The Tefl Academy 2020 - Assignment A, Teacher Language: Misterbee

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T: Okay, everyone pays close attention to what I am going to tell you. Group yourselves into six
and listen to my instructions. We are going to read an article today, and I am going now to project
the Headline (“What made me the way I am?”) and the Twelve pictures based on the article onto
the screen. So what you are going to do? First, you have to discuss with your group mates if what
is the article all about. The next thing you have to do is to write down at least two things you can
name on the pictures that you can see now on the projector. Is that Clear? (Yes) You have 4
minutes to do this, so let’s start our activity.

(After 4 minutes)

T: Guys, are you done? Each group will share your answers to the class on what is the article all
about and give at least two things that you can name based on the pictures on the board. Okay,
let’s start.
(Possible answers of the students)


Excellent! So now, I am going to give you a worksheet per group where you will mix or match the
pictures and definitions of the 12 words that I prepared. You have five minutes to do that, and
then we will check and discuss it in class once you are finished. Okay! Let's start.

(After discussing the pictures and definitions, present three selected vocabulary items which
would need to be concept checked.)

And now, I selected three vocabularies from what we discussed a while ago.

1. Showing a picture of an “angry, hostile, aggressive old man.” (HOSTILE)

T: Tell me something about this picture.
S: The man is angry!
T: Perfect! Is he angry?
S: Yes!
T: Good! What else?
S: Unfriendly person
T: That’s right! What else?

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S: Aggressive
T: Perfect. What else?
S: Bad behavior
T: That’s right! And this is what I want to talk a little bit more about today, the picture
showing or feeling opposition or dislike; unfriendly. Do you know what we can call them?
S: Yes/No
T: A HOSTILE. If you are hostile to another person or an idea, you disagree with them or
disapprove of them, often showing this in your behavior. So what is Hostile again?
S: Showing or feeling opposition or dislike; unfriendly.
T: Excellent! Do you know someone hostile?
S: (Yes/No)
T: Are you a hostile person?
S: (Yes/No/Sometimes)
T: If you disagree with a person or disapprove of them, you are often showing this in your
behavior. What is it again?
S: Hostile.
T: Perfect!

2. Showing a picture of “a rebellious girl” (REBELLIOUS)

T: Tell me something about this picture.
S: Girls Fighting against a government.
T: Are they fighting for something?
S: Yes
T: Great! What else?
S: Refusing to obey rules
T: Very Good! What else?
S: they create their own rules
T: Good! What else?
S: Fighting for their advocacies
T: That’s all correct. The picture is showing a desire to resist authority, control, or
convention. Do you know what we can call them?
S: Yes/No
T: A rebel, or rebellious. The picture is showing a rebellious girl. What is a rebellious again?
S: A desire to resist authority, control, or convention.
T: Very Good! Do you know someone who is rebellious?
S: Yes/No
T: Are you a rebellious person?
S: Yes/No/Sometimes
T: A desire to resist authority, control, or convention. What is it again?
S: Rebellious!
T: Excellent!

3. Showing a picture of "Conventional." (CONVENTIONAL)

T: Tell me something about this picture.
S: Kids playing

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T: Are they playing?

S: Yes!
T: Correct. What else?
S: They are enjoying it.
T: Perfect! What else?
S: Simple life
T: Very Good! The picture is showing a generally accepted standard, norms, social norms,
or criteria. They are kids, so we can expect that they are doing what kids suppose to do, like
playing and go to school. Another example, Filipino elders are often greeted as a
conventional way by taking their right hand and bringing it up to touch your forehead. It is
called "mano." How about you? Can you tell me how you greet elders?
S: (Share on how they greet Elders)
T: If you are concerned with what is generally held to be socially acceptable. What is it
S: Conventional.
T: Perfect!

Please take note of all the vocabulary and definitions that we discussed, as these will be helpful for
you on our topic for today.

B) Instructions for ONE of your planned reading comprehension tasks, either the 1st (skimming
and/or scanning task), or the 2nd (detailed comprehension task).

Okay, everyone, pay close attention to what you are going to do next. You will group into pairs
again, and in this activity, I prepared six questions, and I will give you the first question. Now, don’t
open the paper until I told you to do so, and you also have a copy of the reading text. When I ask
you to start, you should race to find the correct answer to the first question, and then one
member of your group should run their written response to my desk to show me your answer. If
your answer is correct, I will give you the question number two, and so on until a group has
answered all of the questions correctly. The first group that will answer all the questions correctly
will be the winner of this activity. I mixed up the order of the items for each group so that you will
not copy the answer of the other groups. So are we all clear? (YES) Then, let’s start!


1. Why the New age travelers lived in old lorries and buses?
2. How did Summer Avery's parents meet?
3. Why did the police keep breaking up the convoy?
4. When was Summer Avery born?
5. How Summer Avery's family history influenced her chosen career?
6. What is the moral lesson that we can learn in this article? (Your understanding of the
reading text)

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1. Why the New age travelers lived in old lorries and buses?
- New age travelers don't have permanent addresses because they have to travel
from one music festival to another and chose to live in old lorries.
2. How did Summer Avery's parents meet?
- Her parents met when they were arrested in Stonehenge.
3. Why did the police keep breaking up the convoy?
- The police kept breaking up the convoy for the heavy security and a perimeter of
the people at the festival.
4. When was Summer Avery born?
- One year later on Summer Solstice 1986 (1987)
5. How Summer Avery's family history influenced her chosen career?
- She went to lots of music festivals and political demonstrations since she was a child.
She learned a lot of being an outsider; that is why the subjects of her films and
documentaries are the social exclusion and how society treats minority groups.
6. What is the moral lesson that we can learn in this article? (Your understanding of the
reading text)
Sample answer: (My response)
- Past experiences have an impact on how we view life.
- Past experiences are the things that have made up the way I am, the way we are.

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