Corazon Aquino Speech Before The US Congress

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Corazon Aquino Speech before the US  The very first and solid proof of

Congress struggle of the Filipinos for

 One of the most prominent figure of independence
the 1986 People Power  It served as a culmination of our
 Wife of the assassinated opposition existence as a nation
figurehead during the Martial Law  It marked the beginning where the
era Filipinos had constitutional rights
 11th President and the 1st female
President in Southeast Asia Context Analysis
 Named as “Woman of the Year” in  Cory delivered her speech before the
1986 and one of the 20 Most US Congress on September 18,
Influential Asians of the 20th Century 1986. Barely 7 months after being
in 1999 by Time Magazine sworn into office under a
 Has held no other elective officer revolutionary government brought
prior to Presidency about by the 1986 EDSA Revolution
 At that time,Cory’s presidency was
Content Analysis standing on a unstable ground
 The speech started with the narrative o Economic situation was in
of Ninoy’s assassination on August shamble
21, 1986 o Massive unemployment and
 Before Ninoy’s assassination, there poverty
were series of events tracing back o Military’s loyalty to the new
when Marcos declared Martial Law administration is still in
on September 21, 1972 and practiced question; a coup attempt
dictatorial powers sparked 5 months after
 Re-establishment the Communist o The communist insurgency is
Party of the Philippines in 1968; gripping the country side
New Peoples’s Army increased to o The newly established
more than 20,000 men by the 80’s. government needs all foreign
Relevance  The cessationist movement in the
 Most significant achievement of south by the Muslims were
Aguinaldo’s dictatorial government considered as a threat by Marcos
 The Philippines was proclaimed  Marcos crushed the institution of
independent after decades of being a democracy enshrined in the
colony constitution, dissolving the
 The Philippines earned its own Congress, curtailing freedom of the
identity press, concocting rebellion cases and
 The document affirmed the criminal acts to those who fought
following: against the dictatorship as evidenced
o Atrocities of the Spaniards. by Ninoy’s military trial
o Struggles of the Filipinos for  Ninoy’s challenged the military
independence. commission through hunger strike;
o Dictatorial government under his health detoriated which led to this
Aguinaldo. medical exile in Boston, MA
 Ninoy’s eventually declared to go Relevance
back to the Philippines which led to  The document significantly
his assassination contributed to the development of
 Rolando Galman, the alleged diplomatic history of the country in
assassin, was gunned down by general and in the US-Philippine
Aviation Security personnel relations in particular
 Another passenger named Rebecca  Cory’s historic speech strengthened
Quijano testified that she was a man political, economic and social ties
in Military uniform right behind between the two nations
Ninoy shooting him at the back of  The US Congress granted the
his head; a post-mortem analysis Philippines an initial $200 million as
indeed showed that Ninoy was shot emergency aid to help build the
from the back at close range economy
 Approximately 2M Filipinos set  The US also reiterated its long time
aside their passivity and fear of the commitment to defend the security
oppressive regime during his funeral of the Philippines via Mutual
that lasted for 11 hours Defense Agreement
 Ninoy’s death awakened the people’s  With the present administrator’s
desire for democracy foreign policy shift towards the US,
the speech may be a document that
could be included in the discourse on
Phil-US relations

Leader: Sanchez, Elmarie
Delos Santos, Mary Grace
Mariano, Christian Louie
Pagador, Anbert Ejie
Pascua, Rhea Marie

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