Checklist - How Assignment B Will Be Assessed 25.06.19

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The key takeaways are that the assignment aims to produce an effective PPP grammar lesson for teenagers at an elementary level that achieves its stated aims and fits within 60 minutes. It will be assessed based on inclusion of required components and passing various assessment criteria.

To pass the assignment, it needs to include all required components, produce a lesson achieving its aims within 60 minutes, and pass all assessment criteria. These criteria ensure the lesson is adequate and would achieve its goals.

The levels of achievement are pass (45-59%), merit (60-69%) and distinction (70-100%). Higher levels require more effective activities and thorough understanding of course aspects.

Checklist – How Assignment B will be assessed

To pass this assignment you will need to have produced a lesson that would achieve its stated aims and fit into
the time available.

Check that you have covered the following. Numbers show the 5 items you need to submit.
Use the numbers and headings on the templates provided.

1. PPP Grammar Complete this table to help you plan how to teach your lesson. Submit your
Lesson Table completed table with the other items.

2. Lesson Plan A warmer/lead-in to begin the lesson

and paragraph
The three PPP stages including examination of MFP with a timeline and
Appropriate use
concept questions to check understanding.
of PPP procedure (Make sure you include presentation, controlled practice and freer practice stages)
to produce an
A final plenary stage to consolidate understanding, review errors and draw the
effective grammar
lesson to a close
lesson, including:
Paragraph: (In the space provided after the lesson plan). Explain and justify
your choice of materials, aids and teaching activities.

Lesson pitched at The lesson should be appropriate for teenagers (14-16 years old) at
appropriate level elementary (A2) level

3. Materials and Copies of any visuals, flashcards, worksheets etc. you would use
aids Materials you will use are listed in the appropriate section of the lesson plan
(If you submit more than one item for this section, please label them
3. Materials A, 3. Materials B etc)

4.Teacher A separate document entitled “Teacher language” that shows the actual words
Language (direct speech) you will use for
a) eliciting the target language in the presentation stage. You may need to
include some predicted student responses.

b) instructions to one activity

(This is so we can assess your language grading.)

5. Board plan Document showing what you would write on the board during the
(Not a PowerPoint presentation stage.
6. Bibliography Provide references for any pictures or teaching ideas you have found
elsewhere. (At least three references)
How this assignment will be graded

To score the minimum of 45% required to pass this assignment you need to include all the
components listed above, produce a lesson that would achieve its stated aims and fit into the time
available, and pass all the assessment criteria listed below.
Assignments which have not passed all assessment criteria will not be graded and will need to be
You can make up to three attempts in total on each assignment.

Pass – 45- 59%

Merit – 60- 69%
Distinction – 70-100%

Pass: This lesson would achieve all or most of the stated aims and fit into the 60 minutes available. The
assignment demonstrates an adequate understanding of the relevant aspects of the course.
Merit: This lesson would achieve all or most of the stated aims and fit into the 60 minutes available. It includes
some interesting activities and demonstrates a good understanding of the relevant aspects of the course.
Distinction: This lesson would achieve all of the stated aims and fit into the 60 minutes available. It includes
very effective and engaging activities and demonstrates a thorough understanding of the relevant aspects
of the course.
This assignment is designed to cover the following TEFL Acad emy/Qualifi Assessment Criteria

AC Number Assessment Criteria (AC) Wording Aspect of assignment

U4_3.4 Analyse a specified verb tense, form and function in sufficient depth PPP table
to teach it effectively
U3_3.2 Identify sentence stress for teaching purposes PPP table
U7_1.1 Develop and deploy an appropriate context for the presentation of a Lesson plan/teacher
new structure language
U6_3.3 Design an appropriate accuracy focused practice (controlled) activity Lesson plan/Materials
for a specific structure
U6_3.4 Design an appropriate fluency focused practice (freer) activity for a Lesson plan/Materials
specific structure
U7_4.2 Produce a lesson plan using the P-P-P procedure Lesson plan/Materials
U1_3.2 Produce an effective lesson plan for an elementary class Lesson plan/Materials
U7_4.5 Justify the selection of materials and activities for a grammar lesson Paragraph
U1_1.2 Explain the rationale for selecting specific procedures and Paragraph
U7_4.3 Grade language appropriately for grammar teaching with an Teacher language
elementary class
U7_4.4 Clarify meaning and check understanding of a grammatical structure Teacher language

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