MU9MRB-Ia-h1 MU9MRB - Ia-H2
MU9MRB-Ia-h1 MU9MRB - Ia-H2
MU9MRB-Ia-h1 MU9MRB - Ia-H2
Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Dumingag National High School-Dapiwak Extension
Dapiwak, Dumingag, Zamboanga del Sur
A9PL-Ih-2: determine the use or function of artworks by evaluating their utilization and combination of art elements and principles.
PE9PF-Ia-h-23: undertakes physical activity andphysical fitness assessments.
Week 3- PE9PF-Ia-39:assesses eating habits based on the Philippine Food Pyramid/My Food Plate.
Month: June
Days: 17-21
Year: 2019
Week 3-
PE9PF-Ia-40: determines risk factors(obesity, physical inactivity, poor nutrition, smoking) for major noncommunicable diseases lifestylerelated(e.g. diabetes,
Month: June
heart disease, stroke, cancer).
Days: 17-21
Year: 2019 PE9GS-Ib-h-5: officiates pratice and competitive games.
PE9PF-Ia-29: distinguishes facts from myths and misinformation associated with eating habits.
MU9MRB -Ib-f6: explores other arts and media that portray Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque elements.
Week 5-
Music MU9MRB -Ib-d7: improvises appropriate accompaniment to given Medieval and Renaissance songs.
Month: July MU9MRB-Ib-h8: create and or perform songs in Gregorian and troubadour styles.
Days: 1-5
Year: 2019 MU9MRB-Ib-h9: play simple melodies of a chorale and provide accompaniment.
MU9MRB-Ib-h9: play simple melodies of a chorale and provide accompaniment.
A9PL-Ih-3: use artworks to derive the traditions/history of an art period.
Week 6- A9PL-Ih-4: compare the characteristics of artworks produced in the different art periods.
Arts A9PR-Ic-e-1: create artworks guided by techniques and styles of Western Classical art traditions.
Month: July
Days: 8-12 A9PR-Ic-e-2: describe the influence oiconic artists belonging to Western Classical art on the evolution of art forms.
Year: 2019 A9PR-Ic-e-3: apply different media techniques and processes to communicate ideas, experiences, and stories showing the characteristics of Western
Classical art traditions.
PE9PF-Ib-h-28:monitors periodically one’s progress towards the fitness goals.
Week 7- PE9PF-Ib-30: performs appropriate first aid for injuries and emergency situations in physical activity and sports settings (e.g. cramps, sprain, heat
PE exhaustion).
Month: July
Days: 15-19 PE9PF-Ie-h-41: involves oneself in community service through sports officiating and physical activity programs.
Year: 2019 PE9PF-Ie-h-42: recognizes the needs of others in real life and in meaningful ways.
PE9PF-Ie-h-42: recognizes the needs of others in real life and in meaningful ways.
Week 8-
Month: July
Days: 22-26
Year: 2019
Week 8- H9CE-Ig-h-14: participates in implementing an environmental project such as building and maintaining a school garden or conducting a war on waste
Health campaign (depends on feasibility).
Month: July
Days: 22-26 H9CE-Ia-9: describes a healthy community.
Year: 2019
H9CE-Ib-d-10: explains how a healthy environment positively impact the health of people and communities (less disease, less health care cost, etc.).
Week 10
Month: August 1st Quarter Examinations
Culminating/Practicum Activity
Days: 5-9 August 8-9, 2019
Year: 2019
MU7LU-Ia-1:identifies the musical characteristics of representative music selections from the lowlands of Luzon after listening.
A7PL-IIh-3:incorporate the design,form and spirit of artifacts and art objects from MIMAROPA and the Visayas.
PE7PF-Ic-27:prepares an exercise program health
A7PR-If-3: hows the relationship of the development of crafts in specific areas of the country, according to functionality, traditional specialized expertise, and availability of resources (e.g. pottery, weaving, jewelry, baskets)
A7PR-Ih-4: show the relationship of Luzon (highlands and lowlands) arts and crafts to Philippine culture, traditions, and history (Islamic influences,Spanish heritage, and American legacies in education, business, modernization, and entertain
PE7PF-Id-29: distinguishes from fallacies and misconceptions about the physical activity participation.
PE7PF-Id-30:performs appropriate first aid for sports-related injuries (e.g. cramps, sprain, heat exhaustion).
H7GD-If-h-20: explains that the pattern of change during adolescence is similar but the pace of growth and development is unique for each adolescent.
H7GD-Ii-j-21:identifies health concerns during adolescence.
A7PR-Ih-4: show the relationship of Luzon (highlands and lowlands) arts and crafts to Philippine culture, traditions, and history (Islamic influences,Spanish heritage, and American legacies in education, business, modernization, and entertain
PE7PF-Id-29: distinguishes from fallacies and misconceptions about the physical activity participation.
H7GD-If-h-20: explains that the pattern of change during adolescence is similar but the pace of growth and development is unique for each adolescent.
H7GD-Ii-j-21:identifies health concerns during adolescence.
and entertainment, as well as in indigenous practices, fiestas, and religious and social practices).
and entertainment, as well as in indigenous practices, fiestas, and religious and social practices).