Theoritical Framework
Theoritical Framework
Theoritical Framework
Theoretical and conceptual frameworks guide the paths of a research and offer the foundation for establishing its credibility. Though these terms
seem similar, they are different from each other in concept and in their roles in the research inquiry. However, many students find it difficult and
confusing to distinguish between these two closely related frameworks while defining their roles in their research. Yet, the inclusion of a theoretical
and/or conceptual framework is a mandatory requirement in a thesis or dissertation that shows the student’s map of the resear ch s/he seeks to
undertake. A good comprehension of both frameworks would inure to a good investigation. This article explains the meanings of the terms, their
importance in the research process, their difference and similarities while offering insightful suggestions on how they can b e constructed and
utilized for a particular research.
In a postgraduate thesis or dissertation research, all aspects of the How to Select a Suitable Theoretical Framework
research are expected to connect to the theoretical framework (Grant & There is no one perfect or right theory for a dissertation, though certain
Osanloo, 2014). The student must tactfully select the relevant theory or theories are popular (Grant & Osanloo, 2014). Yet, the adoption or
adaptation of a theory must reflect the understanding of the researcher theoretical framework from the time the dissertation topic is initially
regarding the study and must drive the study (Simon & Goes, 2011). conceptualized (Dooyeweerd as cited in Sire, 2004). Staunch
The selection of a theoretical framework requires a thorough researchers profess that the researcher’s choice of a theory must be
understanding of the problem, purpose, significance and research stated explicitly early in the writing of a dissertation (Grant & Osanloo,
questions of a study. This is important because when the selection is 2014). This popular view is not misplaced because Mertens (1998)
poorly done, it would be as if the researcher is using a wrong bolt to argues that the theoretical framework influence every decision made
forcibly fix a wrong nut. The chosen theoretical framework must by the researcher in the carrying out of the research. As such, it needs
accentuate the purpose and importance of the study dissertation (Grant an early mention in a dissertation or thesis writing.
& Osanloo, 2014). To make an appropriate selection of a theoretical
context, the researcher must consider the guiding principles of the Example of Theoretical Framework
study and situate the problem in relation to it. The research questions of As it has already been highlighted, the selection of a theory depends on
the study and the purpose of the study must entail noticeable aspects of the discipline or field of research. Even within a particular discipline, a
the theoretical framework and must agree with the assertions specific theory or theories that resonate with the area of inquiry must be
promulgated by the theorists of the selected theory (Maxwell, 2004; selected. The authors illustrate this with an example of a study in
LoBiondo-Wood, 2010). Cultural Anthropology. A student is undertaking a research into how
the cultures of a group of people influence their attitudes towards the
After the entire study has been conducted, the research findings environment. In such a scenario, there are various theories in the field
accrued from the study must corroborate, extend, or modify the of study that agrees with the problem for investigation. These include
existing theory that was borrowed for the study (Lester, 2005). The the Human Environment Relations Theory, The Culture Theory, The
researcher may critique, develop and/or expand the theory that served Cultural Ecology Theory, Historical Ecology Theory, Environmental
as a guide for his/her study vis-à-vis the findings gleaned from the Determinism Theory, Culture Determinism Theory and so forth.
study (Grant & Osanloo, 2014). Munhall and Chenail (2008) contend Though these theories all postulate that people and their cultures have a
that this critique is often carried out in the data analysis stage of the relation with the environment, their internal workings and approach to
research before the final conclusions of the study are drawn. Grant and the subject differs. Therefore, it is the student/researcher who has to
Osanloo (2014) present a checklist that can aid researchers to be able to read and deepen his/her understanding of the theories, including the
identify the suitable theoretical framework for their research inquiry. exponents, historical background information of the theory, its
The authors have succinctly put them into questions that must be exponents, its theoretical constructs, and assumptions of its
reliably answered by the researcher to convince him/her that the proponents, the strengths and weaknesses before s/he can make an
selection of a theory or theories is appropriate for a particular study. appropriate selection in line with the problem and research questions
laid out for the study.
These questions are:
1. What discipline will the theory be applied to? Other parts of culture
2. Does the theory agree with the methodology plan for the study? Environment
3. Is the theory to be selected well developed with many theoretical Cultural
constructs? core