Forensic Photography
Forensic Photography
Forensic Photography
Greek word:
Photos/phos= light;
Grapho= Writing or,
Graphia = To draw.
Utmost Used (very used) = Record Purposes.
First Used = Personal Identification (Alphonse Bertillon).
1. General View (Long range) = over-all area, location of the crime scene (short focus
lens/wide angle).
2. Medium = ( 8 to 12 feet) nature of the crime scene, Dividing the area.
3. Close-Up = (5 feet away) details of the crime scene (Individual shot/Mug shot).
4. Extreme Close-Up = details of the Physical Evidence.
Total take = photograph in all angles.
Eye Level = best level of shot.
Photomicrography = process of photographing with the use of microscope to show minute
details. ( ballistics marks/ line quality).
Photomicrograph = the photograph of the result of microscopic examination.
Photomacrography = process of enlarging using macro or extended tube lens.
Photomacrograph = enlarged photograph also called macrophotograph.
Microphotography = process of reducing.
Microphotograph = reduced photograph.
Telephotography = the process of surveillance photography.
LIGHT = Electro magnetic energy.
Reflected = bouncing
Refraction = bending
Transmitted = passed-through (Transparent)
Defraction = falls around the object
Absorbed = block (Opaque object)
Direct light/Front lighting = used in photographing.
Side Light = one side, used for erasure.
Oblique Light = one side at a very low angle, erasure and Indented writing.
Transmitted light = from the back or bottom.
Backlighting = bad image.
X-Rays = (.01 to 30) Roentgen Rays, Shadow Method, Internal.
Ultra-Violet = Black light, used for erasure, invisible writing, contact writing, semen, fibers and
latent prints.
Visible Light
Infra-red= Heat rays, used for addition, obliteration, insertion, charred document.
Millimicron or nanometer = one millionth part of mm.
Angstrom = ten millionth part of mm.
Laser Light = Coherent light (aligned), Three-Dimensional Enlargement. (3D). Hologram.
Concurrent light = scattered.
Visible = 400 – 700 millimicron.
Invisible = too short or too long.
Natural = nature’s creation.
Man-Made/Artificial = man’s creation.
Bright sunlight = uniformed shadow. (F-11)
Hazy Sunlight = bluish or transparent shadow. (F-8)
Dull sunlight = no shadow. (F-5.6)
Camera = light tight box, to Exclude unwanted or unnecessary light.
Shutter = (Eyelid) used to control the light reaching the sensitized material.
Fast Shutter = to freeze moving object.
B-Shutter = for night photography
Lens = image forming device.
Convex/Converging/Positive = thick at the center.
Concave/Divergence/Negative = thin at the center.
Film Holder= holds the film
View Finder = to view the coverage. For better perspective.
1. View Finder Type = most smallest/smiplest
2. SLR = interchangeable lens, Ideal for police photography.
3. TLR = two lens system
4. View or Press = largest, expensive type of camera.
One time Used Camera = disposable.
Miniature = smallest camera.
DCS-100 = digital and SLR camera combined.
Wide Angle/Short focus = less than 35 mm (diagonal half of the negative. For short distance but
wide coverage, makes the image reduce in size.
Normal Angle/Medium Focus = based on human eye.
Long Focus/Telephoto = more than 70mm, for long distance but narrow area, makes the image
Zoom lens = variable focal length. Combination of positive and negative lens.
Focal length = from film plane to the optic center of the lens. Controls both area coverage and
size of object.
Lens Opening = f-number. Controls Depth of Field.
Meniscus lens = used in simplest camera.
Distortion = defect in shape (Rapid Rectillinear lens)
Astigmatism = defect in vertical and horizontal lines (Anastigmat lens).
Chromatic Abberation = defect in color blurredness (Achromatic lens).
Spherical Abberation = light passing the center is sharp, those at the side becomes blurred.
Lateral abberation/Coma = straight light is blurred, oblique light becomes sharp.
Depth of Field = distance from the nearest to the farthest object that becomes sharp.
Depth of Focus = the range of distance at which the lens can be move at a sharp focus.
Hyperfocal Distance = nearest distance between the lens and the nearest object that would give
a maximum depth of field.
Smaller lens opening –wider depth of field.
The smaller the F-number the wider the depth of field.
Depth of Field = distance from the nearest to the farthest object that becomes sharp.
Depth of Focus = the range of distance at which the lens can be move at a sharp focus.
Hyperfocal Distance = nearest distance between the lens and the nearest object that would give
a maximum depth of field.
Smaller lens opening –wider depth of field.
The smaller the F-number the wider the depth of field.
Sensitized Material:
Silver Halides = substances sensitive to light.
Emulsion, Anti-Halation backing & Base.
Othochromatic = sensitive up to Green
Panchromatic = sensitive to all the colors of the visible light.
Infra-red = sensitive up to Infra-red light. Film with the longest sensitivity.
ASA = Arithmetic
DIN = Logarithmic
ISO = (Combination of ASA and DIN)
Photopaper = (Silver Bromide, single weight, white, gloss, No. 2).