Right From The Times of The Mayans
Right From The Times of The Mayans
Right From The Times of The Mayans
conquistadors, Mexican food culture has evolved into a unique blend of contemporary
and timeless cuisine.
The deep connection between the heritage and culture of a place and its food is undeniably one
that lends some credence to the saying ‘What you eat is who you are’. For us laymen to deduce a
country’s identity by studying what their culinary habits are seems a little far fetched, but believe
it or not, there are plenty of experts and analysts who have dedicated their lives to studying this
correlation. Mexican cuisine stems from a long and varied history and throws a lot of light on
some of the turbulent times this culture has had to face.
Mexican food and culture has had a long standing symbiotic relationship of sorts that adds tremendous
personality to the study of this fascinating race. The study of Mexican history and its culinary culture
goes hand in hand, and it would be a fairly tough endeavor to carry out one without the other. The origins
of Mexican cuisine can be traced back to the Mayan civilization, who firmly believed that the richness of
food can enrich the spirit and body of a person through various sensory perceptions like taste, smell, and
Mexican food and culture of this time aimed at complete nutrition and nourishment of the body
by providing it with all the necessary minerals and amino acids.
Pre-Columbian Era
The immediate period before European conquest of the land was known as the pre-Columbian
era in the history of Mexico. The diet at this time was also significantly influenced by entirely
native ingredients.
But then the Spanish conquistadors came along and changed everything.
However, many experts have suggested that the influence of Spanish food may not have been as
profound on Mexican food as has been assumed. This stems primarily from the huge differences
between the personalities, attitudes, and environment of the two cultures.
Mexican Beverages
Popular beverages that are consumed all over Mexico are atole, tejuino, pozol, hibiscus iced tea,
horchata. While the first three are made from corn, hibiscus iced tea is made from, as the name
suggests, hibiscus and horchata is made from rice. Along with these regular beverages, most
common alcoholic beverages are beer and tequila.
The history of Mexican cuisine is as varied and rich as the history of the land itself. There are so
many delicious and lip-smacking, finger-licking, recipes cooked all across the country, that to
place them all in a single compilation would be a tough task. The constantly changing times and
influences on the culture have led to many revolutions in the cuisine as well, and all this has lent
a personality to the food culture that is truly unique in nature.
Considering its uniqueness, and its influence on cultural and social facets on Mexican society and the
world, UNESCO, in 2010, inducted traditional Mexican cuisine to the Representative List of the
Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
Tahukah kamu?
Hidangan nasional Meksiko adalah 'Mole Sauce'; saus yang bahan utamanya adalah bawang
merah dan bawang putih yang dipadukan dengan rempah-rempah dan rempah-rempah eksotis
seperti lada hitam, jintan, cengkeh, cabai, tomat dan kacang tanah atau biji wijen yang direbus
dengan coklat atau buah-buahan kering.
Hubungan mendalam antara warisan dan budaya suatu tempat dan makanannya tidak dapat
disangkal lagi adalah salah satu yang memberikan kepercayaan pada pepatah ' What you eat is who
you are (Apa yang Anda makan adalah siapa Anda)'. Bagi kita orang awam untuk menyimpulkan
identitas suatu negara dengan mempelajari apa kebiasaan kuliner mereka tampaknya sedikit
dibuat-buat, tetapi percaya atau tidak, ada banyak ahli dan analis yang telah mendedikasikan
hidup mereka untuk mempelajari korelasi ini. Masakan Meksiko berasal dari sejarah yang
panjang dan beragam dan menyoroti beberapa masa pergolakan yang harus dihadapi budaya ini.
Makanan dan budaya Meksiko telah memiliki hubungan simbiosis jangka panjang yang
menambah kepribadian luar biasa untuk mempelajari ras yang menarik ini. Studi tentang sejarah
Meksiko dan budaya kulinernya berjalan beriringan, dan itu akan menjadi upaya yang cukup
sulit untuk dilakukan satu tanpa yang lain. Asal-usul masakan Meksiko dapat ditelusuri kembali
ke peradaban Maya, yang sangat percaya bahwa kekayaan makanan dapat memperkaya jiwa dan
tubuh seseorang melalui berbagai persepsi indera seperti rasa, bau, dan sentuhan.
Era Pra-Columbus
Periode segera sebelum penaklukan Eropa atas tanah itu dikenal sebagai era pra-Columbus
dalam sejarah Meksiko. Diet saat ini juga secara signifikan dipengaruhi oleh bahan-bahan yang
sepenuhnya asli.
Budaya Makanan Periode Meksiko Pra-Columbus
Jagung, makanan pokok orang Meksiko, menjadi bagian dari semua makanan mereka dengan
cara tertentu. Seiring dengan jagung, jamur juga mengalami lonjakan popularitas mereka dalam
makanan orang Meksiko pada saat itu. Produk daging selalu dikonsumsi dengan penuh
semangat, dan merupakan bagian integral dari budaya makanan Meksiko. Munculnya 'dingin'
adalah peristiwa menonjol dalam preferensi kuliner orang Meksiko di era pra-Columbus.
Tapi kemudian para penakluk Spanyol datang dan mengubah segalanya.
Era Spanyol
Kontingen Spanyol tiba di Meksiko pada tahun 1521 dan mengubah budaya makanan di daerah
tersebut sepenuhnya.
Budaya Makanan di Meksiko Setelah Penaklukan
Spanyol membawa kekuatan besar ternak yang mengubah komposisi daging dalam makanan
budaya Meksiko sepenuhnya. Seiring dengan sumber daging baru ini, Spanyol juga
memperkenalkan berbagai rempah-rempah, bawang putih, beras, gandum, barley, dan anggur ke
dalam budaya Meksiko. Sama seperti era pra-Kolombia menambahkan faktor penting "dingin"
ke masakan Meksiko, era Spanyol memberikan masakan, teknik menggoreng yang tidak pernah
dipraktikkan sebelumnya.
Namun, banyak ahli telah menyarankan bahwa pengaruh makanan Spanyol mungkin tidak begitu
mendalam pada makanan Meksiko seperti yang telah diasumsikan. Ini terutama berasal dari
perbedaan besar antara kepribadian, sikap, dan lingkungan kedua budaya.
Did you know that one of the most important facts about
Mexican food is that our gastronomy is now (and has been
since 2010) on the UNESCO’s list of Intangible Cultural Heritage
of Humanity?
Mexican food history -many dishes and elements used to cook and
serve the food come from pre-Hispanic times, and, much of the
most popular Mexican food speaks also of the encounter of the
Spanish culture with the original cultures of the territory. One of the
main dishes that shows the combination of elements of different
cultures is the “Pollo con mole” (Chicken with mole). The 2 main
elements, cacao and chile are from Mexico, but, many of the spices
and the chicken, come or were brought by spain.
Mexican food personality – Mexican food is flavor, color, shape and
occasion all in one dish at a time. I would mention the pozole, for
The creativity of Mexican food – many popular Mexican dishes speak
about anecdotes of people stumbling upon new ways of serving a
special dish or by replacing an ingredient for another, or even from
contests created during a special date. Many popular Mexican dishes
represent the creativity of a person or a community. Of course, we can
think of “Los Chiles en Nogada”, the popular dish originated in
Puebla, that was the winner of a contest that was made to
commemorate the first 100 years of the Mexican independence.
Mexican food diversity – 32 states in Mexico and every single one of
them has a staple dish to brag about. Examples: “Tikin Xic fish” in
Quintana Roo. “Poc Chuc” in Yucatan. “Pan de Cazón” in Campeche,
“Sopa de pan” in Chiapas, “7 moles” in Oaxaca, “Pejelagarto” grilled
in Tabasco, and, twenty something more.
Ancestral agricultural practices in Mexico: for many families in
Mexico, sustenance still comes from what we call “milpa” and
“chinampas”, and those 2 are forms of very sustainable agriculture
that are traced to pre-Hispanic times. The “Milpa” is basically the
piece of land in which corn has been grown since ancestral times by
the indigenous people. It is a polycolture system in which we find
not only corn but also squash, beans, and many other fruits,
vegetables and cactus. This system is very efficient as it allows the
coexistence of several species while they share resources like water,
light and soil. The “chinampa” is another agricultural system that
comes from ancestral times, but, the interesting thing about it, is
that it is a technology to grow food in lakes. Basically, they were
floating gardens that produced in the Aztec times things like:
flowers, green vegetables, edible herbs, broccoli, squash and more.
Mexican cuisine involves exotic flavors: some of the most popular
Mexican food will involve all kinds of ingredients and all kinds of
flavors. Combination of chilies and chocolate, or, fruits and meat,
or even including insects in a main meal. Mexican food is
interesting to say the least. One of the most exotic dishes is a simple
“quesadilla de huitlacoche”, for example. The “Huitlacoche” is
the fungi that lives in the corn. Or, of course, all kinds of insects in
tacos or in salsas like: chapulines, Jumiles, chicatanas, and more.
So, as you can see, talking about Mexican food is not only to
talk about what is most known or is more popular.