7F-Judges - Agudo, Kaye - Module 4 SCIENCE

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Diocese of Baguio Schools

San Jose School of La Trinidad, Inc.

Poblacion, La Trinidad, 2601 Benguet Philippines
E- mail: [email protected] Phone No. (074) 422-5408/ 0921-579-8902/ 0926-712-2259

Life Transforming and Christ’s Disciple Forming Education


a. Discuss seasons, equinox and solstice
b. Explain how solar and lunar eclipse occur
c. Explain the occurrence of eclipse
- The Earth’s rotation on its axis that is tilted at an angle of 23.5 degrees explains the different duration
of night and day in many places
- The tilting of also causes the North pole and South pole to lean toward or away from the sun at
different times of the year results to the occurences of the different seasons
- The occurrence of seasons depends on the amount of energy that the different regions receive from
the Sun.
- Regions near the equator receive direct heat from the Sun, resulting to extreme seasons. On the other
hand, areas receiving a relatively smaller amount of solar energy have more variations.
- The location of the Philippines near the equator is said to be the reason that the country has the dry
season and wet season. The dry season is characterized by warm to hot temperatures and the
absence of rain or precipitation for most of the time. On the other hand, the wet season is associated
with frequent rainfall that often result to flooding.
Different Season in Temperate Regions
1. Winter - happens when the North Pole is farthest or turning away from the sun; the area that
leans away has the cool climate because it receives only indirect rays of the sun
2. Summer – occurs when the North Pole is leaning towards the sun and thus it receives direct
3. Autumn – the incoming solar energy equal in both hemisphere; marks the transition of summer to
winter seasons
4. Spring – the incoming solar energy equal in both hemisphere; marks the transition of winter to
summer seasons

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– refer to the days when the sun is at its farthest from the northern and southern point above the celestial
Celestial equator – is the imaginary circle created by projecting Earth’s equator into space
Types of Solstices
1. Summer Solstice – marks the beginning of summer on June 21, which is the longest day of the year
2. Winter Solstice – marks the beginning of winter as the shortest day of the year; happens on
December 21 or 22

– occurs when the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator
- are days in which day and night have equal duration
Ecliptic – is a path of the apparent motion of the sun on the sky throughout the year as observed from
Types of Equinoxes
1. Vernal Equinox – marks the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere and of autumn in the
southern hemisphere; occurs in March
2. Autumnal Equinox – marks the beginning of autumn in the northern hemisphere and of spring in the
southern hemisphere
- happens when the Earth or moon blocks the sun’s light
Types of Eclipses
1. Solar Eclipse – can only occur during a new moon when the moon moves between Earth and the
sun and the 3 celestial bodies form a straight line
a. Total Solar Eclipse – when the Moon completely covers the sun as see from Earth
b. Partial Solar Eclipse – happens when the moon only partially covers the disk of the sun
c. Annular Solar Eclipse – occurs when the moon appears smaller than the sun as it passes
centrally across the solar disk and a bright ring, or annulus, sunlight remains visible during the
d. Hybrid Solar Eclipse – is a rare form of solar eclipse, which changes from an annular to a
total eclipse, and vice versa, along its path
2. Lunar Eclipse – occurs when Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon and blocks the Sun’s
rays from directly reaching the Moon. It happens at Full Moon.
a. Total Lunar Eclipses – occurs when the Earth’s umbra – the central, dark part of its shadaow-
obscure all of the Moon’s surface
b. Partial Lunar Eclipses – can be observes when only part of the Moon’s surface is obscured
by Earth’s umbra
c. Penumbral Lunar Eclipse – happens when the Monn travels through the faint penumbral
portion of Earth’s shadow

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NAME: Kaye Sharmele C. Agudo SECTION: 7F-Judges

1. Write D on the blank if the given statement describes the dry season, or W if it describes the wet season.
Consider these two seasons as they take place in the Philippines. (10 points)
D Intense heat from the Sun
W Characterized by frequent rainfall and flooding
D People suffering from heatstroke and skin cancer
D Unusual occurrence of La Nina
D Prevailing high temperature
D Season usually occurring on March and April
W Unusual occurrence of El Nino
W Risks of leptospirosis
W Filipinos bringing umbrellas as protection from rain
W Season usually occurring on August and September
2. Why do seasons occur? (5 points)
Seasons occur because of the climate change, global warming and because of the weather.
3. Which of the four seasons (winter, spring, summer, fall) do you wish to experience with your family and
friends? Explain why. (5 points)
I want to experience summer and winter with my family and friends because I want to play with the
snow, I want to play skating and other things.
4. Recall an instance when you have been significantly affected by either the wet season or dry season.
Share how you managed to go through the said experience. (5 points)
We experience the worst wet season where in many places were affected during the typhoon
ompong, the rain and wind is very strong and it affects all of the farmers. Their plants were
destroyed due to long time rain and floods on the low land areas and slides on the mountain area.
I manage this by not going out and to stay at home.

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5.Through a Venn diagram, differentiate solar and lunar eclipse. (5 points)

Solar lunar

-Occurs during a - happens at Full Moon

new moon Happens – occurs when Earth
- occurs when the when the comes between the
moon moves earth or Sun and the Moon
between Earth and moon
- and blocks the Sun’s
the sun and the 3 blocks the
rays from directly
celestial bodies form sunlight
reaching the Moon.
a straight line

5. How do you feel whenever you learn from news that an eclipse (solar and lunar) is about to happen? (5
I feel great because I want to see the solar and lunar eclipse with my own eyes.
6. Write a belief regarding eclipses. (5 points)
They believe that during eclipse the weather will be fine and no strong typhoon will occur.


GOAL To illustrate scenarios on how to prepare for the wet and dry
seasons in the Philippines.

ROLE Barangay Risk and Disaster Officer

AUDIENCE Barangay constituents

SITUATION You are a barangay representative of the Municipal Disaster Risk

Reduction Officer and you are task to an awareness and

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preparedness for the rainy and dry seasons and the country.

PRODUCT/PERFORMANCE You will make a pamphlet that will contain the following:

a. Draw scenarios that could happen during the rainy season

and dry season. Write a short description of your drawing
b. Opposite the given scenarios given, draw ways on how to
prepare for it or ways on how to prevent it from happening.
Write a sort description.
c. Give one in each seasons
STANDARD The standard of the pamphlet will be as follows:

Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Novice Poor

Content (20 The pamphlet The pamphlet shows The pamphlet shows The pamphlet
points) shows realistic some realistic few realistic shows scenarios
scenarios scenarios happening scenarios happening not happening in
happening in the in the Philippines. in the Philippines. the Philippines.
Philippines. All the Some of the required Few of the required
required information is information is
information is presented. presented.

Design/Layout The overall The overall Somewhat readable. The pamphlet is

(20 points) appearance of the appearance of the Layout was not well difficult to read
pamphlet is pamphlet is thought and hard to and follow. No
pleasing and easy somewhat pleasing follow. layout planning
to read and follow. and easy to read and was done.
Excellent layout follow. Good layout
throughout the throughout the
brochure. Very brochure.
well planned and

Effort and Displays a very Displays a good effort Displays a fair effort Has submitted a
Cleanliness (10 good effort and and have submitted a and have submitted very poor product
points) have submitted a clean product a quiet clean product
clean product

Punctuality (5 Have submitted on Have submitted Have submitted 4 Have submitted a

points) or before the given within 2 days after the days after the week or so after
deadline deadline deadline the given

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