Answer Key Unit 9 Determiners and Pronouns
Answer Key Unit 9 Determiners and Pronouns
Answer Key Unit 9 Determiners and Pronouns
a four-storey building
d Once the reasons for his resignation are
out in the open, we'll be able to judge
i of 2 the 3 either 4 both 5 J
the price of gas for ourselves. 6 of 7 al1 8 neither 9 either 10 J
gas prices e I have high hopes of rny son being a 11 al1 12 J 13 both 14 whole 15 J
the water's edge hugely successful businessrnan. 16 neither
a stone's throw f You have to learn to take the rough with
a / the car door the srnooth. (or: You can't expect to have
a / the shirt button a srnooth r u n al1 the time.) SECTION 2
a ten-year sentence check
the end of the world
a every b Each c Each 1 Every d every
a frying pan
e every / each
an apple core
the heart of the matter
a moment's hesitation
the seabed Entry test
a coat of paint
(at) arm's length (1) No (2) they (3) whole (4) who e "";.p...
4 f d g d h
(by) a hair's breadth
the film's popularity
the story of the film
a bit as good b every one c once in
a every ...other b each c has d often
the corner of the room d right to e every f each g each h every
a steel bar 3 i bit j now
the car industry (1) other (2) none (3) sornething
a 200-page book (4) one O
a book-club a Each b every c each d Every
4 e Every f Every
a university degree (1) a (2) few (3) rnost (4) fair/good
the sea-shore
5 0
(1) every (2) al1 (3) every (4) al1
O a seern to be getting b by any
c to sorne d arriving (at) any (5) Al1 (6) whole (7) each (8) every
(underline:) 1 c 2 a 3b 4c 5d 6a
7 b 8 c 9a loa (9) every (10) no (11) none (12) every
(13) Each (14) al1 (15) none (16) Al1
8 SECTION 1 (17) every (18) no (19) each (20) No
(1) change (2) day (3) away (4) layer
(5) effect (6) CD (7) phones
check O
(8) satellite (9) service (10) control a & / m b k c m d m / & e & (1) every (2) bit (3) each / every
(11) computer (12) rock (13) drain (4) each / every (5) so (6) of (7) every
(14) flower (15) cieaner (16) iine / (8) every / each (9) just (lo) while
worker ( 1 7) alarm (18) machme
(19) dryer (20) freezer O SECTION 3
a Al1 chocolate comes from cocoa beans.
b Both ordinary and white chocolate are check
Exam practice 8 made from cocoa butter.
(tick:) a pronoun b determiner
1 c There are very few people who like
c pronoun d determiner / pronoun
Ithe 2 J 3 J 4 a 5the 60f neither of them.
e pronoun
7 a 8 a 9to 10J l1The l 2 i n d 1 have no particular preference: 1'11 eat
1 3 J 14the either.
e Yesterdy, in fact, 1 ate (the whole of) a
400 gm bar.
(1) its (2) The (3) a (4) a (5) its
f My friends bet me 1 couldn't eat al1 of
(6) the (7) species (8) good (9) of a b another c & d another
it. e the other f m g one another
(10 ) extreme (1 1) the (1 2) anirnals/
g None of them believed 1 could do it h another
bears (1 3) habitat (14) natural
and not be sick.
(1 5) a (1 6) record (1 7) signs
(1 8 ) evidence (19) ban (20) the h Chocolate is eaten al1 over America /
over the whole of America.
(1) other (2) other (3) other (4) another
3 i Al1 people love (or: Everybody loves) (5) other's (6) others (7) another
(circle:)1 C 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 C 6 B chocolate. (8) others (9) other (10) another
7 8 8 A 9 D 10A
j For al1 we know, chocolate may be the
4 elixir of life. O
(1) one (2) one (3) the (4) another
a I think rny elder sister has designs on
taking over the farnily horne when rny
rnother dies.
(1) whole (2) al1 (3) both (4) both
(5) others (6) each (7) other
(8) another (9) one (lo) none
b I think it would be in your interests in the (5) ail (6) none (7) ail (8) aii
long run to negotiate a lower price. (9) neither (10) none (11) Both Q
(12) either (13) both (14) whole l one 2 the 3 the 4 other 5 another
c The current national tearn is by no rneans 6 one 7 The 8 9 of 10
as good as the one five years ago (15) Neither (16) either (17) Al1
11 other 12 J
(18) neither (19) both (20) no
a al1 b some / about c any d any
check e is f other g anyoneisomeone O
(tick:) a b d a bread b flu c sunlight d lunch
e paper f grass
i 2 strawberries 3
O 4 children 5 ideas 6 & 7 D ~ Q -
a Much of Holland is below sea level. 8 erass 9 10 auestion
b Not many people know much
about him.
c Don't hurry: we have a little time left - p 156
i team of 2 slice of 3 drop of 4 column
before we have to leave. of 5 ball of 6 column of 7 spurt of
d Most people complain about the O 8 spot of 9 troupe of 10 drop of
a the proeortion of men to women
weather here.
e Quite a few people came to his party
b a substantial / fair i enormous amount Q
of (or: volume of) (underline:) 1 d 2 c 3 a 4 d 5a 6d
f He's had a lot of good luck in his life.
c the high i light volume of trafic (or: 7 c 8 b 9 d 10c
g I've been to visit him many times /
amount of)
many a time.
h We've put in a good many hours to get
d a wide i narrow margin of error O
e pay a nominal / lump (1) shock (2) torrent (3) stream
this work finished. (4) bout (5) drop (6) dash (7) stack
f se11 the entire / complete of
(8) stroke (9) amount (10) trace
Q g to some / a marked / a considerable
(1) much (2) many (3) lot (4) most degree (or: m)
(5) little (6) much / most (7) make h a high / significant incidence of the Exam practice 9
(8) Most (9) plenty (10) iittie 1 no disease
i as (before 'again') 2 of 3 the
i to such an that
j a strict immigration auota
i anything 2 too 3 much 4 so 5 J
6 b i t 7 J 8other 9 l o t i b i t 1 0 J
k the crime / unemployment / exchange
4 much 5 little 6 less 7 J 8 the 11 J 12 the 13 J 14 many 1 some 1
most 15 much 16 Neither 17 few 1
9 many 10 few 11 the 12 quite
13 J 14 al1 15 J
1 agree up to a m many
m a tragedy of huge 1 immense
Q proeortions
n adequate / ample / vast reserves of coa1 (circle:) 1 C 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 D
a is known about her pnvate life.
o a of bricks / complaints 6 8 7A 8 D 9A 1 0 8 11D
b a gardener, I'm afraid.
12C 1 3 D 1 4 8 15C
much of that play.
time I've thought of giving up and
Q 3
(circle:) 1 c 2 a 3 d 4 c 5 a 6 b a of the people I have contact with
leaving. 7b 8b
e many of my friends feel the same as approve(s) of the changes.
1 do. o1 (1) few (2) supply / stock
b right to be upset.
c (the) tickets for the Saturday rnatinee
(3) incidence (4) loads had been sold 1 had gone.
SECTION 5 (5) large / great / (certain) d is expected to go wrong at tornorrow's
2 (6) full (7) extent / degree tournarnent.
check e you have to do is ask if you come up
(8) number
a (Few of.. .) d ( any chance?) 3 (9) amount (10) weight (11) sum against any unforeseen problerns.
f rny brother nor I islare old enough
Q to drive.
a J b J c J d&e e J g the rnost of the boss' absence.
O f a . - h m & g J 'h. h dornestic problern has been caused by
a % b some c % d some e nowhere redundancy.
f % g anvthinn else / somethin~else O 4
la 2b 3d 4c 5 b 6 c 7a 8d
h c v /some i A 3 j (1) anything (2) few (3) numbers
(4) arnount (5) few (6) not (7) a
Q SECTION 7 (8) areas / regions / strips (9) al1
(1) some / about / around (2) any
(3) no one / nobody (4) broadcast 1 (10) or (1 1 ) plenty / bits/scraps
included (5) at (6) everyone Pre-practice (1 2) rubbish (1 3) in (14) either
1 a a part b a small amount c a part (1 5) other (1 6) chance (1 7) none
(7) those / any (8) anyone (9) any
d a group e speed of movement (18) another (19) the (20) both
(10) most / many / some
f a part g example or part of an
i something 2 any 3 some 4 nobody
uncountable noun h a mass
2 a knob ...dash b pinch
5 J 6 anyone 7 else 8 more 9 J
10 any 11 else 12 nearly 13 any