AFP Perspective: Peace and Security
AFP Perspective: Peace and Security
AFP Perspective: Peace and Security
By Michaela Osorio
A values-based organization is significant for a domain and its people. Fulfilling their goals and
objectives in ensuring peace and security to their country and adopts the spectrum of conflict model with
the quote 'Peace Crises War'. That is what Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) had been doing.
The AFP or Philippine Air Force is one of the enabling forces of the country in resource of
protection. They have a big role as an air power in ensuring freedom of navigation.
AFP's role is made significantly important in a war. They are the soldiers that protects the country
they served but still hanging on to their organizations values and beliefs.
Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW). It's a doctrine that Philippine Air Forces had
adopt from United States' Air Forces that means, "Encompasses the use of military capabilities across the
range of military short war", that soon has been re-coined as Non-Warlike Operations, which means, "
those military activities design to assist in revolving crises where the application of force is limited to
They're not covering the war; they are covering people. With their proper knowledge and training
they have been a good asset to their country's security. In addition, their training activities involved search
and rescue, planning and aircraft maintenance.
Their Air Power are relevance to Regional security and Stability under the themes of ASEAN air
diplomacy. With AFP personnel's awareness encourage discussions on strategic developments and
national security in relation to Air Power.
The challenges our regions facing provide the way points for the flight path of air diplomacy.
With the cool soldiers riding in a helicopter. Waving their arms with smiles on their faces that assures
people. With their "Balikatan" with other forces, they have been protecting our country.