12ght01a Jose Final

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The Problem and Its Background

Background of the Study

Reading is a means of language acquisition, of communication and of

sharing ideas and information. It is a complex interaction between the text and

the reader which is shaped by the reader’s prior knowledge, experiences, attitude

and language community which is culturally and socially situated. Reading requires

continuous practices, development and refinement. In reading, the person uses

knowledge, analyzation and strategies to determine what the text means. Reading

is an interactive process that goes on between the reader and the text resulting

to comprehension.

Reading comprehension is the act of combining information in a passage

with prior knowledge to construct meaning. In addition, reading comprehension

can be defined as a thinking process through which reader’s become aware of an

idea, understand it in terms of their experiential background, and interpret it in

relation to their own needs and purposes (Khoiriyah, 2010). It is also the ability to

read, understand process and recall what was just read. It increases enjoyment

and effectiveness of reading and helps not only academically, but professionally,

and in a person’s personal life. Comprehension is the process of generating

meaning from varied sources-directly observing phenomena, reading, looking at a

sign, cartoon, painting, listening to a lecture or discussion, viewing a film. It is also

a process of building connection between what the reader doesn’t knows and what

the author knows, between the new and the old.

For many students, reading comprehension is a major problem. There are

mainly three causes for poor reading comprehension.

First is, if the person has a language problem. Language has a vital role in

communicating and also in reading. Language is a method of human

communication consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional

way. One cannot understand what he reads unless he knows that particular

language. If a child’s knowledge of English is poor, then his understanding will also

be poor.

If all the language production is controlled from outside, he will be hardly

able to transfer his knowledge from a language learning situation to a language

using situation (Bygate, M. 2003).

Second is, if the person has poor reading skills. Being able to properly

pronounce words can have a critical performance in certain situations. By means

of it, correct pronunciation is a basis for efficient understanding on your reading

especially in English language. When a person attempts to speak in a language he

is not fluent with, he will necessarily have to divide his attention between the

content of his message and the language itself. Therefore, he will speak haltingly

and with great difficulty.

According to Harmer (2001), a lot of teachers do not pay enough attention

English pronunciation. Many learners state that they do not need to learn

pronunciation and learning pronunciation is just a waste of time. He expressed

that the first thing that native speakers notice during a conversation is

pronunciation. Communicative efficiency can be guaranteed by correct

pronunciation. Without correct pronunciation nobody can say that he knows what

he reads perfectly.

According to Fraser (2000), teachers should be provided with courses and

materials that help them improve their pronunciation instruction. As Yap and Van

der Leii explained in the Journal of Learning Disabilities, “if the skill of primary task

is automatized, it will be disrupted by concurrent processing on the secondary task

because automatic processing does not take up attentional resources”. This applies

to the act of reading. The poor reader is forced to apply all his concentration to

word recognition and therefor his concentration will be lost to decode the written

word and will result to not able to read with comprehension.

Lastly, if the reader don’t have the ability to decode the written word.

Decoding of words is the process converting code into plain text or any format that

is useful for subsequent processes. It is the foundation on which all other reading

instruction builds. If students, cannot decode words their reading will lack fluency,

their vocabulary will be limited and their reading comprehension will suffer.

Torgesen (2005) has found that for students with severe impairment in their

ability to use phonemic strategies for decoding unknown words, intensive

intervention in phonemic awareness and decoding can produce large gains in both

accuracy and comprehension.

Many students don’t realized how important it is to be able to fully

comprehend what you read. Being able to completely and accurately understand

your readings is essential to your ability to learn. It is essential in analyzations,

help students develop their knowledge, skills, experiences they must have if they

are to become competent and enthusiastic readers and succeed in school and their

career. Anyone who desires to attain an effective reading strategies would do well

3in reading comprehension. Developing reading comprehension skills is one of the

basic steps in improving reading skills. Rapid reading is useless if one doesn’t

understand what he reads.

The goal of the researcher is to facilitate not only the learning of the

students but also improve their confidence to communicate effectively what they

had understand. The result of this research will show the weak points of the

students regarding their reading comprehension skills. When these weak points

are identified, the teachers will be able to think of the techniques that would lead

to students’ development on their understanding that results to improvement of

their reading comprehension skills.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the factors that can affect the Reading

comprehension of the Grade 12 GAS1A students of PHINMA UPang College of


Specifically, it seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of students in terms of:

a.) Age; and

b.) Gender

2. What is the performance of the Grade 12GAS 1A students in their reading


3. What are the factors affecting the Reading Comprehension of the Grade 12

GAS1A students?

4. What suggestions/blueprints can be used to improve the Reading

Comprehension of Grade 12 GAS1A students?

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study focuses on the factors affecting the 53 Grade 12GAS 1A students

in their reading comprehension. The study is conducted during the academic year


Significance of the Study

The importance of this study is to determine the factors affecting the

Reading Comprehension; basically to help them in improving their reading skills.

As such the results of this study it will be useful to the following:

Students. This study will benefit the students to improve their skills reading

comprehension. This will enrich the student’s time management in reading

specially in analyzing test questions.

Teachers. Teaching will be more efficient for teachers to have clearer explanation

in the lessons. This will help the teachers to guide the students in improving their

skills in reading and understanding. It will help the students achieve academic

success in greater opportunities in the future.

Parents. The parents who are greatly concerned in the education of their children

will be aware of the factors that can affect the reading skills of their children.

Future Researchers. The result of this study will serve as a guide and reference

for future researchers who want to conduct further and related studies.

Definition of Terms
The following terms which were used in the study are operationally defined

to provide clarification to the readers.

Ability- competence to perform an observable behaviour or a behaviour that

results to an observable product. The quality of being able to do something,

especially the physical, mental, financial or legal power to accomplish something.

Comprehension- is a dynamic process in which information from the text and

knowledge possessed by the reader interact to enable the reader to construct

meaning before, during, and after reading.

Reading vocabulary- refers to the words we need to know to understand what

we read.

Decoding- is the ability to apply your knowledge of letter-sound relationships,

including knowledge of letter patterns, to correctly pronounce written words.

Understanding these relationships gives children the ability to recognize familiar

words quickly and to figure out words they haven't seen before.

Factor- one of the several thing that cause or influence something or somebody

to include as particular fact or situation when you are thinking about or planning

something. A substance that functions in or promotes the function of a particular

psychological process or bodily system.


This chapter presents a selection of literature and studies that has a bearing

on this present study. The researchers have gone through intensive readings of

materials, both printed and online, all of which has a great significance to the

problem during the course of thesis writing.


Foreign Literature

Reading comprehension is the understanding what a particular text means

and the ideas the author is attempting to convey both textual and sub-textual. In

order for you to understand a text, your brain must focus on the piece you are

reading to know the relationship of words with one another, the context behind

the words, how subtitle vocabulary usage can impact emotion and meaning behind

the text.

According to Richard (2002), reading means perceiving a written text in

order to understand its contents. This can be done silently (silent reading). It is a

particular way in which the readers understand texts, passages, paragraphs even

books and an ability to understand and find out the information presented in the

form of written text. In addition, Goodman (2009) in Majdi Abdullah Ahmad defines

reading as a receptive process of written communication. According to him reading

begins with a linguistic surface expression encoded by a writer and ends with
meaning in which the reader decoded. On the other hand, Grebe states that

reading is not merely a receptive process of picking up information from the page

in a verbatim manner but it is a selective process which is characterized as an

active process of comprehending. According to Patel (2008), reading is the most

useful and important skill. It is a source of joys and good reading keeps students

regular in reading which provide them pleasure and profit. Reading makes students

enjoy their learning process and gives several advantages in finding some

information that is needed. It is an unlimited area that makes students know

everything, such as education, politic, social, culture, religion, health and etc. All

of that information can be obtained by reading. It brings students in contact with

the minds of great authors, with the written account of their experiences. Reading

is necessary in language learning. It is not only a source of information and a

pleasurable activity but also as a means of consolidating and extending one's

knowledge of the language. It is an important activity for expanding knowledge

of language. Students can increase their knowledge and update their information.

Chiara Meneghetti et al. (2006), define reading comprehension is a complex

cognitive ability requiring the capacity to integrate text information with the

knowledge of a listener or a reader and resulting in the elaboration of a mental

representation. Reading comprehension involves much more than readers’

responses to text. It is a multicomponent, complex process that involves many

interactions between readers and what they bring to the text or background

knowledge as well as variables related to the text itself (interest in text,

understanding of text types). It involves a complicated process. In the local setting

where reading is not a habit, motivational strategies have to be promoted to make

students read. Einstein as cited by Flippo and Caverly (2001) remarked that

Western society lives, breathes and thrives on printed matters. In contrast, eastern

society relies more on what is presented orally and visually. A typical scenario,

children in America and other western cultures are read to by parents at bedtime

or by older members of the family. Thus, children of western countries are exposed

to reading from the time they are toddlers.

The Expert Panel in Ontario (2003), stated on their study “Early Reading

Strategy –Help for Children With Reading Difficulties”, that a child’s success in

school and throughout life depends in large part on the ability to read. Educators

have the profound challenge of making reading a reality for all children. Many

young children experience some kind of difficulty learning to read. For many

children, reading difficulties can be identified in kindergarten or grade 1 and can

be prevented or to meet very clear, children who continue to experience difficulties

in grade 2 seldom catch up in later grades.

Nevertheless, in contrast to well-defined models of word reading that make

precise predictions Coltheart et al., (2001) said, reading comprehension is too

broad a target for precise models.

Saiful Bahri Djamarah and Aswan Zain (2010), stated that reading is a

complex process that requires the analysis, coordination, and interpretation of a

variety of sources of information. In the daily life, reading skill play an

important role in facilitating people to comprehend the written materials.

They can get a lot of information from various resources in order to enrich

their knowledge by reading. Unfortunately the people find many problems

in reading. Reading means a result of interaction between the writer’s mind

and the reader’s mind. It is the way how the reader tries to get the messages

or the method or the intended meaning from the writer. In this process, the

reader tries to create the meanings intended by the writer, the reader can get

the message, and the writer’s meaning sense.

Reading comprehension is an interactive process between the writer

and the readers with the expression and reception of meaning as the

primary goal of both sides. A writer expresses his or her thoughts, ideas,

and feeling through the written words. The reader’s understanding of the

reading text materials will be affected by the comprehension strategies and


Such variability may be inevitable, given different beliefs about what

comprehension is and what parts of it can be efficiently measured. (Betjemann &

Olson, 2008) All the processes and component knowledge sources become points

of interest for analysis and assessment of comprehension skill. In fact, the

knowledge sources can be so general that comprehension can resemble general

intelligence, entailing highly general processing constraints (e.g., working

memory, retrieval speed) along with the use of general conceptual knowledge but

conflating comprehension with cognition carries costs to conceptual clarity. One

cost is the loss of a focus for assessment. Indeed, variability of focus is the current

state of affairs among published reading comprehension assessments, each of

which differ in the degree to which they test-word reading, background

knowledge, and inference skills. (Bowyer-Crane & Snowling, 2005) (Coleman et

al., 2010)

According to Nuttal, (2000) reading means a result of interaction between

the writer’s mind and the reader’s mind. It is the way how to the reader tries to

get the message or the intended meaning from the writer. In this process, the

reader tries to create the meanings intended by the writer, the reader can get the

message, and the writer’s meaning sense. According to Pang, (2003) reading is

defined as understanding written texts. He says that reading consists of two

related processes: word recognition and comprehension. Word recognition is

defined as the process of getting how written symbols correspond to one’s spoken

language while comprehension is the process of making the meaning of words,

sentences and connected text. He adds his statement that the reader who has

background knowledge, vocabulary, grammatical knowledge, experience with text

and other strategies can help them understand written texts. Based on two

definitions above reading can be defined as the instantaneous recognition of

various written symbol with existing knowledge and it also can be defined as

comprehension of the information and the idea communicated. It means that when

a reader interacts with printed messages, he tries to get the visual information

result or to get meaning in comprehending the messages or the texts from the
writer. It also can be said that reading not only the process of getting the written

symbols correspond to one’s spoken language but it is also the process of making

the meaning of words, sentences and connected text that can be called


Local Literature

Bacon (2005) said, “Reading maketh a full man”. Indeed, reading highly

contribute to the development of individual especially in acquiring knowledge and

learning that will help them in learning more competitive and language literate.

The process of learning to read is a lengthy one that begins very early in life. Most

young children with reading difficulties have problems developing fluency. For

these children, identifying words take a lot of effort. Their reading rate is slow,

their word identification is hesitant, and they over rely on contextual cues for word

identification. Because most of their cognitive or mental effort is spent trying to

identify words, their comprehension suffers. The main prevention and early

intervention strategies for these children are effective preparation for literacy and

effective classroom instruction. Many children at risk for reading difficulties enter

school with little or no phonological awareness. Evidence is accruing that indeed

such training can be of particular benefit to youngsters at risk due to socio

economic disadvantage and/or weak initial preparedness in reading-related skills.

Among the reasons public attention has turned to the need for systematic

prevention of reading difficulties are the patterns of reading difficulty: failure to

learn to read adequately is present among children of low social risk who attend

well-funded school and is much more likely among poor children, among non-

white children, and among non-native speakers of English. To begin our

consideration of who is likely to ha3ve reading difficulties and how many children

we are talking about, we outlined a number of conceptual issues in identifying and

measuring reading difficulties in young children.

According to Cruz (2007), despite our supposedly high literacy rate, many

Filipinos can barely read and write. This is true especially of those living in remote

areas as well as the slum areas of the country. Someone once remarked that we

are not a nation of readers; we are a nation of storytellers. Ours is a culture of

oral history passed on by word of mouth not through the written word. Many

educators believe that failure of the child in formal education can be traced to his

reading difficulties. These difficulties hinder him to succeed in school work

requiring the reading process. This problem prompted researchers to conduct

studies in reading.

Alderson, (2000) defines reading is an enjoyable, intense, private

activity in which the readers get much pleasure and can totally absorb the

reading. Comprehension is the process of making sense of words, sentences and

connected text. He says that comprehension is the processes of deriving the

meaning of one word to another in a text. Readers typically make use of

background knowledge, vocabulary, grammatical knowledge, experience with a

text and other strategies to help them understand the written texts.
From the definitions above, reading comprehension can be concluded as the

ability to find the stated or unstated writer’s idea in the text. The essence of

reading comprehension is understanding all information delivered by the writer. It

also refers to the ability to connect between the words in a text, to understand the

ideas and the relationships between ideas conveyed in a text.

Related Studies

Foreign Studies

According to the study The Theories of Reading (2009), reading is a

complex process. Theories are formulated to explain this process. Brief discussion

of some theories are presented as theoretical background of this study. The

theories to be discussed are bottom-ups theory, top-down theory, interactive

theory, schema theory, sub-skills theory and psycholinguistic theory. In the

research entitled The Effects of Book Clubs on the Reading Attitudes of Middle

School Students (2009), concluded that the effect of exposure to an independent

book club on the attitudes of struggling readers was clearly evident. It means that

the book club has a positive effect toward students’ reading attitude. If students

have positive attitude in reading, it shows that they comprehend the reading text

In the study A Book Club's Impact on Parents Support of Adolescent

Reading (2011), stated that the use of Book Club for parents made them feel more

confident in supporting their adolescent readers. It helped parents to be confident

in improving their adolescents’ reading comprehension. It means there is positive

impact of Book Club technique for parents. The simple view of reading is a formula

based on the widely accepted view that reading has two basic components: word

recognition (decoding) and comprehension. Research studies show that a

student’s reading comprehension score can be predicted if decoding skills and

language comprehension abilities are known. (Farrell, Hunter, Davidson & Osenga


In the research entitled, The Effect of Using Book Clubs to Improve Literacy

and Build A Learning Community Among Under-Performing Elementary Students

(2011), stated that there are some positive effects of Book club, they are the small

community for their learning development as well as the larger community,

student academic performance, social interactions, and student identity as readers

and learners.

In Dolch’s (2007) research "Psychology and Teaching of Reading", reading

was defined as imagining, thinking and feeling about ideas and thoughts made

from past experiences that are suggested by perception of printed word. On the

other hand, Aikat (2007) stated that the act of reading is a dynamic ‘transaction’

between the reader and the text, an idea taken from Rosenblatt’s 1978 book, "The

Reader, The Text, The Poem". According to the aforementioned book, there are
two kinds of reading—reading for leisure, called Aesthetic Reading, and Efferent

Reading in order to gain information.

Vicker (2018) stated in the research for Indiana Resource Center for Autism,

students with ASD can have strengths or challenges in either word recognition and

language comprehension that will impact reading comprehension. It is important

to assess, monitor, and track the word recognition or decoding skills and language

comprehension skills as you evaluate reading comprehension. Pimentel (2018), in

addition to explicit phonics instruction, teachers need to support students' ability

to understand complex text and build background knowledge. Teachers also

deserve access to high-quality curriculum materials — a thoughtfully arranged,

comprehensive, sequential curriculum that embeds standards, the science of

reading, and key instructional shifts. Kausalai, Wijekumar and Beerwinkle (2018),

said that we must learn how to implement a research-based text structure strategy

that infuses text structures at every step of reading comprehension instruction,

beginning with the introduction of the lesson, previewing of text, selecting

important ideas, writing a main idea, generating inferences, and monitoring


Local Studies
The research on the issue of English language reading anxiety have already

been conducted in the past two decades. It has now becoming an interest that

reading anxiety in English language really does exist. With the use of the English

as a Foreign Language Reading Anxiety Inventory (Zoghi, 2012), this descriptive-

correlation research attempts to find out the level of reading anxiety and the main

causes of its existence among Grade 8 students in Mindanao State University-

Integrated Laboratory School, Marawi City. Their reading comprehension

performance is also correlated to their reading anxiety level. Results showed that

a great majority failed in the test and high level of reading anxiety exists among

majority of them. Causes of their reading anxiety are based on three categories

namely the top-down reading, bottom-up reading, and classroom reading.

Moreover, it was found out that there is a significant negative relationship between

students" reading anxiety level and reading comprehension performance. With

this, teachers are challenged to solve this reading problem through effective

teaching strategies and interventions. This study is also anchored on the

cognitivist’s theory of Constructivism. The constructivists believe that learning is a

process during which the learners interact with their environment and modify their

current understandings. (Cox and Zarillo, 2003) It is further suggested that studies

should be conducted to explore further this hindrance in English language learning.

There are meanings behind the score of the respondents. Those with scores above

the normal score mean that they have a good reading capabilities and different

skills that can be used in any aspect of their life; while those with scores below
the passing rate need to improve reading comprehension. The results revealed

that majority of the students belonged to frustration level of reading proficiency in

silent reading while in instructional level for the oral reading in which majority of

the males are less proficient in reading compared to females in both silent and oral

reading. There is no significant difference on the levels of reading proficiency levels

of students when analyzed according to their year levels and gender. However, a

significant difference on the levels of reading proficiency of students in silent and

oral reading was found.

Theoretical Framework
Anderson (1977) Schema Theory Comprehending a text is an interactive

(Carrel and process between the reader’s background

Eiserhold, 2013) knowledge and the text. Efficient

comprehension requires the ability to

relate the textual material to one's own

knowledge. Every act of comprehension

involves one’s knowledge of the world as

well". Reading comprehension operates

in two directions, from bottom up to the

top and from the top down to the bottom

of the hierarchy. Bottom-up processing is

activated by specific data from the text,

while top-down processing starts with

general to confirm these predictions.

These two kinds of processing are

occurring simultaneously and

interactively, which adds to the concept

of interaction or comprehension between

bottom-up and top-down processes.

McCowan et al., Conceptualized This theory is being reinforced in the

(1996) Reading reading lab in vocabulary building.

Program Previous experiences being assimilated

expand as new vocabulary words in

context are accommodated. The films the

students regularly watch show in action

and setting, the vocabulary words they

have previously experienced in print.

They further hear the words enunciated

by native speakers of the language. All

the language skills being taught are at

work in good films so that the target

language being taught occurs in its

authentic setting.
Shank & Abelson, C-I theory An important value of the C-I theory was

(1977) its demonstration that text

comprehension could be explained by an

interactive combination of top-down

(knowledge-driven) and bottom-up

(word-based) processes. Earlier ideas

about text comprehension had been

dominated by demonstrations of

knowledge-driven top-down procedures

guided by scripts.

Gernsbacher, Structure Assumed a central role for coherence,

(1990) Building Theory which was viewed as the result of the

structures built and connected by the

reader, and provided hypotheses about

individual differences in comprehension.

Based on the theories presented above, the Paradigm of the study was

made. The input consists of the profile of the students including a) age and b)

gender, the factors affecting the Reading Comprehension of the respondents, their

level of performance in reading comprehension and also the suggestions in

improving the reading comprehension. The process includes of the profile of the

students including a) age and b) gender, the factors affecting the Reading
comprehension of the respondents, their level of performance in reading

comprehension, suggestions in improving the reading comprehension and

determining the relationship between the profile variables of the respondents and

the factors affecting the Reading Comprehension of the Grade 12GAS 1A at

PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta. The output contains suggested action plan to

be implemented to determine the factors affecting the Reading Comprehension of

the respondents at PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta.

The Paradigm of the Study is presented on the next page.

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

1. Profile of students of Determining the: Suggested action plan
the respondents in 1. Profile the profile
to be implemented to
of the respondents in
terms of: terms of:
address the factors
a) Age; and
a) Age; and that can affect the
b) Gender
b) Gender 2. Performance of the Reading
grade 12GAS 1A
students in their comprehension to the
2. Performance of the
grade 12GAS 1A comprehension. respondents of

3. Factors Affecting PHINMA UPang

students in their
the Reading
reading comprehension. Comprehension of the College of Urdaneta.
Grade 12GAS 1A
3. Factors Affecting the
4. Suggestions/
Reading Comprehension blueprint that can be
used to improve the
of the Grade 12GAS 1A reading
comprehension of
students. 12GAS 1A students.
5. Significant
4. Suggestions/blueprint
relationship between
that can be used to the profile variables
of the respondents
improve the reading and the factors
affecting the Reading
comprehension of Comprehension of the
grade12 GAS 1A
12GAS 1A students. students of PHINMA
UPang College of

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study

Chapter III


This chapter deals with the method used by the researchers in the study.

It includes the research design, respondents of the study, data gathering

instrument, data gathering procedure and analysis of data.

Research Design

The researchers implemented the descriptive – quantitative research

design. This design used survey questionnaires which were distributed to the

respondents in order to attain the main objective of the study which is to examine

the factors affecting the reading comprehension of the grade 12GAS 1A students.

The researchers opted to use this kind of research considering the desire to

acquire first hand data from the respondents so as formulate rational and sound

conclusions and recommendations for the study.

According to Lustre (2012), descriptive method focuses at the present

condition of person, events or class and may involve induction, analysis,

classification, enumeration and measurement. The purpose is to find the “what

process go beyond gathering and tabulation of data”. It involves an element of

interpretation of the meaning or significance of what is being described.

Population and Locale of the Study

The study was conducted at PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta which tackles

more about the factors affecting the Reading Comprehension encountered by the

grade 12GAS 1A population of forty-one (41) students of the academic year 2019-

2020 were completely enumerated as the total population of the study conducted.

Data Gathering Instrument

The tool used in gathering the data needed was a survey

questionnaire made to achieve the main objective of the study which is to find the

factors affecting the Reading Comprehension of the grade 12GAS 1A students. The

first part of the survey questionnaire contained the profile of the students in terms

of (a) age; and (b) gender. The second and third part of the survey questionnaire

contained two stories: one for pre-test and one for post-test that shows the

performance of respondents in reading comprehension and a checklist that

answers the factors that can affect the reading comprehension skills.

Data-Collection Instrument

This research is conducted through questionnaire and survey. Researchers

have prepared a survey questionnaire for the respondents as the main tool in
gathering the appropriate and sufficient information and data needed which is

concerned with determining the students’ factors that may affect their Reading

Comprehension skills which was consist of 12 questions.

Data-Gathering Procedure

Before the researchers collected the necessary data, they first asked

permission to conduct the study from the research adviser and principal of PHINMA

UPang College of Urdaneta, Urdaneta Campus. Then, the researchers asked

permission from the respondents to administer the questions.

The questionnaire was given during the interview to the respondents,

personally done by the researchers. The data were collected, analyzed and

interpreted by the researchers. The results of the interview were kept confidential

and did not affect the grades of the students.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Responses to the questionnaires by grade 12GAS1A students were

statistically analyzed with the data requirements of the study. Students were
statistically analyzed with the data instruments of the study. Descriptive statistics

such as frequency count, mean and percent are considered.

1. The researchers used frequency and percentage distribution. The formula is as


%=F/N x 100


%= percentage

F= number of respondents that answered the questions

N= total number of respondents

100= constant value

2. To identify the factors affecting the reading comprehension of the respondents,

the researchers used Average Weighted Mean, where:

WM= 5f5+4f4+3f3+2f2+1f1/N

WM- Weighted Mean

f5- number of respondents who answered, “Always”

f4- number of respondents who answered, “Often”

f3- number of respondents who answered, “Sometimes”

f2- number of respondents who answered, “Seldom”

f1- number of respondents who answered, Never”



This chapter presents, analyzes and interprets the data gathered from the

study that are presented in graphs.

This section presents the significant features of the study for the purpose

of gaining insights needed in trying to improve the quality of human life specifically

in the field of education.

Profile of the Respondents

The first problem that the study dealt with was determining the

demographic profile of the respondents. In terms of a) Age and b) Gender. Table

1 on the next page is tabular representation of the profile of the respondents

Table 1. Shows the demographic profile of the respondents


URDANETA A.Y. 2019-2020

Variables Frequency (ƒ) Percentage (%)


18 years old and above 9 21.95%

17 years old 30 73.17%

16 years old and below 2 4.88%


Male 20 48.78%

Female 21 51.22%

It can be seen on the table, in terms of their age, the 17 years old has the

highest percentage of 73.17% or 30 frequencies, while the remaining 21.95% is

in 18 years old and above. Lastly, 4.88% is in 16 years old and below. This data

means that all of the respondents have sustainable information to answer the


In terms of gender, majority of the respondents are female, with frequency

of 21 having a percentage of 51.22. Moreover, 20 of them are male with a

percentage of 48.78 total of populations, which implies that the group that has

been surveyed was dominantly occupied by female respondents who participated

prior to this research.




A. Who is the single main character about whom the story centers?



Figure 1. The graph shows the percentage of students who answers the question

who is the single main character about whom the story centers.

Interpretation: There are 85% of the grade 12 GAS 1A students choose Dodong

as the single main character about whom the story centers while 15% of the grade

12 GAS 1A students answered Teang as the main character in the story.

Findings: Base on the data we gathered, there are more number of students who

chose Dodong as the main character of the story than Teang as the single main

character of the story.

Analyzation: Most of the respondents stated that Dodong is the single main

character about whom the story centers because they had read in the story that

in every situation the character of Dodong is always present and also, the story

evolves in the story of his life.

B. What is the theme of the story?




Figure 2. The graph shows the percentage of students who answers the question
what is the theme of the story.
Interpretation: There are 76% of the grade 12 GAS 1A students answered that the

responsibilities and realities and decision making is the theme of the story while

24% of the grade 12 GAS 1A students answered enjoy being a youth and get

married at a young age.

Findings: Base on the data we gathered, there are more number of students stated

that taking responsibilities and realities and decision making is the theme

compared to enjoying being youth and getting married at a young age.

Analyzation: Most of the respondents stated that responsibilities and realities and

decision making is the theme of the story because it is identified in the story the

things that shows the difficulty of a person when they decide without thinking very

well and got awaken by the reality.

C. What did Dodong and Teang feel about their marriage after almost ten years?





Figure 3. The graph shows the percentage of students who stated that regrets

and inexperienced are what Dodong and Teang feel about their marriage after

almost 10 years.

Interpretation: There are 78% of the grade 12 GAS 1A students stated that feeling

of regrets and inexperienced is what Dodong and Teang feels while 22% of the

grade 11 ABM 3A students stated that they feel grown up and capable.

Findings: Base on the data we gathered, there are more number of students stated

that Dodong and Teang feel regrets and inexperienced after their almost 10 years

of marriage.

Analyzation: Most of the respondents stated that the feeling of regrets and

inexperienced is what they feel because as they read the story hints about regrets
were mentioned and the way how the author describe the characters’ emotions

and actions helps the respondents identify the theme of the story.

D. What is the significance of the story “Footnote to Youth”? Choose the best




Figure 4. The graph shows the percentage of students who stated that the story

is a brief reminder to Filipinos especially to the youth.

Interpretation: There are 95% of the grade 12 GAS 1A students stated that the

story “Footnote to Youth” is a brief reminder to Filipinos especially to the youth

while 5% of the grade 12 GAS 1A students stated that the story indicates the

reasons why youth act this way.

Findings: Base on the data we gathered, there are more number of students stated

that the story is a brief reminder to Filipinos especially to the youth compared to

the number of students stated that the story indicates the reasons why youth act

this way when it comes to the story’s significance.

Analyzation: Most of the respondents stated that the story aims to remind Filipinos

especially the youth for the possible outcomes of making decision without thinking

and just entering in a situation without knowledge on how to perform its role.

E. Arrange the following events according to when it happened in the story.



61% C-D-B-A

Figure 5. The graph shows the percentage of students who stated the correct

sequence of events of the story.

Interpretation: There are 61% of the grade 12 GAS 1A students stated the correct

sequence of events while 39% of the grade 12 GAS 1A students stated an incorrect

sequence of events.

Findings: Base on the data we gathered, there are more number of students stated

correct sequence of events compared to the number of students stated incorrect

sequence of events.

Analyzation: Most of the respondents stated correct sequence of the events

because they had read the story well so they come up to a right arrangement of

events in the story and some of the respondents have an incorrect sequence of

events because they may be read the story but get confused on arranging the

events according to when it happened first.

20 16
10 9
10 6
5 2

PRE TEST 6 10 9 2 16


The figure shows the Factors affecting the reading comprehension skills of

the grade 12GAS 01A on the pretest results in the conducted questionnaire. Based

on the data gathered, there are more number of respondents who failed to have

a correct answer in the sequence of events. The results indicate that the

respondents needs more time to practice reading and comprehending texts


A. What is the main conflict of the story? Why?



Figure 6. The graph shows the percentage of students who stated that the story’s

conflict is man vs. circumstances.

Interpretation: There are 54% of the grade 12 GAS 1A students stated man vs.

circumstances, because in the story, Alfredo struggles against his fate and the

circumstances of life and love facing him. He needs to face problems in choosing

between difficult choices of his life while 46% of the grade 12 GAS 1A students

stated that man vs. self, he needs to choose between two women he love which

is Esperanza and Julia Salas.

Findings: Base on the data we gathered, there are more number of students stated

that man vs. circumstances as the main conflict of the story, because as read in

the story, Alfredo struggles against his fate and the circumstances of life and love

facing him. He needs to face problems in choosing between difficult choices of his


Analyzation: Most of the respondents stated that man vs. circumstances is the

main conflict, because in the story, Alfredo struggles against his fate and the

circumstances of life and love facing him. He needs to face problems in choosing

between difficult choices of his life and when the main character’s opponent in the

story is a problem’s in life it is called man vs. circumstances.

B. What is the theme of the story?


Figure 7. The graph shows the percentage of students who stated that forbidden

love is the theme of the story.

Interpretation: There are 71% of the 12 GAS 1A students stated that forbidden

love as the theme of the story while 29% of the grade 12 GAS 1A students stated

that it’s all about decision making.

Findings: Base on the data we gathered, there are more number of students

stated that forbidden love as its theme compared to the number of students stated

decision making.

Analyzation: Most of the respondents stated that forbidden love is the theme of

the story because it stated in the story that Alfredo do already have a fiancé named

Julia but still he fell in love to Julia.

C. What is the story’s point of view?




Figure 8. The graph shows the percentage of students who recognized that the

story’s point of view is 3rd person POV.

Interpretation: There are 73% of the grade 12 GAS 1A students stated that it is a

3rd person point of view while 27% of the grade 12 GAS 1A students stated that

it is a 1st person point of view.

Findings: Base on the data we gathered, there are more number of students who

answered 3rd person point of view compared to the number of students who

answered 1st person point of view.

Analyzation: Most of the respondents stated that the story is 3rd person point of

view because they recognized that there is no word “I” mentioned in the story that

indicates as the 1st person point of view and the author is the one telling the story.
D. Arrange the following events according to when it happened in the story.



Figure 9. The graph shows the percentage of students who stated the correct

sequence of events of the story.

Interpretation: There are 63% of the grade 12 GAS 1A students stated the correct

sequence of events while 37% of the grade 12 GAS 1A students stated an incorrect

sequence of events.

Findings: Base on the data we gathered, there are more number of students stated

correct sequence of events compared to the number of students stated incorrect

sequence of events.

Analyzation: Most of the respondents stated correct sequence of the events

because they had read the story well so they come up to a right arrangement of
events in the story and some of the respondents have an incorrect sequence of

events because they may be get confused on arranging the events.

E. What is the significance of the story “Dead Stars”?




Figure 10. The graph shows the percentage of students who stated that the story

represents a presence that is unrecognized.

Interpretation: There are 95% of the grade 12 GAS 1A students stated that the

story “Dead Stars” represents a presence that is unrecognized while 5% of the

grade 12 GAS 1A students stated that the story shows how man’s love easily fades.

Findings: Base on the data we gathered, there are more number of students stated

that the story represents a presence that is unrecognized compared to the number

of students stated that the story show how man’s love easily fades when it comes

to the story’s significance.

Analyzation: Most of the respondents stated that the story aims to represent a

presence that is unrecognized because in the story, it is stated that Alfredo feel

attracted to Julia before but after not seeing her for about eight years even if Julia

is with him, he doesn’t feel attracted nor love to Julia anymore. .


15 12 11

5 3

POST TEST 19 12 11 15 3


The figure shows the Factors affecting the reading comprehension skills of

the grade 12GAS 01A on the Post test results in the conducted questionnaire.

Based on the data gathered, there are more number of respondents who failed to

have a correct answer for the questions. Thus, improvement is not observed when

it is compared to pretest results. The results indicate that the respondents needs

more time to practice reading and comprehending texts.



1. I turn to dictionaries when encountering new words in the English reading.

AWM = 3.7 DE = S





Figure 11. The graph shows the percentage of students who stated that

sometimes they’re turning to dictionaries when encountering new word in the

English reading.

The graph above has 3.7 average weighted mean that is equal to 39% who

answered sometimes which means that the respondents were using dictionaries

every time they encounter new words in English reading.

2. I’ll be able to identify the main idea of the text.

AWM = 3.6 DE = S






Figure 12. The graph shows the percentage of students who stated that

sometimes they can identify the main idea of the text.

The graph above has 3.6 average weighted mean that is equal to 46% who

answered sometimes which means that the respondents were be able to identify

the main idea of the text.

3. I have willingness to learn and have goals in reading.

AWM = 4.2 DE = A




Figure 13. The graph shows the percentage of students who stated that they

always have willingness to learn and have goals in reading.

The graph above has 4.2 average weighted mean that is equal to 51% who

answered always which means that the respondents always have willingness to

learn and have goals in reading.

4. I’m easily distracted by the noise from the surrounding and gadgets.

AWM = 3.8 DE = A





Figure 14. The graph shows the percentage of students who stated that they are

always distracted by the noise from the surrounding and gadgets.

The graph above has 3.8 average weighted mean that is equal to 34% who

answered always which means they are always distracted by the noise from

surrounding every time they read.

5. Words that are not familiar to me affects my understanding in reading.

AWM = 3.7 DE = S
7% 2%




Figure 15. The graph shows the percentage of students who stated that

sometimes words that are not familiar to them affects their understanding in


The graph above has 3.7 average weighted mean that is equal to 39% who

answered sometimes which means that the respondents were affected by the

unfamiliar words used in the text they read.

6. I’m having difficulty in learning to read, interpret words, letters and other


AWM = 3.1 DE = S
10% 5%





Figure 16. The graph shows the percentage of students who stated that

sometimes they are having difficulty in learning to read, interpret words, letters

and other symbols.

The graph above has 3.1 average weighted mean that is equal to 37% who

answered sometimes which means that the respondents were sometimes having

learning to read, interpret words, letters and other symbols.

7. I’m having difficulty in pronouncing unfamiliar words.

AWM = 3.3 DE = S
15% 7%




Figure 17. The graph shows the percentage of students who stated that

sometimes they are having difficulty in pronouncing unfamiliar words.

The graph above has 3.3 average weighted mean that is equal to 46% who

answered sometimes which means that the respondents were sometimes having

difficulties in pronouncing unfamiliar words.

8. I’m stressed in reading.

AWM = 2.8 DE = S




Figure 18. The graph shows the percentage of students who stated that

sometimes they are stressed in reading.

The graph above has 2.8 average weighted mean that is equal to 37% who

answered sometimes which means that the respondents were sometimes having

stressed in reading.

9. Reading books is my way in expanding my vocabulary that enhance my reading

comprehension skills.

AWM = 3.9 DE = A





Figure 17. The graph shows the percentage of students who stated that they are

always reading books to expand my vocabulary that enhance my reading

comprehension skills.

The graph above has 3.9 average weighted mean that is equal to 34% who

answered always which means that the respondents were always reading books

to enhance reading comprehension skills.

10. Visualizing the characters, settings and situations in the text help me in

understanding the text.

AWM = 4.0 DE = A
5% 2%




Figure 18. The graph shows the percentage of students who stated that the

visualizing the characters, settings and situations in the text help them in

understanding the text.

The graph above has 4.0 average weighted mean that is equal to 44% who

answered always which means that the respondents were always visualizing the

characters, settings and situations in the text help them in understanding the text

whenever they read.

11. Modernized society motivates me to enhance my reading skills.

AWM = 2.5 DE = S




Figure 19. The graph shows the percentage of students who stated that

sometimes they are being motivated to read by the modernization of the society.

The graph above has 2.5 average weighted mean that is equal to 39% who

answered sometimes which means that some of the respondents were sometimes

motivated by the modernized society that might help them in enhancing their

reading comprehension skills.

12. I use gadgets as my tools in improving my skills in reading.

AWM = 3.6 DE = S




Figure 20. The graph shows the percentage of students who stated that

sometimes they use gadgets as their tool in improving their reading

comprehension skills.

The graph above has 3.6 average weighted mean that is equal to 34% who

answered sometimes which means that some of the respondents were using

gadgets to enhance their reading skills.

13. My level of aspiration and achievement contributes a lot in making my reading

comprehension skills better.

AWM = 4.1 DE = A




Figure 21. The graph shows the percentage of students who stated that their

level of aspiration and achievement is always contributing in making my reading

comprehension skills better.

The graph above has 4.1 average weighted mean that is equal to 41% who

answered always which means that the respondents were always setting their level

of aspiration and achievement as their inspiration in making their to enhance

reading comprehension skills better.




1. I turn to dictionaries when encountering new 3.7 S

words in the English reading.
2. I’ll be able to identify the main idea of the text. 3.6 S
3. I have willingness to learn and have goals in 4.2 A
4. I’m easily distracted by the noise from the 3.8 A
surrounding and gadgets.
5. Words that are not familiar to me affects my 3.7 S
understanding in reading.
6. I’m having difficulty in learning to read, interpret 3.1 S
words, letters and other symbols.
7. I’m having difficulty in pronouncing unfamiliar 3.3 S
8. I’m stressed in reading. 2.8 S
9. Reading books is my way in expanding my 3.9 A
vocabulary that enhance my reading comprehension
10. Visualizing the characters, settings and situations 4.0 A
in the text help me in understanding the text.
11. Modernized society motivates me to enhance my 2.5 S
reading skills.
12. I use gadgets as my tools in improving my skills 3.6 S
in reading.
13. My level of aspiration and achievement 4.1 A
contributes a lot in making my reading
comprehension skills better.
Total 46.3 S
LEGEND: AWM= Average Weighted Mean; DE= Descriptive Equivalent;
Always (A); Often (O); Sometimes (S); Seldom (SE); Never (N)
According to the table above, among the questionnaires in the factors
affecting the reading comprehension skills the figure that has the highest mean
which is 4.2 that has a descriptive equivalence of always and the least figure has
2.5 mean which is the sometimes.
Therefore, there are lots of factors that can affect someone’s reading
comprehension skills.


This chapter presents the summary of the study, the summary of findings,

the conclusions inferred from the findings and the recommendations made as a

result of the findings.


This study sought to determine the Factors Affecting the Reading

Comprehension of the Grade 12 GAS 1A Students of PHINMA UPang College

Urdaneta at Urdaneta City, Pangasinan Academic Year 2019-2020. The

researchers focused only on the factors or variables that affects the Reading

comprehension skills of the students. The researchers found out different factors

that can affect someone’s reading comprehension skills and also the suggestions

that can help in improving their reading comprehension skills.


From the analysis and interpretation of the findings in the study, the

researchers' arrived at the following conclusions:

1. . Most of the 12 GAS 1A stressed by reading comprehension because of the

words that they are not familiar with. They stated that if they encounter

words they are not familiar with, they don’t understand the essence of the

story. Therefore, their reading seems useless.

2. Some respondents were able to identify the main idea of the text because

they have the ability to visualize the characters, settings and the situations

that contributed a lot in comprehending the text.

3. Respondents have difficulties in identifying the theme and the lesson of the

story that the author trying to give.

4. Researchers conclude that modernized society influenced the respondents

the most in learning to comprehend what they read because they think that

they can use it in finding jobs in the future and also in sharing the

information you have.

5. The researchers conclude that reading books is the number one suggested

strategy that can help in improving reading comprehension skills because

when someone reads he also makes analyzations and he also can expand

his vocabulary.

6. The researchers also conclude that the respondents are easily distracted by

gadgets and the noise coming from the surroundings because their

attention will be take away from their reading.

7. The respondents used to turn dictionaries when encountering new words

to understand what they read is also one of the suggested strategy to

enhance reading comprehension skills.

8. Willingness to learn and having goals is the ability that a person must have

in order to be good in comprehending texts. When someone is willing to

learn he will be able to learn about the subject easily because his attention

was focused on the subject.


In the light of the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations

are strongly suggested by the researchers.

To Students:

 Students must understand the weaknesses of someone especially in

pronouncing words. We must accept the fact that not all the people whom

we encountered has good intonation in reading. Students must not judge a

person according to his pronunciation when he read. Only acceptance can

make others confidence boost and also can lead to a peaceful mind.

 Students must read more books to easily identify the theme of the story.

 Students need to adjust their schedules and make a time for reading so that

they can get new knowledge every time they read. They also need to be

active during recitation or they urge to volunteer when the teacher calls

someone to read.

 Students must set their goals and level of aspiration to make them inspired

in accomplishing an action.

 Students must find places that can avoid them from getting distracted from

the noise when they read. They must turn off their gadgets when they read

to avoid distraction.

To the Teachers:

 Teachers should apply the reading program to the students.

 Teachers must practice the correct pronunciation of words because their

pronunciation is being adapt by the students.

 Teachers should more emphasize the importance of reading


 Teachers should promote interactive techniques while teaching English.

 For the enhancement of reading comprehension skills in school

environment, teacher should explain the meaning of the unfamiliar

words used in the story.

To the Parents:

 Parents must provide their children reading materials that will help them

in enhancing reading comprehension skills. They must limit their children

in using gadgets.

 Parents must have time for their children and use reading as their bond.

 Parents must encourage their children to improve their reading abilities.

They should guide them if they have any problems with their academic

performance and reading difficulties.

To the Future Researchers:

 Future researchers should use this study as their basis or reference in

gathering data.
 Future researchers must expand the study and find more information

about the factors affecting the Reading Comprehension skills.


A. Books

Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature, First Edition (REX Bookstore

Incorporated, 2015). August 2, 2019

B. Internet Sources

Richards & Schmidt, “Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied



ng August 10, 2019

Heisat, “The Use of Reading Strategies in

Developing Students’ Reading Competency among Primary School

Teachers in Malaysia”, 2009. http://www.readbag.com/eurojournals-ejss

August 10, 2019

Patel & Jain, “English Language Teaching” ,2002.


August 10, 2019

Meneghetti et al, “Components of reading comprehension and scholastic

achievement” Padova Italy: University of Padova, 2006


content/uploads/2013/04/Meneghetti_Carretti_De August 10 2019

Coltheart, et al.,” DRC: a dual route cascaded model of visual word

recognition and reading aloud. Psychological,” 2001


process August 10 2019

&Richard K. Olson, “Reading Comprehension Tests Vary in the Skills They

Assess: Differential Dependence on Decoding and Oral Comprehension” 2010


August 10 2019

Bowyer-Crane, C., & Snowling, M. J. “Assessing children's inference generation:

what do tests of reading comprehension measure? British Journal of

Educational Psychology” 2002 https://doi.org/10.1348/000709904X22674

Coleman et al.,(2010). “The Adam family metalloprotease Kuzbanian regulates the

cleavage of the roundabout receptor to control axon repulsion at the

midline” http://flybase.org/reports/FBrf0211121 August 10 2019

Nuttal, Christine “ Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language” London


ns_of August 10 2019

Appendix A
McArthur Highway, Brgy. Nancayasan, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

Ms. Junna P. Aspiras
SHS Principal, PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta

We are conducting a research entitled, “Factors Affecting the Reading
Comprehension of the 12GAS O1A of PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta”
to partially fulfill the requirements for the subject APP006 Practical Research 2.
In this connection, may we request from your good office to allow us to
conduct the said study in the school.
Your kind consideration and favorable action relative to this request will be
highly appreciated. Thank you and God Bless!

Respectfully yours,
Nicole Anne B. Jose
Jasper James Malanum
Jake R. Mason
Kristian Rex M. Querido
Michael Requizo

(SGD) Elearden Mei N. Catalan
Research Adviser

(SGD) Junna P. Aspiras
SHS Principal

Appendix B
McArthur Highway, Brgy. Nancayasan, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan


Elearden Mei N. Catalan

Research Adviser

We, the undersigned grade 12 GAS1A students of PUCU, are conducting
research entitled “Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of the
12GAS O1A of PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta” to partially fulfill the
requirements for the subject APP006 Practical Research 2.
In this connection, we would like to request your professional assistance
to be our research adviser in the said study.
Your kind consideration and favorable action relative to this request will
be highly appreciated.
Thank you and God Bless!

Respectfully yours,
Nicole Anne B. Jose
Jasper James Malanum
Jake R. Mason
Kristian Rex M. Querido
Michael Requizo

(SGD) Elearden Mei N. Catalan
Research Adviser

Appendix C
McArthur Highway, Brgy. Nancayasan, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan


Dear Respondents,
We are conducting research entitled “Factors Affecting the Reading
Comprehension of the 12GAS O1A of PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta”
as part of our requirements in completing our APP006 Practical Research 2.
In this connection, we would like to enlist your support in this endeavor by
accomplishing patiently and honestly the questionnaire that will help us complete
our research work.
Thank you and God Bless!

Respectfully yours,
Nicole Anne B. Jose
Jasper Malanum
Jake R. Mason
Kristian Rex M. Querido
Michael Requizo

(SGD) Elearden Mei N. Catalan
Research Adviser

(SGD) Junna P. Aspiras
SHS Principal
Appendix D
Survey Questionnaire

Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of the Grade 12 GAS1A

Students of PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta

This questionnaire aims to gather information from the respondents. This

will serve as a tool for knowing the perception of the respondents and in

completing the study.



I. Direction: Read the story below then answer the following questions by
putting a check mark (✔) in the box of your answer.

"Footnote to Youth"
By: Jose Garcia Villa aka “Doveglion”
Dodong is 17 years old, who is working in the fields. He takes no real joy in
his dusty work. He is too distracted, impatiently waiting for his father to get home
and tell his father that he has asked Teang, the woman he loves, to marry him
and she has accepted. He is preoccupied by feelings of adulthood and masculinity,
believing himself to be grown and capable. He feels that at 17, he is ready for the
next important step in his life. When he tells his father his news, the latter tries to
talk him out of it. But because he is only 17, he is headstrong and sure of what he
wants, so his father allows him to marry.
Nine months later, Teang gives birth to their first son, whom they name
Blas. As Dodong waits out the childbirth in the yard, he frets to himself about what
it will mean to be a father, and he imagines himself having ten children. He feels
young and inexperienced, a contrast to how he felt nine months ago. Dodong did
not want any more children, but they came anyway.
For the next six years, Teang gave birth. Seven children in all which takes
its toll on both her body and Dodong's. Both become old beyond their ages, and
both regret having married so young. Teang bitterly wishes she had accepted the
hand of another suitor named Lucio, who in those six years had married but had
no children. Dodong does not want all these children, and one night he stays
awake wondering why life can be so cruel when youth is so full of dreams, so full
of hope and expectation.
When Blas turns 18, he comes home and tells Dodong that he wants to
marry Tena, his partner. Dodong at this time is only 26 years old but he is
portrayed as a much older man. Dodong dos not want Blas to marry so young.
Dodong asks him what has him so agitated, and sees that the roles of father and
son are now reversed: where once Dodong was the stubborn, impatient youth who
thought that to marry was to live, and his father was the cautious, objective voice
of reason. Dodong wants desperately for the young man to reconsider. But he will
not reconsider, and Dodong resignedly gives his consent. Thus the impatience of
youth perpetuates itself, along with the wisdom of years. Though love may at first
overcome, life soon catches up.

1. Who is the single main character about whom the story centers?
2. What is the theme of the story?
Responsibilities and Realities and Decision Making
Enjoy being Youth and Get Married at a Young Age
3. What did Dodong and Teang feel about their marriage after almost ten years?
They feel regrets and inexperienced.
They feel grown up and capable.
4. What is the significance of the story “Footnote to Youth”? Choose the best
Brief reminder to Filipinos especially to the youth
Indicates the reasons why youth act this way.
5. A- Dodong and Teang realized that they entered a life that is hard to escape.
B- Teang wishes that she could go back to the time where she can accept the
hand of her another suitor who is nine years older to Dodong.
C- Dodong asked his father’s permission in marrying Teang.
D- After nine months, Teang gave birth to Blas.
Arrange the following events according to when it happened in the story.

II. Direction: Answer the following questions by putting a check mark (✔) in
the box of your answer.


1. I turn to
dictionaries when
encountering new
words in the English
2. I’ll be able to
identify the main idea
of the reading text.
3. I’m easily
distracted to gadgets.
4. I’m easily
distracted by the
noise from the
5. Words that are not
familiar to me affects
my understanding in
6. I’m having difficulty
in learning to read,
interpret words,
letters and other
7. I’m having difficulty
in pronouncing
unfamiliar words.
8. I’m stressed in
9. Reading books is
my way in expanding
my vocabulary that
enhance my reading
comprehension skills.
10. Visualizing the
characters, settings
and situations in the
text help me in

understanding the
11. Modernized
society motivates me
to enhance my
reading skills.
12. I use gadgets as
my tool in improving
my skills in reading.
13. My level of
aspiration and
contributes a lot in
making my reading
comprehension skills
14. I can create visual
images based on the
text I had read.
15. I have willingness
to learn and have
goals in reading.

I. Direction: Read the story below then answer the following questions by
putting a check mark (✔) in the box of your answer.

“Dead Stars”
By: Paz Marquez Benites
Alfredo Salazar, a bachelor over 30 that has two women: Esperanza, his
fiancé of four years and a young girl from out-of-town named Julia Salas. Everyone
takes it for granted that he will eventually marry Esperanza. But although he is
ashamed to admit it, the intensity of his passion for Esperanza has faded and he
is attracted to Julia whom he met at a dinner party but he is aware that all his love
ones including Julia would disapprove to his failure to honor his understanding
with Esperanza so he and Esperanza got married and have a family. Then, eight
years later, he goes on a business trip to the town where Julia, still unmarried,
lives. He goes to visit Julia whom he has never forgotten but he is surprised to find
that he no longer feels attracted to her. He compares the memory of his love for
her to dead stars whose glow is still visible from the earth for years after they are

1. What is the main conflict of the story? Why?

Man vs. Circumstances, because in the story, Alfredo struggles against his
fate and the circumstances of life and love facing him. He needs to face
problems in choosing between difficult choices of his life.
Man vs. Self, because in the story, he needs to choose between two
women he love which is Esperanza and Julia Salas.
2. What is the theme of the story?
Forbidden Love
Decision Making
3. What is the story’s point of view?
1ST Person POV
3RD Person POV

Appendix E

Sample Answer Question

Appendix F

This page is consists of pictures that the researchers captured while

conducting their research project.

Interpretation: One of the respondents is reading and answering the given

questionnaire by the researchers honestly

Curriculum Vitae

A. Personal Information

Name Nicole Anne B. Jose

Address : #210 Batakil, Pozorrubio,
Age : 17
Date of Birth : January 13, 2002
Contact Number : 09071180194
E-mail Address : [email protected]
Motto : “There’s a blessing in the storm. “


Secondary: Bobonan National High School

S. Y. 2014-2018

Elementary: Bobonan Central School

S.Y. 2008-2014



Name Kristian Rex M. Querido

Address : #191 Zone 2, San Jose,
Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Age : 17
Date of Birth : December 17, 2001
Contact Number : 09776330214
E-mail Address : [email protected]
Motto : “Do the best you can until you know better.
time’ Then, when you know better, do better.”


Secondary : Urdaneta City National High School

Urdaneta, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2014 - 2018

Elementary : San Jose Elementary School

Urdaneta, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2005 - 2014



Name : Jake R. Mason

Address : #369 Zone 7, Labit Proper,
Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Age : 17
Date of Birth : December 21, 2001
Contact Number : 09129052359
E-mail Address : [email protected]


Secondary : Labit National High School

Urdaneta, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2014 - 2018

Elementary : Labit Elementary School

Urdaneta, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2005 - 2014



Name : John Micheal D Requizo

Address : Centro, San Vicente,
Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Age : 17
Date of Birth : December 17, 2001
Contact Number : 09776330214
E-mail Address : [email protected]
Motto : “Do the best you can until you know better.
time’ Then, when you know better, do better


Secondary : Urdaneta City National High School

Urdaneta, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2014 - 2018

Elementary : Don Amadeo Perez Memorial Central School

Urdaneta, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2005 - 2014


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