Classroom Management (EDU 305) VU

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Classroom Management (EDU 305) VU


Topic- 001:

Topic – 002: Definition

- support productive learning (the seating arrangement of classroom, are students sitting in
rows or groups?)
- Effective use of social-emotional domains of learning
- The most successful teachers approach management as a process of establishing and
maintaining effective learning environments

Topic – 003: Key Elements of Classroom Management:

1. School wide discipline through curriculum: classroom discipline is not possible

without school wide discipline, so it is very important to make classroom management a
part of curriculum.
2. Classroom discipline: Both the teacher and students must know how to behave in
classroom environment. School discipline is such an element that the teachers must teach
it to the students at the very start of their schooling. It is only possible through curriculum
and school wide discipline.
3. Classroom based rules: Classroom discipline is made through classroom rules. There
are certain rules for both students and the teachers to follow in classroom. We set some
boundaries and we need to respect the rules in order to learn in the classroom.
4. Identification of needs of students: It is very important for the teacher to identify the
needs of the students. Management issues in classroom arise because sometimes teachers
do not know the student needs. Teacher must know students interests and their individual
needs. It is very important for the teacher to have age appropriate and need based rules in
classroom so that students can follow them easily.
5. Involvement of major stakeholders: All stakeholders who are involved in the education
of a student must be made aware of the phenomenon of classroom management. The
major stakeholders are students themselves, teachers, parents, school administration,
principals, coordinators, classroom community.
6. Importance to social-emotional learning
7. Physical seating in the classroom: Are students sitting in rows, groups or pairs?
8. Role modeling by teachers and caregivers: Students learn from the teachers so it is
important to have proper behaviors in the classroom so both the teachers and the students
have good reputation.

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Classroom Management (EDU 305) VU

Topic – 004: Curriculum and Classroom Management:

There is a deep link between curriculum and classroom management. In order to have effective
management, this has to be integrated in the curriculum.


Curriculum basically is a plan of action for the entire school. The curriculum consists of the
ongoing experiences of children under the guidance of the school. It represents a special
environment for helping children achieve self realization through active participation within the

The link between curriculum and classroom:

Classroom management needs a school wide commitment. This commitment can only come
through an active integration of classroom management principles within the school

It is very important to prefer classroom management when the classroom objectives and goals
are planned. So that both the teacher and students come to know that classroom management is a
vital organ of the classroom proceedings. It has to be communicated through the lesson plans,
teacher behavior, setting up appropriate rules in the classroom. School wide commitment
involves all the stakeholders i.e. students themselves, teacher, parents, school administration,
principals, coordinators, classroom community etc who determine that without classroom
management, lesson planning and teaching is not possible.

It is important to integrate classroom management with school curricula because without this the
effective classroom handling is not possible. All stakeholders must realize the importance of
classroom management.

Topic – 005: Classroom Management and the Hidden Curriculum:

Hidden curriculum is that part of the curriculum that while not written will certainly be learnt by
the students. It is all the messages the school sends about:

- What is important
- What behaviours are appropriate (what behaviour must be manifested in classroom and
which is strictly prohibited? Not only in the classroom but also outside the classroom.
Behaviours are very important that is why these are conveyed through the hidden
curriculum without being actively spoken by the teachers.)
- Who is valued through a variety of more quiet communications? (Hidden curriculum is
mainly communicated through values and norms that a school already has. It is also

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Classroom Management (EDU 305) VU

communicated through the behaviour patterns of teachers, principals, administrators and

other senior students)
- Appropriate behaviour
- Expected code of conduct
- Adherence to core values and norms should be actively demonstrated throughout school
without being preached and should be part of the school culture.

So, it is important for the school community to show appropriate behaviours so that students can
learn them and same behaviours must be portrayed in classroom so that less management
problems arise.

Topic – 006: Social Emotional Learning and Classroom Management:

There are four important dimensions for teaching that a teacher must consider:

1. Content knowledge
2. Pedagogical knowledge
3. Classroom management
4. Social emotional management

Successful teaching and learning environment is not possible unless these four operate at the
same time.

What is social-emotional learning?

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