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Leed V4

This document provides a summary of key requirements, actions, and notes for several LEED credits being pursued for the Concordia project. The project involves a new construction warehouse located on previously developed land that complies with minimum project requirements. Preliminary energy modeling and a water budget analysis need to be completed before schematic design. The site qualifies for 1 point under Sensitive Land Protection by being on previously developed land. However, the project does not qualify for points under High Priority Site or Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses.
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Leed V4

This document provides a summary of key requirements, actions, and notes for several LEED credits being pursued for the Concordia project. The project involves a new construction warehouse located on previously developed land that complies with minimum project requirements. Preliminary energy modeling and a water budget analysis need to be completed before schematic design. The site qualifies for 1 point under Sensitive Land Protection by being on previously developed land. However, the project does not qualify for points under High Priority Site or Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses.
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LEED v4 for Building Design and Construction: New Construction (NC) and Warehouse Project Name: Concordia

Scorecard, key requirements, actions and notes by credit Date: 2018-04-27

CISH Owner
GV LEED Consultant
Designer NDC N/A: Not Applicable
Contractor Shimz

Key requirements
Possible Silver Gold
Category Credit Credit name Stage Responsibility (for more information, see the LEED credit library for BD+C LEED v4 Required documentation Status/comments
points target target
at http://www.usgbc.org/credits, as well as the LEED reference guide)

Minimum Project Requirements (MPRs) -

Must be in a permanent location on The project designed for, constructed on and operated on a
MPR MRP1 Design Y Y Y CISH Comply
existing land permanent location on already existing land

LEED project boundary must include all contiguous land that is

associated with the project and supports its typical operations; may
MPR MRP2 Must use reasonable LEED boundaries Design Y Y Y CISH not unreasonably exclude portions of the building, space, or site to Comply
give the project an advantage in complying with credit

Must comply with project size CISH The LEED project must include a minimum of 1,000 square feet (93
MPR MRP3 Design Y Y Y Comply
requirements square meters) of gross floor area
1 1 1
Perform a preliminary “simple box” energy modeling analysis
(assessing at least 2 of the following: site conditions, orientation, Integrative Process worksheet (with description of
- IPc1 Integrative Process Design 1 1 1 NDC, GV envelope, lighting, thermal comfort and/or process loads) and water systems, analyses conducted and explanation of how the NDC to provide: Environmental Site Assessment
budget analysis (indoor/outdoor/process demand and supply analyses influenced the design or changes to the design)
sources) before the completion of schematic design

Location and Transport (LT) 15 3 3

Locate the development footprint on land that has been previously
Site map(s) showing project boundary, development
developed; or not located on prime farmland, within a 100-yr
footprint, any previous development, any sensitive areas,
LT LTc1 Sensitive Land Protection Design 1 1 1 GV floodplain, contain a habitat for threatened or endangered species, Comply
and any minor improvements in required buffers
within 100 ft (30 m) of a water body, within 50 ft (15 m) of
Explanation of the previous development on the site
wetlands, or a designated public park

Locate the project on an infill location in a historic district, or a site

with priority designation (e.g., economically disadvantaged or low-
LT LTc2 High Priority Site Design 2 0 0 CISH N/A
income areas), or brownfield remediation (soil or groundwater

Locate on a site whose surrounding existing density within a 1/4

Area plan or map showing project site and location of
mile (400-meter) radius of the project boundary meets the values in
existing residential and non-residential buildings within
the manual;
¼-mile (400-meter) radius of project site
LT LTc3 Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses Design 5 0 0 GV and/or N/A
Description of the previous development on the site
The building’s main entrance is within a 1/2 mile (800-meter)
Area plan or map showing project site, location and type
walking distance of the main entrance of four to seven (1 point) or
of each use, and walking routes
eight or more (2 points) existing and publicly available diverse uses,

Locate any functional entry of the project within a 1/4-mile (400-

meter) walking distance of existing or planned bus, streetcar, or
rideshare stops, or within a 1/2-mile (800-meter) walking distance
of existing or planned bus rapid transit stops, light or heavy rail
stations, commuter rail stations, or commuter ferry terminals. Map showing project, project boundary, transit stop
or locations, and walking routes and distances to those
LT LTc4 Access to Quality Transit Design 4 0 0 CISH, GV Show that the project has an attendance boundary such that the stops N/A
specified percentages of students live within no more than a 3/4- Timetables or other service-level documentation
mile (1200-meter) walking distance (for grades 8 and below, or ages Map showing walkshed boundary
14 and below), and 1 1/2-mile (2400-meter) walking distance (for
grades 9 and above or ages 15 and above) of a functional entry of a
school building. Points are awarded according to percentage of
Students: 70% for 04 points

Tetra Pak Vietnam LEED v4 checklist page 1 of 10

Key requirements
Possible Silver Gold
Category Credit Credit name Stage Responsibility (for more information, see the LEED credit library for BD+C LEED v4 Required documentation Status/comments
points target target
at http://www.usgbc.org/credits, as well as the LEED reference guide)

A functional entry or bicycle storage must be within a 200-yard (180-

meter) walking or bicycling distance from a bicycle network that
connects to at least one of the following: at least 10 diverse uses or
local transit that are within a 3-mile (4800-meter) distance of the
'Provide dedicated bicycle lanes that extend at least to the end of
Vicinity map showing bicycle network and route and
the school property with no barriers (e.g., fences) on school
distance along network to eligible destination(s)
Site plan showing bicycle storage location with walking
LT LTc5 Bicycle Facilities Design 1 0 0 CISH, GV younger), but no fewer than four storage spaces per building. N/A
route to main entrance and bicycling route to school
'Provide at least one on-site shower with changing facility for the
Calculations for storage and shower facilities
first 100 regular building occupants (excluding students) and one
additional shower for every 150 regular building occupants
(excluding students) thereafter.
Long-term storage spaces must be easily accessible to occupants and
be within 100 feet (30 meters) walking distance of any main

Site plan indicating parking areas and preferred parking

A 20% (or 40%, if points achieved in either LTc3 or LTc4) reduction spaces
from the base ratios; need to designate at least 5% as preferred Calculations demonstrating threshold achievement
LT LTc6 Reduced Parking Footprint Design 1 1 1 NDC, GV Comply
parking for carpools as there is off-street parking (drafted, waiting on final design)
Exemplary: Achieve a 80% parking reduction from the base ratios. Drawings or photographs of signage or pavement markings
indicating reserved status of preferred parking areas

Designate 5% of all parking spaces as preferred parking for green
Parking or site plan indicating main building entrance,
vehicles, and either install electrical vehicle supply equipment or
preferred parking spaces, and alternative-fuel fueling
liquid, gas or battery fueling facilities for 2% of all parking spaces.
Calculations based on total parking capacity.
For preferred parking spaces, photographs of signage or
Develop and implement a plan for every bus serving the school to
pavement marking.
meet the following emissions standards within seven years of the
For electric vehicle charging spaces, photographs of
building certificate of occupancy: nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions of Shimz: choose to follow option 1.
signage or pavement marking.
LT LTc7 Green Vehicles Design 1 1 1 NDC, Shimz 0.50 grams or less per brake horsepower-hour; and particulate GV will explain about the requirements of electrical vehicle supply
For electrical connectors, manufacturers’ product
matter emissions of 0.01 grams or less per brake horsepower-hour. equipment in section meeting through Skype.
specifications indicating charge level,bcompliance with
- Emission standards must be met for each bus and not by an
relevant standard, and Internet addressability
average of the entire fleet serving the school.
- Develop and implement a plan for 100% of all other (non-bus)
Phase-in plan for emissions-compliant bus fleet, including
vehicles owned or leased to serve the school to be green vehicles.
emissions evaluation of current fleet, retrofit strategies,
Green vehicles must achieve a minimum green score of 45 on the
timeline, responsible parties
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) annual
Phase-in plan for green non-bus vehicles, including types
vehicle rating guide (or local equivalent for projects outside the
of vehicles, timeline and responsible parties

Sustainable Sites (SS) 12 8 11

Create and implement an erosion and sedimentation control plan for
all construction activities associated with the project. The plan
Construction Activity Pollution Shimz Description of compliance with erosion and GV will instruct to Shimz about detail contruction practices in section
SS SSp1 Construction Y Y must conform to the erosion and sedimentation requirements of the
Prevention sedimentation requirements meeting through skype.
2012 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Construction
General Permit (CGP).

Conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment as described in

ASTM E1527–05 (or a local equivalent) to determine whether
NDC Phase I ESA or local equivalent assessment,
SS SSp2 Environmental Site Assessment Design Y Y environmental contamination exists at the site. If contamination is NDC to provide: Environmental Site Assessment
1. Soil testing
suspected, conduct a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment as
described in ASTM E1903–11 (or a local equivalent).

Complete on-site survey of topography, hydrology, climate,

Site survey or assessment plan or map
SS SSc1 Site Assessment Design 1 1 1 NDC vegetation, soils, human use/health effects and analyze the effect NDC to provide: Environmental Site Assessment
Site assessment worksheet or equivalent narrative
of the site features on the project design

Tetra Pak Vietnam LEED v4 checklist page 2 of 10

Key requirements
Possible Silver Gold
Category Credit Credit name Stage Responsibility (for more information, see the LEED credit library for BD+C LEED v4 Required documentation Status/comments
points target target
at http://www.usgbc.org/credits, as well as the LEED reference guide)

Preserve and protect from all development and construction activity

40% of the greenfeld area on the site (if such areas exist), and .
Option 1 (2 pts). Restore 30% (including the building footprint) of '1. Greenfield area calculations
all portions of the site identifed as previously developed or 2. Description of greenfield area protection (if
(Dedicated athletic fields that are solely for athletic uses are applicable)
Site Development - Protect or Restore exempted from the soil restoration criteria. These areas may not 0P1: Waiting for Shimz to re-calculate the Vegetated area to see if this
SS SSc2 Design 2 2 2 NDC, Shimz
Habitat count toward the minimum required area) 3.Native or adapted vegetation calculations credit is possible?
Option 2 (1 pt). Provide financial support equivalent to at least 4. Site plan
$0.40 per square foot (US$4 per square meter) for the total site 5. Soil testing
area (including the building footprint) to a nationally or locally 6. FAR: (have vegetated roofs )
recognized land trust or conservation organization

Provide outdoor space greater than or equal to 30% of the total site
area (including building footprint). A minimum of 25% of that
outdoor space must be vegetated (turf grass does not count as
vegetation) or have overhead vegetated canopy.
The outdoor space must be physically accessible and be one or more
of the following:
·· a pedestrian-oriented paving or turf area with physical site
elements that accommodate outdoor social activities; 1. Site plan
·· a recreation-oriented paving or turf area with physical site 2. Open space calculations Waiting for Shimz to re-calculate the Vegetated area to see if this
SS SSc3 Open Space Design 1 1 1 NDC, Shimz
elements that encourage physical activity; 3. Description of how criteria are met credit is possible?
·· a garden space with a diversity of vegetation types and species 4. Floor-area ratio (if have Vegetated Roofs)
that provide opportunities for year-round visual
·· a garden space dedicated to community gardens or urban food
·· preserved or created habitat that meets the criteria of SS Credit
Site Development—Protect or Restore Habitat and also includes
elements of human interaction.

In a manner best replicating natural site hydrology processes,

Rainfall data, events calculator, volume calculations
manage on site the runoff from the developed site for the 95th
SS SSc4 Rainwater Management Design 3 0 3 NDC, Shimz Plan, details etc depicting site conditions N/A
percentile (or 98% for 3 points) of regional or local rainfall events
Narrative, etc.
using low-impact development and green infrastructure.

Option 1 (2 pts). Meet criterion for area of non-roof measures

1. Nonroof and roof area calculations
(includes plantings, providing shade, using paving materials with
2. Site plan(s) with elements and measurements
minimum solar reflectance) and area of high-reflectance and Shimz comfirm: for roof area: using vegetated roof and solar panel to
SS SSc5 Heat Island Reduction Design 2 2 2 NDC, Shimz 3. Manufacturer’s documentation of SRI, SR, and paving
vegetated roof, or cover. For paving area, using white open-grid paving.
Option 2 (1 pt). Min 75% of parking spaces under cover (roof w min
4. Parking space calculation
solar reflectance, vegetated or energy generation system)

Meet uplight and light trespass requirements, using either the Site lighting plan with boundaries, elements, location of
backlight-uplight-glare (BUG) method (Option 1) or the calculation fxtures, and applicable measurements Maximum GV will instruct to Shimz about detail exterior light design in section
SS SSc6 Light Pollution Reduction Design 1 1 1 NDC, Shimz
method (Option 2), and meet the internally illuminated signage luminance data for exterior signage Luminaire schedule meeting through skype.
requirement. and calculations, as appropriate

The project must achieve at least four of the following six credits,
using the associated calculation methods. The achieved credits must 1. 'Site plan with elements and measurements, including
then be recalculated using the data from the master plan. current and future phases of development.
· LT Credit: High Priority Site 2. Credit forms and documentation for selected eligible
SS SSc7 Site Master Plan Design 1 0 0 NDC · SS Credit: Site Development—Protect or Restore Habitat credits, rewritten using data for site master plan. N/A
· SS Credit: Open Space 3. Description of documentation updates made for future
· SS Credit: Rainwater Management development.
· SS Credit: Heat Island Reduction
· SS Credit: Light Pollution Reduction

Tetra Pak Vietnam LEED v4 checklist page 3 of 10

Key requirements
Possible Silver Gold
Category Credit Credit name Stage Responsibility (for more information, see the LEED credit library for BD+C LEED v4 Required documentation Status/comments
points target target
at http://www.usgbc.org/credits, as well as the LEED reference guide)

_In collaboration with the school authorities, ensure that at least
three of the following types of spaces in the school are accessible to
and available for shared use by the general public: auditorium;
gymnasium; cafeteria; one or more classrooms; playing fields and
stadiums; and joint parking.
_Provide access to toilets in joint-use areas after normal school OP1:
hours. _Floor plan highlighting joint-use spaces, restroom
OP2: facilities, and room names
_In collaboration with the school authorities, contract with _Shared-use policy with terms, conditions, and
community or other organizations to provide at least two types of description of communication to public
dedicated-use spaces in the building, such as the following: OP2:
commercial office; health clinic; community service centers _Floor plan highlighting joint-use spaces, restroom
(provided by state or local offices); police office; library or media facilities, and room names.
SS SSc8 Joint Use of Facilities Design 1 1 1 CISH CISH will work VanTri to get this point
center; parking lot; and one or more commercial businesses. _Signed agreement between school authorities and
_Provide access to toilets in joint-use areas after normal school occupying organization(s)
hours. OP3:
OP3: _Signed agreement stipulating how spaces will be shared
_In collaboration with the school authorities, ensure that at least with students.
two of the following six types of spaces that are _Site plan showing pedestrian access route and distance
owned by other organizations or agencies are accessible to students: from school to joint-use
auditorium; gymnasium; cafeteria; one or more classrooms; spaces
swimming pool; and playing fields and stadiums.
_Provide direct pedestrian access to these spaces from the school.
In addition, provide signed joint-use agreements with the other
organizations or agencies that stipulate how these spaces will be

Water Efficiency (WE) 12

'Site plan showing vegetated areas Shimz comfirm: use recycled water for irrigation.
Option 1. No permanent irrigation required
Narrative for plant species and water requirements GV will instruct to Shimz about irrigation system in section meeting
WE WEp1 Outdoor Water Use Reduction Design ? ? NDC, Shimz Option 2. reduce landscape watering by at least 30% compared to a
Op2 through Skype.
baseline for the peak watering month
Site plan showing location and size of landscape zones
Water Budget Tool report )

Building water use. Reduce aggregate water consumption by 20%

from the baseline for fixtures and fittings in the building and install
WaterSense labelled (not required where there is no equivalent,
e.g., Vietnam) Product cutsheets, manufacturers’ information
Baseline values: Toilet (water closet) 6 lpf, Urinal 3.8 lpf, Public Process water cutsheets documenting compliance with
lavatory (restroom) faucet 1.9 lpm at 415 kPa, Private lavatory heat rejection and cooling requirement (if needed). GV and Shimz will work more detail in sanitary fixtures's selection
WE WEp2 Indoor Water Use Reduction Design ? ? Shimz faucets 8.3 lpm at 415 kPa, Kitchen faucet (excluding faucets used Indoor water use calculator (for usage-based stage.
exclusively for flling operations) 8.3 lpm at 415 kPa, Showerhead 9.5 calculations)
lpm at 550 kPa per shower stall Narrative and supporting data for gender ratios (if not
Appliance and Process Water use. Install appliances, equipment, and 50:50)
processes within the project scope that meet the requirements for
washing machines, spray valves, heat rejection and cooling, cooling
towers and evaporative condensers

Install permanent water meters that measure the total potable

water use for the building and associated grounds. Meter data must Meter declaration
WE WEp3 Building-Level Water Metering Design ? ? Shimz Shimz comfirm will install the water metering as required
be compiled into monthly and annual summaries and sent to USGBC Sharing commitment
annually for 5 years.

Option 1. No permanent irrigation required Shimz comfirm: use recycled water for irrigation.
Alternative water source and controls calculations
WE WEc1 Outdoor Water Use Reduction Design 2 2 2 NDC, Shimz Option 2. reduce landscape watering by at least 50% compared to a GV will instruct to Shimz about irrigation system in section meeting
(Option 2)
baseline for the peak watering month (2 points for 100%) through Skype.

Further reduce fixture and fitting water use from the calculated 1.'Alternative water source calculations (if applicable)
baseline. Points are awarded from 25% (1 point) to 45% reduction (5 2.Plumbing system design drawings (if applicable)
GV and Shimz will work more detail in sanitary fixtures's selection
WE WEc2 Indoor Water Use Reduction Design 7 5 5 Shimz points), 50% for exemplary performance. 3.Alternative water narrative
For 1 points, washing machine: maximum 7 liters per 0.45 kilograms 4.Cutsheets, manufacturers’ information
(must have process at least 57606 kg of laundry per year). 5.Indoor water use calculator

Tetra Pak Vietnam LEED v4 checklist page 4 of 10

Key requirements
Possible Silver Gold
Category Credit Credit name Stage Responsibility (for more information, see the LEED credit library for BD+C LEED v4 Required documentation Status/comments
points target target
at http://www.usgbc.org/credits, as well as the LEED reference guide)

1. 'Potable water analysis results

2. Potable water analysis narrative
For cooling towers and evaporative condensers, conduct, a one-time
3. Cycles of concentration calculations
potable water analysis measuring at least five control parameters in
WE WEc3 Cooling Tower Water Use Design 2 0 0 NDC, Shimz 4. Nonpotable water calculations N/A
condenser water (Ca as CaCO3, Total alkalinity, SiO2, Cl,
5. Water treatment calculations
6. Nonpotable water analysis (if using 100% nonpotable

Install permanent water meters for two or more of the following

water subsystems: Irrigation, Indoor plumbing fixtures and fittings,
WE WEc4 Water Metering Design 1 1 1 Shimz Domestic hot water, Boiler with aggregate projected annual water Water metering strategy narrative Shimz comfirm will install the water metering as required
use of 100,000 gallons (378 500 liters) or more, or boiler of more
than 500,000 BtuH (150 kW), Reclaimed water, Other process water.

Energy and Atmosphere (EA) 31 24 26

Establish a preliminary plan to outline the scope of commissioning

and systems to be tested (MEP, renewable energy systems), develop CxA previous experience, Confirmation of project
commissioning requirements based on the systems included in the requirements and BOD contents
Fundamental Commissioning and Design & design and incorporate them into the construction documents, List of systems to be commissioned, Verification of CxA
EA EAp1 Y Y Shimz, GV
Verification Construction conduct kickoff meeting, develop construction checklists, conduct activities and reviews, Cx plan
prefunctional inspections, develop functional test scripts, execute Documentation of testing and verification, O&M plan, Cx
functional testing, document findings/prepare report, compile report
current facility requirements and operations and maintenance plan

Whole building energy simulation to demonstrate an improvement of

5% in the proposed building performance rating compared with the
baseline building
Analyze efficiency measures during the design process and account - HVAC drawing,
GV is running Energy modeling and will issue the report when it's
EA EAp2 Minimum Energy Performance Design Y Y NDC, Shimz, GV for the results in design decision making. Analyze efficiency - Catalogue of HVAC equipment
measures, focusing on load reduction and HVAC-related strategies - Information about people, operation time and setpoint
(passive measures are acceptable) appropriate for the facility.
Project potential energy savings and holistic project cost
implications related to all affected systems.

Install building-level energy meters, or submeters that can be

aggregated to provide building-level data representing total building Confirmation of permanently installed meters
energy consumption (electricity, natural gas, chilled water, steam, Letter of commitment
EA EAp3 Building-Level Energy Metering Design Y Y NDC, Shimz Shimz comfirm will install the energy metering as required
fuel oil, propane, biomass, etc). Confirmation of data sharing source (either USGBC-
Meter data must be compiled monthly and sent to USGBC annually approved data template or third-party data source)
for 5 years.

Do not use chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)-based refrigerants in new - HVAC drawing,

EA EAp4 Fundamental Refrigerant Management Design Y Y NDC, Shimz heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration (HVAC&R) - Catalogue of HVAC equipment (Air conditioner have Comply
systems. refrigerant type & refriregant charge

List of all tasks completed as part of Cx activities

Training outline and participation list
Design & Conduct enhanced systems monitoring-based commissioning and Confirmation of systems manual delivery
EA EAc1 Enhanced Commissioning 6 4 6 Shimz, GV
Construction envelope commissioning (Cx) Ongoing Cx plan
Inclusion of monitoring and tracking in Cx plan
Inclusion of envelope in Cx plan

Establish an energy performance target no later than the schematic

- HVAC drawing,
design phase. Demonstrate a percentage improvement in the GV is running Energy modeling and will issue the report when it's
EA EAc2 Optimize Energy Performance Design 16 16 16 NDC, Shimz, GV - Catalogue of HVAC equipment
proposed building performance rating compared with the baseline completed.
- Information about people, operation time and setpoint
(from 6% for 1 point to 50% for 18 points)

Install advanced energy metering for the following: all whole-

List of all advanced meters to be installed, including
building energy sources used by the building; and any individual
EA EAc3 Advanced Energy Metering Design 1 1 1 NDC, Shimz type, energy source metered 'Shimz comfirm will install the energy metering as required
energy end uses that represent 10% or more of the total annual
Manufacturers’ cutsheets
consumption of the building.

Proof of enrollment in DR program, if available

Design building and equipment for participation in demand response Evidence of ability to shed 10% of peak demand
programs through load shedding or shifting. Participate in an Confirmation that system is capable of receiving and
Design &
EA EAc4 Demand Response 2 0 0 NDC, Shimz existing demand response (DR) program, if available (2 pts) or acting on external signal N/A
provide infrastructure to take advantage of future demand response Action plan for meeting reduction requirement during
programs (1 pt). event
Inclusion of DR in CxA systems testing plan

Tetra Pak Vietnam LEED v4 checklist page 5 of 10

Key requirements
Possible Silver Gold
Category Credit Credit name Stage Responsibility (for more information, see the LEED credit library for BD+C LEED v4 Required documentation Status/comments
points target target
at http://www.usgbc.org/credits, as well as the LEED reference guide)

Renewable system rated capacityCalculations to

Use renewable energy systems to offset building energy costs. Points
determine energy generated Equivalent cost of Waiting for Energy modeling to know how much Solar panel need to
EA EAc5 Renewable Energy Production Design 3 3 3 Shimz, GV awarded based on percentage of renewable energy (1%=1 pt, 5%=2
renewable energy produced invest
pts, 10%=3 pts, 15%=exemplary)
Documentation of annual energy costs

Do not use refrigerants, or use only refrigerants (naturally occurring

or synthetic) that have an ozone depletion potential (ODP) of zero
and a global warming potential (GWP) of less than 50. or - HVAC drawing,
EA EAc6 Enhanced Refrigerant Management Design 1 0 0 Shimz Select refrigerants that are used in heating, ventilating, air- - Catalogue of HVAC equipment (Air conditioner have N/A
conditioning, and refrigeration (HVAC&R) equipment to minimize or refrigerant type & refriregant charge
eliminate the emission of compounds that contribute to ozone
depletion and climate change.

Annual electricity and nonelectricity energy use

Engage in a contract for qualifed resources that have come online Calculations showing required REC, green power, or
since January 1, 2005, for a minimum of five years, to be delivered carbon offsets for targeted point threshold
EA EAc7 Green Power and Carbon Offsets Construction 2 0 0 CISH, GV at least annually. The contract must specify the provision of at least Purchase contract or letter of commitment showing REC, Waiting for CISH to send GV related document from Phase 1
50% or 100% of the project’s energy from green power, carbon green power, or carbon offsets for targeted point
offsets, or renewable energy certificates (RECs). threshold
Green-e equivalency documentation, if not Green-e

Materials and Resources (MR) 13 2 2

Provide dedicated areas accessible to waste haulers and building

occupants for the collection and storage of recyclable materials for
1. Verifcation of recycled material types
the entire building. Collection and storage areas may be separate
2. Narrative describing recycling storage and collection
locations. Recyclable materials must include mixed paper,
MR MRp1 Storage and Collection of Recyclables Design NDC strategies Waste storage is have not been included in the design yet.
corrugated cardboard, glass, plastics, and metals. Take appropriate
3. Floor plans indicating recycling storage and collection
measures for the safe collection, storage, and disposal of two of the
following: batteries, mercury-containing lamps, and electronic

Develop and implement a construction and demolition waste

management plan with waste diversion goals for at least five
Construction and Demolition Waste Shimz Construction waste management plan
MR MRp2 Construction materials
Management Planning Total construction waste
Provide a final report detailing all major waste streams generated,
including disposal and diversion rates.

Option 4. Conduct a life-cycle assessment of the project’s structure

Description of LCA assumptions, scope, and analysis
and enclosure that demonstrates a minimum of 10% reduction,
process for baseline building and proposed building
compared with a baseline building, in at least three of the six
MR MRc1 Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction Design 5 0 0 Shimz Life-cycle impact assessment summary showing outputs N/A
impact categories, one of which must be global warming potential.
of proposed building with percentage change from
No impact category assessed as part of the life-cycle assessment
baseline building for all impact indicators
may increase by more than 5% compared with the baseline building.

Option 1. Use at least 20 different permanently installed products

MR building product disclosure and optimization
sourced from at least five different manufacturers that meet
calculator or equivalent tracking tool
standards (i.e., Environmental Product Declarations which conform
Building Product Disclosure and EPD and LCA reports or compliant summary documents
Design & to ISO 14025, 14040, 14044, and EN 15804 or ISO 21930 and have at
MR MRc2 Optimization - Environmental Product 2 0 0 Shimz for 100% of products contributing toward credit (option N/A
Construction least a cradle to gate scope, or similar)
Declarations 1)
Option 2. Use products that comply with one of the six criteria
Documentation of compliance with USGBC-approved
(e.g., global warming potential, depletion of the stratospheric
program (option 2)
ozone layer) for 50%, by cost, of the installed products

Option 1. Use at least 20 different permanently installed products

sourced from at least five different manufacturers that have MR building product disclosure and optimization
publicly released a report from their raw material suppliers calculator or equivalent tracking tool
Building Product Disclosure and
Design & (including raw material supplier extraction locations, commitments Corporate sustainability reports for 100% of products
MR MRc3 Optimization - Sourcing of Raw 2 0 0 Shimz N/A
Construction to good practices) contributing toward credit (option 1)
Option 2. Use products that meet at least one of the responsible Documentation of product claims for credit requirements
extraction criteria listed for at least 25%, by cost, of the installed or other USGBC-approved program (option 2)
products (e.g., extended producer responsibility, wood products)

Tetra Pak Vietnam LEED v4 checklist page 6 of 10

Key requirements
Possible Silver Gold
Category Credit Credit name Stage Responsibility (for more information, see the LEED credit library for BD+C LEED v4 Required documentation Status/comments
points target target
at http://www.usgbc.org/credits, as well as the LEED reference guide)

MR building product disclosure and optimization

calculator or equivalent tracking tool (options 1 & 2)
Option 1. Use at least 20 different permanently installed products Documentation of chemical inventory through Health
from at least five diferent manufacturers that use any of several Product Declaration, Cradle to Cradle certifcation labels,
specified programs to demonstrate the chemical inventory of the manufacturers’ lists of ingredients with GreenScreen
product assessment reports for confidential ingredients, or
Building Product Disclosure and Design &
MR MRc4 2 0 0 Shimz Option 2. Use products that document their material ingredient USGBC-approved programs (if applicable) (option 1) N/A
Optimization - Material Ingredients Construction
optimization using the paths below for at least 25%, by cost, of the Verification of ingredient optimization through Cradle to
total value of installed products Cradle certifcation labels, manufacturers’ lists of
Option 3. Use products for at least 25%, by cost, that are responsibly ingredients with GreenScreen benchmarks listed for all
sourced ingredients, or manufacturers’ declaration (for REACH),
or USGBC-approved programs (if applicable) (option 2)
Documentation of supply chain optimization (option 3)

MR Construction and Demolition Waste Management

Recycle and/or salvage nonhazardous construction and demolition calculator or equivalent tool, tracking total and diverted
materials (calculated by weight or volume). waste amounts and material streams
Option 1. Divert 50% or 75% of the total construction and demolition Documentation of recycling rates for commingled
Construction and Demolition Waste material; diverted materials must include at least three material facilities (if applicable) GV will instruct to Shimz about detail contruction practices in section
MR MRc5 Construction 2 2 2 Shimz
Management streams. OR Justifcation narrative for use of waste-to-energy strategy meeting through skype.
Option 2. Do not generate more than 2.5 pounds of construction (if applicable)
waste per square foot (12.2 kilograms of waste per square meter) of Documentation of waste-to-energy facilities adhering to
the building’s floor area. relevant EN standards (if applicable)
Total waste per area (option 2)

Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) 16 5 8

Meet the requirements for both ventilation (either ASHRAE or CEN

- HVAC drawing,
Minimum Indoor Air Quality standards) and monitoring (direct outdoor airflow measurement GV will send the calculation to Shimz. And explain about the
IEQ IEQp1 Design Y Y NDC, Shimz, GV - Catalogue of HVAC equipment
Performance device for VAV systems or design minimum outdoor airflow rate for requirements in section meeting through Skype
- schematic of monitoring system for ventilation system
constant-volume systems).

1. Description of project’s no-smoking policy, including

information on how policy is communicated to building
occupants and enforced
2. Copy of no-smoking policy or signed letter from owner
describing project’s no-smoking policy and enforcement
3. Scaled site plan or map showing the location of
Prohibit smoking on-site.
designated outdoor smoking and no-smoking areas,
IEQ IEQp2 Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control Design Y Y CISH Signage must be posted at the property line indicating the no-
location of property line, and site boundary and
smoking policy.
indicating 25-foot (7.5-meter) distance from building
4.Drawings, photos, or other evidence of signage
communicating no-smoking policy
5. Any code that prevents establishment of no-smoking

Tetra Pak Vietnam LEED v4 checklist page 7 of 10

Key requirements
Possible Silver Gold
Category Credit Credit name Stage Responsibility (for more information, see the LEED credit library for BD+C LEED v4 Required documentation Status/comments
points target target
at http://www.usgbc.org/credits, as well as the LEED reference guide)

_HVAC Background Noise:

Achieve a maximum background noise level of 40 dBA from heating,
ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems in classrooms and
other core learning spaces.
_Exterior Noise:
For high-noise sites (peak-hour Leq above 60 dBA during school
_Background noise: Summary report of measurements and
hours), implement acoustic treatment and other measures to
calculations documenting compliance with selected
minimize noise intrusion from exterior sources and control sound
reference standard
transmission between classrooms and other core learning spaces.
_Exterior noise:
Projects at least one-half mile (800 meters) from any significant
Description of exterior noise sources (or lack thereof)
noise source (e.g., aircraft overflights, highways, trains, industry)
within ½-mile (800-meter) radius
are exempt.
Leq calculations and narrative describing when
_Reverberation Time:
measurements were taken (if required) Need to chose and design HVAC system and finishes materials comply
Design classrooms and other core learning spaces to include
IEQ IEQp3 Minimum Acoustic Performance Y Y NDC, Shimz Description or drawings of measures and strategies with the requirement.
sufficient sound-absorptive finishes for compliance with the
implemented to minimize exterior noise (if required) GV will instruct to Shimz in section meeting through Skype.
reverberation time requirements specified in ANSI Standard S12.60–
_Reverberation time, spaces less than 20,000 ft 2 (1 860
2010, Part 1, Acoustical Performance Criteria, Design Requirements
and Guidelines for Schools, or a local equivalent for projects outside
Option 1, documentation showing materials with NRC of
the U.S.
0.70 or higher
For each room, confirm that the total surface area of acoustic wall
Option 2, calculations or measurements showing that
panels, ceiling finishes, and other sound-absorbent
reverberation times meet the ANSI
finishes equals or exceeds the total ceiling area of the room
S12.60–2010 or requirements
(excluding lights, diffusers, and grilles). Materials must
have an NRC of 0.70 or higher to be included in the calculation.
Confirm through calculations described in ANSI Standard S12.60-2010
that rooms are designed to meet reverberation time requirements
as specified in that standard.

Entryway systems: scaled floor plans showing locations

and measurements
Option 1. Enhanced IAQ Strategies for mechanically ventilated
Interior cross-contamination prevention: list of rooms,
spaces (all, 1 point): A. entryway systems at least 10 feet (3 meters)
areas, exhaust rate, separation method
long in the primary direction of travel to capture dirt and
Filtration: mechanical schedules highlighting MERV or
particulates entering the building at regularly used exterior
class ratings for all units that supply outdoor air
entrances; B. interior cross-contamination prevention: sufficiently
Exterior contamination prevention: narrative describing
exhaust spaces where hazardous gases or chemicals may be present
type of modeling; model output reports highlighting
or used (e.g., garages, housekeeping and laundry areas, copying and
contaminant levels and required thresholds
printing rooms), using the exhaust rates determined in IEQp1 or a GV will send the calculation to Shimz. And explain about the
IEQ IEQc1 Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies Design 2 1 2 NDC, Shimz Increased ventilation: confirmation (calculations are
minimum of 0.50 cfm per square foot (2.54 l/s per square meter), to requirements in section meeting through Skype
documented under IEQp1)
create negative pressure; C. filtration for each ventilation system
Carbon dioxide monitoring: list of densely occupied
that supplies outdoor air to occupied spaces: minimum efficiency
spaces, space type, design CO2 concentrations, floor plan
reporting value (MERV) of 13 or higher or Class F7 or higher.
showing sensor locations, narrative describing CO2
Option 2. Additional Enhanced IAQ Strategies for mechanically
ventilated spaces (select one): A. exterior contamination
Additional source control and monitoring: description of
prevention; B. increased ventilation; C. carbon dioxide monitoring;
likely air contaminants and how they were identified,
or D. additional source control and monitoring.
description of materials handling plan, plans showing
installed monitoring system

This credit includes requirements for product manufacturing as well

as project teams. It covers volatile organic compound (VOC)
emissions into indoor air and the VOC content of materials, as well
USGBC low-emitting materials calculator
Design & as the testing methods by which indoor VOC emissions are
IEQ IEQc2 Low-Emitting Materials 3 0 0 Shimz Product information (e.g., MSDS, third-party N/A
Construction determined.
certifications, testing reports)
Option 1. Product Category Calculations (6 categories) or
Option 2. Budget Calculation Method (percentage of total in 5

Tetra Pak Vietnam LEED v4 checklist page 8 of 10

Key requirements
Possible Silver Gold
Category Credit Credit name Stage Responsibility (for more information, see the LEED credit library for BD+C LEED v4 Required documentation Status/comments
points target target
at http://www.usgbc.org/credits, as well as the LEED reference guide)

IAQ management plan or detailed checklist, highlighting

nonsmoking policy
Narrative describing protection measures for absorbent
Construction Indoor Air Quality Develop and implement an indoor air quality (IAQ) management plan GV will instruct to Shimz about detail contruction practices in section
IEQ IEQc3 Construction 1 1 1 Shimz materials
Management Plan for the construction and preoccupancy phases of the building. meeting through skype.
Annotated photographs of indoor air and environmental
quality measures
Record of filtration media

Select one of two options (flush-out 1 pt or air testing 2 pts), to be

implemented after construction ends and the building has been
completely cleaned. All interior fnishes, such as millwork, doors, Flush-out report or
IEQ IEQc4 Indoor Air Quality Assessment Construction 2 0 2 CISH, Shimz CISH will consider Testing air quality option
paint, carpet, acoustic tiles, and movable furnishings (e.g., IAQ testing report
workstations, partitions), must be installed, and major VOC punch
list items must be finished.

Meet the requirements for both thermal comfort design (ASHRAE

Documentation to verify thermally conditioned spaces
Standard 55-2010 or ISO 7730:2005 and CEN 15251:2007 Standards)
meet standards (e.g., calculations/modeling results)
and thermal comfort control (individual thermal comfort controls GV will instruct more detail about the requirement in the section
IEQ IEQc5 Thermal Comfort Design 1 1 1 Shimz, GV List of spaces by type, quantity, and controls
for at least 50% of individual occupant spaces and group thermal meeting through skype
List of regularly occupied bulk storage, sorting, and
comfort controls for all shared multioccupant spaces for air
distribution areas.
temperature, radiant temperature, air speed, or humidity).

Option 1. Lighting Control (1 point). For at least 90% of individual

occupant spaces and all shared multioccupant spaces, provide Table of individual occupant and multioccupant spaces
individual lighting controls that enable occupants to adjust the and lighting controls in each space (option 1)
Go with option 1 for 1 points.
lighting to suit their individual tasks and preferences, with at least Table of regularly occupied spaces, Calculations of total
IEQ IEQc6 Interior Lighting Design 2 1 1 Shimz GV will instruct more detail about the requirement in the section
three lighting levels or scenes (on, off, midlevel). Other connected lighting load, Lighting details, including
meeting through skype
requirements for shared multioccupant spaces. and/or manufacturer and model, results of estimations, or in situ
Option 2. Lighting Quality (1 point) meet requirements for 4 or laboratory photometric tests, etc. (option 2)
strategies from a list of 8 measures for lighting quality

Provide manual or automatic (with manual override) glare-control

devices for all regularly occupied spaces.
Option 1 (2-3 points). Demonstrate through annual computer
simulations that spatial daylight autonomy 300/50% (sDA 300/50%) Floor plans highlighting regularly occupied spaces
of at least 55%, 75%, or 90% is achieved. Demonstrate through List of glare-control devices for all windows with their
annual computer simulations that annual sunlight exposure1000,250 control mechanism
IEQ IEQc7 Daylight Design 3 0 0 NDC N/A
(ASE1000,250) of no more than 10% is achieved. Narrative or output file describing daylight simulation
Option 2. (1–2 points) Demonstrate through computer modeling that program, simulation inputs, and weather file, etc
illuminance levels will be between 300 lux and 3,000 lux for 9 a.m. (depending on option)
and 3 p.m., both on a clear-sky day at the equinox.
Option 3. Measurement (2-3 points) Achieve illuminance levels
between 300 lux and 3,000 lux for 75 or 90% of the floor area

NC: Achieve a direct line of sight to the outdoors via vision glazing
for 75% of all regularly occupied floor area (more than one hour of List of all regularly occupied spaces, qualifying floor area
continuous occupancy per person per day, on average). in each space, and view features
75% of all regularly occupied floor area must have at least two of Sections, elevations, diagrams, renderings, or photos
IEQ IEQc8 Quality Views Design 1 0 0 NDC the four kinds of views listed in the manual (e.g., multiple lines of indicating sight lines to glazing do not encounter N/A
sight, view to nature) permanent interior obstructions
Warehouse: same as above for any office space; for the bulk Floor plans or diagrams identifying egularly occupied
storage, sorting, and distribution portions of the building, meet the spaces and other documents depending on view type
requirements above for 25% of the regularly occupied floor area.

Tetra Pak Vietnam LEED v4 checklist page 9 of 10

Key requirements
Possible Silver Gold
Category Credit Credit name Stage Responsibility (for more information, see the LEED credit library for BD+C LEED v4 Required documentation Status/comments
points target target
at http://www.usgbc.org/credits, as well as the LEED reference guide)

HVAC Background noise:

Achieve a background noise level of 35 dBA or less from heating,
ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems in classrooms and
other core learning spaces. Background noise: See EQ Prerequisite Minimum Acoustic
Need to chose and design HVAC system and finishes materials comply
Sound Transmission: Performance
IEQ IEQc9 Acoustic Performance Design 1 1 1 NDC, Shimz with the requirement.
Design classrooms and other core learning spaces to meet the sound Sound isolation:STC calculation or measurement method;
GV will instruct to Shimz in section meeting through Skype.
transmission class (STC) requirements of ANSI List of STC ratings; STC rating assembly source data
S12.60–2010 Part 1, or a local equivalent. Exterior windows must
have an STC rating of at least 35, unless outdoor and indoor noise
levels can be verified to justify a lower rating.

Innovation and Design Process (ID) 6 4 4

Exemplary performance: Reduced
ID IDc1.1 Design 1 1 1 GV see above LTc6
Parking Footprint
Exemplary performance: Indoor Water
ID IDc1.2 Design 1 1 1 GV see above WEc2
Use Reduction

A comprehensive signage program; manual, guideline or case study;

and/or educational outreach program or guided tour (2 of 3
ID IDc1.3 Innovation: Green Building Education Construction 1 1 1 GV, CISH
required). See http://www.usgbc.org/node/4933013?view=language
for additional guidance

ID IDc1.5 Innovatioin: D/C 1 0 0 GV, CISH

need a LEED AP (with BD+C specialty) as a key member of the
ID IDc2 LEED Accredited Professional D/C 1 1 1 GV Full name and specialty credential of LEED AP
project team
Regional Priority (RP) 4 4 4
Regional Priority: Protect or Restore GV
RP RPc1.1 Design 1 1 1 need to achieve at least 2 points (of 2)
Regional Priority: Indoor water use
RP RPc1.2 Design 1 1 1 GV need to achieve at least 4 points (of 6)
Regional Priority: Outdoor water use
RP RPc1.3 Design 1 1 1 GV need to achieve at least 2 points (of 2)

Regional Priority: Site Development -

RP RPc1.4 Design 1 1 1 GV need to achieve at least 8 points (of 16)
Optimize energy performance

110 51 59 TOTALS
Certified: 40 to 49 points, Silver: 50 to 59 points, Gold: 60 to 79 points, Platinum: 80 to 110

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