MasterChef Junior Plan

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CNA Aldeota

MasterChef Junior
Kids and Teens

MasterChef Junior
Dates: March 7th.

Duration: 2h (from 09:30 to 11:30)

Description/Objective: This is a fun way to expand our knowledge and vocabulary related to food. The kids will just
have fun and enjoy their colleague’s company while participating in all sorts of games and activities. We will take the
students to the lounge after they finished their classes. There is where the party will start.

Teachers need to make sure that they have all materials before the event starts!
Teachers need to know instructions and rules by heart.
Teachers should prepare the lounge before the kids arrive.
Give the audience the golden stars stickers and explain they will trade the sticker for a taste off the kids recipe.


KIDS – 09:30 to 10:30

Activity 1: Get Set!

Time: 20 minutes (from 09:30 to 09:50)
To start the celebrations the students will take part in a blind taste (use the same ingredients that will be used for the
One by one, the students will be blindfolded and given an ingredient to taste and try to guess what is it.

Activity 2: Ready!
Time: 10 minutes (from 09:50 to 10:00)
It’s time to get ready to cook and to do this we need the most important things: the ingredients!
Students will, one by one, have one minute to get in the “pantry” to get the ingredients they will need.
Teacher will time the teams.
The team that have the fastest time will win a mystery ingredient (that will be brigadeiro)
Before the teacher let the students have their time in the pantry, he/she will show and explain the ingredients used in the

Activity 3: Go!
Time: 30 minutes (from 10:50 to 11:20)
The kids will now try to replicate a recipe that will be shown by the teacher.
To start the teacher will bring with him/her an example of the final dish and will show to the kids.
After the teacher will show them the ingredients necessary to make the recipe.
Then the teacher will show the students (with power point) how to make the recipe.
It’s time for the kids to have fun and try to replicate the recipe.
Divide the kids in small teams and have at least teacher with them to help if needed.

Recipe Suggestions:

Alfajor: fazer um alfajor juntando duas bolachas ‘Maria’ recheadas com doce de leite. Colocar um palito de picolé entre
as bolachas (fixar com o doce de leite) para ajudar a segurar e mergulhar no chocolate derretido. Decorar com confeitos
CNA Aldeota
MasterChef Junior
Kids and Teens
Smore’s: Fazer smore’s usando duas bolachas maria, marshmallow e chocolate. Colocar uma bolacha maria como base,
um marshmallow em cima e um pedaço do chocolate (um quadradinho de uma barra) e levar ao micro-ondas por 30

Cookie pie (torta de biscoito):

2 pacotes de biscoite maisena
3 colheres de sopa de margarina
2 xicara de açúcar
1 ovo
1 caixinha de creme de leite

Em uma vasilha coloque, as duas xícaras de açúcar, as três colheres de sopa de margarina e o ovo e bata até virar um
creme. Reserve.
Pegue 1 pacote de biscoito maisena e vá molhando, um a um, no creme de leite e colocando-os no recipiente onde a torta
será montada, fazendo assim a primeira camada da torta.
Após essa primeira camada, coloque uma camada do creme, feito anteriormente, sobre a camada de biscoito.
Agora vá alternando as camadas: uma de biscoito, uma de creme, sendo a última camada de creme.
Após a ultima camada, pegue o outro pacote de biscoito maisena e quebre o biscoito em pequenos pedacinhos, quase uma
farofa, e coloque por cima da última camada.
Pronto! Sua torta está pronta.

After they make their recipe, they will present to the judges for them to comment and vote

Activity 3: Let’s wrap up

After the students do their recipe, they going to make a wrap to take home and give their parents and who else wants to
taste. Let them be creative in their wrap, they can use felt tip pens as they want.
They will do the recipe two times so one they take home and the other they will divide in parts and give to the audience to
The audience will have little golden stars stickers that will be given to the students in exchange for the food.

TEENS – 11:20 to 12:00

Activity 1: Reception
Time: 10 minutes (11:20 to 11:30)
It’s similar to the blind taste for the kids but here they will try a recipe already made and try to guess the ingredients that
go into it.
Choose a dish (can be a lasagna, a pasta, guacamole, tacos, anything)
Put under a cloth and explain that they will have one to two minutes to write down the name of the ingredients that they
Blindfold them and give each of them a portion of the dish.
When the teacher says go, they have to taste e write down what they thing it goes in the dish (remember them to write
simple things like salt, pepper, sugar…)
When time finishes the teacher will check the answer and the one with the most correct ingredients wins.

Activity 2: Let’s Cook

Time: 30 minutes (11:30 to 12:00)
The teens will do a mystery box where they will have to create a dish with the ingredients provided. There will be 5 types
of boxes that will be given randomly.

Box 1:
Creme de leite fresco
Frutas vermelhas
Minhocas (fini)
CNA Aldeota
MasterChef Junior
Kids and Teens

Box 2:

Box 3:
Pão de forma
Leite Condensado

Box 4:
Frango desfiado
Doce de leite

Box 5:
Creme de leite
Leite condensado
Carne moída


The students can choose elements from the teacher’s box to complete their recipes and they can trade ingredients between
each other.

Encourage the students to trade ingredients for them to have a dish in the end. They can trade 1 to 2 ingredients
depending of the number of teams. They also can give the other students ½ of the ingridients.
Teach them: Can you lend me the …., please?

When the teacher says, students will lift the box and discover what they will have to cook with.
Teacher will pass with them the ingredients and say they have 15/20 minutes to create a dish.
CNA Aldeota
MasterChef Junior
Kids and Teens
After everybody finishes, they will one by one present to the judges the dish they made and explain the ingredients used
and the steps made.
The judges, that will be the parents, will vote for their favorite dish.

Activity 3: Let’s wrap up

If you have time to spend after they make their recipe and present, do the blind game where they have to guess what they
are touching. Use fruits that are easier to touch and guess.
CNA Aldeota
MasterChef Junior
Kids and Teens

Materiais (estimativa por aluno e por turma)

Activity 01:Reception

The ingredients will be the same as the recipe chosen.

Activity 03: Let’s Cook 1 – Alfajor

Materiais Quantidade

Pacotes de bolachas Maria Pelo menos 3 bolachas para cada criança (para o caso de quebrar)

Doce de leite 2 potes médios

Palitos de picolé 1 por criança

Chocolate para derreter 1 barra de 1 kg

Confeitos coloridos Média de 5 pacotes médios (a depender do número de crianças)

Activity 03: Let’s Cook 2 – Smore’s

Materiais Quantidade

Pacotes de bolachas Maria Pelo menos 3 bolachas para cada criança (para o caso de quebrar e se cada uma for fazer
um smore)

Barras de chocolate Depende do número de crianças, um quadradinho da barra por criança

Marshmellow 1 por criança

Activity 03: Let’s Cook 3 – Cookie Pie

Materiais Quantidade

biscoito maisena 2 pacotes por aluno

margarina 3 colheres de sopa por aluno

açúcar 2 xicaras por aluno

ovo 1 por aluno

Creme de leite 1 caixinha por aluno

Materiais (estimativa por aluno e por turma)

Activity 01: Reception
CNA Aldeota
MasterChef Junior
Kids and Teens

Escolher um prato já pronto para eles provarem e tentarem adivinhar o que leva no prato: macarronada, lasanha...

Activity 2: Let’s Cook

Ingredientes das Mystery boxes.

Be prepared!
Get student's excited about the activity! This is fun, and they will enjoy it!
Take pictures of the activities

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