Sigma Guard Coating

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6 pages March 2010

Revision of April 2009

DESCRIPTION two component solvent free amine cured modified epoxy coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – tankcoating for drinking water

– can be applied by single feed airless spray equipment
– reduced explosion risk and fire hazard
– good visibility in confined spaces due to light colour
– approved for potable water by: National Institute of Public Health, Norway
– for other approvals see sheet 1882
– Recognized corrosion control coating (Lloyd's register), see sheet 1886

COLOURS AND GLOSS cream - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.3 g/cm³
Volume solids 100%
VOC (supplied) max. 33 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 44 g/l (approx. 0.4 lb/gal)
see information sheet 1411
Recommended dry film thickness 300 - 400 μm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 3.3 m²/l for 300 μm *
Touch dry after 8 hours
Overcoating interval min. 24 hours *
max. 20 days *
Full cure after 12 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 μm

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS • if a holding primer is required SigmaCover 280, SigmaGuard 215 (dft of
AND TEMPERATURES 50 μm) or SigmaPrime 200 (dft of 75 μm) should be used
– concrete; blast cleaned to remove loose particles, laitance and
• if a primer is required to withstand hydrostatic pressure, use SigmaShield
1090 prior to application of SigmaGuard CSF 575
– substrate temperature must be above 10°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing

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INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be at
least 20°C
– at lower temperature the viscosity will be too high for spray application
– no thinner should be added
– for recommended application instructions: see working procedure
Induction time none
Pot life approx. 1 hour at 20°C *
* see additional data

AIRLESS SPRAY – use heavy duty single feed airless spray equipment preferably 60:1 pump
ratio and suitable high pressure hoses
– in-line heating or insulated hoses may be necessary to avoid cooling down
of paint in hoses at low air temperature
– application with 45:1 airless spray equipment is possible provided in-line
heated high pressure hoses are used
– in case of using 45:1 airless spray equipment the paint must be heated to
approx. 30°C in order to obtain the right application viscosity
– length of hoses should be as short as possible
Recommended thinner no thinner should be added
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.53 mm (= 0.021 in)
Nozzle pressure at 20°C (paint temperature) min. 28 MPa (= approx. 280 bar; 4000 p.s.i.)
at 30°C (paint temperature) min. 22 MPa (= approx. 220 bar; 3000 p.s.i.)

BRUSH/ROLLER for stripe coating and spot repair only

Recommended thinner no thinner should be added

CLEANING SOLVENT Thinner 90-83 (preferred) or Thinner 90-53

– all equipment used for application must be cleaned immediately after use
– paint inside the spraying equipment must be removed before the pot life time
has been expired

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
although this is a solvent free paint, care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin or eyes
– no solvent present; however, spray mist is not harmless, a fresh air mask
should be used during spraying
– ventilation should be provided in confined spaces to maintain good visibility

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ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 3.3 2.5

dft in μm 300 400

max. dft when brushing: 100 μm

measuring wet film thickness
– a difference is often obtained between the measured apparent wft and the
real applied wft
– this is due to the thixotropy and the surface tension of the paint which
retards the release of air trapped in the paint film for some time
– a practical recommendation is to apply a wft which is equal to the specified
dft plus 60 μm
measuring dry film thickness
– because of low initial hardness the dft cannot be measured for some days
(depending on ambient temperature) after application due to the penetration
of the measuring device into the paint film
– the dft should be measured using a calibration foil of known thickness placed
in between the coating and the measuring device

Overcoating table for SigmaGuard CSF 575 for dft up to 300 μm

substrate 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum 4 days 24 hours 16 hours 10 hours
maximum 28 days 20 days 14 days 14 days

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

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Curing table for dft up to 300 μm

substrate temperature dry to handle full cure

for drinking water
10°C * 4 days 20 days
20°C 1 day 12 days
30°C 16 hours 7 days
40°C 10 hours 5 days
* for the first 24 hours the maximum RH must be 50% or lower
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)
– for drinking water tanks SigmaGuard CSF 575 must not be applied at
temperatures below 10°C
– for drinking water tanks, a tankwash should be carried out after full cure and
before the tank goes into service
– for storage and transport of drinking water the recommended working
procedure should be followed
– all personnel should wear watertight suits, boots and gloves properly
cleaned with a sodium hypochlorite solution (1% active chlorine per liter)
– all tank sides, bottom and deckheads etc. should be brush cleaned or high-
pressure spray cleaned with 1% active chlorine solution as above
note: this can also be done by butterworth washing
– all parts should be high pressure cleaned with tap water and tanks drained
– concentrated active chlorine solution should be sprinkled on bottom; approx.
1 ltr/10 m²
– tanks should be filled with tap water to a depth of approx. 20 cm and the
water should remain in the tank for at least 2 hours (max. 24 hours)
– tanks should be thoroughly flushed out with tap water
– depending upon local regulations it may be necessary to take water
samples, after filling tank completely, to check on bacteria
– after this procedure the tanks will be fit to carry drinking water

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Pot life (at application viscosity)

20°C 60 min.
30°C 45 min.
– due to exothermic reaction, temperature during and after mixing may
– SigmaGuard CSF 575 is especially developed for the storage and transport
of drinking water and is approved for purpose in accordance with the
requirements of the relevant certificate (See sheet 1882).
– In order to fulfill the requirements it is important that the coating is well
ventilated during application and curing and that the coating has received full
– Furthermore the recommended washing procedure should be followed
before exposure to drinking water, in line with our latest datasheet and
working procedure.
– PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does not accept any responsibility or
liability for any odour, taste or contamination imparted to the drinking water
from the coatings or products retained in the coating.

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Specification for mineral abrasives see information sheet 1491

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The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7475
179135 cream 3012002200

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