Portfolio in Mother Tongue-1
Portfolio in Mother Tongue-1
Portfolio in Mother Tongue-1
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What is Mother tongue is the language that a person spoke most often at home before starting
school also it refers to the language we used in our community in our home school to communicate. The
language which a person has grown up speaking from early childhood. According to Monsieur Hamel A
French teacher in Franz mother tongue can Unite people and give them a sense of belonging and even if
people are enslave their mother tongue can act like a key prison. Mother tongue education refers to any
form of schooling which uses the language or languages that children are most familiar with, in order to help
them learn. This is usually the language that children speak at home with their family.
According to (Benson & Kosonen, 2013; UNESCO, 2016). Strong research evidence shows that MTB-
MLE can result in children becoming bilingual if it is delivered well and for long enough (throughout primary
school) (Cummins, 2009). For example, in Ethiopia (Heugh, 2011) and Eritrea (Walter & Davis, 2005), the
longer the mother tongue was used as the primary language of instruction (up to 8 years) in a multilingual
classroom, the better national examination results.
This is also the First language we were exposed to, chronologically speaking, our L1, the first
language we understand and speak. It’s the language we grow up with or that our parents (or caregivers)
speak with us.
Mother tongue is an important part of our identity it can be a source of pride and connection to our
heritage beside learning our own native language well can help us to better understand our own identity. It
can also give us greater appreciation for the diversity and cultures in the world and learning to speak in
mother tongue is very relevant for child’s overall development, also being fluent in mother tongue benefits
the child in many ways it connects him to his cultures and shows better cognitive development and aids in
the learning of other languages mother tongue is the key for child to know the next language.
Semi Detailed lesson plan in Content and
Pedagogy for Mother Tongue
Kapembalingan sa Review
Pinangagiyan The teacher will ask
Su Mestra a pagidsa sa for the past lesson
ngen e nona a about NOUN.
pinangagiyan sabap sa 1.What is NOUN?
Tao, Ayam, 2.Gi e me an
Dalpa,Pakagyan du Gamit. example of NOUN?
1.Ngen e NOUN? 3.What is the use of
2.Enggay kanu sa NOUN?
halimbawa na NOUN?
3.Ngen e penggamitan sa
Su Mestra a pembaren nin The teacher will
sa makadwa su mga wata group the students
du pagenggay sekanin sa into two and give a
mga basa a sabap sa words about Action
kapenggalbek uman grupo words then group 1
na aren sakataw a must have 1
penggula satuy basa a representative to act
tapos su group 2 na the words. Group 2
pedtalun nilan ngen e should tell what was
penggulan natuy group 1 group 1 act, same
ah isabu sa Group 2 with group 2 they
penggulan nilan su basa have to act the words
tapos su group 1 na they get and group 1
pedtalun nilan ngen e basa should tell what is it.
atu ah penggulan na group
Su Mestra a papagilay sa The teacher will show
tularan a sabap sa a picture about
kapenggagalbek lusa Action words in the
storya a apeg pagidsa nin story.
e estudyante sa ngen
kelay nilan sa tularan.
Su Mestra a pembaren nin The teacher will
sa dwatiman su mga wata group the students
du papendalmet sekanin into two then we will
sa niyanin ngala na Puzzle have a game called
bago satu nasu mga PUZZLE after the
estudyante na students complete
pegkumplitun nilan su the puzzle every
puzzle uman grupo na group should paste it
epembetad nilan lsu in front and the
puzzle a nakompletuniyan teacher will ask every
mapasar ituba na pagidsa group.
su Mestra sa uman grupo.
-Group 1 ngen e tularan a
kinumpleto naw? -Group 1 what picture
-Ngen e penggamiten taw did you complete
u pembeli tanu? -What do we use
when we are
-Ngen penggulan na lawas Dancing?
taw u pembeli tanu? -What do our body do
when we are
-Group 2 Ngen e tularan a Dancing?
kinumpleto naw? -What about Group 2
what picture did you
--Ngen e penggamiten taw complete?
u pedsengal tanu? -What do we use
when we are
-U pedsengal tanu na ngen singing?
e penggamiten tanu? -When we sing What
-Ngen penggulan na lima do we use?
du ngali tanu u pedsengal - What do our Hands
tanu? and Mouth do when
-Bali Group 1 du Group 2 we are singing?
ngen e tawag umengka su -So Group 1 and
lawas lima ngali tanu ah Group 2 What do we
penggagalbek ? call when our body,
hands mouth is
Su Mestra a pagidsan nin The teacher will ask
su mga estudyante sa .. students.
1.Ngen e tawag sa 1.What do we call an
kapenggalbek? Action Words?
2.Nginto ka penggagalbek 2.Why are we doing
tanu? those Action Words?
3.Ngen e kapyanan na 3.What is the
Kapenggagalbek? importance of
-Epenggrupo ku muna su -I will group the
mga wata sa dwatiman students first into
tapos makapasar aku two and then i will
matya uman grupo na aren read a story about
sakataw a makanggula sa the TALENTED GIRL
tuy basa a after i read the story
kapenggagalbek lusa every group must
tudtulan a SU BABAY A have 1 representative
MATEGEL pembatyan ku to act the words
ten e makona na kenggan action in the story the
sa 20 points. first group who can
act the word action
will get a 20 points.
Aren isa a babay niyanin There was a one girl
ngala nasi Ana. Si Ana a name Ana. Ana leave
taga paitan Uman mapita in Paitan every
na si Ana ah Pag exercise morning Ana
Kapasar satu na Pembeli exercise after that
Mategel ged sekanin she dance she is also
Edsengal Mapasar sekanin a good singer when
Edsengal na Pangunas she is done singing
sekanin sa lampay uman and dancing she is
mapita na nambuba washing plates Every
penggulan ni Ana..The morning that’s what
End. Ana do…The End.
Pangintul nuy Find the Action word
Kapenggagalbek san sa in the sentence and
sentence tapos isulat naw write it at the blank.
san sa blanko a.
______1. Si Ana a ______1. Ana is
Pembeli. Dancing.
______2. Si Asba a ______2. Asba is
Pedtalo Talking.
______3. Si Saida a ______3. Saida is
Pedsengal. Singing
______4. Si Ama ni ______4 The father
Abraham a Pendrive. of Abraham is
______5. Su ayam ni jojo ______5. Jojo's pet
na Pedtataguy. 8s Running
Gulisi naw e basa a Underline the word
Kapamelagir sa sentence. adjective in the
1. Si Marriane a manisan. 1. Marianne is
2. Si Abraham a mapya 2. Abraham is a great
ged kadsengel nin. singer.
3. Si Angel a pegkan sa 3. Angel is eating
masarap a Pegken. delicious food.
This is My motivation I will group them into two I will give 1
word to every group then group 1 will act the words I gave then
the group 2 will tell what was group 1 act same with group 2 I
will give a word then group 1 must tell what was group 2 act.
Mother tongue is the language used to communicate the language which person has grown up
speaking from early childhood. It is also used in a community, home, School and so on for communicating
According to Monsieur Hamel A French teacher in Franz mother tongue can Unite people and give them a
sense of belonging and even if people are enslave their mother tongue can act like a key prison.
Mother tongue education refers to any form of schooling which uses the language or languages that
children are most familiar with, in order to help them learn. This is usually the language that children speak
at home with their family. First language we were exposed to, chronologically speaking, our L1, the first
language we understand and speak. It’s the language we grow up with or that our parents (or caregivers)
speak with us. Mother tongue is an important part of our identity it can be a source of pride and connection
to our heritage beside learning our own native language well can help us to better understand our own
This subject taught me on how to love my own language appreciate my own language, appreciate the
diversity of languages and the diversity of cultures also this course is very important for me to learn it can
help me in the near future to easily teach my students in the future and learning this is very interesting
specially learning the vowels the first time, I thought it is easy but then when I try to pronounce the vowels it
is not easy and I am very thankful to this subject Mathematics in the Intermediate grades also to our teacher
because without him we cannot learn all of this.
I also learn the pragmatics the phonological system which include the sounds the vowel sounds then
the morphological system on how the world’s form in morphological system it includes the free morpheme
bound morpheme and the affix/Inflection the third one is the syntactic system it is associated with grammar
I also learn seven languages functions of young language learners according to holiday these are the
instrumental regulatory interactional personal representational theoristic and the last one is imaginative this
subject is really fun when I make my lesson plan I enjoyed it because in our lesson plan there is a two-track
approach and we’re going to translate English and semi detailed lesson plan into maguindanaon and doing
it is very fun cause that is my first time translating a lesson plan that I don’t know how to translate it so since
I don't know how to translate it I asked my classmates my sister my mother my Friends in order to translate it
and we make a lot of fun translating it for my demonstration it was good because I didn’t have to redemo
and I felt lucky and is thankful but the comments in my demonstration is first my discussion must be enough,
Not question that will lead to pupils understanding of VERB. Second is My Application should be my
motivation the third one is the letter in the big book was small it must be big for students to see it clearly and
next time I will make a instructional Materials better also in the subject we experience interviewing teachers
about mother tongue also we had observing in Blingkong Elementary School.
Overall Mother tongue is very important for children to easily communicate and for them to easily know
the next language. It can also give us greater appreciation for the diversity and cultures in the world and
learning to speak in mother tongue is very relevant for child’s overall development, also being fluent in
mother tongue benefits the child in many ways it connects him to his cultures and shows better cognitive
development and aids in the learning of other languages mother tongue is the key for child to know the next
Globe Partnership. Education, Published on February 21. 2019
Benson Carole ,Unesco, Published on 2004,Importance Mother Tongue Education
Statcan.com,published on July 29. 2022
UNESCO Bangkok, 1953