The interest rates for loans under the MSME sector have been revised. Loans to micro, small, and medium enterprises will have an interest rate between the 1-year MCLR and the 1-year MCLR plus 4.50%. Other MSME products like ALLBANK E-rickshaw loans and ALLBANK MSME GST Assist will have rates between 1-year MCLR and 1-year MCLR plus 2.50%. Financing for doctors and medical practitioners classified under MSME will use the applicable MSME rate.
The interest rates for loans under the MSME sector have been revised. Loans to micro, small, and medium enterprises will have an interest rate between the 1-year MCLR and the 1-year MCLR plus 4.50%. Other MSME products like ALLBANK E-rickshaw loans and ALLBANK MSME GST Assist will have rates between 1-year MCLR and 1-year MCLR plus 2.50%. Financing for doctors and medical practitioners classified under MSME will use the applicable MSME rate.
The interest rates for loans under the MSME sector have been revised. Loans to micro, small, and medium enterprises will have an interest rate between the 1-year MCLR and the 1-year MCLR plus 4.50%. Other MSME products like ALLBANK E-rickshaw loans and ALLBANK MSME GST Assist will have rates between 1-year MCLR and 1-year MCLR plus 2.50%. Financing for doctors and medical practitioners classified under MSME will use the applicable MSME rate.
The interest rates for loans under the MSME sector have been revised. Loans to micro, small, and medium enterprises will have an interest rate between the 1-year MCLR and the 1-year MCLR plus 4.50%. Other MSME products like ALLBANK E-rickshaw loans and ALLBANK MSME GST Assist will have rates between 1-year MCLR and 1-year MCLR plus 2.50%. Financing for doctors and medical practitioners classified under MSME will use the applicable MSME rate.
Revised rate of interest for loans under MSME Sector is as under.
Interest Rate for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) Advances: 1YMCLR to 1YMCLR+4.50%
Other MSME Product Interest Rate (Revised)
Financing to Doctors/ Medical For loans classified under MSME- As per
Practitioners for Clinic/ Nursing rate applicable to MSME Homes etc RENT DISCOUNTING FOR AB 1YMCLR+2.00% LANDLORDS AB Rent (Classified under MSME) 1YMCLR+4.00%