Lesson Plan in Mother Tongue - I I-Objectives: A. Reference
Lesson Plan in Mother Tongue - I I-Objectives: A. Reference
Lesson Plan in Mother Tongue - I I-Objectives: A. Reference
in Mother Tongue – I
I- Objectives
Give the sound of Ll
Write upper case L and lower case l correctly
II- Competencies
A. Reference
B. Materials
Flash cards
Key pictures
Words written on a manila paper
IV- Procedure
Draw a line to connect the small letters in column A with that of column B.
1. T a. h
2. M b. t
3. H c.a
4. A d. y
5.Y e.m
B. Motivation
Let the pupils sing the song .
C. Presentation
The teacher will show pictures that starts with initial sound / Ll/
D. Modeling
The teacher will demonstrate on how to write big and small letter Ll on the air and the sound.
Let the pupils repeat.
E. Guided Practice
Tracing Letter
Trace the letter Ll on the manila paper
F. Independent Practice
Group 1
1. N L M
2. l a e
3. R S L
4. I l o
5. L A I
Group 2
V- Evaluation
VI- Assignment