Action Plan in Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan School Year 2016-2017 Baseco Elementary School
Action Plan in Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan School Year 2016-2017 Baseco Elementary School
Action Plan in Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan School Year 2016-2017 Baseco Elementary School
C.Curriculum Enhancing the Enhance the curriculum Guide Monitor and upgrade the Teachers Whole year MOOE The curriculum guide
Development curriculum Guide in K used in K to 12 and BEC task curriculum in the round Individual was be made specific
to 12 and BEC card implementation of Expense and appropriate and
teaching-learning process. strictly followed.
D.Physical Canteen Ins tructuring Maintain cleanliness and Proper monitoring and June-March MOOE Strictly followed the
Facilities proper sanitation. followed the Stakeholders guidelines.
memorandum on the
Use clean Utensils in prepairing canteen operation
the foods.
Using Multimedia Use/implement the new trend Upgrade the learning of the Teachers ICT July-March MOOE Well Equipped to the
Projector and other materials in teaching learning child through using coordinator pupils new trend materials
New Trends Materials process approach multimedia facilities
Gulayan Sa Paaralan Implement gulayan sa paaralan Lessen the scarcity of foods Pupils . Increased food
project Teacher production
Prepared by:
Teacher III
Principal I