EDU321 - Fall 2021 SARHAD University

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Code EDU 321



This course is designed for undergraduate program of teacher preparation at Allama Iqbal
Open University. It is expected that the teachers of twenty first century should be able to not
only learn and review the current literature, policies and practices in education but may also
have the ability to think critically and reflect upon the current practices to bring positive
changes. This course will introduce the prospective teachers to critical theory, help them
becoming reflective practitioners, initiate action research culture within education, guide
them towards critical discourse in verbal, and written form as well as strengthen the
community of practice in the profession of teaching.

Course Description

In this course students will get to know what reflective practice and critical thinking are, who
a Reflective Teacher is; how Reflective Practices can be modeled what comprises a Critical
Thinking Framework, what are the Frameworks for Reflection, What a Framework is for
Personal and Professional Empowerment and how is it like becoming a Reflective
Practitioner. This course will also enable students to use critical thinking and analysis of
reflective practice.

Grading Policy
Mid-Term examination 30%
Final-Term Exam 70%

Course Objectives:
After completing this course you will be able to:
1. Apply critical thinking and critical pedagogy in teaching
2. Analyze the content and design classroom instruction in innovative manner
3. Review and reflect upon their own teaching practices for further improvement
4. Conduct action research within classroom settings
5. Become a cautious and active member of community of teaching and learning

Unit 1: Introduction to Critical Thinking

1.1 Origins of critical approaches in social sciences
1.2 Critical theory in education
1.3 Essential aspects of critical thinking
1.4 Teacher as critical thinker
1.5 Self Assessment

Unit 2: Critical Theory and Pedagogy

Code EDU 321

2.1 Politics of Education (Marginalization)

2.2 Social Class Theory and Education
2.3 Race Religion and Minority Issues in Education
2.4 Work of Critical Theorists
2.5 Roots of Critical Pedagogy
2.6 Self Assessment

Unit 3: Teaching Strategies to Promote Critical Thinking

3.1 Cooperative Teaching and Learning Strategies
3.2 Discussion and Debate
3.3 Critical Question-Answer Forums
3.4 Classroom Assessment Techniques
3.5 Self Assessment

Unit: 4 Reflective Practices

4.1 What is reflection?
4.2 Theoretical Perspectives
4.2.1 John Dewy
4.2.2 Donald A. Schon
4.2.3 David A. Kolb
4.2.4 Graham Gibbs
4.3 Reflective Models of Professional Development
4.4 Action and Reflection
4.5 Self Assessment

Unit 5: Reflective Cycle

5.1 Gibb's Reflective Cycle

5.1.1 Description (Stage 1)
5.1.2 Feelings
5.1.3 Evaluation
5.1.4 Description (Stage II)
5.1.5 Conclusion
5.1.6 Action Plan
5.2 Self Assessment

Unit 6: Action Research

6.1 Teacher as Researcher
6.2 Designing Action Research
6.2.1 Identification of Problem
6.2.2 Collect Data on the Problem
Code EDU 321

6.2.3 Execution and Recording

6.2.4 Reflection on the collected data
6.2.5 Action Plan
6.3 Self Assessment

Unit 7: Reflective and Critical Writing

7.1 Critical Review and Analysis
7.2 Reflective Writing
7.3 Critical Writing
7.4 Journal Writing
7.5 Self Assessment

Unit 8: Tools and Techniques of Critical Thinking and Reflective Practices

8.1 Mind Mapping
8.2 Portfolio Development
8.3 Assessment Schedules
8.4 Mentoring and Peer Support
8.5 Self Assessment

Unit 9: Communities of Practice and Knowledge

9.1 Concept of Community of Practice
9.2 Concept of perceived knowledge
9.3 Concept of Reflective Knowledge
9.4 Sharing and Publishing
9.5 Building Communities of Knowledge
9.6 Self Assessment

Suggested Readings

1. B. Norton and K. Toohey, 2004, Critical Pedagogies and Language Learning. Cambridge
University Press, 2004
2. Freire, Paulo, 2005, Pedagogy of the Oppressed. The Continuum International Publishing
Group, Inc
3. Kincheloe, J. L., 2004, Critical pedagogy. New York, NY
4. Owen, J.C. (with the assistance of T. Burris) 2006, The impact of politics in local
education: Navigating white water. Toronto: Rowman and Littlefield Education.
5. Paul, R. & Elder, L. (2001). Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your
Learning and Your Life
6. Stemler, S., 2001, An overview of content analysis. Practical Assessment, Research &
Evaluation, 7 (17).
Code EDU 321

7. “Teaching Critical Thinking: Practical Wisdom “ By Bell hooks (2009)

8. “The Teachers Reflective practice Handbook: becoming an extended Professioal… “By
paulazwozdiak- Myers (2012)
Code EDU 321

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