LeaP Health G6 Week 1 Q3

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Learning Area MAPEH - Health Grade Level 6

Quarter 3 Date

I. LESSON TITLE Diseases and Disorders Caused by Poor Environmental Sanitation

II. MOST ESSENTIAL • Describes diseases and disorders caused by poor environmental
LEARNING sanitation
COMPETENCIES • Explains how poor environmental sanitation can negatively impact the health of an
(MELCs) individual
III. CONTENT/CORE Diseases and Disorders Caused by Poor Environmental Sanitation

IV. LEARNING Suggested

Learning Activities
PHASES Timeframe
A. Introduction There are various diseases that affect thousands of people especially those
Panimula living in poor environmental conditions. Around the world, the most affected are
5 minutes
young children who have no proper knowledge and skills to practice personal
health care and hygiene. These can be prevented and controlled if children will be
taught proper environmental sanitation and hygienic practices; and if they will be
made aware of the effects of poor sanitation practices.

Let us look on the picture below. Does it show proper environmental

sanitation? How will this kind of environment affect the health of the people?
What possible diseases can be acquired with this kind of environment?

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to explain how poor environmental
sanitation can negatively impact the health of an individual.
B. Development Poor environmental sanitation may cause the following diseases and disorders:
d • Respiratory Diseases – air pollution is a big problem especially in highly-
urbanized and industrialized areas. This can cause respiratory ailments such as
common colds, cough, influenza, tuberculosis, and asthma.
• Skin Diseases – the skin is the largest organ of the body and serves as the
first line of body protection against diseases. There are several skin diseases, and
most are caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Some of the common skin
diseases in the Philippines are white spot, ringworm infection, and boil.
• Gastrointestinal Diseases – most gastrointestinal diseases are related to
food and water sanitation. Contaminated water sources can cause an

IV. Suggested
LEARNING Timeframe Learning Activities
entire community to be afflicted with one or any diseases such as diarrhea, cholera,
amoebiasis, hepatitis A, typhoid fever, intestinal parasitic worm infections,
schistosomiasis, and pinworm infection.
• Neurological Impairments (Heavy Metal Poisoning) – are diseases that affect
the brain and are often chemical-related disorders. People become afflicted by ingesting
contaminated food or water. Areas near factories are susceptible to these diseases
especially if no safeguards are taken to prevent dumping of chemical wastes to water
systems. Common heavy metal poisonings are arsenic, mercury, and lead.
• Vector-borne Diseases – are transmitted by organisms that carry pathogens and
parasites from an infected person or animal to another. These diseases are common in
places where there is limited or no access at all to safe drinking water and sanitation
systems. Common vector-borne diseases are dengue fever, leptospirosis, and malaria.

Learning Task 1: Identify the different diseases and disorders caused by poor
environmental sanitation by completing the missing letters. Do this on your notebook.

___ ___ U G H

___ S ___ ___ M A

__ __ A R __ __ E A


L __ P T __ S __ __ R __ S __ S


C O __ __ S

Learning Task 2: Categorize the following diseases and disorders. Write RD for
Respiratory Disease, SD for Skin Disease, GD for Gastrointestinal Disease, NI for
Neurological Impairment, and VBD for Vector-borne Disease. Do this on your notebook.

_________ 1. Dengue fever ________ 6. Mercury poisoning

_________ 2. Asthma ________ 7. Amoebiasis
_________ 3. Pinworm infection ________ 8. Influenza
_________ 4. Cholera ________ 9. Tuberculosis
_________ 5. Typhoid fever ________ 10. Arsenic poisoning
Timefram Learning Activities
C. Learning Task 3: On your notebook, list down at least five (5) negative impacts of
Engageme poor environmental sanitation and what actions can you take to avoid it.

Negative Impact of Poor Possible Action

Environmental Sanitation

D. Learning Task 4: On a 1/8 illustration board, create a poster-slogan about the

Assimilatio negative impact of poor environmental sanitation. Explain your work in three to five
n sentences. You will be rated according to the following criteria:
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Craftsman The The The The
ship posterslogan postersloga postersloga postersloga
is n is n is n is
exceptionall attractive acceptably distractingl
y attractive in terms of attractive y messy.
in terms of neatness, though it
neatness, good may be a
wellconstruc constructio bit messy.
ted and not n, and not
messy. messy.
Creativity The The The The
postersloga posterslo postersloga posterslog
n is gan is n is an does
exceptional creative. creative. not reflect
ly creative. A good Some any
A lot of amount thought degree of
thought and of was put creativity.
effort was thought into
put to make was put decorating
it. into it.
Originalit Exceptional Good use Average No use of
y use of new of new use of new new ideas
ideas and ideas ideas and and
originality and originality originality
to create the originality to create to create
posterslogan to create the the
. the posterslog posterslog
postersloga an. an.
V. ASSESSMENT Learning Task 5: Read the following sentences. Choose the letter of the correct
(Learning answer. Write your answers on your notebook.
Activity Sheets
for Enrichment,
Timefram Learning Activities
Remediation 1. Which of the following diseases is NOT caused by disease-causing
Assessment to be microorganisms?
given on Weeks 3 A. asthma C. schistosomiasis
and 6) B. cholera D. tuberculosis

I. caused by improper food preparation

II. caused by harmful microorganisms
III. caused by unsafe source of drinking water
IV. caused by disposal of excreta in sources of drinking water

2. Which statement best describes food and water-borne diseases?

A. I and II C. I, II, and IV
B. II and III D. I, II, III, and IV
3. Which is NOT a chemical-related disorder caused by pollution and other
man-made activities?
A. arsenic poisoning C. leptospirosis
B. lead poisoning D. mercury poisoning
4. Which of the following is NOT an effective way of preventing the spread of
diseases caused by mosquitoes?
A. Change stagnant water on a regular basis.
B. Use screen on doors and windows.
C. Stock old tires and containers in open grounds.
D. Use mosquito nets.
5. How can one help make the community and the environment clean and

I. Get involved in clean-up drives.

II. Plant vegetables and other plants at home.
III. Reduce, reuse, and recycle.
IV. Throw wastes properly.

A. I, II, and III only C. I, III, and IV only

B. II, III, and IV only D. I, II, III, and IV
VI. • The learner communicates the explanation of his/her personal assessment as
REFLECTION indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
• The learner, in their notebook, will write their insights about the lesson using
the prompts below.
I understand that
_________________________________________________. I realize that
______________________________________________________. I need
to learn more about ________________________________________.

Prepared: Juli Anne Mary S. Fabula Checked: Reginal Grafil / Arthur M. Julian

Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance

Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in
the column for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below.
- I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target
- I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging but it still helped me in understanding the target
- I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to
do/perform this task.
Learning LP Learning Task LP Learning Task L Learning L
Task P Task P
Number 1 Number 3 Number 5 Number 7
Number 2 Number 4 Number 6 Number 8

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