Guidelines For Hiring Teachers

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Introduction to the Teaching World: Learning Guide for future Educators

Guidelines on the Hiring of Teacher I Positions

The Revised Guidelines on the Hiring of Teacher I Positions are enclosed for the
information and guidance of all concerned. These are based on the Revisions to DepED
Order No. 20, s. 2009 entitled "Further Revisions to the Hiring Guidelines for Teacher I
Positions under DepED Order No. 4, s. 2007" entitled "Revisions to the Hiring
Guidelines for Teacher I Positions."

The issuance of these revised guidelines aim to integrate and to institutionalize the
Teacher Education and Development Program (TEDP) and the School-Based Management
(SBM) which are the reform actions in Basic Education Social Reform Agenda (BESRA),
and to clarify some gray areas in DepED Order No. 20, s. 2009.


NO. 20, s. 2009

The Department of Education's (DepED) Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda

(BESRA) is expected to create critical changes necessary to further accelerate,
broaden, deepen and sustain improvements in the country's educational system. The
desire for improved school performance propels a unified system that requires highly
qualified teachers.

In order to institutionalize the objective of BESRA, particularly the reforms in Teacher

Education and Development Program (TEDP) and School-Based Management
(SBM), these revisions to the hiring guidelines for Teacher I positions in the public
elementary and secondary schools under DepED Order No. 20, s. 2009 (Further
Revisions to the Hiring Guidelines for Teacher I Positions) shall be implemented by
Schools Divisions consistent with the pertinent provisions of existing laws, rules and
regulations effective School Year 2012-2013.


These guidelines which shall apply to the filling up of newly created or natural vacancies for
Teacher I positions in public elementary and secondary schools shall cover the following

1.1 Recruitment - Announcement of Vacancies and Receipt of Applications

1.2 Verification and Validation of Documents Submitted
1.3 Evaluation and Selection of Applicants
1.4 Appointment of Qualified Applicants
1.5 Monitoring of Division Office Compliance by the Regional Office


2.1 Applicant refers to a person who holds a valid certificate of registration professional
license as a teacher from the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) seeking to be
appointed to a Teacher I Position.

2.2 Bonafide resident refers to a qualified applicant who is resident of a particular

barangay, municipality, city or province for at least six (6) months as evidenced by the
Personal Data Sheet (CSC Form 212, Revised 2005) and voter's ID.

2.3 Catchment areas refer to adjacent barangay, municipality, city or province where there
is no school but are being served by elementary or secondary schools located in a particular
barangay, municipality, city or province.

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Introduction to the Teaching World: Learning Guide for future Educators

2.4 Locality refers to a barangay, municipality, city or province.

2.5 Qualified applicant refers to a person with a valid professional teacher's license who
meets the evaluation and selection criteria applied by the Schools Division Superintendent
(SDS) in accordance with these guidelines.
2.6 Registry of Qualified Applicants (RQA) refers to the official list of those who obtained
an over-all score of fifty (50) points or above during evaluation and selection processes.


3.1 The guidelines on deployment contained in DepED Order 21, s. 2005 shall be strictly

3.2 Public school teachers requesting for transfer to another assignment are not considered
new applicants and should not therefore be subjected to these hiring guidelines.

3.3 As provided in Sec 26 (b) Paragraph 2 of RA 9293, teachers who have not practiced
their profession for the past five (5) years shall be required to take at least twelve (12) units
of education courses, consisting of at least six (6) units of pedagogy and six (6) units of
context courses.


4.1 An applicant shall submit to the head of the elementary or secondary school a written
application supported by the following documents:

 CSC Form 212 (Revised 2005) in two copies with the latest 2"x 2" ID picture
 Certified photocopy of PRC Certificate of Registration/License
 Certified photocopy of ratings obtained in the Licensure Examination for
Teachers/Professional Board Examination for Teachers
 Certified copies of transcript of records for baccalaureate course
 Copies of service record, performance rating and school clearance for those with
teaching experience
 Certificates of specialized training, if any
 Certified copy of the Voter's ID
 NBI Clearance
 Omnibus certification of authenticity and veracity of all documents submitted.

If any of these documents are not submitted, the School Selection Committee may refuse
acceptance of the application.

The committee shall issue a certification to the applicant that it has received the application
specifying the documents that have been submitted in support of the application.

4.2 The School Selection Committee shall verify all documents as to completeness and

4.3 The applicant assumes full responsibility and accountability on the validity and
authenticity of the documents submitted. Any violation will automatically disqualify the
applicant from the selection process.

4.4 The School Selection Committees shall submit to the concerned Division Sub-
Committee the list of applicants together with the required documents.


5.1 The Schools Division Superintendent (SDS) shall organize the following Committees:
5.1.1 School Selection Committee
5.1.2 Division Sub-Committee
5.1.3 Division Selection Committee

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Introduction to the Teaching World: Learning Guide for future Educators

5.2 The Committees shall have the following compositions and functions: 5.2.1 School
Selection Committee Composition

a. The Committee at the elementary level shall be chaired by the School Head with four
(4) Master Teachers/best performing teachers as members.

In the case of primary, incomplete elementary and multigrade (MG) schools, the Committee
shall be chaired by the cluster school head with four (4) best performing teachers from the
cluster schools as members.

b. The Committee at the secondary level shall be chaired by the School Head
with the Department Head concerned and three (3) teachers from the
different learning areas as members.

For small secondary schools that do not have department heads, the School Head shall be
the Committee Chair with four subject leaders from different learning areas as members. Functions

a. Receives applications.
b. Verifies documents as to completeness, veracity, accuracy and authenticity.
c. Submits the list of applicants with the corresponding documents to the
Division Sub-Committee for elementary or secondary level.
d. Submits to the Schools Division Superintendent (SDS) recommendation for
appointment of qualified applicants in the Division Registry of Qualified
Applicants (RQA).

5.2.2 Division Sub-Committee Composition

a. The Division Sub-Committee for elementary level shall be chaired by

the Schools District Supervisor/Coordinating Principal of the district
with four (4) School Heads as members.
b. The Division Sub-Committee for secondary level shall be chaired by a
School Head with four (4) other School Heads as members. Functions

a. Receives from the School Selection Committee the list of applicants

with the corresponding documents.
b. Reviews the documents submitted by the School Selection Committee
as to completeness, accuracy, authenticity, and veracity.
c. Evaluates applicants based on Education, Teaching Experience,
LET/PBET Rating, Experiential Learning Course and Specialized
Training and Skills.
d. Conducts interviews.
e. Observes and rates demonstration teaching of applicants.
f. Administers the English Proficiency Test;
g. Consolidates individual ratings and submits the initial rank list of
qualified applicants to the Division Selection Committee.

5.2.3 Division Selection Committee Composition
For Elementary Schools
Chair. Assistant Schools Division Superintendent (ASDS)

Two (2) Education Program Supervisors
Division Chapter President of the Philippine Elementary Schools Principals Association

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Introduction to the Teaching World: Learning Guide for future Educators

Division Level President of the Teachers' Association (PTA)
For Secondary Schools
Chair. Assistant Schools Division Superintendent (ASDS)

Two (2) Education Program Supervisors
Division Chapter President of the National Association of Secondary School Heads
Incorporated (NAPSSHI)
Division Level President of the Teachers' Association (PTA)

a. In schools divisions where there is no ASDS, the Superintendent shall

designate another Education Program Supervisor as the Chair of the
Division Selection Committee.
b. The official in-charge of personnel actions shall provide secretariat
services and maintain records of proceedings or deliberations. Functions

a. Receives from the Division Sub-Committee the initial rank lists of

qualified applicants with corresponding documents.
b. Reviews and consolidates the results of the individual ratings of
applicants, one for elementary level and another for secondary level,
by subject area, showing the scores they obtained in the criteria for
c. Prepares separate Registry of Qualified Applicants (RQA) for
elementary and secondary levels as follows:

Registry A - 70 points and above

Registry B - 60 to 69 points
Registry C - 55 to 59 points
Registry D - 50 to 54 points

d. Submits the complete results of the evaluation of applicants (items b

and c), including pertinent records of deliberations, to the SDS for

5.3 Applicants shall be evaluated using the following criteria:

a. Education 25
b. Teaching Experience 10
c. LET / PBET Rating 10
d. Experiential Learning
e. Specialized Training Skills 5
f. Interview 10
g. Demonstration Teaching 20
h. Communication Skills 15

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5.3.1 EDUCATION - 25 points

Rating on education shall be based on the following equivalents:

General Weighted Average

Equivalent Points
1.0 25.00
1.1 24.25
1.2 23.50
1.3 22.75
1.4 22.00
1.5 21.25
1.6 20.50
1.7 19.75
1.8 19.00
1.9 18.25

General Weighted Average

Equivalent Points
2.0 17.50
2.1 16.75
2.2 16.00
2.3 15.25
2.4 14.50
2.5 13.75
2.6 12.25
2.7 11.50
2.8 10.75
2.9 - 3.0 10.00

When the percentage rating is used, the following table of equivalents shall be used:

Percentage Rating

99.00 -100 1.0

97.75 - 98.75 1.1
96.50 - 97.50 1.2
95.25 - 96.25 1.3
94.00 - 95.00 1.4
92.75 - 93.75 1.5
91.50 - 92.50 1.6
90.25 - 91.25 1.7

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89.00 - 90.00 1.8

87.75 - 88.75 1.9
86.50 - 87.50 2.0
85.25 - 86.25 2.1
84.00 - 85.00 2.2
82.75 - 83.75 2.3
81.50 - 82.50 2.4
80.25 - 81.25 2.5
79.00 - 80.00 2.6
77.75 - 78.75 2.7
76.50 - 77.50 2.8
75.00 - 76.25 2.9 - 3.0

Applicants with non-education degrees shall be rated using their GWAs in their
baccalaureate degrees and the 18 professional units in education.

Where the school issues a certification of GWA with corresponding Percentage Rating that
does not conform to the above table, the committee shall refer to the grading system of the

For schools with "unique" grading systems, a corresponding transmutation table must be

5.3.2 TEACHING EXPERIENCE -10 points

Teaching experience in pre-school, SPED, elementary and secondary in public and private
schools shall be given one (1) point for every school year but not to exceed 10 points.

For every month of service, 0.1 point shall be given.

8 months = 0.8 point
11 months = 1.1 points
Only teaching experience in private schools that are DepEd-recognized or have DepEd
permit to operate shall be considered.
5.3.3 LET/PBET RATING -10 points

Rating of applicant's performance in the LET/PBET shall be as follows:

LET Rating Points

87+ 10
85.86 9
83-84 8
81.82 7
79-80 6
77-78 5
75-76 4

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PBET Rating Points

82+ 10
80 - 81 9
78 - 79 8
76 - 77 7
74 - 75 6
72 - 73 5
70 - 70 4



Point Adjectival
Scale % Indicators
System Equivalent
Presents clear description of experiences that are
95- considered worthwhile and helpful, explains
5 1.00 Excellent
100 judgments on personal strengths and weaknesses;
includes successful outputs and accomplishments.
Presents some examples of experiences, some
90- 1.25 -
4 Proficient explanations of strengths and weaknesses and
94 1.50
includes some achievements
Contains some examples of learning experiences
1.75- with few explanations of personal strengths and
3 85.89 Satisfactory
2.00 weaknesses and statement of what has been
There is little evidence of reflections and insights
80 - 2.25 - learned; very few details of experiences. Judgment of
2 Developing
84 2.50 personal performances is very limited, with little or no
attention paid to strengths and weaknesses of work.
There is no evidence of reflection; no details of
2.75 - Needs experiences and judgment of performance, without
1 75.79
3.00 improvement statement of strengths and weaknesses and

Where the applicant does not have a Field Study, the ELC shall be based on the Practice
Teaching Rating.

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Introduction to the Teaching World: Learning Guide for future Educators Practice Teaching

Point Adjectival
Scale % Indicators
Sytem Equivalent
 Presents a variety of work done individually or
in group
 Uses many resources
95-  Shows good organization and a clear focus
5 1.00 Outstanding
100  Displays evidences of assessment such as
revisions, a letter on why one chose a certain
entry, etc.

 Presents a variety of work done individually or

in group
 Uses many resources.
90- 1.25 - Very
4  Contains minor organizational flaws.
94 1.50 Satisfactory
 Exhibits some errors in grammar, usage or

 Presents fewer work and some resources.

 Includes confusing organization and lacks
85- 1.75-
3 Satisfactory  Reflects some enthusiasm, creativity, self-
89 2.00
assessment, extensive investigations and
analysis of information.

 Contains problems in mechanics that interfere

with communication.
80- 2.25-  Reflects poor organization.
2 Fair
84 2.50  Lacks focus, enthusiasm, creativity and
analysis of information

 Consists mainly of ditto sheets or pages copied

2.75 - Needs from a textbook.
1 75.79
3.00 Improvement  Contains no evidence of student thinking.


Any of the specialized training for skills development such as journalism, sports, music,
theatre arts, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and other similar or allied
skills shall be given a maximum of 5 points.
In the assignment of points, the following should be met:

 at least five (5) days' training;

 duly supported with documents;
 the skill shall be validated thru demonstration

Points may also be given to skills acquired from experience to be validated thru
5.3.6 INTERVIEW -10 points

The Division Sub-Committee shall interview the applicants based on the following attributes:
Personality (5 pts), each indicator to be given one (1) point Appearance
Voice and Speech

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Potential (5 pts), each indicator to be given one (1) point

Ability to present ideas
Emotional Stability
Decisiveness Stress tolerance
Applicants shall be given points on aspects such as: lesson plan, presentation of the lesson,
classroom management and evaluation of pupil/student performance strictly following the
applicable National Competency- Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) strands and
An English Proficiency Test with a maximum score of 100% shall be administered to
applicants. The competencies and contents of the test are indicated below. However, as to
the procedure and the test items to be administered to the applicant, these are left to the
discretion of the Division Selection Committee.

a. Listening (25%)
b. Speaking (25%)
c. Reading (25%)
d. Writing (25%)

The percentage score obtained by an applicant shall be multiplied by the weight of 15

points, as follows:
Percentage Score = 98% or 0.98
Weighted Points = 15
Rating = 0.98 x 15 = 14.7 points

6.0 Constituting and Utilizing the Registry of Qualified Applicants (RQA)

6.1 The cut-off score for inclusion in the RQA is fifty (50) points.

6.2 The RQA is the list of qualified applicants for appointment which shall include their
names, permanent addresses and final evaluation ratings. It shall be used in filling-up new
items and natural vacancies for Teacher I positions.

6.3 The RQA for the elementary level shall be prepared by schools district while the RQA for
the secondary level shall be prepared by school and by subject area.

6.4 In the event that an applicant is not appointed to any teaching position during the school
year, he/she shall be automatically included in the succeeding year's updating of the R.
He/she may opt to submit new documents to be included in the evaluation with new
applicants; otherwise he/she shall retain his/her previous points.

6.5 Subject area specialization and not the residence of the qualified applicants shall be the
primary consideration in the filling up of vacancy in Gr. V-Vl for elementary as well as the
secondary school level.


7.1 Functions of the Schools Division Superintendent (SDS)

7.1.1 Posts the complete results ( in at least three (3) conspicuous places in the
Division Office: consolidated results of the individual ratings, division-wide rank list and RQA
of teachers who obtained total scores of fifty (50) or above.

7.1.2 Appoints only from among the qualified applicants recommended by the School
Selection Committee in the schools/schools districts where the vacancies exist.

7.1.3 Those in Registry A shall be given priority in the appointment. When all those in
Registry A have been appointed and assigned to their respective stations and there are still
positions to be filled, those in Registry B shall be considered before going to Registry C and

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D, in that order.

7.1.4 Provides every elementary and secondary school with copies of the RQAs for posting
in their areas of jurisdiction. Regional Directors shall also be provided with copies of the

7.1.5 Furnishes the Local Government Units with copies of the RQAs. Discussions shall be
done to encourage their use of the RQAs in hiring licensed teachers to locally-funded items.


8.1 Regional Directors shall regularly monitor and ensure strict compliance with the
provisions of these hiring guidelines, as follows:

a. dissemination and discussion of these guidelines with teachers, school heads,

district supervisors, superintendents and other schools division officials;
b. preparation of schools to receive, acknowledge and endorse applications;
c. organization of Division Sub-Committees and School Selection Committees;
d. briefing and orientation of members of these committees regarding their roles and
e. preparation of scoring sheets, interview guides and tests of applicants;
f. briefing and information-sharing with local governments and other local stakeholders
in teacher hiring;
g. preparation of a report on the observations, both positive and negative, in actual
division practices in implementing these guidelines; and
h. submission of said report on a quarterly basis to the Office of the Secretary through
the Office of Planning Service- Research and Statistics Division.


Aggrieved qualified applicants in the RQAs of the Schools Division Offices and those
disqualified under Par. 4.4 of these guidelines may file a protest or complaint, respectively.
The protest, which shall be subscribed and sworn to in the form of a letter-complaint in three
(3) copies, shall be filed at the regional office within ninety (90) days from the issuance of
the appointment. Complaints may be filed immediately upon being notified of his/her
The Regional Director shall, upon receipt of the protest/complaint, refer to the Schools
Division Superintendent (SDS) the protest/complaint within seventy-two (72) hours. The
SDS shall answer, within fifteen (15) days, the allegations thereon furnishing the
protestant/complainant a copy thereof.
On the basis of the reply of the respondent, the Regional Director shall have fifteen (15)
days to make the decision which shall be final in so far as DepED is concerned. Any appeal
regarding the DepED decision shall be filed with the Civil Service Commission.


Rules, regulations and issuances which are inconsistent with these guidelines are hereby
repealed, rescinded or modified accordingly.

11.0 Sanctions

Anyone found guilty of violating any of the provisions of these guidelines or any part hereof
shall be charged administratively pursuant to RA6713 otherwise known as the Code of
Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees and other relevant laws,
rules and regulations.


The revised guidelines and criteria provided in this Order shall take effect immediately.

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