary entries made in their own records and to
inform the Accountant General, West Bengal and also the treasury/ Sub­
treasury officer concerned . In case of death of a recipient of MANABIK,
the amount due to the deceased recipient of MANABIK till the date of
his/her death shall be paid to his/her son or daughter, provided the son or
daughter produces a certificate from the Sabhapati of the Panchayat Samity
(in the case of rural areas) or a representative of a corporation or
municipality (in case of urban areas) to the effect that he or she was the son
or daughter to the deceased recipient of MANABIK.
12. Officers to visit the areas- ( 1) The Controller of Vagrancy, West Bengal /
the District Officer/ the Sub-Divisional Officer/ the Executive Officer of the
Panchayat Samity may depute one or more officers to visit, as often as may
be possible but not less than once in six months to the areas in which the
recipient of MANABIK is recorded to live so as to be satisfied that the
recipient of MANABIK is alive and continues to be eligible for financial

(2) In case of transfer of financial assistance to another State, periodical

check may be arranged through the State government of that State where
the recipient of MANABIK resettles with previous sanction of the State
13. Registers to be maintained- (1) Panchayat Samities and the office of the
Sub-Divisional Officer shall maintain a complete record of payment of
MANABIK Pension Scheme in a separate bound register which contains
page numbers. This register and other relevant records shall be opened for
inspection by any officer of the State Government as may be nominated by
the District Officer or the controlling Department for the purpose.
(2)A bound register with pages numbered shall also be maintained in the
office of the Controller of Vagrancy, West Bengal / District Officer
containing particulars as the name, address and age of the applicant,
name of the recommending authority and his recommendation, medical
certificate issuing authority , percentage of disability, number and date of

order of approval, amount of financial assistance sanctioned, name of the
treasury/ Sub-treasury and name of the office where from the Disability
Financial assistance is payable and such other relevant information as it
considered necessary.
14.Yearly Production of the Life Certificate of the Recipient of
MANABIK-(1) A recipient of MANABIK shall receive the financial
assistance after production of a life certificate signed by the functionaries
mentioned in the sub-rule (2) of rule 4.171 of the West Bengal Treasury
Rules, 2005 in prescribed Form. Life certificate must be submitted to the
sanctioning authority once in a year by the first week of November each
(2) The disbursing officer shall be personally responsible for any payment
wrongly made.
15. Saving- Notwithstanding anything contained in any other provisions of this
scheme, anything done or any action taken or any action required to be taken
under the MANABIK Pension Scheme, 2018 shall be deemed to have been
done, or taken or required to be taken under the corresponding provisions of
this scheme.

Life Certificate

Certified that I have seen Shri / Shrimati · .'

Son/ daughter of .
residing at .
holder of Disability Financial assistance MANABIK sanctioned by
and that he/she is alive on the date. He/she has signed/ put his/her left thumb
impression in my presence.

Signature or L.T.I. of the recipient ofMANABIK

Name .
Designation .
Seal .
...... ··"······ .
Place .
Date .

Signature of the Authorised Officer

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