The Smart School: Class: 4

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The Smart School

Rafah-e-Aam Campus

Reinforcement Worksheet Class: 4

NAME: ___________________ CLASS:iV SECTION : _________ SUBJECT: ICT

Q1) Choose the correct answer and write in the space provided.

1- The _____________command tells the turtle to pick up its pen

a. Pendown b. Penup c. Penerase

2- The ______________ command is used to turn the turtle’s head in the direction

defined by the given number of steps..

a. SETH b. PPT. c. PE

3- To move 50 steps forward we used _____________ command.

a. -BK b. BK c. FD

4- The_______________ command tells the turtle to start its drawing and paint again

a. PPT b. PU c. ST.

5- _____________command is used to display the text or number in the drawing area..

a. Print b. Label c. Home

6- ____________ operators like +, - ,#, /.

a. Mathematical b. Logical c. Rational

7- What is the output of PR ( PRODUCT 12 6 )

a. Logical error b. 72 c. 2

8- What is the output of LABEL 10* 2 ?

a. 20 b. 8 c. 2
Q2) Fill in the blanks with the help of given words:

quotient print difference label Product

error message Inverted

turtle left clearscreen

1- ______________ command is used to erase all the drawing

2- LT 60 will turn the turtle by 60 degrees to its _______________.

3- LOGO ________________ moves on the screen according to the commands given by


4- If you type more than one number with PR, a/ an_______________will appear.

5- Type print or PR command , a space and ______________ followed by the word.

6-* is the sign of the ____________ operation.

7-When the ______________ command is used the result is displayed in the drawing


8-When the ____________ command is used the result is displayed in the commander


9-____________ is the output of subtraction of two numberas.

10-___________ is the output of division of two numbers.

Q3) State whether the statement is true or false:

1-HT and ST command do the same work.__________

2-PU command is used to pick up its pens.__________

3-Print command prints the text in the Recall list box.__________

4-Label command prints the text in the recall list box._______

5-CS and Reset command does the same work._________

6- PR 100-20 is the correct way to find a product _________

7- LABL 10 + 10 will get 20 printed on the screen_________

8-The DIFFERENCE function subtracts the second number from the first number_______

9- When you use SUM, you also put the + sign___________.

10- Do not type the alphabet X in the place of the * sign_________.

Q5) Answer the following questions:

1-What is the basic use of setheading command?

2-Write the use of Pendown command..

3-How to print a word in LOGO?

4-How to print a sentence in logo?

Note: Do the following work in your ICT school copy with proper date day topic and


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