Leed V4
Leed V4
Key requirements
Possible Silver Gold
Category Credit Credit name Stage Responsibility (for more information, see the LEED credit library for BD+C LEED v4 Required documentation Status/comments
points target target
at http://www.usgbc.org/credits, as well as the LEED reference guide)
Must comply with project size CISH The LEED project must include a minimum of 1,000 square feet (93
MPR MRP3 Design Y Y Y Comply
requirements square meters) of gross floor area
1 1 1
Perform a preliminary “simple box” energy modeling analysis
(assessing at least 2 of the following: site conditions, orientation, Integrative Process worksheet (with description of
- IPc1 Integrative Process Design 1 1 1 NDC, GV envelope, lighting, thermal comfort and/or process loads) and water systems, analyses conducted and explanation of how the NDC to provide: Environmental Site Assessment
budget analysis (indoor/outdoor/process demand and supply analyses influenced the design or changes to the design)
sources) before the completion of schematic design
Designate 5% of all parking spaces as preferred parking for green
Parking or site plan indicating main building entrance,
vehicles, and either install electrical vehicle supply equipment or
preferred parking spaces, and alternative-fuel fueling
liquid, gas or battery fueling facilities for 2% of all parking spaces.
Calculations based on total parking capacity.
For preferred parking spaces, photographs of signage or
Develop and implement a plan for every bus serving the school to
pavement marking.
meet the following emissions standards within seven years of the
For electric vehicle charging spaces, photographs of
building certificate of occupancy: nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions of Shimz: choose to follow option 1.
signage or pavement marking.
LT LTc7 Green Vehicles Design 1 1 1 NDC, Shimz 0.50 grams or less per brake horsepower-hour; and particulate GV will explain about the requirements of electrical vehicle supply
For electrical connectors, manufacturers’ product
matter emissions of 0.01 grams or less per brake horsepower-hour. equipment in section meeting through Skype.
specifications indicating charge level,bcompliance with
- Emission standards must be met for each bus and not by an
relevant standard, and Internet addressability
average of the entire fleet serving the school.
- Develop and implement a plan for 100% of all other (non-bus)
Phase-in plan for emissions-compliant bus fleet, including
vehicles owned or leased to serve the school to be green vehicles.
emissions evaluation of current fleet, retrofit strategies,
Green vehicles must achieve a minimum green score of 45 on the
timeline, responsible parties
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) annual
Phase-in plan for green non-bus vehicles, including types
vehicle rating guide (or local equivalent for projects outside the
of vehicles, timeline and responsible parties
Provide outdoor space greater than or equal to 30% of the total site
area (including building footprint). A minimum of 25% of that
outdoor space must be vegetated (turf grass does not count as
vegetation) or have overhead vegetated canopy.
The outdoor space must be physically accessible and be one or more
of the following:
·· a pedestrian-oriented paving or turf area with physical site
elements that accommodate outdoor social activities; 1. Site plan
·· a recreation-oriented paving or turf area with physical site 2. Open space calculations Waiting for Shimz to re-calculate the Vegetated area to see if this
SS SSc3 Open Space Design 1 1 1 NDC, Shimz
elements that encourage physical activity; 3. Description of how criteria are met credit is possible?
·· a garden space with a diversity of vegetation types and species 4. Floor-area ratio (if have Vegetated Roofs)
that provide opportunities for year-round visual
·· a garden space dedicated to community gardens or urban food
·· preserved or created habitat that meets the criteria of SS Credit
Site Development—Protect or Restore Habitat and also includes
elements of human interaction.
Meet uplight and light trespass requirements, using either the Site lighting plan with boundaries, elements, location of
backlight-uplight-glare (BUG) method (Option 1) or the calculation fxtures, and applicable measurements Maximum GV will instruct to Shimz about detail exterior light design in section
SS SSc6 Light Pollution Reduction Design 1 1 1 NDC, Shimz
method (Option 2), and meet the internally illuminated signage luminance data for exterior signage Luminaire schedule meeting through skype.
requirement. and calculations, as appropriate
The project must achieve at least four of the following six credits,
using the associated calculation methods. The achieved credits must 1. 'Site plan with elements and measurements, including
then be recalculated using the data from the master plan. current and future phases of development.
· LT Credit: High Priority Site 2. Credit forms and documentation for selected eligible
SS SSc7 Site Master Plan Design 1 0 0 NDC · SS Credit: Site Development—Protect or Restore Habitat credits, rewritten using data for site master plan. N/A
· SS Credit: Open Space 3. Description of documentation updates made for future
· SS Credit: Rainwater Management development.
· SS Credit: Heat Island Reduction
· SS Credit: Light Pollution Reduction
_In collaboration with the school authorities, ensure that at least
three of the following types of spaces in the school are accessible to
and available for shared use by the general public: auditorium;
gymnasium; cafeteria; one or more classrooms; playing fields and
stadiums; and joint parking.
_Provide access to toilets in joint-use areas after normal school OP1:
hours. _Floor plan highlighting joint-use spaces, restroom
OP2: facilities, and room names
_In collaboration with the school authorities, contract with _Shared-use policy with terms, conditions, and
community or other organizations to provide at least two types of description of communication to public
dedicated-use spaces in the building, such as the following: OP2:
commercial office; health clinic; community service centers _Floor plan highlighting joint-use spaces, restroom
(provided by state or local offices); police office; library or media facilities, and room names.
SS SSc8 Joint Use of Facilities Design 1 1 1 CISH CISH will work VanTri to get this point
center; parking lot; and one or more commercial businesses. _Signed agreement between school authorities and
_Provide access to toilets in joint-use areas after normal school occupying organization(s)
hours. OP3:
OP3: _Signed agreement stipulating how spaces will be shared
_In collaboration with the school authorities, ensure that at least with students.
two of the following six types of spaces that are _Site plan showing pedestrian access route and distance
owned by other organizations or agencies are accessible to students: from school to joint-use
auditorium; gymnasium; cafeteria; one or more classrooms; spaces
swimming pool; and playing fields and stadiums.
_Provide direct pedestrian access to these spaces from the school.
In addition, provide signed joint-use agreements with the other
organizations or agencies that stipulate how these spaces will be
Option 1. No permanent irrigation required Shimz comfirm: use recycled water for irrigation.
Alternative water source and controls calculations
WE WEc1 Outdoor Water Use Reduction Design 2 2 2 NDC, Shimz Option 2. reduce landscape watering by at least 50% compared to a GV will instruct to Shimz about irrigation system in section meeting
(Option 2)
baseline for the peak watering month (2 points for 100%) through Skype.
Further reduce fixture and fitting water use from the calculated 1.'Alternative water source calculations (if applicable)
baseline. Points are awarded from 25% (1 point) to 45% reduction (5 2.Plumbing system design drawings (if applicable)
GV and Shimz will work more detail in sanitary fixtures's selection
WE WEc2 Indoor Water Use Reduction Design 7 5 5 Shimz points), 50% for exemplary performance. 3.Alternative water narrative
For 1 points, washing machine: maximum 7 liters per 0.45 kilograms 4.Cutsheets, manufacturers’ information
(must have process at least 57606 kg of laundry per year). 5.Indoor water use calculator
NC: Achieve a direct line of sight to the outdoors via vision glazing
for 75% of all regularly occupied floor area (more than one hour of List of all regularly occupied spaces, qualifying floor area
continuous occupancy per person per day, on average). in each space, and view features
75% of all regularly occupied floor area must have at least two of Sections, elevations, diagrams, renderings, or photos
IEQ IEQc8 Quality Views Design 1 0 0 NDC the four kinds of views listed in the manual (e.g., multiple lines of indicating sight lines to glazing do not encounter N/A
sight, view to nature) permanent interior obstructions
Warehouse: same as above for any office space; for the bulk Floor plans or diagrams identifying egularly occupied
storage, sorting, and distribution portions of the building, meet the spaces and other documents depending on view type
requirements above for 25% of the regularly occupied floor area.
110 51 59 TOTALS
Certified: 40 to 49 points, Silver: 50 to 59 points, Gold: 60 to 79 points, Platinum: 80 to 110